Monday, 1 April 2024

The Unknown VS The Unknown (Wonka VS DBD) Bonus Blog


"I don’t know” - Asura. 

Happy April Fools everyone! You were expecting something else, but this bonus blog will blow your brains out! Don’t be scared, these two characters will feed on it. Will the Unknown have known the Unknown, or will the Unknown be known to the know? Come along to Saul’s VS Blog, where we find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Before we go anywhere

This is clearly a super serious blog, so these conditions will be held to the highest standard. The Wonka Unknown will have everything from the Wonka experience, and the AI generated script that the actors were supposed to follow. The Dead By Daylight Unknown will have everything from its lore and gameplay. With all of this being covered, let’s venture into the Unknown.

Credit to Proletariet for The Unknown (Glasgow Wonka Experience) respect thread. They have paste bins which help tightly show any feat for The Unknown, so, big thanks!


The Unknown (Wonka)

“What is that? it's The Unknown!”

“Nooooooo :(“

Come on down to the happiest place on Earth, Glasgow. Put on by the House of Illuminati, a magical and wonderful event about the Willy Wonka book, film, whatever media you saw. Unfortunately, this was an AI generated mess that only served to scam children. 

The Unknown is an original creation of this event, an evil chocolate maker who lives in the halls of the chocolate factory, and is the arch enemy to Willy McDuff. Throughout the story of The Willy Wonka Glasgow experience, The Unknown tries to get a tool from Willy McDuff to destroy all of cleanliness, only to be put on fraudwatch by a vacuum.

In the actual experience, The Unknown cowers behind a mirror and doesn’t do much else, apart from scaring children to death. So…fun? 

The Unknown (DBD)

“You…want some candy?”

Have you ever been scared? Incredibly stupid question, am I right? Of course you’ve been scared. But what fears you most? Can you think back to a time where fear has overtaken your body, perhaps where you couldn’t move? Well, whatever you fear, The Unknown is. 

The Unknown works on a belief system. This creature has been around for thousands of years, killing and praying on individuals. What Is The Unknown? Some people think it’s an axe wielding maniac who wants to kill people, some say it’s a government experiment that was created, and others say it’s an alien. The answer? It’s all of these, and more. 

People who die by The Unknown seem to have a very common throughline. If you seemingly think about finding out what The Unknown is, it’ll come for you, and eventually kill you. It came for a girl known as Olivia, who attempted to logically find out what The Unknown is. The only issue with this was The Entity. The Entity, a god who feeds off of the strong emotions of others, swept The Unknown up and brought the monster into its realm. 

The Unknown now goes from trial to trial, survivor to survivor, killing them all the same. 

Experience and Skill

The Unknown is a mysterious figure, a horrible villain in the Glasow Wonka Experience. Not much is known about this creature, except that it lives in the walls of the chocolate factory. During the fight against McDuff, The Unknown is described to be dodging lasers and illusions. Although this doesn’t last long, as The Unknown is swiftly put down by Willy McDuff.

It’s also an evil chocolate maker, take that as you will.

The Unknown has been killing for at least 200 years given its lore. During this time, The Unknown has proven that it’s not just a mindless creature. Most of its kills were done through stealth, being able to take individuals from a movie theatre, those who were sitting in the cinema with other people. It can also mimic the voices of other individuals, using it to lure people over and kill them, as it almost does to Olivia during her lore. When it enters the realm, it has tons of experience fighting incredibly intelligent foes, like Ash Williams, Ripley, Laurie Strode, and even Quinten from a Nightmare on Elm Street. (the smartest character) 


The Unknown (Wonka)


Known simply as the Device, the Unknown fires a beam of light at Willy McDuff. This device is quickly destroyed by McDuffs wave of cleanliness. 

The Unknown (DBD)


The Unknown carries around a fire axe that it uses to cut down any foes who stand in its way. 


The Unknown carries around Clippers that can be used for cutting foes down.


The perfect weapon for breaking open heads of individuals you just don’t like. 

Powers and Abilities

The Unknown (Wonka)


Willy McDuff is randomly frozen in place by The Unknown. This only manages to last a few moments before he breaks out. 

The Unknown (DBD)

Unknown Physiology 

Due to being a mashup of different thoughts and ideas, The Unknown has a different physiology to our own. It’s able to twist and turn its body 180 degrees and crawl at quick speeds. Perhaps the most interesting part of its mysterious physiology is its ability to copy individuals' voices and mimic their speech, although it’s unknown how the creature gets these voices. If it’s through killing and absorbing its prey (as we see later), or perhaps just hearing the voices. This isn’t just limited to male speech! As I write this document, the chapter just came out, and a female skin for The Unknown exists with female voice lines. It’s lore also implies that hunting the Unknown, trying to find it, will make it come to you and attack you. 

