TN by Parking_External_182
“The goal of martial arts is not for the destruction of an opponent, but rather for self-growth and self protection” - Guro Dan Inosanto
Master Shifu, the fleet-footed teacher of the Kung-Fu Panda.
Master Splinter, the human-turned-rodent father of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
There are many stories of heroes rising from the ground who save the day with their skills and abilities. But no one talks about the many lessons they learned and the training they did to become the people they are today. So when the master of Kung Fu who trained the Dragon Warrior faces off with the Ninja who taught and raised New York's most powerful crime fighting team face off, who would win? Well come along to Saul’s VS blog to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!!!
Before We Go Anywhere
Now given the history of these verses with what media to be used it’s fair to give an explanation on what both will be getting media wise. For Shifu, we will of course be giving the main 4 Kung Fu Panda movies along with any notable subsidiary media such as the shows. While there is contention in these shows’ canonicity, they would still be similar enough to the main canon to be treated as supplementary material for the sake of this blog. We’re also going to cover other media like the games.
As for Splinter, due to the thematics of the match up, we have decided to exclusively use 2012’s version to pull from. We will also be using other media that resides in that continuity such as games and comics. Lastly, as a result of TMNT’s multiversal shenanigans we will also be looking at certain other TMNT continuities for scaling if applicable. The alternate versions used will be shown within the scaling sections later on.
Also, to have fun with it, we’re going to allow them access to everything within their respective locations (Jade Palace, underground sewer) Since they are the legal owners of the gear, it would make no sense to not allow them any of the weapons we see throughout the series. If they’d use them is a different story, but something we’ll get into later.
Before going into this blog, please note that we’re going to cover tons of arguments for both these characters and the verses at large. This doesn’t mean that we’re going to instantly accept everything, or that every member agrees, but we’re giving every argument the time of day, no matter how you feel about them. People in this community sometimes feel like that, if you disagree with an argument, you shouldn’t bring it up. That’s not how we’re choosing to operate around here.
Also, again, we’ve tried to do a major deep-dive into TMNT, but it’s next to impossible to cover everything. Not only is TMNT a franchise that spans decades, we’re a relatively small team compared to other more well-known blogs. We have, however, tried to cover as much content as possible that seems reasonable for said blog. We hope you enjoy.
This section is dedicated to every blog we use in our research, so people are credited properly. Please check out the original work below.
Note: We have done our own research on TMNT and only use Respect Threads to help speed up the imaguring process of the blog. Please message me for the research document if you need it.
“Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.”
Across the lands and throughout the ages, martial arts have existed for several purposes. Health, exercise, and of course, fighting. In the land of China, the legendary master Oogway created one of the most powerful and formidable: Kung-Fu. Several warriors have utilized this style and the Chi surrounding it, such as the fallen fighter Tai Lung, the greatest of teams in the Furious Five, and Po, the Dragon Warrior you all know as an awesome Kung-Fu Panda. However, every student needs a master, and all of those towering figures were trained by one. He himself was eventually a student of Oogway's, but has since become the master of the Jade Palace, and a stern (but loving) guide to mastering Kung-Fu. Behold, Master Shifu!
Long ago, a red panda and his father travelled from town to town, selling supposedly “enchanted” talismans to unsuspecting townsfolk. Unsurprisingly, they were all fraudulent, and the duo were forced to flee at every turn. Then, one day, the father placed his son on the steps of the Jade Palace, and insisted he would return in 5 minutes for milk. Hours stretched by, dawn turning to dusk, and the father was still gone. Despondent, and heartbroken, the child was comforted by a leathery hand, guiding him inside, and taking the young one under his tutelage. This boy was Shifu, and this comforting hand was Oogway, who would adopt the boy and teach him the ways of Kung-Fu.
The young red panda went through heavy training, learning many secrets of Kung Fu, until he at last attained the rank of master himself. Soon, he would receive his own apprentices, such as another infant dropped at the steps of the Jade Palace: A young snow leopard, who Shifu christened as Tai Lung. The boy showed natural aptitude for the pugilistic arts, and so Shifu nurtured that talent, until Tai Lung was one of the most gifted Kung-Fu warriors of all time. However, with Tai Lung’s prodigious prowess came an ever growing arrogance that burst to the surface after being denied the limitless power of the Dragon Scroll. Shifu was forced to turn his arts on his own prodigy, but… he couldn’t do it. He could not destroy his own creation. Oogway was forced to step in, and Tai Lung was sent to prison. Shifu’s failure at steering his child on the right path forever plagued him with immense guilt. Even when he gained his next pupils, the Furious Five, his heart was still closed off, despite the group rising to legendary prominence.
Years later, Oogway received a vision of Tai Lung’s return. Shifu, by attempting to stall destiny, merely expedited it, indirectly allowing Tai’s escape from prison. From this, the Valley of Peace needed a champion… the Dragon Warrior. However, rather than one of Shifu’s prized 5, it would end up being a fat, slow, pathetic, plump, putrid panda. His name was Po, and he was, shockingly, Shifu’s greatest student to date. The relation between master and student was tumultuous to say the least, fraught with Shifu’s constant desires to rid himself of this cosmic accident. Despite his initial reaction, he came to believe in Oogway's words that there are no accidents, and truly put in the effort to change himself in order to change Po. He learned how to have fun for the first time in years, and truly began to take the steps that would lead to inner peace.
When the Dragon Warrior Scroll Po was to inherit was misunderstood, Shifu decided to pay for his mistakes, and sent all of his students away, as his first came home. Tai Lung beat Shifu within an inch of his life despite his efforts, and the father could only apologize to his son for his own failures. In that, and Tai Lung's rage at being denied the Dragon Warrior title yet again, Shifu would intend to sacrifice himself in the service of his master, finally making up for his mistakes. Yet, one of Shifu's students would make the same choice, as Po purposely returned to save him. Against all odds, Po was able to defeat Tai Lung by recognizing that in order to be special, you have to believe you are special. With that faith, Po saved the Valley, and Shifu was able to rest easy for once, having attained inner peace.
From Po's victory, Shifu maintained his peace of mind, became a better teacher to his students, and even harnessed the greatest of Oogway's teachings. Po and the Five even managed to defeat one of Oogway's greatest enemies in the form of Kai, and mastered Chi to do so. In the greatest of reversals, Shifu himself became a student once more, and Po himself got to teach his master a thing or two. He even aids the furious five in training the Dragon warrior of the new generation, Zhen, Po’s student that he passed the torch to. With all of these different accomplishments, the students to prove such, and a legacy that speaks for itself, Shifu is living proof that it's never too late to learn, or rather, that there is always more to be taught.
“There is no such thing as failure. Only when you give up, that is when you fail”
Across the multiverse and throughout the many dimensions of all time and space, few heroes stand as tall as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These heroes in a half-shell have been reborn in many incarnations, such as in wacky Saturday morning adventures, trained warriors ingrained in a cycle of revenge, newer forms to battle a Tengu Demon, and reincarnations of Clan Hamato to stop their own killer. Of course, such heroes need a teacher, and theirs is one of the greatest martial artists in the world… but also, their father; Master Splinter. While there are many versions of him, today, we'll be focusing on the 2012 iteration, and his tail starts as Hamato Yoshi.
Born in 1962 in Ōsaka, Japan, Yoshi was inducted into a peacekeeping ninja clan called Hamato as its next heir. He enrolled into a Martial Arts school before he could inherit his father's role as clan leader, and during this time, he had a brother-in-arms named Oroku Saki. Saki was adopted by Yoshi's father, who found Saki as an infant; raising and adopting him as his own. Yoshi's skills were only rivaled by Saki, who was originally from one of the wiped out rival clans, the Foot. Not only were they rivals in Martial Arts, but also for the love of a beautiful woman named Tang Shen, who eventually chose to marry Yoshi. Saki could not accept this, and once insulted Yoshi in front of her. Yoshi made the mistake of losing his temper and struck Saki to the ground, which solidified Saki's hatred for Yoshi, and he vowed revenge.
During this time, Saki learned of his true heritage and rebuilt the Foot Clan, rechristening himself as "the Shredder". One night, he came to Yoshi's home armed with razor sharp claws, and challenged him to a duel to the death. Yoshi accepted, and the two tore through Yoshi's home, catching it on fire. Just as Saki was about to kill Yoshi, Shen interfered and took the fatal blow for herself. Yoshi barely escaped without knowing the fate of his baby daughter Hamato Miwa, assuming her to also be seemingly killed, but in reality Shredder secretly abducted her and raised as his daughter, Karai. Devastated, Hamato gave up his original name and left Japan for an eternity's exile. Under the alias "Splinter", he arrived in the United States of America and attempted to start a new life in New York City.
One fateful night, he bought four baby turtles at a local pet store. As he was walking down the street, he bumped into a suspicious man, whom he curiously followed into an alleyway. As Splinter watched the first man exchanging a strange canister of Mutagen with another, he accidentally stepped on a rat which gave away his position. A fight ensued, and while Splinter was able to defeat the men (who were actually Kraangdroids in disguise), the canister was broken. Splinter and his newly bought pet turtles were all covered in ooze and mutated instantly. He became a giant rat, for the last thing he touched was a rat before his mutation, while the turtles became anthropomorphic. Taking them in as his sons and students, Splinter raised the Turtles and trained them in the ways of Ninjutsu. When they turned fifteen, Splinter, though reluctant, allowed them to leave the lair for the very first time.
This kickstarted a number of events, as his boys found all sorts of adventure among new friends April O'Neil and Casey Jones, among others. Splinter's training came in handy extensively, as did his knowledge of martial arts. Even his would be put to the test however, when Saki resurfaced with the Foot Clan in plans of domination. The Turtles would put all their efforts into stopping the Shredder, and their very master would do the same in order to put his past demons to rest. Not only did he find Karai and manage to bring her back to the light, but he saved his sons time and time again. Even at his lowest, Splinter never gave up, and he continued to fight for his family to his literal dying breath at the hand of Shredder, who had thrown honor away to kill him. At the end of his journey, Splinter still managed to make peace with his family, both new and old, before finally ascending to the Heavens to be with Tang Shen. Despite the demons of his past, Splinter was able to set things right, atone for his wrongs, and pave a path into the future for his family, both as their father, and, as their master.
Cited as “the greatest Kung fu teacher in all of China” by Po, Shifu is an incredibly intelligent teacher and master of Po, the Dragon Warrior. The direct comparisons to other masters give him some even more impressive potential, and the ability to decimate hundreds of foes at once, or even temporarily match those with the ability to perform kung fu feats thought to be mythical. He was directly trained by Oogway, the inventor of Kung Fu. And as he trained, he developed his own way of Kung Fu that uses his small size to his advantage, the “Red Panda Style”. A martial art that revolves around agility and reading your opponent’s body language to (in Shifu’s words) find their weakness and make them suffer from it by taking their strength then use it against them until they finally fail or quit.
His experience is also nothing to scoff at, with claims citing him as over a hundred years old, studying under a kung fu master who knew “all forms of fighting”, including tai chi, alongside other prodigies, and having trained 7 different kung fu masters, all going on to be some of the most incredible warriors in China (even capable of defeating themselves), yet he always keeps ahead of them in fights. He’s won kung fu tournaments multiple times in a row, and he’s not afraid of using unorthodox tactics to win his fights. His intellect even extends outside of kung fu, as he has medicinal knowledge, wisdom on life’s purpose, and building ability, even as a child or in child-like conditions. The greatest armies and masters crumble before his skill, and his mentoring enables his students to have their own impressive mentoring and skill potential. Even when Shifu is handicapped, he still adapts, and can enhance his kung fu further with a vow of silence, not even letting brutal hunger cloud his judgement.
Shifu exemplifies the idea that with age comes wisdom, and his power only grows as he takes on and masters the techniques of others, improving himself day by day. His mastery of chi grew immensely after the defeat of Kai, and he grew to easily defeat warriors far stronger than Tai Lung in the months since that fateful battle solely with his discipline and total focus on kung fu. The Jade Palace could not find itself in better hands.
Originally being human before his mutation, Splinter was one of THE best ninjutsu users of his entire life, which stayed with him, even during his life as a mutant rat, which also increased his fighting abilities too, which had perks. He’s still recognised as the greatest in the century by the turtles.
Being a great master at ninjutsu, he able to sneak, hide in the shadows, use his environment as weapons, hit pressure points to knock you out, or just paralyze you, can heal himself with an old technique, can just fight normally, then being a giant mutant rat man, that made his ninjutsu abilities much better too. He had enhanced senses, meaning better smell and hearing, able to use his own tail to grab weapons and his opponents too, and even run up walls.
Again, despite being a giant mutant rat man, his skill has not deplished one bit during his life as a mutant. Chris Bradford, aka DogPound, has mentioned that both Splinter and Shredder are equal in basically everything, including their skill, as they were trained at the same place when they were younger, so it makes sense that both are able to be similar in experience and skill. He’s shown to be great on the fly as well. In his fight with The Rat King, Splinter was temporarily dominated by the king in combat, as The Rat King could see through his eyes. Splinter’s solution? Blindfold himself and beat The Rat King up anyway. If you want more examples of his quick thinking, he’s used his rope to make foes shoot each other, and precisely cracked glass to cause Shredder to fall into water. Splinter’s win to loss ratio is impressive, as he wins most of the battles he’s in. From Shredder, To Triceratons, to Tigerclaw. Tigerclaw is notable for his multiversal travel from the 1987 TMNT universe, fighting the turtles of their universe.
He’s also a great teacher and mentor. He’s taught all four turtles how to handle themselves in combat, training them to be just as good as him for ‘a decade or two’. It’s not just the turtles, it’s people like April. Below will be a list of every known technique that The Turtles, or April, have bene taught, or skills that he should know. Many of them even thank Master Splinter for teaching them.
Rolling: April thanks Master Splinter for teaching her how to properly roll
Kocho-giri: Karai picks up that Leonardo is using Kocho-giri during their fight.
The Dragon Tail: A specific powerful kick taught to April, elaborated more in abilities.
Sendou jutsu: Taught to all four turtles, this is a meditative technique that requires great focus, elaborated on more in abilities.
Drunken Fist: An exception to this rule, as this is directly a technique that Splinter shows off, but worth mentioning.
Shifu’s iconic staff is used in combat scenarios to keep foes away at a distance. But it is primarily used as a walking stick in Legends of Awesomeness, though it can be used for deflecting projectiles. First appeared in Scorpion’s Sting, but first used for combat in Sticky Situation.
Action Figures
Shifu has miniature doll versions of himself and Master Yao in his transportation box. Not very combat useful, but great for rp’ing.
Shift Stone
A pair of stones (eventually one, later two), which allow the user to disguise and reshape their appearance as any other being. This can work even if the target appearance and the original user are of vastly different size.
False Beard/Hat
Used by Shifu to accessorize/disguise himself.
Help Shifu see better.
An ordinary fan, which Shifu used when performing a dance for Temutai, WARRIOR KING OF THE QI’DAN!
When utilising the art of musical Kung fu, Shifu’s weapon of choice is a flute. And with it, he can use the Chi energy of sound to project energy sound waves to blast enemies. While it’s unclear as to what extent Shifu has mastered musical Kung fu, another musical Kung Fu master named Lun, and other musical kung fu users, could:
Levitate rocks.
Stop arrows mid flight and move them with a new trajectory. Pandas could also do this with their chi.
Set those arrows on fire/generate heat.
Blow a user’s head up if used by the untrained.
Create massive explosions of energy.
Money Pouch
Shifu’s personal storage unit for his funds.
Belt of Cosmic Cohesion
A belt that, when worn, makes any combination attack Shifu performs with an ally immensely stronger. However, it only works if he and his ally are completely in sync with their moves.
Hundred-Eye Orb
A relic that creates dozens of after-images of a target. These replicas have no solid form, however.
Showdown of Legendary Legends Items
During his brief stint in a fighting game, Shifu could use multiple items from across the series. The canonicity of this game is…questionable, seeing as characters like Shen and Tai Lung are playable despite the game’s premise being Po setting up a kung fu tournament, but these will still be discussed.
Cloud Hammer
Master Thundering Rhino’s weapon of choice, before his untimely demise. In game, it’s just a really strong hammer.
Iron Fist of Justice
This is actually an item from the Jade Palace, but it only is seen with a purpose here. It grants Shifu an attack power boost, as long as the red aura it grants him remains intact.
Golden Shield
Same as the Iron Fist of Justice, but this time it grants invulnerability instead of an attack boost.
Speed Booster
This item gives shifu a speed boost.
Rolling Green Orb
An orb that can be picked up and rolled along the ground, dealing damage to any in range on its explosion.
Smoke Generator
A device that, when thrown, unleashes a smoke cloud trapping enemies in a aura that grants an attack power buff.
Fireworks Hand Cannon
A handheld version of Shen’s cannons, which fire explosive rounds that deal huge damage.
Similar to the fireworks cannon, but without explosive rounds, compensating with farther reach.
Gives a random item effect on breaking it, usually the attack boost aura.
A collectable container bestowing a benefit of extra awesome meter energy on the user.
A throwable object that creates a shower of cherry blossom petals, making those struck by the attack easier to knock out.
Zeng Assist
Summons Zeng, who rings his gong and pushes away anyone in range.
Musician Assist
Summons someone from the Musician Village, who strums his instrument to confuse any enemies in range.
Bunny Assist
Summons a bunny to beat on opponents with a stick.
Mantis Assist
Summons Mantis, who whips up a powerful wind storm with his pincers.
Viper Assist
Summons Viper, who pushes foes away with her ribbon dance.
Noodles Bowl/Dumpling
A bowl of noodles that grants slight healing.
Equipment from the Jade Palace (debatable)
Even though Shifu hasn’t been personally shown using them, many mystical Kung fu relics are housed in the Jade Palace (and a defense system), and as its master Shifu has access to all of them. These include:
The Legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors
An urn that was able to absorb the souls of the Tenshu Army (although it is unclear how this was done)
Sword of Heroes
A sword so sharp, that anyone who looks at it receives a cut. In Showdown of Legendary Legends, it is incredibly strong.
Infinite Gatesmasher
Master Ram’s infamous crossbow. Presumably, shatters gates, with the tip spiked ball being detachable.
Master Rat’s Battle Helmets
A collection of helmets for a tiny army.
Master Dolphin’s Waterproof Armor
Used for deep sea combat, equipped with a dart.
Battle Rickshaw of Emperor Hawk
Snake Hilt Sword
A sword with a snakelike hilt.