Stealth Mastery

The Unknowns preferred way of attacking individuals using stealth. It takes someone from a seance in front of a group of individuals, victims out of a movie theatre, and manages to get into the Bathroom of Olivia (Although this is debatably through teleportation) 


As shown above, The Unknowns Mori turns the body into a dust particle which it absorbs. 


Standing for Unknown Venom X, The Unknown opens its body and releases a group of tentacles that fires a projectile. This projectile will pass through survivors, giving them a -6% movement speed penalty for 3 seconds. Being caught in the blast radius causes you to be weakened, with the next UVX shot doing damage. This has a 7 second cooldown per shot. Looking at The Unknown for ten seconds causes the weakened status to go away. It can also bounce off walls for some trick shots, and the explosion can pass through walls. 


Through many different actions, The Unknown will develop Hallucinations across the map. They can’t spawn while next to certain objects (like Generators, while using your UVX, or interacting with objects. Survivors who are weakened and hit by the UVX causes the next Halluctination’s spawn time to be decreased by ten seconds. What do these Hallucinations do? Well, The Unknown can teleport to them from 3 metres away. This, of course, does come with some caveats. It can only create four of these at a time before new ones get cycled, and has a 25 second cooldown. Survivors can dispel these illusions, an action that takes four seconds. Weakened individuals take 25% more time to do this, with failure causing auto Weakening and alerting The Unknown to your location for five seconds. Failure can either be letting go, getting hit off, or The Unknown teleporting to that specific creature. 

Teachable Perks

The Unknown comes with three different perks. Undone and Unforeseen can't be used, as they require specific generators to be failed or damaged. But Unbound? 

Unbound: After a survivor becomes injured, you can vault windows faster for 10 seconds. 

Other Perks

To explain perks, I have to explain The Bloodweb. The Bloodweb is a canonical thing within Dead By Daylight. Described as a space between reality and abstraction, when individuals sleep they’re able to trade bloodpoints in for perks. As you buy perks, items, offerings, etc etc, you gain more control over The Bloodweb, allowing you to collect better tools. It should be reasonable to give the perks of all the other killers to The Unknown. A perk is unlocked on the 50th level of the Bloodweb, sending all three perks over to other killers. 

There is a caveat to this. Certain perks cannot be used as they require entity control, items like totems to be present, or many other specifics. The only perks that’ll be mentioned are the ones that can be realistically used by killers. 

I will admit, this is debatable. Different flavour texts reference traits that only apply to certain killers. I just want to present the logic and what perks certain killers will get if you allow this, actually make this blog useful. 

A Nurse’s Calling: Survivors in 28 metres of you who are healing are able to be seen.

Bloodhound: Pools of blood are brighter and linger for 4 seconds longer. 

Brutal Strength: ‘Your great strength allows you to shred through your prey’s defences’. 20 %breaking speed.

Deathbound: If a survivor heals one and other, they’re stuck together for 60 seconds, suffering the Oblivious status effect. If they leave 32 metres of each other they scream.

Deerstalker: Survivors who are knocked down are hidden from all survivors 36 metres close to them. 

Enduring: Reduces Stun Time, makes the killer 'resilient to pain’ 

Forced Hesitation: When a survivor is put in the dying state, any survivor in 16 metres will be hindered for 10 seconds. This goes on a 30 second cooldown.

Forced Penance: Taking a protection hit makes you broken for eighty seconds, preventing you from healing. 

Franklin’s Demise: Hitting a survivor makes them drop their item. 

Genetic Limits: After healing, become exhausted for 32 seconds. 

Hubris: Getting stunned makes the survivor exposed for 20 seconds, before going onto a cooldown of 20 seconds. This can be stuns through flashlights, firecrackers, and even killer specific stuns. 

Hysteria: Hitting a survivor causes them to become oblivious for 30 seconds. 

I’m All Ears: When a survivor performs a rushed action within 48 metres of you, their aura is revealed to you for 6 seconds, before going on a 40 second cooldown.

Infectious Fright: Knocking down a survivor calls all others to scream and reveal their location if they’re in your radius. 

Insidious: Standing still for a few seconds makes you undetectable till you move again. 

Lethal Pursuer: You can see the auras of survivors for 6 seconds at the beginning of the match.

Lightborn: Makes you pretty much immune to being blinded. 