Gilded Helmet
A helmet with a golden tint.
Spiked Object
An egg or stone-like object covered in spikes.
Red Tapestry
A red tapestry with golden embroidery. Makes a good matador cape.
Forked Blade
A blade that has two prongs.
Golden Plate and Matching Blades/Fire Motif Ringblades
Seemingly valuable items stolen by Po’s Dragon Warrior apprentice, Zhen.
Dagger of Deng Wa
A legendary shortsword kept in the Jade Palace.
Master Ostrich’s Egg
Yes, they keep a living creature’s baby as a trophy. Alongside some miscellaneous other prizes.
Indestructible Chain Hammer of Master Pangolin
A chain-bladed double sided hammer to ensnare foes.
War Hammer of Master Chipmunk
A chipmunk sized war hammer powerful enough to break the Urn of Whispering Warriors. But then, what isn’t.
Invisible Trident of Destiny
An invisible trident. Not sure what the purpose of an invisible weapon is but, there it is
Legendary Painting
A painting that looks cool.
Twin Broadswords/Shurikens/Throwing stars/ring blades
Weapons hung up for display.
Dragon Scroll
Yes, Shifu did keep it. Dunno why, maybe for sentimental reasons. Alongside miscellaneous other trophies. This scroll, albeit blank, teaches the important lesson that power cannot come from a scroll. Anyway here’s Po getting power from a scroll-
Sacred Hat Rack
A really cool looking hat rack.
Whooping Sun Diamond Blade
A sword that, when swung, releases a powerful energy wave that can slice through faraway targets.
Crossbow of All Knowing
A crossbow whose bolts can travel around any walls or obstacles to hit their target. It also seemingly is sentient, as it fired at Po on its own.
Dugong Dagger
A priceless short sword, albeit with no showings of power aside from stabbing into a sandbag.
Sacred War Hammer of Lei-Lang (debatable)
An incredibly destructive hammer that, if it hits the ground, releases powerful shockwaves. These have been able to perform feats like breaking a hole through the roof of the Jade Palace, reducing an entire valley to ash, and shattering a small mountain. Although we don’t see the hammer being transported back to the palace after Po accidentally used it, the goal of the episode was to recover the hammer for safekeeping, and Shifu did keep Tong Fo’s fake war hammer at the palace for years assuming it was the real one, so it’s possible he kept the true hammer as well.
Gong-Lu Medallion
An amulet that, when worn, greatly enhances the user’s power, allowing their strikes to create energy blasts to force back enemies. However, it also draws out the wearer’s darkest crazed emotions, turning them insane and drunk on power, so Shifu is unlikely to use this.
Spiked Golden Sword
An unknown sword with spiked edges.
Jewel-Hilt Dagger
A sword with a jewel in the hilt. Is hard enough that Shifu used it to knock out Tong Fo in a single blow, who is comparable in power to Po and Shifu.
Olive Branch Crowns
A set of leaf branch crowns, worn for the annual peace jubilee’s tai chi representatives. They look pretty.
“Golden” Sword
A supposed “golden” sword Shirong (Shifu’s father) traded to the Jade Palace for supplies, only to actually be plain wood.
Cart of Plates
A cart of china plates that Monkey used to train Po to restrain his punches (albeit Po punched through all of them in one afternoon). Could be used as throwing weapons.
Mongolian Fist Demon Jar
A jar containing the Mongolian Fist Demon, which nearly destroyed the Valley of Peace. If someone tries to fight the demon head on, it will grow larger and more powerful, to the point it can make shockwaves that kick up dust clouds.. Only by not fighting will it shrink back down. Fortunately, the jar can be easily repaired.
Iron Turtle Shells
A set of heavy iron gauntlets worn on the arms and legs, which greatly hinder the mobility of the wearer. Used as a training tool, but can also help slow down opponents.
Helm of Ho the Huge Headed
A helmet that provides impressive defense against even the mightiest arrows and boulders, likely owing to its massive size.
Helmet of the Invincible Thunder Kick
A helmet that, when worn, greatly enhances the kick of the user with the power of thunder (or, lightning more accurately). Kicks create massive surges of electricity, powerful enough to destroy the Qi’dan Bell Trap (which was too durable for Shifu or Po to destroy normally), as well as pulverise a column, create massive amounts of electricity that stretched into the sky, shake an entire room, and kicking Temutai through a stone wall and into the valley below.
Monkey Chicken Dance Helmet
Makes you dance like a monkey and/or chicken.
Your Own Worst Enemy Helmet
Forces you to attack yourself as long as you wear it.
Unnamed Helmets
Through a quick montage, we see a bunch of helmets with various effects.
Helmet that makes you fall over
Helmet that makes you laugh uncontrollably
Helmet that makes you respirate uncontrollably
Helmet that shrinks you
Helmet that makes you do a weird fan dance.
Helmet that electrocutes you
Helmet that gives you weird food cravings (like furniture)
Helmet that inflates your stomach (Why)
Invisibility helmet
Helmet that gives you a massive itch
Helmet that sticks you to the ceiling
Helmet that forcibly puts you to sleep
Helmet that makes you vibrate
Helmet that makes you spin around in the air
Helmet that gives you a girly scream
Helmet that makes you chatter your teeth rapidly
Helmet that gives you an angry seething face
A lot of helmets
A 3 segment weapon combination of bamboo, steel, and iron. Normally it’s a staff with two spiked metallic ends, but the weapon can be extended into a double sided flail for more range. Can easily shatter the wooden jade palace dummies and one-shot Junjie, a comparable master to Shifu.
Alabaster Pot of Remembrance
Contained at the end of the corridor of Unbelievable Agony, this pot’s clay can reverse the effects of memory loss if placed on the amnesiac’s head.
Jade Orb of Infinite Power
A powerful energy source, which the mechanic Taotie used to amplify his mech (formed from pieces of the Jade Palace training hall).
Dragon Mask and Porcelain Vase
An unknown, but cool-looking, mask and vase in the Jade Palace Hall of Artifacts. Unclear what they do, but since it’s in the hall of mystic artifacts, it probably has some niche usage.
Mystical Mirror of Yin and Yang
A mirror that, when gazed into, splits the target’s soul in two, creating a good and evil version of them. The good version is (obviously) incredibly nice, but lacks the original’s fighting skill. The evil half contains all of the skill and is permanently bloodlusted, making them arguably the strongest fighting version of the original entity. Both halves share the pain the other receives, however, and the effect can be reversed if the evil copy looks into the mirror. If the mirror breaks, the two halves remain that way forever.
Just a normal mirror Shifu has in his room, broken by the spirit orbs of Master Ding. Maybe he got a new one.
Spirit Orbs of Master Ding
A trio of orbs belonging to Master Ding. They can be controlled using mental focus, allowing them to fly around, destroy obstacles in their way, shoot beams, lift objects, control minds, possess others, and allow the user to enter someone else’s mind, wherein they can kick out foreign mental beings directly, as well as conjure anything possible via using the mindscape. Master Ding also used the orbs power to shoot lightning and siphon someone’s mental essence, which can be countered by someone with similar mental fortitude, even to the extent of forcefully excising spirits from the mind and creating doorways out of the mind. Shifu hasn’t been shown using the orbs himself, but the orbs can be used to full effect by anyone with superb mental acuity (such as Tigress), so Shifu may also be able to use them (due to also dedicating his life to Kung fu and meditation). The orbs are kept in a case that blocks out mental connections, as Master Ding could only reconnect with the orbs when the case was opened.
Unknown Spear
An ornate spear that Po used to hurt himself when fighting evil Po.
Unknown Shield
An ornate shield that Po used to hurt himself when fighting evil Po. A similar fully metallic shield was shown later.
Unknown Urn
An urn that Master Yao licks when experiencing the outside world for the first time. Maybe could be used as a distraction or thrown weapon.
Dragon Chalice
A mystical hourglass-shaped vase gifted to Shifu by Oogway, used by Shifu in certain ceremonies.
Ancient Locking Stocks
A pair of stocks of mid and small size, used for restraining prisoners.
Paralysis Chamber
Taken from General Tsin, this box is hooked up to two gas canisters. One, using the Zhu Jiao plant, releases a reddish-pink gas that paralyzes the victim completely (except the eyes), while the second releases a green gas that reverses the process.
Muscle Relaxant Tea
A type of tea that, when ingested, is meant to relax the muscles, alleviating pain and allowing the drinker to fight at normal capacity. However, if the intensity is pushed beyond normal limits, the drinker may be *too* relaxed, and reduced to a childlike mental state for the next several hours.
Growth Potion
An unnamed potion that increases the size of whatever is splashed by the liquid within. Po used this to make his arm bigger by accident.
Shadow Crowns
Sets of armor that, when worn, make the wearer invisible. They however, don’t make you silent, can be countered by destroying the crowns, and allow detection if foreign material is splashed on the user.
Master Flying Rhino’s Armour
A set of sturdy winged armour wielded by legendary Kung Fu master Flying Rhino. In Showdown of Legendary Legends, it allows the user to fly around and deal massive damage with punches.
Panda Shaped Cage
A cage in the shape of a panda that is meant to be inescapable. The Jade Palace had a similar cage in the shape of an owl, but Fenghuang destroyed it after it was used on her.
Owl Shaped Cage
An owl shaped armor specifically designed to trap Fenghuang and tough enough to keep her detained.
A standard Jade Palace sword, which Po used to cut his Kung fu shoes to pieces.
Bo Staves/Quarterstaves
Ordinary Bo staff.
Power Cake
A cake made with sulfuric compounds to promote stamina. When mixed with hot water, creates a highly volatile explosive powerful enough to heavily damage Kim the Invincible’s insides, allowing him to be beaten in a single kick. His outsides were durable enough that he took no damage from any of Po’s attacks near the end of Legends of Awesomeness.
Ordinary spears.
Ninja Stars
Ninja stars, for throwing. Shifu uses these on Po during their training.
Morning Star
A standard blunt force weapon being a whip-like mace held together by long metal chains.
Standard issue nunchucks. Shifu even has a ceremonial pair just for him.
Ancient Brass Fight Bells
A pair of bells, used for an unknown purpose.
A set of horns Shifu can use to call for help, if needed. The sound travels a massive distance, seemingly across the entire Valley of Peace.
A bell Po gave to Shifu, for calling Po during emergencies.
Shifu has an entire library of scrolls at the palace, usually used for reading, but occasionally as throwing weapons. These even include pressure point charts on specific animals, such as pandas, with said charts allowing the disabling of vocal cords, and re-enabling them (with a 1 hour delay, less in moments of emergency), however these specific techniques may require fingers smaller than Shifu’s, as he defers to Mantis to fix Po’s voice. He also has a set of address scrolls, allowing him to contact allies if he needs help (obviously not applicable in a 1v1).
Melee weapons consisting of a spiked ball on a wooden handle.
Some sort of bladed weapon with a curved blade.
Incense Candles and Flame Snuffer
A bunch of candles for filling the atmosphere with a certain scent, and a tool to put out the flames.
Flower Display
A vase of flowers, to add ambience to Shifu’s fine dining.
Double-sided Iron Spike Ball Hammer
One of the random weapons strewn about the Jade Palace.
Standard crossbows, used for training new kung fu artists.
Bow and Arrow
Standard bow and arrow for archery.
A heavy cabinet, which could be used for barricading doors or as a shield.
Unknown Spiked Object
A spiky almost armor brace shaped object for unknown purposes.
A set of twin sticks, usually used for eating, but also usable by Shifu as a weapon, such as when he used them against Po to train for a fight with Tai Lung.
A gong, used to make loud sounds if Shifu needs to get a point across.
Just normal mid-size weapons, which Shifu usually attaches to training dummies.
Log Trap
A swinging log that can catch opponents off guard.
Shuyong Seed (debatable)
Seeds from the legendary tree of eternity, whose powers will be discussed later. Although Po attempted to destroy all of the seeds after interfering with time, one seed was spared on the Training Hall grounds. Due to Shifu having knowledge of the seeds, if he found it he could use it. Planting the seed would also allow Shifu to grow a Shuyong Tree and eat its fruit to gain greater mastery over time, but this is very difficult in a 1v1 scenario.
(Legends of Awesomeness: A Stitch in Time (15:07)) A chain weapon with a spiked ball tip that can be used to attack enemies at mid-range.
Secret Museum of Kung Fu items (debatable)
The secret museum houses some of the most notable relics of ancient Chinese history. Since Shifu purchased a map and key to the museum, and seemingly reclaimed them from the Lin Kuei after they stole both, he can likely go back and reclaim the items (if he was in the same dimension as them). These include:
Phantom Crystal
A jewel that, when held, makes the user intangible to walls, weapons and attacks. However, the user can still attack other beings and touch the world despite holding the crystal.
Master Ox’s Bean Pod(?)
A legendary bean pod of immense power, supposedly used by Master Ox to rid “all evil from China”. Although Po lied to Lu Kang that the pod existed, it’s appearance in the secret museum of kung fu hints it may, actually exist?
Training Hall
A sparring dojo created by Shifu, filled with deadly traps like fire pits, spiked dummies, rolling gizmos, and other elements that can trip up novices to kung fu.
Splinter’s Cane
Due to his old age, Splinter needs a cane to walk around with. It comes with multiple different functions for combat. It comes with rope strong enough to trip up Super Shredder, and has a sword strong enough to contend with Shredder.
Makeshift Blindfold
Splinter can take off parts of his outfit to make a makeshift blindfold.
While having his mind manipulated by the Rat King, Splinter used a sword.
Ninja Stars
A set of Ninja Stars that Splinter can throw, seemingly carries many of these around with him.
Here’s a Kunai that Splinter uses to destroy Michaelangelo’s phone.
Smoke Bomb
Some smoke Splinter uses to catch April off-guard. He has a purple version of smoke bomb, that lets him disappear from Super Shredder.
Blinding Powder
Some powder that Splinter uses to blind his foes.
Hidden Knife
When Kraang Subprime broke into the Turtles base, Splinter used a small knife to cut through his cannon.
Bladed Staff
One large blade that Splinter uses to cut through Foot Soldier robots.
Yari Set + Wooden Sword
Some weapons that Splinter owns
Chains that Michaelangelo had to use to wrap Leatherhead up, presumably found in the secret lair.
Manriki Gusari
The first weapon Splinter tries to teach April to use, she isn’t good at it.
A Mace Splinter gives to April, she’s not good with it.
Two short scythes that, again, April sucks at using. She almost kills herself with it.
April sucks at using these weapons, apart from that, standard Nunchucks.
Cheese Phone
For only the most direct emergencies.
Powers and Abilities
Whirl Stomp
Shifu jumps in the air, then homes in on targets to drill stomp into their heads, bouncing off afterwards to repeat the process.
Cloud Stomp
Shifu jumps on a cloud to get a surge of height.
Sprint Attack
Shifu runs at high speed into foes to deal damage.
Shifu makes a shield to protect himself.
Rolling Shifu
Shifu rolls into a ball to squeeze into tight places.
Awesome Attack
Shifu’s special move in Showdown of Legendary Legends, where he delivers dozens of rapid strikes before sending an enemy flying.
Flash Dodge
For up to 3 instances at a time, Shifu can phase through an enemy’s attack and move to the side to escape danger, with the ability recharging over time.
Rapid Jab
Shifu executes a series of jabs at high speed.
Side Kick
Shifu coats his leg in energy and kicks forward, even going through shields and out the other side.
Sweep Kick
Shifu sweeps his leg across the ground to trip up enemies.
Energy Jab/Uppercut
Same as the side kick, but with an arm thrust or uppercut instead.
Ground Slam
Shifu slams the ground to create an energy shockwave.
Aerial Spin
Shifu spins in the air to damage foes with an energy aura.
Aura and Power/Defense/Speed Amplification
By concentrating, Shifu can surround himself in an aura that heavily boosts his strength, speed, or defense.
Jump Boost
Shifu can use this aura to boost his jump height as well.
Recovery Boost
Shifu surges upward to gain extra height, even in the air or water.
Dramatic Exit
Shifu’s most prominent technique by far. Perfectly useful for catching opponents off guard to make his grand escape. (Also has a whole ass Instagram decided to it. This is not a joke)
Being the son of infamous conman Shirong, Shifu has a lot of experience scamming unsuspecting villagers. His main tactic was painting wooden talismans that supposedly had “magic healing properties”, and was quite skilled at it, even at 3 years old. Tricked Mei Ling into a kiss so he could steal the Soul Gem from her.
Shifu (although not making it known often) is an accomplished dancer, enough to impress Temutai’s warrior guards. It also makes for a great distraction. Also stated by Pai Mei that people told Shifu he had a lovely singing voice (or did he?)
In order to teach Po a lesson on training, disguised himself as a supposed famous traveling kung fu master, to the extent not even his students knew it was him.
Stealth Mastery
Tied up Mei Ling, an accomplished master thief, while he was talking to her, without her knowing.
Golden Lotus Clap
An advanced Kung Fu technique, presumably created by Oogway, by using short hand movements, while also saying its name, can release a golden mist that can blind enemies or reverse blindness, while also shattering nearby objects. However, the user must close their eyes when performing the technique, for fear of blinding themselves.
Enhanced Hearing
Due to his massive ears, Shifu can hear incredibly low volume noises, such as the wing flaps of his goose messenger Zeng (even when the latter hadn’t entered the room). He can even discern who is entering based just on their wing flaps, as he knew Fenghuang had entered the Jade Palace without looking at her. Sensed Taotie approaching the Jade Palace without any audible sound within the episode. Heard Junjie’s leopards on all sides despite making almost nonexistent sounds.
Pressure Points
Although not as proficient as Mantis in this regard, Shifu has been shown to utilize pressure points, mostly to undo paralysis from the Furious Five from when Tai Lung paralyzed them, and from Mantis when Po paralyzed him at the comic fest. His use of pressure points should also be comparable to Po, who knocked out Tigress by tapping her pressure points and paralyzed the serpent Fu-Xi, and Monkey/Viper, who instantly knocked out Po with a nerve pinch. While in his girlfriend’s body (via soul swap), pinched a nerve on Zeng’s neck, instantly paralyzing him. He managed to paralyze a water buffalo by tapping a spot between his horns and knocked out a platoon of rhino guards using his feet to tap their pressure points.
Weapon Mastery
Shifu has demonstrated knowledge of weapons of all kinds, ranging from staves, to swords, to axes, to bludgeons.
Analytical Prediction
Shifu can analyze any move, according to Po, just by seeing it once, and instantly know how to counter it. Reinforced by Showdown of Legendary Legends.
Mental Amplification
Kung fu masters become stronger when within their own mind, allowing them to control anything within their mindscape to fight off opponents on the mental plane.
Simply put, an ability that allows the user to levitate.
Wu-Xi Finger Hold
Developed by Master Wu-Xi, this technique is performed by catching the opponent’s finger between the index finger and thumb, and extending the pinky. When the pinky is flexed, the target is transported to the spirit realm (essentially the afterlife for Kung fu warriors). The afterlife aspect is confirmed here. Although the technique only works on mortals (no Skadooshing immortals, spiritual beings, etc), this can be circumvented by grappling the being and performing the finger hold on oneself, transporting both to the spirit realm. Po also notes that he received his hero chi from “dying” and coming back from the spirit realm, which hints that the technique may actually be a form of instant death hax (unless it’s referring to his death fighting Ke-Pa).
Chao Wa Punch Kick
A complex series of motions that, if performed correctly, induces total paralysis in the target upon landing the final blow. Was capable of leaving a massive dent in a practice dummy.
Power Mimicry
Upon witnessing Pai Mei performing his Five-Fingered Blast Punch multiple times, Shifu was able to copy the technique perfectly. Speaking of…
Five-Fingered Blast Punch
By swirling the hands in the proper motion, the user coats their fist in energy. Upon striking a target, it explodes after a short time, crumbling it to pieces (at least if used on non-sentient beings, but is also heavily implied to blast a hole through living beings and kill them, as a sort of durability negation)
Shapeshifting/Audio Mimicry
When he has no access to shift stones, Shifu is still capable of changing his form, such as when he transformed into Oogway. He can even modulate his voice to sound like his target.
Aerokinesis/Teleportation (debatable)
When Master Junjie first appeared to Po in the form of Oogway, he manipulated a large amount of peach blossom petals to announce his entrance, before instantiating directly in front of Po. Since Shifu states he knows a lot of the same tricks as Junjie, it’s possible he can also do this. Seemingly uses air control to blow open the Jade Palace doors. Showdown of Legendary Legends also notes that Shifu’s ability to “appear” in any place at any time borders on mystical.
Non-Physical Interaction
Shifu was shown being able to physically attack the hopping ghosts.
Crossbow Arrow Deflection
If a storm of crossbow arrows is heading towards him, Shifu uses this technique to weave around them Matrix-style, before catching and redirecting an arrow back into the crossbow itself to destroy it.
Essence Manipulation(?)
Silken Moon Touch (debatable)
As Shifu trained with Wu-Shen, he directly witnessed the Silken Moon Touch being performed, and as such may be able to perform it himself via his power mimicry. At the very least, by utilizing the Vow of Silence to boost his kung fu prowess, he may be able to do it, as he implied that any skilled enough kung fu master can eventually learn the moon touch.
With it, Po was capable of turning day into night, all by performing a series of gestures and touching an opponent. The sheer force of the attack can easily defeat an entire army of those comparable to the kung fu master’s normal ability.
Enhanced Lung Capacity
Kung Fu masters can supposedly climb mountains in a single breath.
Telepathy (debatable)
In Dragon Knight, Po reveals that meditation allows users to meld their minds, allowing Po to witness Klaus Dumont’s thoughts as part of his mage training. Po mentioned he learned this from Oogway. Seeing as Shifu is Oogway’s student, and Shifu spends much of his time meditating, he possibly also has this ability. Shifu also has an unknown connection with the peach tree, as he sensed it was dying while far away. Shifu sensed Po had “died” from many miles away. Oogway had a vision that Tai Lung would escape prison and return, which was ultimately correct (although whether Shifu can have visions like this is unclear).
Attack Reflection (debatable)
Due to Shifu having learned and mastered Inner Peace, a technique that allows the user to redirect the flow of incoming objects, and Po using that technique to redirect cannonballs, it’s possible Shifu can do a similar type of technique (although this has not been proven). Also shown here. Inner Peace even allows you to harmonize with the flow of the universe (whatever that entails)
Enhanced Acrobatics
When Po tapped into inner peace, his balance and acrobatic ability was tremendously boosted, allowing him to leap across tiny rocks over a lava river with ease. Slipped through a room of trip wires without setting them off. This was expanded as the art of “Hing Kung”, which Shifu taught to Po.
The powers of the 50 Sacred Scrolls (debatable)
Shifu has not only used (and taught) one of the powers from the scrolls, the aforementioned Chao Wa Punch Kick, but he also recognized a tea recipe Po read from scroll #1 without Po having to explain what the potion did. As such, Shifu likely has a fair amount of knowledge about the scrolls, and can possibly perform all the techniques listed, including:
The Eye Gouge
(Bobs burgers jumpscare for gouging out eyes)
An unknown technique that likely involves the gouging out of eyes.
Invisible Sneak Attacks with the Mind
(There's no visual representation for it so here's how it would look like using MMH & Gorilla Grodd as an example)
This technique, as the name implies, allows the user to inflict mental damage on his opponent. But Hey, I would kill for that kind of power.
Fluttering Finger Mindslip
Easily one of, if not the most powerful demonstrated technique of the scrolls, the move is performed by swirling the hand left, right, and then fluttering the fingers. Anyone who witnesses the technique (including the user) is stunned, and has their short term memory erased. If used too many times, eventually their longer lasting memories will also fade, and if used even more, the target will forget how to breathe (and likely die of asphyxiation). The effect can be reversed with the clay from the Alabaster Pot of Remembrance.
Chi Manipulation
Shifu, in a limited capacity, has demonstrated the ability to project his Chi (effectively life force) and was implied to have mastered it after KFP3. He has used this primarily to bestow life energy into flowers to make them bloom, but other amateur chi users like Tigress and Mr. Ping have demonstrated the ability to project their Chi across dimensions to empower Po, so Shifu should be able to do this as well.
Moreover, Chi is not just limited to plants and sentient creatures. As demonstrated in Legends of Awesomeness and Paws of Destiny, Chi exists throughout the entire universe, within non-tangible concepts like sound, and is potentially responsible for creating the Shuyong Tree, which brought time itself into existence for the universe. This might be important later.
Chi naturally possesses healing properties, as the pandas used it to heal Oogway when he was badly wounded.
Self-Sustenance (debatable)
Legend tells that the Dragon Warrior is capable of sustaining himself entirely off the dew of a single gingko leaf, and the chi of the universe, which is a feat that Jindiao replicated via replenishing himself with new chi over the course of a thousand years. As such, a strong enough chi user can likely do the same. Kung fu masters can also naturally fast for weeks, even decades.
Resistance to Chi Absorption (kinda)
If a chi user is stronger than someone attempting to absorb their chi directly, the chi absorption will fail, even if the chi user is poisoned and barely conscious.
Chi Absorption
A high level chi user like Po was able to re-absorb his chi after he passed it to Kai. Po’s student was able to act as a conduit to absorb Po’s chi and pass it along to Jindiao.
Soul Manipulation
The pandas projecting their chi could force Jindiao’s soul out of his body (albeit with heavy difficulty). The process also resulted in Jindiao’s body being reduced to ash.
Light Manipulation
Chi can be used as a light source within a dark space.
Energy Projection
Amateur Chi users can blast Chi from their hands as an offensive projectile. Chi can be gifted to targets, sometimes permanently, sometimes temporarily.
Chi Reclamation
Chi users can very slowly reclaim their chi normally if it is taken from them. However, the process can be sped up in the Spirit Realm.
Chi Sensing
Po could sense the trajectory of his chi when it was stolen from him, in order to find it again. Po’s students could tell Po was alive by his chi flashing through their palms. Po’s father was able to sense the path the wellspring had taken underground by following its trail in the air.
Power Amplification
Chi can be used to empower the user’s physical attributes, such as when Tigress imbued her kick with Chi to amplify her attack against Kai (as shown on the gif). Considering that Shifu is more obviously experienced than Tigress, Shifu should easily be able to do this (as well as the other three abilities above).
Wellspring-Boosted Chi Manipulation Abilities (debatable)
Due to the ending of Paws of Destiny, Shifu potentially has Wellspring boosts stacked on his already existing (albeit limited) Chi manipulation. As such, his chi manipulation abilities are likely enhanced to some degree, and as such may be able to perform other chi-related abilities, including:
Sound Manipulation
As confirmed by Master Shifu, sound itself is fueled by chi energy.
Time Manipulation (debatable)
As the Shuyong Tree is both a living entity and a sentient one, it may also be fueled by chi. The tree’s natural physiology enables it to create fruit and seeds which, when ingested or thrown on the ground, allow for:
The Eternal Chord, using the chi power of the 5 Elemental Tones, created everything in the universe, including stars, planets, etc. Also created a rainbow.
Void Manipulation
The opposite of the Eternal Chord, the Anti-Chord, using the same power source as the Chord (just inverted), can return the universe to the formless void it started as.
The Four Constellations implied that Chi energy drawn from the Wellspring, if used in too much excess, can turn the user to stone. So, not that useful admittedly. However, Chi can also petrify other elements, such as how Po and other Hero’s Chi users could petrify lava using their Chi.
Dimensional Travel
The Wellspring transported the Spirit Urn to the Spirit Realm.
Enhanced Senses
Becoming a rat did come with some benefits. The major one is his enhanced senses, allowing him to smell a target before they appear, sense that Michaelangelo was about to hit him with a water balloon before he could, and use a blind fighting technique in battle. His senses are so good, that invisible foes like Bebop can’t get the drop on him, and he can ‘hear the silence’
What seems like a very normal skill to have in your arsenal can be incredibly useful to Splinter. While poisoned by Tigerclaw, Splinter entered a quick meditation to heal the poison and rejoin the battle. Sendou jutsu is a technique that allows users of it to slow their body functions down, allowing them to need less oxygen. This is done through, of course, meditation.
Being a ninja, Splinter has demonstrated and taught the use of stealth on many occasions. He can sneak up on any foe, such as Rocksteady (pictured above) and Dogpound.
Before his untimely demise at the hands of Shredder, Splinter has a premonition of both Super Shredder and his death.
Pressure Points
For any turtles that are unruly and filled with rage, Splinter can hit them with seemingly Pressure Point style attacks. This managed to paralyse Raphael temporarily. Of course, not everyone is going to be as nice as Raph. Splinter can shut down enemy limbs, knock people out, or even cause total paralysis in Shredder. This paralysis was so bad, that Shredder was left on life support thanks to it.
Air Manipulation
One of Splinter’s more weirder techniques, he can send a large gust of air out to knock back any foes who get close to him. He does this on the Rat King, as pictured above, while doing the same against Shredder in one of their battles.
Astral Projection
By entering a state of deep meditation, Splinter can glow white. Now, this isn’t just to give you literal aura, as it does come with some benefits. Leonardo managed to use the same aura to overcome his fears after being sprayed by some toxic mushrooms.
Healing Hands
Appearing to have been inspired by a series of mudras and mantras of Buddhist origin named Kuji-Jin, the Healing Hands are an ancient healing technique that Splinter has passed down to his son Leonardo. Consisting of specific hand gestures and phrases, Splinter is able to use them to heal wounds, remove poisonous venom from his or someone else’s body and was even able to completely heal Karai’s mind from a mind control worm that was deeply rooted in her brain.
The Dragon Tail
When April was doubting her skills as a ninja Splinter taught her a powerful move, The Dragon Tail. Really it’s nothing special as it’s just a super powerful kick but as shown with April it can be used to kick someone in the balls really well.
Shockwave Generation
After seeing Leatherhead kicked down by Shredder, Splinter gets so angry he causes this mini-shockwave.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends Move-pool:
In “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends”, Splinter uses Higher Plane through meditation which buffs his own physical attributes varying from boosting damage, defenses as well as evasion. If this game is canon or not is down to your interpretation, but since we’re being as fun (and as fair) to Shifu, we might as well include this.
Other abilities Splinter has access to in the game consists of the following:
Pressure Points: Splinter raises a finger and uses it to rapidly strike a foe. This has a 90% chance of blocking access to abilities for 3 turns.
Sensei Says: Splinter's constant teaching of ninjitsu to the Turtles increases his defense by 20%.
Iaijutsu Strike: Splinter draws a katana sheathed within his staff and strikes a foe. This move has a chance of boosting his damage out by 200%.
Extremely Limited Paralysis Resistance: Although he did succumb, Shifu stayed conscious longer than everyone else who consumed Scorpion’s motor-skill destroying moon cakes.
Electricity Manipulation: Was fine after taking a jolt of electricity from touching the Kung fu shoes.
Sleep Manipulation: Kung fu masters can use their iron resolve to stave off the sleep-inducing Mist of Morpheus for a time.
Limited Poison Resistance: Tigerclaw hits Splinter with a poison strong enough to kill most men by his words. Splinter was affected by said poison, but was still able to dodge attacks from Shredder for a limited time.
Hopping Ghost
When Shifu was bitten by a hopping ghost, he transformed into a halfway ghost. Despite not being a full ghost, he still retains their abilities, such as being able to unleash paralyzing “death breath”, walk (or hop) through solid walls, turn invisible, fly, and turn other living beings into ghosts by biting them, along with the benefit of not being controllable by the hopping ghost staff (unlike a normal ghost). If he eats the brain of another living being before seeing sunrise, he becomes a permanent ghost, with sunrise reverting Shifu to normal.
Due to all of his years of training, suffering, and general life, Splinter went to the afterlife with a higher plain of existence and merged with life around him. He appears to Leonardo to give him advice on how to be a leader. Just because he’s a ghost, doesn’t mean that he can’t fight. When Kavaxas merged the underworld and the real world, Splinter fought Ho Chan, dodging his attacks and using pressure points. It’s important to note that ghosts, like Ho Chan, can physically interact with humans in the living world.
Invented Kung Fu alongside his master, Oogway
Trained many of the greatest kung fu masters of all time, including THE Dragon Warrior Po
Gained inner peace of self by coming to terms with his demons
Learned how to harness Chi to a limited degree
Protected the Valley of Peace alongside his students for decades
Finally got a girlfriend
Shattered this large rock with a punch (as shown in the gif above)
Using the Five Finger Blast Punch, reduced a stone bridge to rubble.
Caught Temutai’s thrown double-sided hammer without looking and tossed it away with ease. Then easily defeated several warriors at once just with a finger flick.
Can lift himself and Po off the ground when doing push-ups.
Can lift four of the Furious Five and Po on his shoulders.
Made a large dust cloud shockwave by jumping.
Fights with Kai and grapples with him, with Kai going on to throw around Oogway’s statue and use it to destroy the Jade Palace.
Kicked hard enough by Tai Lung to cause large cracks in a wall
Was smacked through a wall by a casual Ke-Pa.
Along with the Five, survived the roof of a house falling on him.
Survived part of a water tower falling on him (albeit was put in a full body cast).
Moved as a blur (as shown in the gif and stared at the audience while doing so).
Moved multiple bowls at the same time at ever-increasing speeds
Jumped around multiple attacks from Kai, blocking them at the same-time
Deflected a barrage of shurikens from Taotie’s mech, as well as ducked under a thrown blade.
Shifu catches a crossbow arrow after it had redirected several times.
Deflects an arrow shot at him by Temutai.
Reacts to and weaves around 100 crossbow arrows.
Jumps to avoid, and deflects, a barrage of arrows.
Jumps in tandem with crossbow bolts.
Beat Po to the stairs.
Reacts to Master Porcupine’s Jade Arrows.
Taught the Ninja Turtles, April, Casey, and many more throughout his time as a master.
Fought against Shredder on multiple occasions.
Fought alongside friend and foe alike to fight off the Triceraton invasion.
Managed to turn his daughter to the side of good.
Caused the downfall of Shredder, finally getting his revenge.
Came back from the dead to protect New York from the threat of Kavaxas.
Managed to say goodbye to his family one last time.
Knocked down all the turtles in one strike (as shown above)
Caught one of Shredder’s gauntlets in his teeth, proceeding to snap it
Took a hit from Kraang Subprime
Endured 5 straight days of sleep deprivation, and was perfectly physically capable of combat while sleepwalking. [Panini Nick TMNT UK Magazine, Issue 15]
Hit Shredder with multiple rapid punches, before proceeding to run literal circles around him
Caught a projectile from Bebop, redirecting it into Rocksteady
Caught one of Casey Jones’ Pucks [Panini Nick TMNT UK Magazine, Issue 22]
Scaling Section
Po (Base Form)
Although a standard Shifu is not on par with a full-power Master of Chi Po, he has been shown fighting base Po on multiple occasions, such as in the first movie during their sparring sessions, the episode Po the Croc where he fought a blood-lusted Po, and his fight with Po when both were transformed into hopping ghosts. Granted, Shifu generally ends up losing these fights, especially as the series goes on, but he is always shown as being somewhat comparable. Speed-wise, he is consistently portrayed to be faster than what Po can perceive, such as in Kung Fu Panda 2 when he escaped Po’s hug without the latter noticing, or in 3 when he slipped out the door after distracting Po with a “dramatic exit”.
Po swings a war hammer hard enough to make it fly into the atmosphere, to the point that it was smoking when it came back down, implying it burned on re-entry.
Po’s stomach grumbling shook the village of the Valley of Peace, even while he was within the Jade Palace.
Defeats Lei-Kung, who creates massive storms with his power.
Po cleared out a large area of clouds in the horizon (837 Megatons of TNT - 1.803 Gigatons of TNT)
Po reacts to cannonballs and redirects them. Can dodge cannonballs while pushing his students out of danger.
Po runs fast enough his hands catch fire (Mach 5), and jumps into the clouds in seconds (at least Mach 0.4 - Mach 3.94).
Dodges blasts from Bian-Zao and his Jin Tian’s tempest (which allows the user to shoot lightning bolts).
Po survived a blast from Shen’s cannon relatively point-blank (although his stomach was somewhat protected by a wok).
The cannon also caused this tear in the ground, destroyed this ship, and blew up this bridge.
Po survived a massive lightning bolt going through his head, then survived being in the epicenter of a massive blast that caused a dust explosion and destroyed Tong Fo’s tower.
Po got kicked by Kai hard enough that it shattered a massive rock formation.
Po’s body survived a direct hit from the storm wheels and tremor gauntlet combined (albeit he was “defeated” to the point that the wheels were about to claim his soul), and his arm managed to withstand a punch from the Wu-Gao gauntlet (albeit was heavily injured).