Rapid Brutality: Hitting a survivor with a basic attack gives you a 5% speed boost for ten seconds. 

Shadowborn: Getting blinded gives you a 10% speed boost for ten seconds. 

Sloppy Butcher: Hitting a survivor with a basic attack makes them mangled and Haemorrhages for 90 seconds. 

Stridor: Volume of grunts of pain can be heard 50% better, and regular breathing can be heard 25% better. 

Unrelenting: If you miss a swing of your weapon, your cooldown is reduced by 30%


The Unknown has a list of add-ons that can change up how it plays in many different ways. The whole list of add-ons can be found here. I’m going to mention the most notable ones! 

Blurry Photo

After teleporting, your movement speed reduction is decreased by 50%

Sketch Attempt 

Survivor’s who are hit by UVX’s Blast Area suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 20 seconds. 

Slashed Backpack

Hitting a Hallucination with an UVX Projectile triggers a Blast Area around it and destroying the Hallucination, at the cost of the spawn time of your next Hallucination being reduced by 75%

Footprint Cast

Reduces the spawn timer of your next Hallucination by 15% when a survivor becomes weakened. 

Discarded Milk Carton 

The bounciness of your UVX shot is increased by 8%, it reduces the friction by 15%

Iridescent OSS Report.

The cooldown of your teleport is reduced by 5 seconds, your decoy lifetime is increased by 10 seconds. 

Technological manipulation

Simple statement, erratic behaviour in machines is linked with The Unknown. 


The Unknown (Wonka)

Apart from being an AI-generated mess that only served to scam children and parents, direct confrontation, standing up to The Unknown, seems to be its weakness. While it might serve to scare and bewilder individuals, The Unknown can be cast out. 

The Unknown (DBD)

The Unknown has a few weaknesses. Cooldowns to its Hallucinations, UVX, and perks means that it can be left a sitting target. The weakened status effect can also be gotten rid of by staring at The Unknown for 10 seconds. Huh, surprisingly a theme shared across both. 



  • Is an evil chocolate maker. 

  • Almost stole the Anti-Graffiti Gobstopper from Willy McDuff.  

  • Has a voice both smooth and sinister. 

  • Exists in the walls of the ‘Chocolate factory’ 

  • Scared children, both in the script and real life. 


  • Stronger than an average child (Debatable) 



Credit here.

  • Dodges a beam of light. 

  • Genuinely consistent, as Wonka dodges a similar beam of light. 


  • Has been killing for hundreds of years. 

  • Kills a variety of survivors inside the entities realm.

  • Has a voice both smooth and sinister. (With either skin) 

  • Is scary. 


  • Killed humans throughout its lore.

  • Able to break breakable walls and wooden pallets. (258,322.12 joules)





We aren’t going to spend that much time on this section, since there isn’t that much to talk about. Starting in the strength and durability, The Wonka Unknown is practically featless when it comes to this. The only feat we know it to have is getting sucked up into a vacuum, and hit with a wave of cleanliness. The DBD Unknown has at least killed humans, scales to the 258,322.12 joules feat mentioned for the pallet and door, and takes blast mines. One hit from DBD Unknown would kill Wonka Unknown, while the Wonka Unknown can’t kill DBD Unknown. 

This is where the speed comes in. The Wonka Unknown has two feats of reacting to light, and with how they’re described, should actually be valid. That means that while Wonka Unknown can’t kill the DBD one, it can sure as hell dodge. 

So you’ve got one character who, if they land one hit, they’d win, but can’t land that one hit. Then you have another, who can dodge all the hits coming towards them, but cannot kill the other.

I’m sure the arsenal and abilities will sort this debate out. 

Arsenal and Abilities 

DBD Unknown pretty handedly takes this category. In terms of gear, it has multiple melee weapons for close quarters combat, compared to the device which only shoots a harmless beam of light. Not only is this device completely useless, even if it had some merit, DBD Unknown could very likely destroy it. The device got destroyed by Willy McDuff and his wave of cleanliness, so a hit from DBDUnknown should chop it down. Not only that, with his perks like Franklin's Demise or the erratic behaviour in machines that DBD Unknown seemingly causes passively,  this device would get knocked out of The Wonka Unknowns hands (if he could land a hit), broken, or just shut down by DBD Unknown.

The Wonka Unknown has one ability though, his paralysis. A seemingly good ability on the surface, it gets completely negged once you look into it. Willy McDuff managed to break out of it, a guy with just as many strength feats as Wonka Unknown himself. (None). Not only that, it doesn’t help kill DBD Unknown in any way.