Po was able to tag Zuma when she was using the Storm wheels to travel (while Po wasn’t using a wheel himself) (Mach 93.31 - Mach 459.22)
Also, can keep up with Master Mastodon’s speed in a fight and defeat Mr. Ping while the latter was channeling Mastodon’s power (who was the warrior who empowered the Storm wheels to begin with).
Po even survived channeling Mastodon’s elemental powers through himself, which Mastodon claimed would make Po explode, and Mastodon admitting he underestimated Po as Po fought him. (See Scaling to Tianshang Weapons/Elemental Masters)
Furious Five
As their trainer and master, Shifu should be considerably above (or at least relative to) the Furious Five’s capabilities. This is demonstrated by how the Furious Five needed to gang up on Tai Lung to stand a chance, whereas Shifu was able to fight Tai Lung decently all on his own.
Tigress has…
Shattered a massive boulder when she was younger (0.39 Tons of TNT)
Survived a strike from Shen’s cannon (9.126 Tons of TNT). These cannons could hurt Tigress, despite her body being trained to the point her hands and arms were durable enough to cause Po pain from punching them.
Tigress hits Po hard enough that his speed ablates the ground.
Tigress can keep pace with the spirit orbs of Master Ding, which quickly flew from the Valley of Peace to Mugu Mountain (Up to Mach 10.4 assuming in-episode timeframe and distance from Huangshan Mountain to Mufu Mountain).
Crane has…
Crane flew from the Northern Mountains to the Valley of Peace in seconds to catch Po when he was falling to his death (a fairly far distance from the Jade Palace/Valley of Peace) (Mach 1603 assuming distance from Qinling Mountains to Huangshang Mountain, 1.66 Kilotons of TNT for kinetic energy)
Wings of Justice could push these ships.
Crane defeated Fenghuang, albeit she didn’t use any of her Impossible Moves, so she wasn’t performing her best. However, he should scale to the casual Fenghuang from the episode, like chopping a building in half with her talons.
Viper ripped a wooden support beam out of an aqueduct
Mantis’ perception is fast enough he sees the normal world in slow motion.
All have fought Tong Fo who wielded the Sacred Hammer of Lei-Lang, which can shatter mountains.
Tai Lung
Although he ended up losing their final fight, Shifu was able to keep pace with Tai Lung and deflect his strikes for an extended period.
Easily reacted to crossbow bolts despite just recovering from being immobilised for 20 years, and overpowered 1000 armed guards to escape prison.
Kicked Po hard enough to make a crater in the street (1.35 Tons of TNT)
Climbed the Jade Palace stairs within a blink of an eye (Subsonic)
Shifu’s training made Tai Lung “one of the most formidable fighters in China”.
Other Kung Fu Masters/Warriors
As shown in Secrets of the Scroll, the warrior Boar was capable of defeating kung fu masters one by one as he made his way to the Valley of Peace, with another kung fu master stating that only Shifu could defeat him. Shifu has also been shown sparring evenly with other kung fu masters like Master Chao and Junjie. As such, Shifu should be relative to most kung fu masters that aren’t peak Oogway (because it’s peak Oogway)
Oogway has (yeah I know what was just said, but these are casual so, maybe)…
Oogway could hear a butterfly’s wingbeat, which occurs 10 times per second.
General Tsin destroyed half of Beijing.
Aknaa dodges multiple lightning blasts from Alfred’s storm sword.
Luthera could hold open the jaws and fingers of a massive rock titan.
Master Elephant, amplified by the Sword of Xi’an, split a large rock in half while fighting Shifu, Po, and two separate Furious Fives
The sword also survived being caught in a volcanic eruption, created a massive light pillar that turned the sky from cloudy gray to harsh orange, and its destruction collapsed large portions of a mountain.
General Tsin flew to Korea (Mach 4.3 assuming 4 hour timeframe)
The Wu sisters, when together, were stated to be a force stronger than any kung fu master at the time.
The Chameleon absorbed the skills of numerous past kung fu masters, becoming “stronger than anyone Po has ever faced” (likely referring to all the base form Po opponents).
Po could fight against her to some degree. Her ultimate form destroyed large chunks of her tower and threw cage pieces. Chi dragon still one-shots her though.
Master Yao is stated as having the “power of the universe”.
Legends of Awesomeness/Other villains
As the rogue’s gallery of Legends of Awesomeness is, for the most part, relative to base Po and the Furious Five, Shifu is capable of scaling to their feats of power and speed.
Kim the Invincible splits the Great Wall of China apart (At least 2.676 tons of TNT) and travels from China’s border to the Valley of Peace in a short time (Mach 0.29 assuming 4 hour timeframe and distance from Great Wall to Huangshan).
Hundun threatened to destroy the whole village of the Valley of Peace.
With the Five Finger Blast Punch, Pai Mei reduced a massive stone statue to rubble, along with several smaller statues.
Kirakozu the clam ronin swam from Japan to China in a short time (according to the flashback about him) (Mach 0.21 - Mach 990)
Temutai stomps hard enough to shake an entire village, and threatens to destroy the entire village with his armada.
Fenghuang flew above the lowest cirrus clouds in seconds (Mach 3.08).
Bian-Zao with Jin-Tian’s Tempest shattered part of a massive stone wall.
The moon weevils came from the moon to Earth in an unspecified time (Mach 77.95 - .143c)
Great Gorilla destroys this bridge by hurling a rock at it.
Tianshang Weapons/Elemental Masters (Debatable)
Shifu, being on par with base Po, should be comparable to Luthera, an English knight, who fights her brother Sir Alfred while the latter was wielding all 5 Tianshang weapons. However, the weapons weren’t all glowing when Alfred was fighting, which is usually the mark that the weapons are activating their unique abilities, so it is possible that they weren’t channeling their full potential at the time. With that said, the weapons can use some of their special properties even when they aren’t glowing, such as their ability to steal souls. That, and the weapons did all glow together when Alfred first used all of them, right before the continents began moving together, and the process of continent moving didn’t stop even after the weapons were taken away from him, which may imply the power to move continents was always active. Alfred even stated the continents moving together increased his power, and he is constantly tapping into the power of all 5 weapons to control his soldiers. Generally speaking, Po and other Dragon Knight characters can at least solidly scale to one or at most two of the weapons at once, meaning they can reach up to half the power of all four weapons together (whether the weapons power is exponential or additive isn’t made clear). At one point, Luthera also fights Alfred with one storm wheel while he wields the other four weapons, which are all glowing. This is something Po and Master Mastodon can replicate, despite not being amped by weapons at one point. So, at most they may scale to four of the five weapons, especially since Luthera fought Alfred with all 5 weapons after Po stated Alfred had reached his peak power.
The Wu-Gao Gauntlet has…
The Storm Wheels have…
Created a storm over an entire village. (164.98 Megatons of TNT)
The Storm Wheels allow their user to travel at lightning speed, as well as see non-wheel enhanced elements as almost frozen. The speed boost is so immense, it allowed Po to grab multiple weapons on different sides of a pyramid, grab a helmet falling to the ground dozens of feet below, and stop a pyramid going at terminal velocity and set it down gently, all before the pyramid hit the ground.
The Helm of Winds could lift an entire ship off the ground/water, as well as Zuma’s massive pyramid temple and a mansion (82.28 tons-109.25 tons of TNT, assuming the pyramid is similar to Tikal Temple V).
Multiple/all of the weapons together can…
Multiple Tianshang weapons clashing is stated to be capable of destroying a village.
When all four weapons are put together, they enable the user to merge the continents back together into Pangaea, as well as destroy the planet (unintentionally)
With all four weapons, Sir Alfred could create a storm that encompassed all of London and many other natural disasters, including lightning storms, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, and earthquakes across the entire supercontinent.
The elemental masters (who created the weapons) are superior to standard magic users, a group of which cleared up several thick clouds with telekinesis
The four elemental weapons combined could split a mountain in two, and split the super-continent Pangaea into 7 pieces. They later did it again to split the continents again when they were about to crush each other, combining the elemental weapons with the powers of the elemental masters (13.55 Yottatons of TNT)
The four elemental weapons have been stated on more than one occasion to be a world ending threat
At the end of the series, Mastodon (alongside the other Tianshang Warriors) flew past the furthest visible star in seconds (32 Million × FTL)
The four masters also destroyed all four of the Tianshang weapons with their power.
Given they were spirit warriors, it’s possible they flew to the spirit realm in another dimension, as that is the afterlife, making the feat much faster. However, the elemental masters haven’t shown the ability to break through the border between the spirit and mortal realms, making this questionable at best.
Wellspring, sort of (Debatable)
At the end of Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny, the energy of the Wellspring was dispersed across all of China, with the Wellspring’s guardian explicitly stating the Wellspring’s Chi was within the people at that point, and us visibly seeing many average folk across China receiving glowing yellow eyes (a sign of unlocked/enhanced chi). As such, even though Shifu isn’t displayed as receiving this amp, it is highly likely he also received a portion of the Wellspring Chi. Obviously, he would not scale to the full amount of Wellspring energy, though (in fact it would be an extremely limited portion, based on how many organisms the Wellspring would have to divide its energy between). There is also evidence that characters can be amplified by the Wellspring.
The Wellspring is stated by Sun Wukong (yes, THE Sun Wukong) as being the source of all light in the universe (20.82 TenaFoe)
The Wellspring has been stated to be a limitless, endless font of power, containing all the chi of the universe (Up to High Universe Level)
The Wellspring, according to the Four Constellations, made Jindiao more powerful than any Kung fu master within the spirit realm across its entire history, and would give Jindiao the power to escape the realm. This is a feat that, according to Blue Dragon, would require “a greater power” than the spirit realm itself, a place of great power that master White Tiger stated had “no true borders”, possibly implying an infinite size. The idea of the spirit realm being a separate universe is also established by how its original design was a typical universe structure called the “Celestial Realm”, and how the design attempted to evoke feelings of endlessness. (Universal, possibly High Universe level)
Though this can be interpreted differently considering how there has been some showings of the Spirit Realm being shaped depending on the perception of the user (i.e. the Four Constellations having the inability to leave due to seeing the realm as a normal beach they stayed in before finding out otherwise)
Wellspring amped Jindiao was said by Po to be “running around the spirit realm” to find an exit point.
The Wellspring restored plant life across China, parted clouds blocking the sun, and restored the water to the land.
Ke-Pa (Debatable)
As the source of all chi, the Wellspring is overwhelmingly superior to the chi boost granted by the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, which allowed both Oogway and Po to defeat Ke-Pa.
Obliterated a statue of Po.
Flew up into the clouds in seconds.
Can push the house sized pieces of Zhuangzi’s Funnel together.
Destroyed the Jade Palace with a fire blast (325 Tons of TNT - 1.743 kilotons of TNT).
4 of Ke Pa’s demons (who are all far below Ke-Pa) could lift a house. Ke-Pa then stated that between him and the demons, the entire planet would be wiped clean of mortals.
The Four Constellations/Chi Enhanced Po/Miscellaneous Masters (debatable)
When Jindiao was amplified by the Wellspring, he was able to tank a combined blast from the chi of the new four constellations (which was actually the Chi of the old four constellations), as well as tank numerous chi blasts individually from said constellations (with Jindiao confirming he had the power of the Wellspring under his control at the time, as well as the White Bone Demon also having control of the Wellspring and her Wellspring-amped army). Same story, if you downscale Shifu from the Wellspring, he would also downscale from these four (likely getting the same fractional amount he’d get scaling to the full Wellspring). Wellspring amped Jindiao could also fight evenly with Po in his dragon form, who was channeling the power of his Chi in combat. Finally, any master who Shifu doesn’t have a scaling chain to, but isn’t using Chi, is something he could potentially scale to with the Wellspring amp. Although the scaling to Wellspring amped-entities is more concrete in the spirit realm, due to Dragon Po fighting evenly with Wellspring amped Jindiao within, there are arguments for scaling to said entities outside the realm as well, as Po and other chi users have staggered said entities with their chi attacks.
Black Tortoise rapidly expanded his chi to create a giant shield that shattered a massive meteorite about to hit the Earth (2.708 Zettatons of TNT - 30.463 Ronnatons of TNT)
Po (while enhanced) has…
Seemingly lit up the entire Valley of Peace with his chi.
Po flew an unknown distance across the Spirit Realm to find Jindiao.
Hero’s Chi Po easily bested Kai, who had collected the chi of every kung fu master in China barring Po and Tigress.
Base Po with bushido eyes sees the world in slow motion, including both crossbow bolts and people on his normal level of speed
Jindiao has…
Jindiao’s soul “flew across the world” to find a new host.
Jindiao survived getting launched into a mountain hard enough to create an avalanche, which Black Tortoise’s chi shield could protect against.
Kai has…
His entry into the mortal world made this crater, and seemingly created light across the sky.
Kai’s presence darkens the sky over Panda Village.
Kai’s battle with Oogway “shook the earth” (likely not referring to the whole earth) (1.06 Teratons of TNT maximum)
Master Oogway pulled Po’s mind from his own world to and across the Spirit Realm (albeit this might just be Po dreaming).
Sun Wukong has…
Using his magic crown, kicked the White Bone Demon’s soul into the Earth’s core.
Giant Sun Wukong shattered the top half of a tower. Also picked up and threw the giant iron bone demon.
Five Elements of Legend would supposedly save the world when it was covered in darkness.
Pang Bing, a sorceress already comparable to base Po, stated that the Eclipse Ritual of Infusing would boost her power by a millionfold (At least 164.98 teratons of TNT, possibly 13.55 quettatons of TNT).
Pang Bing’s electricity, with her infusing ritual, spreads a wave of energy from China’s capital to the Valley of Peace, and throughout all of China (At least Mach 752.77 using Beijing to Huangshang distance).
The Eternal Chord/Shuyong Tree (Debatable)
As explained in Legends of Awesomeness, all sound is powered by Chi energy. Chi energy, as confirmed by KFP3, is the total power level of any living being with chi, as when Kai absorbed the Chi of a kung fu master, he gained all the power of said master (shown by him being able to manifest their exact form as a Jade zombie), and Kai exploding upon attempting to absorb Po’s Chi power due to it being “too much”. Moreover, the episode “Enter the Dragon” shows that when a being is sapped of their Chi energy, their body dies almost immediately after, as seen with Po.
The Eternal Chord, as explained by Master Lu, was formed from the synchronisation of five Elemental Tones, tones that would have to be fueled by Chi energy. Since the Wellspring is the source of all Chi, the logical follow-through is that the Wellspring also provided the chi energy to create the Eternal Chord.
As for the Shuyong Tree, it is not only a tree (which is a living entity that is fueled by Chi as confirmed by KFP3), but also a sentient tree (meaning even more reason to have Chi). While some would argue that the Wellspring doesn’t inherently have to be connected to the Shuyong, as the Shuyong existed before time began, the Wellspring is something that isn’t even native to the KFP universe, as confirmed by Jindiao. Given that the tree meets all the qualifications of an entity that requires chi, it makes more sense that the tree came after the Wellspring instead of vice versa. Still, this one is generally more shaky, as there isn’t a clear origin for the tree and if it came after the universe was reshaped.
If one accepts Shifu as receiving a small portion of Wellspring Chi, he would likely scale to or downscale these cosmic elements to an unknown degree, as both of them are just fractions of the total chi power the Wellspring contains. Though it gets ambiguous whether Shifu or anyone else knows how to utilise such powers.
Since Chi can be channelled into a speed increase (as shown by the episode Enter the Dragon), and how those with greater chi power generally outspeed and outpace those with lower chi power (like how Po with his Mastery of Chi state was able to blitz Kai and prevent him from landing a notable hit), Shifu with Wellspring may also be relative speed-wise to these entities (accounting for the division between all living beings).
Anti-Chord created a lightning storm over a wasteland.
The Eternal Chord reshaped the universe from a formless mass of nothingness into the universe we see throughout the series, in a second (734 quadrillion - 1.47 quintillion c, 73.4 quadrillion c using timeframe Po restored the Chord with, and Universal).
The Anti-Chord, which acts as the perfect inversion of the Eternal Chord, can return the universe to its original formless state.
The original Shuyong tree, and all others, can create time with their fruit and seeds (Possibly Universal+ level).
Haven’t you heard the theme song? Master Splinter taught the turtles every single skill they need to become one lean green mean incredible team. He’s also proven himself to keep up with them on multiple occasions, and in others be straight up superior, justifying a scale to or above their progress.
Michelangelo survives the Maligna Ship exploding (405 Tons - 75 Kilotons of TNT)
Raphael can trade blows with the Cockroach Terminator, who survived a blow from the Krang drill (164.75 Kilotons of TNT)
The turtles can damage a Chimera who destroyed a mountain (502 Kilotons - 4.32 Megatons of TNT)
An alternative version of Leonardo survived this explosion (7.73 Megatons of TNT) (Debatable)
Check calc for explanation on the debatable aspect of this feat
Leonardo and Donatello survive a direct explosion from Kavaxas
The turtles can fight Thrag, who survived a blast that vaporised a Krang portal (61.83 Megatons of TNT - 164 Gigatons of TNT) (Debatable)
Check calc for explanation on the debatable aspect of this feat
All four turtles react to and dodge a shot from the Kraang’s energy cannon (37 - 82% SOL)
A beloved brother turned deadly enemy, Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi have faced off against each other many times. Each fight has shown that both are fairly equal even if in the end Shredder won in the end by killing him, showing Splinter can scale to him. Splinter can also scale to Super Shredder given Splinter can scale to Leonardo who in the end was able to kill Super Shredder once and for all.
Moves in tandem with lightning (Mach 8.5)
As Super Shredder he…
Killed Splinter (We promise you Reddit, he still scales)
He also upscales because he scales up in the clouds (RIP)
Kraang and Foot Clan Members
Both the Kraang and the Foot Clan Members are the fodder of the TMNT universe, always being cut down by both turtles and Splinter himself. A justifiable scale is easy for both.
Tigerclaw, through multiple parts, is shown fighting the 1987 versions of TMNT turtles.
Baxter Stockman can fly fast enough to catch up with a helicopter
Agent Bishop and Kraang Subprime can both keep up with each other
Agent Bishop survives an alleyway explosion (0.00078 Tons of TNT)
Kraang Subprime survives the Technodome blowing up (82.3 Kilotons - 8.8 Megatons of TNT)
April & Casey Jones
Always sticking by their family against mutants, aliens and freakshows, April and Casey have been consistently fighting many of the same threats the Turtles have, keeping up with them pretty well, justifying a scale from Splinter’s part. It’s worth noting that while an Aeon Crystal powered April has shown much more powerful feats than those displayed below, Splinter shouldn’t really be scaled to them as he was pretty easily defeated by her.
April’s psionic bursts implodes “Mom-Thing”, a massive kraang beast resembling her mom
April intercepted Newtralizer's electricity to block it with her barrier
Alongside Donnie, Casey deflected several missiles firing at them
Other Mutants
It’s kinda shocking how often people just so happen to get their hands on this mutant slime, huh? The Hamato family and friends have run across and faced off against several other mutants over the span of the show, with variable levels of difficulty, but ultimately justifying a scale.
Dogpound punches a wall hard enough for the ceiling to collapse
Bebop and Rocksteady survive a bridge blowing up (867.5 Tons of TNT)
Armagon was able to catch up with Honnycut's ship, the Ulixes.
Honnycut's ship was able to outrun a exploding star.
At one point, the Ulixes is forced to make a trip from the volcanic world of Magdomar, which is specifically located at the edge of the universe, back to Earth in less than 24 hours. (17 Trillion x FTL)
The last episode before the S3 finale, where it chronologically takes place thanks to time travel (Dinosaurs Seen in Sewers) takes place across a single night which by the end of it has the homing beacon activated, at the beginning Rockwell and Slash are beaten up into a coma. By the beginning of the next episode, Annihilation Now, Rockwell and Slash are still in a coma and the sky shows signs of morning. The episode starts with a "last time on..." segment which means they intended all of these events to happen in quick succession.
Bishop tells the turtles about the Triceratons already being close to the planet the morning after the beacon was already launched. Meanwhile the Turtles had to stop the Technodrome from rising again, which is where the evening takes place and the Triceratons arrive during that exact time.
Honnycut was able to…
While piloting his ship were able to dodge meteors at high speeds. (Debatable)
Honnycut head survived and still working after blowing up the triceratons ship
The Triceratons ship also launched a beam that was going to destroy New York City.
Mirage TMNT
Strike hard and fade away, into the night. The original 1984 Turtles have met with their TV counterparts a number of times, being shown to be physically comparable to the 1987 and 2003 Turtles in Turtles Forever and the 1987 and 2012 Donatellos specifically were able to match the Mirage Turtles in speed and reactions during the events of Trans-Dimensional Turtles. All of this shows a pretty clear picture that 2012 should be able to be comparable to their Prime incarnation’s feats.
Leonardo has…
Dodged gunfire, throwing knives and arrows.
Tanked a giant explosion that destroyed an entire building. (84.14 Tons of TNT)
Been shot point blank in the back by a shotgun and only shrugs it off.
Raphael has…
Dodged and reacted to gunfire.
Jumped from one high speed car to another and then down a great distance.
Alongside Ocho, fell from a ridiculously high distance without dying.
Survived being upside down for 2 days straight and still being able to fight somewhat.
Michelangelo has…
Donatello has…
Reacted to and dodged Photon Beams that move in a straight line and burn on contact.
Combining his chi and that of a trapped spirit’s, was able to destroy a device that drains the entire essence of someone into power. Making a gigantic hole in a mountain. (51.13 Kilotons of TNT)
The Turtles have…
Fell from a great distance and survived, although trees did break their fall.
Entered a form of trance to survive in a place with little oxygen.
Other Mirage Characters
Throughout their decades of crime fighting Tales, the Mirage Turtles have stumbled upon several unique friends and foes, many of which have feats that, thanks to them swapping hands with the Turtles and viceversa to variable degrees, should be applicable to the Mirage and (by default) the 2012 Turtles as well.
Feats such as…
Splinter can channel energy to create a massive energy construct. (19.58 Tons of TNT)
Splinter survived 2 months with a broken leg and little to no food.
The Old Man of the River is able to make a power surge in two Nuclear Reactors.
Allard is launched by an explosion enough to leave a crater.
Some random old guy in City At War survived a building explosion.
Savanti Romero uses his magic to hold together a massive structure made of bones.
Ancient Children used robot suits that could withstand dynamite and tank rounds.
1987 TMNT
Heroes in a half shell, Turtle Power! The 1987 version of the Turtles have met their 2012 counterparts twice, and both times they have been shown to be able to handle each other’s villains without much trouble, meaning that whatever the ‘87 Turtles have shown to do, the 2012 ones aren’t far behind.
Mikey tanked having a pizza parlor dropped on him (796,457 joules)
The Turtles busted through a wall (0.145 Tons of TNT)
The Turtles survive an explosion and “a few tons” of rocks falling on them
A clone of Donnie built a large and complex machine in seconds
Leonardo was able to deflect a laser shot from Shredder’s Medi-Laser (1.189c)
The turtles, Splinter, April and Shredder survived a big Mushroom cloud explosion (5.14 Tons of TNT)
Each playable character in the Shredder's Revenge video game (the 4 Brothers, Splinter, April, Casey, Karai, Usagi, and even Mona Lisa/Mondo Gecko with that new DLC) is capable of defeating a crystallised Super Shredder, who was deemed a threat to the multiverse and capable of conquering it all. (Check Before the Verdict)
He got to this state through absorbing the crystals Neutrinos use to travel between Dimensions, and they stated if he got enough, that it would be majorly bad for all Dimensions. Shredder also absorbs them into himself to boost his own physical/magical powers, and does so before you fight him in-game.
1987 Shredder and Krang
Described by me as “Toxic Yaoi Throughout the blog making progress for their elderly couple arguing, their surprising love for one and other, and mutual hatred of the turtles, 1987 Shredder and Krang have been beaten up by 2012 turtles and their 1987 counterparts, justifying a scale.
Shredder survives being inside of a windmill that crashes into the technodrome
Kraang took an explosion of the Lydium 90 that demolished the Technodrome
1987 Others
It helps to have friends and enemies in this verse. Some characters in 1987 don’t have enough feats to justify their own separate sections, but can be a part of one big scaling segment.
Bebop and Rocksteady tank an explosion that threatened to blow up a building
Bebop and Rocksteady are heavy enough to cause a radio tower to collapse
Casey was able to destroy metal with wooden objects with ease
Splinter was able to chuck Rocksteady, who is a giant adult Rhino
Slash crushed a large boulder (0.017 Tons of TNT)
While we don’t see Lord Dregg after this, since the episode ends, he’s right in the next episode with no visible injuries.
2003 TMNT
1, 2, 3, 4; Turtles, count it off! While the 2003 and 2012 versions of the TMNT have (sadly) never met, both have both shown to hold their own with the 1987 TMNT in their own crossovers (Turtles Forever and the 2012 series crossover), which naturally means the 2012 Turtles can keep up with them due to also scaling to the 80's TMNT.
Fought C'hrell who narrowly survived this explosion (21.6 Kilotons of TNT)
The Turtles have kept up with and fought alongside bounty hunter Torbin Zixx, who steered his ship out of the Moonport Gateway
It is the “gateway to the galaxy,” and the fastest way off Earth. Encased in special speed so everything survives trip to the moon, it launches places past there in about a second
Torbin has also piloted ships that would make it to unnamed Star/Solar Systems within the hour, or to Saturn from the Moon in a short time
Could pilot Zammeron's space-cruiser, which is stated in DVD extras as fast enough to go “zero to 60,000 light-years in 2.3 Trisecs” (526 Million × FTL, See Before the Verdict)
Directly defeated Ultimate Drako in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare video game (See Before the Verdict)
Tengu Shredder (Debatable)
The 2003 Turtles have also battled and eventually defeated Tengu Shredder; the original Shredder. The application of these feats as a scale to the 2012 Turtles will be discussed in the Before the Verdicts section.
Generates a big explosion that covers a rooftop (0.1707 Tons of TNT)
Tengu Shredder has repeatedly been stated a threat to the entire planet, and capable of reshaping it in his image
In his base form, Tengu Shredder casually created a Solar Eclipse to literally spread darkness across all of Japan (5.7 Yottatons of TNT, See Before the Verdict)
Casually threw aside Silver Sentry when he attacked him, and his minions could beat the Justice Force
The team flew into space in a short time frame (Mach 1,722)
Tengu Shredder has consistently been dubbed the most evil and powerful threat that both the TMNT and the world have ever seen (See Before the Verdict)
Cyber Shredder
After defeating the Tengu Shredder, the 2003 Turtles were (of course) forced to fight yet another Shredder in a Cyber variant. This version was a digitalized copy of the first Shredder they encountered (Ch'rell) in the event his physical self was taken out of the picture. Once future super virus Viral messed with his coding, he assimilated her and rose to become an all-new Shredder who eventually escaped into the real world. The Turtles obviously battled him both in Cyberspace and in reality, and should downscale him generally, with more information being given later on.
Cyber Shredder shoved back Justice Force members without much issue
His general support also fought the Turtles many allies at Casey and April's wedding, which includes the Ninja Tribunal
In an alternate future, Cyber Shredder engaged in a war with Ch'rell and Tengu Shredder (See Before the Verdict)
Absorbed a massive influx of energy after prior loss to become “more powerful than ever"
Cyber Shredder assimilated Viral in his base coding, and was outright noted as “much more powerful” by Donatello scanning his nature. As such, he would vastly upscale anything she can or has done.
Viral is described as “a multi-quanti digital construct of infinite subtlety and power”
Viral took control of the time window and altered its functions midway through it, and apparently taken control of the temporal stream (See Before the Verdict)
Change is Constant. While scaling 2012 to IDW may seem iffy at first, the Leonardo from this continuity directly battled Usagi Yojimbo, who mentioned in the same comic that he had fought Leonardo from the Mirage comics. Since the other Turtles scale to Mirage and Usagi, the scaling chain trickles down to 2012 as well rather solidly.
Leonardo has…
This is the same Usagi who met the Mirage Turtles before, and he references this in-verse
Dodged Machine Gun fire
Caught in a barn sized explosion
Raphael has
Dodged an EMP gun with Angel and Donnie
Fell 5 stories up with Casey into some trash and was fine, wanting to go again
Fell off one of the New York Bridges into water and was fine
Got smacked by Mammoth, who earlier Chopped a large rock in half with an axe
Michelangelo has
Mikey fought a serious Splinter on even footing
With a bit of help from his shell and a roll, landed after jumping off a ship like hundred feet in the air without much injury
Got smashed up by a large wooden mallet from Wyrm, who previously used it to crush a man entirely
Donatello has
Knocked out Bebop and Rocksteady with his new staff after self-destructing Shellhead didn't have much effect
Bashed Shredder up into the air with his staff
Dodged an EMP gun with Angel and Raph
Dodged a Sniper's bullet in the same room
Jennika has
Fought a double mutated hyena
Two later Mutants of similar nature survived a gas station explosion
Multiple have
Dodged blasts from Renet’s Scepter (See Before the Verdict)
This also includes the Mutants in Manhattan video game, which is strongly based off the IDW Comics
The MiM TMNT can battle and defeat Mega-Krang via Krang-Droids, who created the portal he resides in
The energy from this portal becoming saturated was repeatedly stated capable of destroying all of New York City (316.472 Megatons of TNT)
The TMNT can all beat the Krangdroids prior to using them, and (optionally) use one later to fight Shredder (normal or super) without any major jump in battle difficulty
Prime Renet & Savanti/Time Scepter/Other Time Lords (Debatable)
“Oh, oh! I know where this is! This is like, one of those Death Battle Blog thingies, right? With all those tons of TNT and dimensions thrown around like they were handing them out like Halloween Candy? Yeah, I hung out with the Turtles a couple of times, well, I guess a bunch of times but only because surprise, there are a LOT of Turtles in the Multiverse. Well anyways, from the couple of times we’ve met and fought that evil dumb Savanti guy, I guess you could say they are up there with me in all the punchy punchy stuff? Well… I don’t know, I guess I’d need to check those recordings again… or ask my supervisor.” - Renet.
The Time Lords (Renet for one) are some of the most cosmic characters the TMNT of any universe interact with. This includes Savanti Romero, and the many times across series that the Turtles have foiled his plans, along with anybody else who can match this power. We'll give more info Before the Verdict. One might believe that Renet herself needed the Time Scepter to perform some of the feats being distributed here, but it has been shown through the Tales of the TMNT story “Spinal Trapped” that the Scepter itself is only really a device meant to channel Renet’s own inherent potential, and this is backed up across many of her later appearances through later Mirage stories, most notably her fight against Savanti Juliet where she was able to keep up with her with no Staff while the latter was being powered by a ritual that was “gripping time by the throat” or how during the events of Mirage Volume 4 she had become so adept to said powers she was able to take April back in time by her own power, even at older ages she can still manifest powers strong enough to knock someone like Rocksteady off his feet.
The Time Scepter/Masters (2003)
The Time Scepter is a very powerful weapon, and the turtles are able to combat it (despite being useless against its actual haxes)
The Scepter is stated to wield power beyond all time and space
Savanti claims he will kill Lord Simultaneous with the Scepter, and can move through time and space with it, with Time and space as his to command
The Time Scepter “hurt” the rest of the universe
The Time Scepter (2012)
Turtles were also able to detect said time loop
Renet has…
Renet two shots Savanti. (Mirage/IDW)
Kept up with Savanti Juliet, who was channeling enough power to “grip time by it’s throat.” (Mirage/IDW)
Alongside her student Lita, briefly stopped the incredibly powerful Armaggon… you know before they died. (Mirage/IDW) (See Before the Verdict)
Savanti Romero has…
Used a mystical attack against the Eye of Aga-Moo-Tou that “sent reverberations rippling out across the Multiverse.” (Mirage/IDW)
Was able to beat up Lord Simultaneous directly. (Mirage/Alt.Universe)
In relation to these…
(2012) The TMNT were meant to defeat Savanti, and Mikey can restrain Savanti
(Mirage/Alt.Universe) TMNT were able to harm and pierce Savanti’s flesh using stone shurikens of all things.
(2003) Ultimate Drako broke out of being frozen in time (somehow)
(2003) The War Staff and Time Scepter worked together (as confirmed by Lord Simultaneous) to set everything right once (See Before the Verdict)
Time Travel in general means pushing back against the Temporal Stream itself (Possibly Immeasurable, see Before the Verdict)
Due to an injury sustained at the hands of Tai Lung 2 decades prior, Shifu moves with a bit of a limp, and uses a walking stick to aid in his movement. He also suffered from mental blocks caused by the intense guilt he felt over Tai Lung’s betrayal, which prevented him from unlocking inner peace, but he has since moved past this. Occasionally, he can also be too rigid in his desire to follow ancient traditions as opposed to embracing spontaneity, which has caused him to make the wrong decisions on some occasions (despite his usual wisdom).
Arguably Shifu’s most persistent weakness, however, is the very thing that makes him such a wise master: his advanced age. He has trouble seeing in front of him, and occasionally his back will be thrown out of balance, preventing him from moving due to intense pain.
For as great as Splinter is, he does come with a few flaws. When Shredder first returned, Splinter let himself become overan with fear for his family. And while Splinter did eventually overcome this, he will still put himself in harms way to save the Turtles, and others like April. He’s walked into traps, such was when Tigerclaw and Shredder captured the turtles.
Perhaps one of his most notable flaws is his lack of mind control resistance. Pizza Face was able to control his mind. Not only that, but The Rat King was able to mind control Splinter, although he spent a majority of the episode resisting it.
Also he dies, not once, but TWICE.
Before The Verdict
Many-Faced Mask of Mong?
While this mask’s ability to immediately copy the stats and fighting skill of any other kung fu master would certainly help Shifu, and while it’s true that the last confirmed place we saw the mask was in the walls of the palace, the mask itself was stolen in another location, and Shifu likely returned it. So, it will not be discussed.
Shifu’s Chi Abilities (and miscellaneous kung fu techniques)
While Shifu is a user of chi, and has seemingly grown with the ability since Kung Fu Panda 3, it’s important to establish that there are facets of chi manipulation that Shifu is likely unable to do, abilities that he would only debatably be able to do, and abilities that he can do but has no knowledge of, in addition to the chi abilities he currently has. Going over them one at a time:
Shifu’s known chi abilities:
Interdimensional range
Life giving and healing
Light generation
Power amplification
Offensive energy projection
Abilities Shifu has but hasn’t demonstrated:
Soul removal
Resistance to chi absorption
Chi reclamation
Chi sensing
Anything related to musical kung fu’s chi applications (healing and fire manipulation primarily)
Abilities Shifu would only debatably get with Wellspring chi:
Sound manipulation
Time manipulation
Dimensional BFR
Creation and Void manipulation
In-between of the last two
Chi absorption
Ripping holes in space (What Jindiao used to escape the spirit realm)
Abilities Shifu would not have:
Any of the unique abilities of the four constellations (weapon creation, shield generation, enhanced healing and enhanced energy attacks)
Any of Jindiao’s unique abilities (Sleep inducement, summoning from alternate dimensions, mind control, dream entering, sealing/nullification of chi)
Naturally opening portals between the spirit and mortal realm (Hero’s Chi exclusive)
You’ll also know that Shifu was presumed to know a lot of techniques that he hasn’t replicated himself. Namely the Fluttering Finger Mindslip, the Silken Moon Touch, and attack reflection via inner peace. The reasoning for this was explained earlier, being that:
Shifu has likely read all of the sacred scrolls, which contain the mindslip, and Po could immediately do it just by reading how to.
The Moon Touch is something Shifu has witnessed multiple times, and he demonstrated he could replicate techniques after seeing them used a similar amount of times with the Blast Punch.
Shifu has mastered inner peace by his own words, and Po gained his attack reflection powers by mastering inner peace himself.
However, there were some techniques omitted from this blog, most notably Fenghuang’s Impossible Moves. While Shifu was there to witness all of these moves, it’s very much established that mastering them is limited to only the strongest masters, like Po and Fenghuang, with Fenghuang decimating Shifu when using these moves. As such, it’s a lot less likely that Shifu can use these, as opposed to the other moves that are more intermediate level techniques, used by comparable masters to Shifu himself. Certain chi abilities, like those of the Four Constellations and Jindiao, also appear exclusive to them, as no other generic chi user has demonstrated remotely comparable skills. The only reason Shifu is potentially able to use abilities tied to the Shuyong and Eternal Chord, is because those are abilities completely tied to their physiology, rather than any specific learned technique they employ. The Shuyong uses time manipulation because it is the creator of time with its fruit. The Chord can create and destroy the universe inherently with its power it is constantly using. And so on.