The DBD Unknown also has his own abilities that just outclass anything the Wonka Unknown can do. With the UVX, he has a good advantage at a range, being able to lob those things far. Given the bouncy nature of these shots, even lacking friction in some instances, this could catch Wonka Unknown off guard. Although, let’s stop kidding ourselves, teleportation is the biggest part of DBD Unknown's kit.

Having 4 hallucinations around the map could cause a bunch of trouble. For one, it’s free teleportation. Breaking these hallucinations would be the biggest issue here, as you need to stand and personally interact with them, stopping from moving. We’ve mentioned before how Wonka’s Unknown biggest factor is its speed, so getting rid of them is a death sentence. Not only that, but the Slashed Backpack add-on could let the DBD Unknown hit one of these hallucinations with a UVX, causing it to blow up in Wonka Unknown’s face. So, free teleportation every 25 seconds.

Not only that, but DBD Unknown is a stealthy thing. If Wonka Unknown loses track of it, DBD Unknown could just sneak away and get the jump on Wonka Unknown. Could Wonka Unknown react? Probably, but this makes a hit far more plausible. The hallucinations also talk, so if DBD Unknown stood still, it could blend in and get the jump on Wonka Unknown that way. 

This category goes to the DBD Unknown pretty easily. 

Any Other Factors

In terms of combat experience, DBD Unknown has it beat. The one fight that Wonka Unknown takes place in, battling Willy McDuff and a group of children, he gets put on fraud watch and sucked into a giant vacuum. DBD Unknown has thousands of years of experience, making this a pretty easy W.

Given that The Wonka Unknown made all of his own devices, you know, the one that can shoot a beam of light, I'd say that IQ goes to it. That’s not to say the DBD Unknown lacks IQ, it uses its victims' voices to lure individuals towards it, which could work on someone like the Wonka Unknown. Idk, promise it chocolate or something. 

In terms of their weaknesses, Wonka Unknown is far worse. While yes, staring at the DBD Unknown causes its weakened status effect to go away, staring at the Wonka Unknown causes it to fall into submission. (From the limited footage we have from the Wonka experience, it is) given that DBD Unknown looks like the average Death Battle fan, it could make Wonka Unknown cower and submit. It also doesn’t help that the Wonka Unknown IS human, and likely has a limited stamina pool, so could be tired out. 

I’d give both of these categories to the DBD Unknown. 


The Unknown (Wonka)

You there! Yes, you will assist me in acquiring this precious sweet. Together, we shall rewrite the rules of cleanliness and order!


  • Way, way faster than DBD Unknown. 

  • Could temporarily hold it back with its paralysis. 

  • Could get rid of weakened status effects through staring at The Unknown. 

  • Generally higher IQ. (Debatable

  • The actress seems like a really nice person.

  • What’s that? It’s The Unknown.


  • Far weaker/debatably featless strength.

  • Less durable. 

  • Lacks experience and battle IQ.

  • Weaponry is far less lethal than The Unknown.

  • Unable to prevent teleportation.

  • No counter to The Unknown stealth attacking it. 

  • Could be scared into submission. (Debatable)

  • Device could be shut down by The Unknown passively. (Debatable)

  • Dead by the time this blog comes out. 

  • AI generated fraud. 

The Unknown (DBD)

“Hey…you…this yours?”


  • Stronger than the Wonka Unknown.

  • More Durable than the Wonka Unknown. 

  • Tons more experience and higher battle IQ. 

  • More lethal arsenal through their weapons. 

  • Always able to teleport around, as disabling this would hurt the Wonka Unknown.

  • Stealth could allow for a hit if Wonka Unknown slows down.  

  • Could scare The Unknown into submission (Debatable

  • Passive technology destruction could shut down the device (Debatable

  • The Scariest DBD has been in years. 

  • The coolest original DBD killer in years. 


  • Much, much slower than Wonka Unknown. 

  • Could be temporarily frozen. 

  • Weakened status wouldn’t last long if hit. 

  • Less intelligent. (Debatable)

  • Going to be hard to top for any future killer. 


If Wonka Unknown had literally anything, like a weapon to kill the DBD Unknown, or a strength feat, I could see the win going to Wonka Unknown. But as it stands, having a speed advantage means nothing if you can’t hurt your foe, or can be scared into submission. While this was a very thorough blog that took countless hours to put together, I think I can declare that Dead By Daylight’s version of The Unknown is our winner. 

Final Vote

Team Wonka Unknown- 0

Team DBD Unknown- 1 (Saulgoodmas) 

The only part of this blog that isn’t a joke, Aku VS The Lich, is still in development.

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