Scaling Shifu to high-tier threats
Generally speaking, Shifu is consistently portrayed as weaker than, but still comparable to, base Po. This has been consistent all the way up to Kung Fu Panda 3, with even Tigress beating base Po in that film (albeit his head wasn’t clear at the time). As such, he should likely be on par with at least anything Po scales to in Legends of Awesomeness.
Regarding Paws of Destiny, any scaling there related to the Wellspring is not possible for base Shifu. He simply doesn’t have the chi type necessary (that being Hero’s Chi boosted by the Wellspring) to allow him to match those levels. However, there is another potential avenue that will be discussed later.
Finally, getting to Dragon Knight, a question is: Should Shifu scale to base Po in this series?
It’s a little tricky. Shifu himself, nor the Five, actually appear at all. However, it’s definitely part of the same universe, as Po brings up Master Oogway when discussing his use of the mind-meld. Furthermore, while there was a significant growth in power from KFP1 to Legends of Awesomeness (shown by Shifu one-shotting a character who was unbeatable to Po early on in the series), there hasn’t been as big of a gap confirmed for this series. In fact, Po begins the series out of shape and out of his prime, easily losing to a pair of bandits without magic powers. Overall, Po in this series is about on par with what his base form was in KFP3.
Second, does Po in this series scale to the Tianshang weapons, and what are their power level?
Well, altogether they are absolutely somewhere in the Multi-Continent to Large planetary range. There are far too many statements about them splitting the continents, re-fusing them, and even destroying the planet itself.
Individually, the Wu-Gao Gauntlet, Storm Wheels, and Helm of Winds all have impressive showings, and it’s pretty clear that Po can at least scale to one of these at a time. He’s able to fight against Zuma when she’s boosted by 4 of the weapons, he fights against and defeats Master Mastodon (who imbued the storm wheels with his powers to begin with), and his arm withstood a collision with the Wu-Gao gauntlet with only a minor fracture. In the finale, characters have even shown they can fight Alfred when he was amplified by 4 or even all 5 weapons at a time, either with or without a Tianshang weapon of their own. So, the base characters would definitely scale to say, the Storm Wheels, the Helm of Winds, or the Gauntlet (since all the weapons are portrayed as on par with each other), but as for scaling to the continent moving potential of all four…it’s a little more debatable. While Po does scale to characters who can fight villains amplified by all the weapons at once, the weapons weren’t all glowing, which is usually the hallmark of them activating their powers. With that said, it’s implied that the weapons are always active in some sense to continue their continent moving, even when not glowing, and the weapons can still use their special abilities (such as their soul sucking) even when not glowing. Plus, the characters do scale to 1-4 weapons either by themselves or with a Tianshang weapon of their own, and it’s not implied that the weapons get exponentially stronger when together.
Overall, the characters may, at maximum, scale to 80% or the totality of the power of the weapons, but at least scale to 1 at a time.
Shifu scaling is highly debatable, as most of Master Yao’s power hinges on the use of the five great mystic kung fu secrets, but he does showcase legitimate kung fu physical ability, and in that regard has been threatened with execution by Temutai, who Shifu does scale to. Plus, Po with only the power to fly was able to defeat users of the other four mystic secrets. Master Yao knocks several buffalo into the air with ease and creates a massive light shockwave/pillar using the 8-Armed Yangtze Spleen Punch. The secrets include the ability to shoot lightning bolts, and the ability to multiply a user’s strength by 1000x. The Wings of Light allowed Po to fly into the clouds nigh-instantly from ground level.
Is Universal Kung Fu Panda real?
So this is sort of reliant on mixing Paws of Destiny with Legends of Awesomeness. But, in the latter, we’re introduced to the concepts of the Eternal Chord (a music that created the universe) and the Shuyong (a tree that created time). In the context of that series, there was no way to scale to them. While Po did technically generate a new sixth tone that recreated the Eternal Chord, there’s not anything directly linking it to his power level. However, they did sprinkle in nuggets of lore that helped later, such as confirming that sound is fueled by chi energy, and that chi energy exists in all living things (including plants)
Hopping into Paws of Destiny, we’re immediately introduced to the Wellspring, the source of all chi in the universe, a chi source that existed long before anyone of the world and was not of the world at all, and is a source of infinite/limitless chi energy. Said chi energy, as confirmed by Sun Wukong, is also the source of all light and life in the universe.
So, we have the source of all chi, the source of all light, in a universe that was created by sound, which is fueled by chi…
Yeah, as you can tell, my belief is that the Wellspring created the power to generate the eternal chord. There is some merit to this. Since the Wellspring and Eternal Chord both existed at the beginning of creation, all the chi power for the chord would have to come from the wellspring, and not from anything that existed at the time (especially since the only beings who existed at the time, the Yaoguai, explicitly did *not* want the chord to be made). Second, the Wellspring is not of the same universe, so arguments that the wellspring could only come after the Chord don’t hold up. Third, the Wellspring being the source of all light would line up with providing the power to create the universe, as the creation of the universe would inherently result in the creation of all light. And finally, it’s fairly consistent with the lore we know about the Wellspring. It’s referred to as the most powerful force for good in the universe (a universe that also includes the Eternal Chord itself), it’s stated to have limitless power (something not said about the Chord), and it in the hands of Jindiao was capable of punching a hole in the border of the spirit realm. This is a feat said by Master Blue Dragon to require “a greater power than the Spirit Realm”, which through multiple sources (i.e. Master White Tiger and the Art of Kung Fu Panda 3 book) is meant to be a universe of potential infinite size, and is a feat that has never been done before, ruling out the potential of it being teleportation like Kai used. So overall, the Wellspring upscaling the Eternal Chord is consistent.
Upscaling the Shuyong is a little more complicated. While the same rules could largely apply, seeing as the Shuyong is both a living sentient entity and a tree, two categories that definitely have chi, the timeline of the tree’s creation is a little more vague. When we’re introduced to it, it’s in a clearly defined space, implying that the universe has already been created and just lacks time. However, this is not confirmed, and it’s not cut and dry if the tree is indeed a “force for good” that would let the Wellspring’s statements upscale the Tree. So, consider this more of a “possibly”.
Does Shifu scale?
Normally, no. However, in the end of Paws of Destiny, the Wellspring’s energy is released into the world, with the Wellspring’s guardian confirming that its chi was within everyone now. He does specify the chi of the “planet” is in everyone, however, so you could argue that only the planet’s chi was given out to those on the planet, while the rest of the Wellspring was spread out throughout the universe. Moreover, since Shifu doesn’t appear in the series at all, we have no idea how he would utilize Wellspring chi if he did get it. One piece of evidence in favor of Shifu scaling, however, is that Jindiao (an entity amplified by the Wellspring) was dealt serious damage by the Wellspring’s guardian (a giant spider who is notably not a chi user), and he was dealt great pain by attacks from the chi blasts of the panda villagers (who are not hero’s chi users and simply have chi boosted by the Wellspring, notably achieved in a similar way to how everyone across China received it at the end of the series, and this chi boost was considered as comparable to the Wellspring as a chi source powerful enough to overwhelm Jindiao, who was amped by the Wellspring directly). So, characters without special chi, but with a wellspring boost (like the scenario Shifu would be in), were capable of damaging Jindiao amplified by the Wellspring, and even non-chi enhanced beings can harm him. As a result, it’s feasible that with the Wellspring chi boost (which visibly spread across and into all the people of China) that Shifu would get a portion of that Wellspring chi as well, a portion that may be enough to downscale the cosmic power of the Wellspring. This would also extend into speed, seeing as chi-enhanced beings can infuse chi into their speed to increase it, and beings with higher chi tend to massively blitz those with lesser chi (i.e. Po vs Kai).
However, Shifu would notably only scale to a portion of this, as the chi also went into every living being and plant and patch of water and weather across the planet, seemingly. Opinions on if this scaling is allowable for Shifu will be discussed later, as well as the level of power he’d achieve from it. For a rough estimate:
Since the Wellspring would also affect elements like sound, and every living creature no matter how small, this will take two variants, assuming the power was spread among all of the atoms amongst both the planet and the universe.
Planet: Earth’s mass has about 1.33E50 atoms, plus a leftover 1.07E44 atoms from the atmosphere which doesn’t contribute much. Assuming this divides the power of the Wellspring by this amount, it means the fraction of the power to light the universe for Shifu would be only 3.74 petatons of TNT (Continent Level), the creation of the universe would be 571 gigatons of TNT (Large Island Level, taking the mass energy of the universe as 3.177E71 Joules), and the fraction of Eternal Chord speed as being so low it’s not even worth considering.
Universe: The universe has 10^82 atoms in it. This makes all the feats ultimately not even worth considering.
This is, of course, assuming that Shifu’s divided fraction wouldn’t allow him to scale to Wellspring amped beings at all. We’ve seen in the series that Wellspring amped beings are not going around and blitzing everyone, and in fact Po was able to fight Jindiao while the latter had both Po’s hero’s chi *and* the Wellspring fueling him, and Zhi Zhu (a character who can’t even utilize chi) was able to surprise attack and damage Jindiao with his rock throwing. So, ultimately it depends on how you want to take this, but these would probably be the lowest levels Wellspring scaling would take Shifu, assuming it has finite numbers applied to it.
As for the multipliers (i.e. the Iron Heart amping strength by 1000x and Pang Bing’s ritual amping her powers 1 million x) attached to feats that base Shifu would scale to, such as the Tianshang weapons moving continents, the storm wheels storm creation, and the Wu-Xi finger hold cloud split, it’s safe to say that if Shifu does not directly scale to the Eternal Chord (and thus these multipliers), he may as well not scale to the multipliers at all, since his fraction likely would not approach the levels these achieve.
Infinite Speed base Shifu?
Just to quickly cover it, around the mid-point of Legends of Awesomeness Season 3, the episode “A Stitch in Time” has Po use the time traveling Shuyong Seeds to transport himself to a location that is described as “before the beginning of time”. This is reinforced by how another character, Fenghuang, who had gained the power to manipulate time at will, could not use her powers there, because time didn’t exist yet. So, Po moves in a space where time is naturally 0, so any move he does is infinite speed, and Shifu scales, right?
Probably not. Po is not naturally zooming around at infinite speed at any other point, and while the feat of Jindiao flying around the infinite spirit realm to find a way out is interesting, that’s only done by someone amplified by the Wellspring itself, which has already been established to be the verse’s god tier power, so Shifu naturally being infinite speed is very much likely an outlier if it was true (especially since we don’t know the extent to which Jindiao explored the spirit realm). More than likely, the power of the Shuyong gifted Po with some ability to move normally in this space, seeing as the Shuyong also gifted Po (and anyone touching him when he used its power) with knowledge of time resets whenever he utilized its seeds. It’s possible that Wellspring amped Shifu may get scaling to this if the Wellspring does indeed amplify the Shuyong with power, but the extent of scaling isn’t clear.
Moreover, the feat is likely not infinite speed to begin with. Time isn’t 0 here, time doesn’t exist at all, making time here an undefined value, and thus breaking the speed formula altogether. It’s likely just a feat of resistance to standard time stops for Po and other Shuyong wielders. Jindiao’s feat of crossing the spirit realm is likely very impressive, but unquantifiable. Sadge.
Explaining TMNT Laser Feats
Okay, well, this was bound to happen in the first place. The turtles in most of the iterations are usually dodging lasers, mainly from the Kraang, Shredder, The Foot Ninjas, Bebop and Rocksteady, and even that one scientist, what’s his name, Dexter Stickmon? Well that doesn’t matter, what matters is the lasers themselves. See, they are sometimes super weird, like really freaking weird. Things like the 1987 TV show of the turtles dodge laser…every…single.. EPISODE (Note: This is a pain for a very specific person, she knows who she is), while things like 2012 and 2003 usually have lasers that are valid, like in the feat for 2012 with the turtles being 3.11x FTL, or the feat in 2003 with the turtles being 31.71% - 68.19% SOL, then we have a feat in 1987 where the turtles are 1.189x FTL, which is super debatable, which will be discussed.
See, the 1987 Turtles lasers are super weird. They can be deflected and do go in a straight line, as shown in this feat here, but then they also have force, which real lasers don’t have any force behind them at all. With that being said, we don’t really know if we should consider these lasers as actual lasers, and many of us have different interpretations on if this can be used.
2003 TMNT scaling to Tengu Shredder
The Shredder is without question one of the most iconic cartoon villains, but his deadliest incarnation is by far the Tengu Shredder. He is, frankly, “an evil greater than all evils,” and the original Shredder. For a little refresher on 2003's Shredder situation, here's the history lesson. In 400 A.D, a Tengu Demon was spawned in Japan, and the finest warriors in all the land had to stop it. They would eventually become known as the Ninja Tribunal, and the one who “killed” the beast was Oroku Saki. In actuality, the Tengu tempted Saki with its power, and they merged to become the Tengu Shredder. The Tribunal managed to defeat him and seal him away, remaining ever vigilant that he never escape.
Then, a while later, the Utrom Ch'rell, a galactic criminal, escaped to Earth, where he took the guise of Saki and thus the Shredder in order to help his reputation of fear. He is the one the Turtles first met, and one of the biggest haters in fiction to be honest. Finally, Cyber Shredder is a copy of Ch’rell’s consciousness should his real body be otherwise occupied, and given he was imprisoned on an ice planet, that was exactly what got released when Viral broke through his coding. He assimilated her to gain form, and eventually escaped into the real world after battling the Turtles in Cyberspace multiple times.
Either way, the most contentious scaling is Tengu Shredder, given his impressive feats. So, let's talk about if the Turtles (and by extension 2012 Splinter) can scale. First, let's look at all the reasons they would not scale, just to gauge why people have had issues with it.
For starters, Splinter and the Ancient One don't do so well against these forces. They were immobilized in water bubble from Heralds (we will get to those idiots later but yes that is their in-canon name), and Splinter couldn't budge Golems the Turtles’ mystic power was needed to defeat. The Turtles Mystic power in general is what they needed to take on the Shredder, and that leads to plenty of antifeats against it. The Turtles in base got immobilized by a rock trap from a Herald, for one thing. There's also the matter of Karai, who Tengu didn't exactly appreciate stealing his mantle.
Once the heroes found out he was coming after her, both the Turtles and their masters believed Tengu Shredder would kill Karai, which they said more than once. So, how'd that fight go? Well, Karai had to use developed weaponry against such demons to fight him and to block his dark energy blasts, and the fight wasn't exactly close on Tengu's end, as he did eventually near-fatally wound her. That said, it is more complex than that. He was obviously more powerful than she was, but she still held her own in multiple areas. For example, her weaponry that she fought him with wouldn't increase her speed, and she blocked his energy blasts without issue, and also dodged blows he intended fatal in close range, clearly pissing him off. Later on, she briefly fought him with swords on even footing until he got really mad, and broke her sword. So, speed downscaling or potential scaling from this is applicable.
What about power and durability, you may be asking. In that vein, while Shredder was still stronger, she still walked off plenty of his attacks. While his snake did restrain her and his telekinesis hold her in place, she also tanked him slamming her into objects with that telekinesis as well. Plus, like I mentioned earlier, she did match him in a duel before he went 100% “I'm killing you.” Even if he wasn't going 100%, literally any percent in regards to his feats is impressive, but I'll elaborate on that later.
Beyond Karai, which is a debatable example to be fair, there are plenty of other examples of scaling to Tengu Shredder, with one of the most notable being that of his Heralds. Yes, that is their actual name, the vs brainrot hasn't clouded your mind. These guys scale to Shredder to a degree as we'll discuss later, so scaling to them nets you the good stuff, in layman's terms. This is because the Ninja Tribunal scales to base Shredder (the one that performed the feat anyway), and the Heralds were clearly much stronger than them. The Heralds took down half of the Tribunal, beat the other half, and the Tribunal's actual suicide attempt on them failed, with the Heralds walking away no worse for the wear.
For holes people have tried to poke, it should be noted that the Tribunal survived this, and stayed back to let events play as they should. People have thus claimed they weren't using their full power, and which is, frankly, nonsense. The Tribunal foresaw much of the events that would play out, but were clearly surprised on the Heralds specific actions, and thus would not purposely lose to them given the world was at stake. In both cases of defeating Tribunal members Chikara and Hisomi, it was a clear victory for the Heralds, and Chikara was blatantly heavily injured in physical wounds. Further support (or arguments against it) comes from the Heralds bodying Tribunal in an illusion they created as a lesson for the Acolytes. Revealed an illusion.
Why does all of this matter? Well, the Heralds are, in reality, the Mystic Ninjas from earlier in the show. This is MAJORLY impressive, as the Ninjas were directly defeated in Season 1 by the Sword of Tengu, a blade the Utrom Shredder made, in the hands of Splinter. Not only have the Turtles taken blasts from this blade, but not wielding a protective glove forces the user to channel its energies physically, which Splinter did, meaning the physical power to take them down is something he'd scale to. If you were to say they were weaker while Mystic, even regarding just the Herald side, the Turtles frequently took blasts from them without their powers protecting them, and other characters like Karai or the Ancient One dodged attacks from Mystical Guardians that the Heralds empowered. Of course, the most important aspect here is the Heralds are… frauds, to be honest.
Don’t get their actual power wrong, they do scale to the Tribunal, and by extension Shredder’s feat, but Tengu Shredder himself stated that they are “the lowest of my (his) minions.” Essentially, this makes every single soldier and monster Tengu Shredder created at the very least comparable to the Heralds, even if you want to be stingy with the statement. To back it up, Tengu Shredder genuinely found it hilarious and laughed in the Turtles faces when they quickly took care of the group, and he’d have no real reason to lie. This leads into a TON of other examples where the newly resurrected Shredder brought forth hordes of zombies and monsters, which literally everybody the Turtles scale to can fight on even footing. The biggest example would be when the Turtles showed up with an army of their allies to fight the monsters Shredder employed, and although the sheer number began to overwhelm them as time went on, both the vast majority of their allies and the Justice Force could take on this army, which nets scaling to Tengu Shredder through that.
This isn’t exactly anything out of the ordinary either, as the Turtles and Karai fought Shredder’s Zombie army right after he made the statement of the Heralds being his weakest minions (which on its own gives credence to their scaling given the context of it). That example had them use their amulet powers, but later in that same fight they just fought the zombies in base with no issue, and again, Karai could fight them as well. Combined with the army examples, that is a clear chain directly to Tengu’s feat, albeit a lengthy one.
Base Turtles = Zombie Soldiers > Heralds > Tribunal > Tengu Shredder (original base form).
This may seem a bit contradictory, but overall it does make sense, especially with further context on how this scaling works exactly. It’s important to clarify that this isn’t scaling to a serious current Tengu Shredder, it’s scaling to his past self casually moving the moon, which gets large planet. The Heralds upscale it or at the least compare given their relation to the Tribunal, and since Tengu Shredder stated they are the lowest of his minions, battling his others would at the bare minimum be in their ballpark. This does also make sense contextually, as the reason Tengu Shredder is so hyped up by series end is that his power grows the more Evil he spends, “with every passing second” increasing it. As such, the last time we see him, he would be SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than when he casually moved the moon, and at that point, the team had to weaken Shredder by separating his weapon and gauntlet in order to fully beat him, along with Karai’s ritual.
Of course, one of the biggest pieces of evidence is the Shredder that followed in Tengu’s footsteps; the Cyber Shredder. I mentioned earlier that he was a virus who made his way into the real world, but we can talk about actually scaling to him in a second. As for scaling him to Tengu Shredder, it comes from a convenient little multiversal hop in the first episode of his season, where the Turtles are teleported to “their worst nightmare” by Viral, which was an all-out war between all three core Shredder’s where each of them were holding their own against each other pretty much evenly. For specific examples, there is
Utrom Shredder fought Tengu Shredder (dodged his magic, tanked physical attacks, and rammed him against a wall).
Cyber Shredder fought Tengu Shredder (shrugged off a large blast from him, and directly matched his physical strength, fought him later)
Utrom Shredder bashed them both back, and dodged slashes from Tengu Shredder
Their soldiers were fighting each other the entire time
All of this is pretty blatant evidence for scaling Cyber or even Utrom Shredder to the Tengu variant, to the point that you can’t really ignore it or call it an outlier. Even in this very dimension, the Turtles jumped and fought Utrom for a while, and dodged blasts from Tengu Shredder, which Splinter also did. The only real flaw you could try to poke is when Cyber Shredder slashed through part of the Utrom’s exoskeleton, which, is really just a result of his blade than anything else. We saw later in this very battle, even while that part was damaged, Ch’rell’s armor still tanked blasts from Tengu Shredder with only his outer shell maintaining any damage, and he could still fight without a problem. So, there is a clear scaling chain between Tengu and Cyber. The only possible way you can try to poke holes in it is by saying that since they are in other dimensions, their powers wouldn’t be on par with the main versions we see. That holds no real grounds, ESPECIALLY in 2003’s case. While we will discuss it later, generally speaking, all versions of the Turtles are pretty much always treated with the same power levels in mind, which holds true for their villains.
In 2003 alone, the Turtles have fought alongside alternate versions of themselves (take Donnie’s dark future episode for one) which includes their villains, like in that same episode. Across the various media of TMNT, they have frequently matched their other selves, and struggled against each others villains all the same. Even from this very instance, the Turtles are portrayed as inferior to the Shredder’s like always, but still able to keep up with them and overwhelm them over time. This matters because only a few episodes later, the Turtles had the exact same situation with the mainline Tengu Shredder, which is why the scaling exists at all. The fight comparison is virtually identical on how it went, so the Tengu Shredder in that alternate dimension should be at the LEAST similar to the original form where he moved the moon. That is also further support for it, as no matter how different the Tengu Shredder was, his core origin should stay the same, relatively speaking, and it is where he performed the feat to begin with. Your track then of denying the feat and thus the scaling is by saying he somehow didn’t have the same origin due to it being an alternate dimension, which we have no proof for whatsoever. Even more proof of this was Viral’s very wording stating she would send them to the worst possible place for them, which speaks volumes in how dangerous this dimension would be.
So, to conclude that angle, Cyber Shredder should scale to Tengu Shredder, and thus, scaling to him nets you scaling to large planetary. More on that in a bit.
Of course, now we need to cover how the Turtles scale to Cyber Shredder, which could seem a bit weird for those who watched the show. From Season 5 onward, the Turtles used select power-ups every season to fight the main villains, so to speak. The Tengu arc had the Acolyte Amulets/their Astral Avatars, Fast Forward had future weapons and gear, and Back to the Sewer had them utilize Cybernaut armor to fight Cyber Shredder in Cyberspace. So, seems non-applicable, right? Well, not really. Don’t get it wrong, they did need the armor, but not to match his stats. They explicitly needed it because while in Cyberspace, Cyber Shredder was basically a Demigod. He could do whatever he wanted power-wise, and had much more experience in that regard by nature of his assimilating Viral or just his being a Cyber-being. They needed the armor to match his powers, and once they got it, fighting him became much easier. Even before getting it, they could dodge and tank his blasts all the same, and they were forced to retreat because of his powers, like teleportation making it hard to even hit him.
This continues on into the rest of the season, and they frequently match him in Cyberspace. Of course, the main example comes from fighting him in the real world, which is exactly as it appears. A major focus was put into Shredder trying to go into the real world “whole” and he tested his portals until he made exact duplicates, matter for matter, of subjects in the real world, just like Donatello’s original portal that sent the Turtles into Cyberspace. He obviously succeeded, which Donatello confirmed, and then the Turtles had to fight him again. The same scenario happened like most other Shredder duels, where they could bash him back, dodge and tank his attacks, and eventually beat him while doing both through strategy. What REALLY brings this altogether is the final fight of the series, where Cyber Shredder crashes Casey and April’s wedding with an upgraded army of Foot-Solders.
For this event, he absorbed an energy influx to, by his own words, become “more powerful than ever.” Even despite that, The Turtles tanked his strikes and kept up with him even though he was stronger, to the point that he used a telephone pole as a bat on them and they still shrugged it off. Splinter even directly fought him and damaged his body more than anyone else, and tanked his attacks as well, despite his aim being to distract him to set up an easier hax-based victory. That angle could be used to say he was just much stronger, due to them going for a hax-based victory, but realistically, he showed up with an army on top of a power boost when nobody was expecting it, so going for a quick victory doesn’t negate any scaling given context. Still, the greatest examples don’t come from that, or Cyber Shredder manhandling multiple members of the Justice Force (though it helps), but rather the guests at this wedding.
Like a good finale does (hey, I liked Season 6-7), it brings back several past allies and friends for a sweet and touching climax to the story. In the case of the wedding, it invited basically every major ally the Turtles had. Usagi, the Justice Force (fashionably late), Utroms, their Acolyte friends (see where this is going?), and the Ninja Tribunal. Remember them? They scale directly to the large planet feat Tengu Shredder pulled off, and they were also here for the fight against Shredder’s army, meaning the soldiers Shredder brought fought them as well. Everybody who could fight during this mini-war was doing so, and the Foot soldiers outright herded everybody in the group (forcefully/they overpowered them) into the barn to drop it all on them. That leads to even more evidence, where Leatherhead (somebody the TMNT definitely scale to) worked together with Hisomi (one of the Tribunal) to hold it all up Spider-Man-style and save the group. While the feat itself is less than something like blowing up a planet, he is directly aiding Hisomi strength-wise to do so, and is great support for matching these kinds of powers. After, the armies went back to fighting each other, and that's curtains for Cyber Shredder,
So, for a quick TL;DR, the Turtles most assuredly compare to Tengu Shredder’s planet feat. The Tribunal and the Heralds directly scale to it, and the Turtles directly scale to them, whether through the Sword of Tengu, taking hits from them without their powers, or Cyber Shredder. All of this might seem a bit strange for a group who struggled against Utrom Shredder not so long ago, but it should be stressed that the Turtles directly got much more skilled as the series progressed. The Heralds themselves note this, as does Utrom Shredder when Season 6 Leo fought him one-on-one (time travel, long story), which was a long way from when the Turtles needed to gang up on him to stand a chance. This shouldn’t be very shocking thus given the circumstances behind Tengu’s feat, and so, it’s pretty much legitimate that they scale.
Before we close out with the most impressive logic of all, it should also be stressed that Tengu Shredder has frequently been stated to be “the greatest evil this world has ever known.” This very statement, along with several others practically identical, has been repeated by Splinter (multiple times actually) and Leonardo (also multiple times), with repeated emphasis on how dangerous he is. Since several people using the Time Scepter and the War Staff would be included in that sort of grouping at that point, you could theoretically argue Tengu Shredder upscales all of that mumbo-jumbo as well. You could also say this applies to malice, but it wouldn’t really matter at that point, as the point of this was to discuss if the Turtles scale to large planet, and perhaps shockingly, the 2003 Turtles should 100% scale to this by series end.
4D Viral?
Viral, our favourite computer virus. Now, why bring her up in the first place? Simple, Cyber Shredder is directly above her, which we’ve already established a scaling chain exists for. You might remember that Viral is described as “a multi-quanti digital construct of infinite subtlety and power” and Viral can do a lot, like taking control of the time window and controlling the temporal stream itself. This let her spit the Turtles across different dimensions at will, and search between different dimensions rapidly to put them in specific ones.
The only issue is it's not clarified whether this was powers or Hax. She did this through her nature as a virus (though how she affected the literal time stream is beyond me) and it's hard to concretely apply that to AP. If it was, Cyber Shredder would simply scale, but it's genuinely really hard to discern how she did this.
Cross Dimensional scaling, Turtle power!
You've probably heard of the idea of cross-scaling the different Turtles to each other across their many variants, thus applying basically any Stat or feat from any Era to any Turtle or their team. This should go over that field, and how it works exactly.
The first example of cross-scaling showed up in Turtles Forever, where the 2003 Turtles met and fought alongside their 1987 counterparts, along with their villains in a clear scaling chain. This continues into 2012's Transdimensional Turtles Episodes, where the titular team had the same scenario with the same 1987 team. These examples by themselves would lead to a general circular scaling chain between all three, due to 2003 and 2012 exceeding 1987, and thus inherently comparing to each other. We say exceeding because the 80's Turtles are looked at as less threatening for both teams, and generally not as deadly.
This continues with the various other crossovers across the series, which leads into the other major comic series, like the original, Mirage. In Turtles Forever, they meet 1987 and 2003, which of course leads to a fight. Now, some have claimed this axes scaling given it did seem like a clear victory for Mirage, but that isn't the case when you really look at it. The main process of events here is that the Mirage Turtles are antagonistic due to believing the others as fakers, and they proceed to try and kill them, as you do. They got close in the case of 2003 Leonardo, before he informed them of the situation. Therein lies the issue: none of the ‘87 or ‘03 Turtles were actually interested in fighting, while Mirage blatantly was.
The context for this is that both teams were trying to save the Mirage Turtles from Shredder in a very high-stakes/do-or-die scenario. They could not afford to waste any time in unnecessary conflict, and the entire fight was mostly the more reasonable members going on defense in order to try and explain what was going on. So, its not a factor of “they couldn't fight back,” its that they wouldn't fight back. Even in the context of them actively not trying to fight, Leonardo for example blocked several attacks from his Mirage counterpart, and the various other Turtles walked off blows from the remaining Mirage Turtles without an issue. So, it's clear they do compare, it's simply that we didn't see what an actual no-holds barred duel would look like due to context.
There's also the matter of how serious vs funny characters interact in the majority of media, which concerns the 80’s Turtles trying to run away and thus any counter arguments to scaling from that. Frankly, we already established 87’ downscales 2003, who do scale to Mirage in this instance, and again, it's a matter of edgy vs goofy for why they ran. Even for the other teams like 2003 and 2012, both view the 87 team as goofier and less effective due to not as much time spent on serious training. Hence, their more comedic nature is played for laughs by more serious characters, with Mirage being the most serious TMNT has ever been. So, obviously most series will portray the goodies characters as inferior to gritty ones, but here it doesn't mean much due to already established chains.
Through Mirage, you also have to consider the more recent IDW line. This one is pretty simple really, as while it hasn't technically crossed over with any cartoons, it is heavily built into Mirage and the wider TMNT multiverse as a whole. For example, it outright stated that the Mirage Savanti and Renet are the same characters we see in the series, which itself makes cross-scaling a lot easier given virtually every major TMNT series involves them at some point (more info later). The greatest example of how it scales though is one Miyamoto Usagi (or Usagi Yojimbo), Stan Sekai's Ronin rabbit. We'll actually talk about him next, but long story short, Usagi has had a long standing history regarding the TMNT, having several different iterations of his own that have met different versions of the turtles.
More relevant to cross scaling however, in regards to Mirage and IDW, is that both sets of Turtles were transported to Japan in Usagi's own original comic continuity for crossovers. One of which where IDW Leonardo matches Usagi blow for blow in a duel until they are stopped. This matters because during this clash, Usagi directly references the Leonardo he knew from their last other crossovers, the Mirage variant, who he obviously scales to. Pretty evident chain of IDW Leo matching Usagi who similarly scales to the Mirage team.
In conclusion, virtually every major TMNT series scales to each other due to crossovers proving such, leading to 2003/2012 scaling and upscaling from 1987, IDW matching Mirage who falls potentially above all 3 but nothing insurmountable or provable, and so on. The cross-scaling is legitimate, and basically everything one version scales to should apply to others.
Crossover scaling, Turtle po- wait what?
Alright, let’s get this one out of the way. Frankly, we already had a big enough workload as it is, and researching several separate series with decades of content on top of TMNT is too much at this point. So, whether they are or are not legitimate doesn’t affect much. You would still be asking “are they true?” in which case, the answer for both would be…
Starting with Usagi, any hardcore TMNT fan knows his deal. He has crossed over with pretty much every major incarnation of them with virtually no difference, even in versions separate from his original comic self (2003/the best one). All of them share the same backstory, and generally follow the same internal continuity that Usagi has. He is so intertwined with the series that the only major series that he is not in would be Rise, which itself was ended prematurely, so who knows. As for actually scaling, they obviously match him all the time, with the most relevant example being the one we mentioned earlier in IDW. This was Usagi in his own series, who met the Turtles in a crossover where they were transported to his land. Usagi outright said while fighting Leonardo (blow for blow by the way) that he wasn’t the Leonardo he knew, referencing his internal continuity of having met the Mirage Turtles before. Furthering this, the IDW Sourcebooks (the equivalent of a manga guidebook or any other lore/world mechanics based collection of the series) outright state that Usagi himself has met “several different Turtles before” which is concrete proof that his crossovers with the Turtles are in fact canon to both their worlds. The Shredder’s Revenge video game also directly shows how Usagi’s home dimension is just… inside the TMNT multiverse anyway, so, yeah lol.
For what this means, it's that Usagi himself obviously scales to the Turtles (any of them really) and they should as well be on the opposite end. Usagi himself doesn’t have much in the way of research, so until that is done, who knows if anything impressive comes out of it.
For the Ghostbusters, this is a similar case. The (currently at that point) ongoing IDW series’ of both TMNT and Ghostbusters had a crossover regarding a TON of lore-specific details that outright engrains it in the story to a point that is impossible to ignore. For a brief refresher, IDW TMNT has these beings called the Pantheon, which are virtual God’s the Turtles must deal with and fight at points, like the Rat King or Kitsune. One of the members, Chi-You, was banished to another dimension by Kitsune centuries ago, which was a central plot point in much of the Pantheon’s later strife. This alternate dimension was in fact the Ghostbusters' own, and Chi-You became the villain of the crossover, where the Turtles banded together with the Busters to stop him. For a reminder, this is a specific villain in IDW TMNT lore who canonically vanished for centuries due to Kitsune’s actions, which people referenced outside of the crossover. For more and more proof, they had a SECOND crossover with the Ghostbusters, where both parties recognized each other, remembered the events of the first one, and this STILL had another villain from TMNT, whose actions in-canon resulted in his showing up here (Darius Dunn getting killed by Splinter and showing up as a Ghost).
So, to clarify, BOTH of these crossovers involve actual characters from TMNT whose in-canon actions/results of actions led to this crossover, with Chi-You’s being literally impossible to deny unless you wish to deny a central plot point of the IDW story. Part of the crossover is quite literally built into IDW’s lore, which is already major proof for it being applicable, but the IDW sourcebooks further this by outright mentioning all of it and the crossover itself. They don’t mention the Busters by name (because of copyright I assume?) but these books are lore and story-based, which document all that happened across the story of IDW. In fact, these literally go in linear fashion, describing all of this in a general event by event process to the end of the current story. So, it is the story itself describing all of these events as having happened inside the story. Finally, and the most damning evidence of all, Chi-You was brought back to end the Pantheon game near the end of IDW. Why does this matter? At the end of the first TMNT/Ghostbusters crossover, he was trapped by the Ghostbusters, with said trap being tossed into space several light-years from Earth. His being released outright shows this trap, which itself is showing off the conclusion to that crossover. If it wasn’t canon, he could not have been in that scenario, nor would he have been gone all those years to begin with. Both beginning and end to that crossover are ingrained in the lore itself, and thus, absolutely canon. No ifs, ands, ors, or buts.
As for the results of that, the IDW Ghostbusters line is generally a soft-composite of all that happened prior in the series, like the movies and etc. So, you could likely apply relevant scaling to the Busters' best feats… if they were documented. Ghostbusters is also very under researched, and we can’t really do anything with this knowledge given Ghostbusters is nearly as big as TMNT as a series.
TL;DR, both crossovers are 100% canon as refuted by several sources, cross-scaling exists, but we don’t know what that extends to.
Fucking. IDW. Armaggon.
For those unfamiliar with this entity, in the IDW Run, Armaggon is a mutated shark influenced by Donnie's constant tampering with magic and technology that led to his transition to a force of nature that roams different realities while devouring everything in sight. You might be asking yourself why does he matter at all here? Well mainly cuz he'll be deemed as the destroyer of cohesive scaling in just mere moments. For one, Donnie had a vision about the possible future outcomes as Armaggon slaughters him and his three brothers leaving only destruction in its way.
In the later issues, this is further exemplified through alternative timeline versions of Ralph and Leo being consumed by Armaggon in a vicious display. Renet and Lita arrive to the rescue and bring Donnie & Venus to their temple while surrounding the place in an omnidirectional barrier to shield them until further notice. Things go from zero to a hundred, when the shark tore through reality and entered the Timelord’s domain as he sinks his teeth into their barrier each time. Renet and Lita were the only ones capable of holding it off to avoid running the risk of their friends meeting a grim fate. Unfortunately they eventually succumb as Armaggon tears through the barrier but at the last second, Lita transports her dad to another reality as the two Time Lords are found presumably dead consumed with 79th Dimension's temple.
In order to stop him for good, Donnie decided to use specialized talismans to manifest an impermanence sigil cube that held the power to absorb Armaggon 's magic reverting him back to his original state.
With all of that explained, you can see the issue with this shark. For one, obviously the turtles can't scale at all given Donnie's certainty that the Armaggon will lead to their demise being a major plot point. Depending on your stance, this could also put into question other aspects of his scaling avenues with Renet and Lita. The two Timelords being the only ones in the entirety of the run to hold back Armaggon for a considerable time, a feat that would be deemed improbable for Donnie to measure up to as he had to be constantly on the run and needed to weaken the creature. For more context on the major stuff, the reason that Lita and Renet lost is because their spells needed time to cast, and Armaggon just kept chomping until they ran out of time. Armaggon also devours QNA (stupid hax/Power system IDW pushed in its final issues), which basically means he eats time itself (it is stated he was devouring the future), so its more hax based than anything, and people utilizing it have rewrote mutations away while explaining it better (or worse) than I can.
Basically, it’s all super confusing, doesn’t really shoot potential scaling in the foot due to hax, and is… really just pretty stupid. Believe me, it’s basically an acid trip.
Multi TMNT (Cosmology)
NOTE: Plenty of this isn’t as polished as we like due to lack of organization, imguring, and a bunch of other factors. It also is debated between us, so we’ll lay out the information coherently as best we can.
The Multiverse of the Turtles is… quite vast, and one shouldn’t really be surprised with how much the series has progressed.
Turtles Forever started the main source of it, by showing that each new cartoon or media source isn’t just a reboot, it’s an entirely new universe showing the general idea of TMNT in a new scenario, hence all the distinction and composite arguments people make about it, since they are different characters. Just from the movie, we see chibi Turtles, various comic Turtles (including Archie’s line), movies (live action and the 2007 animated film), and alternate futures seen in 2003 no less. From that implication, literally every dark or alternate future the Turtles visit across their many incarnations is its own timeline, spawning who knows how many off that perspective alone. Once that aspect of the characters being different versions got introduced, basically every TMNT property under the sun was inducted into it at one point or another. All of the main cartoons (1987, 2003, 2012, Rise) are inside it, as are the main comic lines (Mirage, Archie, IDW), along with the earlier stated movies, and even games based ON these very media, such as the 8-Bit Battleground dimension shown in Shredder’s Revenge.
Elaborating on what this entails, 2003 frequently goes into this sort of thing. Season 2 Episode 21 has Donatello detail theories of everything being made of atoms, and since atoms are mostly empty space, you could have parallel universes all occupying the same space. A slight shift of atoms, and now you're in another dimension. This goes further once the Battle Nexus gets introduced, and this extends to the Nexus itself (Season 2 Episode 23). It is “a world between worlds, dimensions even; a nexus.” Mikey also said it was like “a point of overlapping subspace commonality.” per Star Trek rules, shocking the others and apparently being correct on it.
The Nexus was created to find the best warriors “across the multiverse”, and is a literal nexus from a multitude of different worlds that one can prove their skill in throughout “all creation”. In fact, Hamato Yoshi and Splinter both won before, becoming Friend of his the best of the best that day, and furthered, greatest warrior in all the multiverse. More elaboration on this comes from Mirage and IDW, which is quite a lot, as its time shenanigans are found throughout the TMNT series. Enter Renet, Savanti Romano, and the 79th Dimension of Null-Time.
Mirage introduced the 79th Dimension of Null-Time (the Dimension of the Time Masters) which is pretty varied in how it is portrayed. Often called either the 79th dimension or the 79th level, it is a floating area in a curious space where Time Masters (who are also transdimensional beings) like Renet are. Going into IDW to clarify a bit on Renet, there is actually only one Renet, so to speak, across the entire TMNT franchise, same with Savanti Romano, due to being Time Lords. All the different versions you see of Renet is simply her at different moments in time, and thus, she has gone on several adventures with the different Turtles of the multiverse despite varying appearances. In particular, the Mirage Renet and Savanti are the same ones shown in IDW, which is where most of this comes from. This of course leads into the temporal side a bit, where IDW has added into the Null-Time factors, whether by clarifying the 79th Dimension has no space/time there, by calling it both the 79th Dimension or the 79th Level, or the 79th Null-Time (more on that later). In fact, the 79th Dimension is outside time itself, which matters more later, and we’ll return to this in a bit.
Now, let’s discuss the various realms and areas across the multiverse that apply here. We mentioned earlier, but various other dimensions exist across the Multiverse, such as that of the Ghostbusters Miyamoto Usagi, or Archie Comics are also included. This isn’t limited to alternate dimensions, such as Dimension X (which has several planets and systems) or Dimension Z, but also Heaven, Hell/the Underworld and other Worlds beyond Perception. You have the Thin Places (Lineal spaces beyond physical space), the Astral Plane (a Non-Physical space that can be accessed through meditation which includes metaphysical pathways), and the Battle Nexus. In both 2003 and IDW, it is similar, yet different. 2003 has it as we stated earlier, while IDW has it as an area suspended beyond space-time in an endless dimension. Also, another realm in 2003 was beyond time and space
Next, lets go over some miscellaneous details. The Multiverse has an Infinite history, the universe is a quantum universe, and everyone has physical and spatial gravity (Metaphysical gravity of essence, or Radiant Gravity). These forces extend beyond the material universe, and into thought/dreams/elemental planes/the dead, with QNA as the scientific term for the spirit (important in regards to Armaggon). Several theories also get discussed across the series (Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Field theory, String Theory, etc). Now for the big stuff.
Time is infinite, has mass and mechanics, to the point that you need an enormous amoount of energy to travel back in time, which is compared to Renet’s staff (important in a bit). Paradoxes create new universes, which Renet interchangeably calls timelines/dimensions, and reaffirms the former point that different actions in a timeline through time travel create a new timeline. In that vein, a TT. Alter-Stream is formed by a time traveler, and most are I.M, not T.T. T.T are rare (infinite number rarely occur), meaning infinite dimensions. Continuing, let’s talk about the time Bebop and Rocksteady almost destroyed all of reality. That is no joke by the way, as it is repeatedly stated they were destroying all space-time, all of time, all of reality, and more along the lines of multiversal collapse. Specifially, they created so many alternate timelines that all this happened from time traveling, resulting in their seriously fracturing the timeline, randomly sprouted T.T alter-streams, sub-streams, box dimensions, and more. At the end of it all, their actions resulted in 1.5 million dimensions getting destroyed, and a Re-bang that rebooted the multiverse.
After that, there’s the Transdimensional Turtles Book by Palladium (which isn’t necessarily canon to Mirage but is fine in the sense of the TMNT multiverse) talks a bunch about this, along with plenty of other details to really bring things home. It talks of higher dimensions, like time, space, and a higher dimension that leads to parallel universes. There are an infinity of possibilities, greater than a googol or googolplex, bigger than everything put together, and thus an infinite number of alternate dimensions. Continuing with a return to the 79th Dimension, it is the 79th level of the dimension of Nulltime, which is "Side-Time". This is outside linear time of going forward or backwards, which are gaps in spiraling tubes of time. There are several of them, with the 79th level being a cylinder that fits inside the coiled tube of time. Weird. What else it does is state that Time Travel is the fourth dimensional movement from one time to the next, and that Temporal Energy makes you move faster in time to go forwards or back, and moving backwards in time means moving against the force of the time stream itself. Temporal Energy also keeps things from disintegrating under the pressure of the time stream, and Time stops counteract the flow of temporal energy.
In other words, the mere act of traveling through time here is likely immeasurable, this is further backed up by Archie TMNT mainstay Cudley The Cowlick, who is able to traverse time and space via sheer speed alone. So, a Time Scepter with that energy could possess that speed in blasts, and the Turtles have dodged these attacks before in IDW. This leads into scaling, where Bebop/Rocksteady have used the Scepter as a bat/damaged it, tanked blasts from Renet as well, bodied Savanti physically (jeez they are monsters), and the Turtles got whacked by that Scepter from the Duo. 2003 furthers this, where the Turtles fight Savanti. They dodge shots, tank smacks from the scepter, blasts from it, etc.
This is furthered with the matter of Drako (normal and Ultimate), and the War Staff. Drako took blasts from the War Staff in the past (Season 2 Episode 23), and dodged them as well (Season 2 Episode 26), as did the Ultimate Ninja. With the War Staff, the latter claimed he would be “Master of the Multiverse” (Season 2 Episode 25), and it tore a rift between worlds as a multidimensional wound/rift that would destroy all it touches (Season 2 Episode 26). Getting sucked into it was implied to be death for the both of them (The War Staff closed this portal right after), but they actually merged into Ultimate Drako. This guy later returned to use the Time Scepter and War Staff, which matters in context to the video game retelling these events, Mutant Nightmare. It follows the entire story, elaborating on some details and adding in some extra story elements when needed.
Here, the final boss of the game was Ultimate Drako with the Scepter, and they just kinda beat his ass, even after he outright stated he would unleash his “true powers” upon showing up for the fight. Pretty straightforward.
Finally, Bebop and Rocksteady fought older Renet but she did kill them. This is likely because of her greater skill in time abilities, and countered by Savanti stating the duo would be useful when he would aim to overthrow the time master council. More miscellaneous details include 79th dimensional ships and dimension 80 class vehicles, and other sources capable of destroying the multiverse, like Cody’s machine in 2003 Season 6 Episode 16 could build up energy to create a complete space-time rupture, and was stated later in the episode to cause just that if not stopped. There was also the attack mentioned earlier that shook the multiverse, which also works.
For the last main point, in Shredder’s Revenge, it is noted that his plan is to conquer the multiverse (in the video description), with the channel being the makers of the game (Dotemu).The wording from the Neutrinos clarifies that if Shredder collected enough crystals, it would be “badsville” for all dimensions. This is backed up by Official advertisements for the game that states he seeked to conquer the multiverse itself. In which the crystals he uses are absorbed into his person prior to fighting him, indicating whatever power boost this applies to his own capabilities. That said, we are unsure if this would make him truly a multiversal level threat given his main plan was centered around conquering/invading the many realities with not too much backing that he could cause the destruction of them.
So, what does this all land? Numerous areas outside space-time or beyond it, extradimensional areas and spaces, an infinite multiverse, higher dimensions like space and time, feats to back it up, and likely immeasurable speed from traveling back in time. Actually scaling the Turtles to all of this may seem far-fetched, but we’ll discuss it a bit more later.
This has been my Ted Talk. Time to sleep.
(TN by IamMira)
(TN by Fenic)
(Art by Advent_Chao)
Fight Script
Please check out this awesome Fight Script written by Kung Fu Panda researcher, JJSlidermanowar!
For stats, we’re going to break this down into four different ways: Low, Mid, High, and Godly. Throughout this, we’ll bring up any issues that we might have within these respective segments.
Low: For the reasonable minimum you can place these two, Splinter takes a comfortable edge. For raw power and durability, Shifu’s lower feats max out at kilotons from Crane’s kinetic energy with 1.66 kilotons. Everything else gets a few tons of TNT, and speed-wise, he can match lightning timers, or scaling to Crane flying at nearly Mach 500. Impressive, but Splinter heavily outcasses both. Kraang Supreme survived an explosion ranging from 82.3 Kilotons of TNT - 8.8 Megatons of TNT, and Splinter can certainly scale to this. This gives him at least a near 50× power advantage (49.578313253 if you're curious) and he would comfortably outstat in both strength and durability due to this, let alone other multi kiloton feats from Honeycutt (14.05 Kilotons of TNT) or Chimera destroying a mountain (502 Kilotons - 4.32 Megatons of TNT), which increase the gap even more. Speed is just as clear-cut, due to scaling to the Turtles own laser dodging ends. Those get just over 3 times faster than light, and that’s not the only feat that gets to this level, or even higher. Other speed feats for Splinter, like scaling to the TMNT dodging a Kraang blaster, gets 37 - 82% The Speed of Light. Both of those are hundreds to thousands of times faster than Shifu’s massively hypersonic scaling, so no matter where you place Splinter’s low end stats, he’s always and consistently above Shifu.
Winner: Splinter.
Mid: Mid ends is an interesting scenario, but still ultimately a victory for Splinter. For Shifu, we can scale him to Po’s feat of dispersing clouds clearing the horizons generating 837 Megatons of TNT-1 Gigaton of TNT, but it goes even further. as Po has contended with users of the five Tianshang weapons. These ancient tools, when unleashed, are capable of splitting the continents worth about 13.55 Yottatons of TNT. For Splinter, his cross-scaling includes the MiM video game, where the turtles can downscale Mega-Krang (they beat him with robots they beat up to use in the first place, one can be used to fight Super Shredder later, etc), which lands nearly 300 megatons, which is weaker than Shifu, but still close enough to where he can hang in there if he lands speed. Splinter would also scale to his sons, who can compare to the 2003 Turtles thanks to cross-scaling. Since they compare to Tengu Shredder’s moving the moon through several examples (check the BTV on him) they would then compare to 5.7 Yottatons of TNT. This changes in the tides in Shifu's favor with him having nearly thrice the power of Splinter in the megaton ranges, and twice as much strength when comparing Yottaton ranges. Speed however, is another story. Shifu can scale to Master Black Tortoise throwing a shield at around 6 percent the speed of light. Impressive, but Splinter makes it significantly less impressive-looking by scaling to Silver Sentry through the Shredders, who tossed a robot into the sun at 245 times the speed of light. This would put Splinter way faster than Shifu, a massive blitz in his favor. Even without that, Splinter would STILL blitz even Black Tortoise through his laser-scaling. So, while Shifu is a little stronger, Splinter is so much faster he can just negate that advantage entirely.
Winner: Splinter
High: High ends are basically the same as Mid ends. The AP is the same, Shifu is downscaling 13.55 Yottatons of TNT from The elemental masters. The downscaling comes from base Po being able to scale to 4/5 weapons at once. Splinter is still scaling 5.7 Yottatons of TNT. So, you might ask, why is this a category? Simple, speed increases. You could argue Shifu would scale to the Masters own space feat of flying at 32 Million × FTL, but Splinter would scale to 526 Million × FTL through Zammeron's space-cruiser or 17 Trillion x FTL through Honeycuts ship (debatable). It’s also important that Splinter could arguably upscale this through Cyber Shredder, who became more powerful after his energy absorption. Overall, this category still goes to Splinter due to him having a major speed advantage.
Winner: Splinter
Stupid/Godly: This is just us looking at the highest ends you can argue. For Shifu, you could argue universal scaling based on how you believe the Wellspring works with 734 quadrillion - 1.47 quintillion c based on the Eternal Chord, but Splinter has multi+ arguments with arguments for DT TMNT and immeasurable speed. Do any of us actually buy this? No, not entirely/not at all (depends on who you’re talking about). But, does it exist? Sure, and someone might choose to buy it.
Winner: Splinter
So to close out, Splinter takes the edge in stats at every lane, and even in scenarios where he is weaker, he always blitzes to a serious degree. Splinter takes stats
Arsenal & Abilities
We’re going to look at Arsenal and Abilities in two different ways. Standard Gear, and debatable objects. We at Saul’s VS Blog have included both equipment from their respective locations, and objects that’re debatably canonical. Not everyone is going to agree with this (see the start of the blog, where we’re touching on every argument. We’ll give our own opinions at the end of the blog.
As for standard equipment, Splinter should win this. Shifu doesn’t carry much equipment on him. To break this down, he has his Staff, Shift Stones, Flute, and Hundred-Eye Orb. This is ignoring gear that’s useless, such as the Action Figures, or the belt that requires someone else in the fight. As for Splinter, he’s carrying his own staff, swords, ninja stars, Kunais, Smoke Bombs, and blinding powders.
You’ll first notice that there’s a big difference between their quality of equipment. Shifu owns objects that’re more magical in nature, while Splinter owns more deadly weapons. The issue is that Shifu’s weapons are likely to be countered by Splinter. For example, let’s take his staff/walking stick. While this is a powerful weapon, it can be overpowered and destroyed by a stronger force, it’s also a decently weak weapon given its material. Splinter owns many weapons that could theoretically destroy this. His sword, either the one in his staff or the one he owns, could cut it down. Or, using the rope in the staff, he could temporarily disarm Shifu and destory it then. Destroying the stick would be terrible for Shifu, as he’s notably walking with a limp. One old man stealing a walking stick from another was NOT how I expected this to go. And, for those who question it, Splinter doesn’t seemingly need his staff to walk, and it’s more of an iconography thing for him. As for Shifu’s other equipment, his Shift Stones and Hundred-Eye Orb both require deceptive tricks from Shifu, which wouldn’t work. Appearance changing techniques wouldn’t matter for this, since it’s a 1v1. As for Hundred-Eye Orb, these replicas aren’t physical, so don’t provide any outward challenge. If Shifu tries to blend into the crowd, Splinter’s own enhanced senses have let him sense invisible forces and sudden movements, so Shifu couldn’t get the jump on Splinter. As for the flute, this would require time to play the tunes, and many of them don’t do much for the fight. Unless, you know, Splinter tries to play the flute and blows his own head up. As for Splinter’s equipment, he’s able to pressure Shifu from range with his ninja stars, Kunais, blend in with his Smoke Bombs, and cause trouble with his blinding powders if hit.
If we look at both game equipment and equipment in their respective locations, Shifu wins. Splinter is lacking, he only has chains, certain melee weapons, nothing he doesn’t already have. Let’s just have a runthrough of what Shifu gets. He’s able to match all of Splinter’s deadly weapons with his own. He owns shields, swords, crossbows, many with mystical and magical properties. For example, basic weapons like the Iron Fist of Justice, Speed Boost, Golden Shield, Gong-Lu Medallion, the many helmets, and more, all give stat buffs to Shifu. He has instant win-cons like the soul splitting mirror, paralysis gas to shut Splinter down, The Phantom Crystal to make himself completely intangible, and much more gear. This isn’t just a win, but a stomp for Shifu.
As for powers and abilities, this is going to be incredibly tricky, so we won’t give a winner straight away. Let’s start with the basic abilities, things that we know they can do. Shifu has the Golden Lotus Clap, Pressure Points, Five-Fingered Blast Punch, Wu-Xi Finger Hold, the Chao Wa Punch Kick, and the Fluttering Finger Mindslip. These are just the many threatening physical abilities that Shifu has shown off. Shifu is also great at stealth, and has enhanced senses. For Splinter, he’s a master at stealth, has his own enhanced senses, can meditate to heal or use his healing hands mantra to do so, use pressure points, and send gusts of air towards a foe. This is ignoring less-useful powers for this debate like his aura, Dragon Tail technique, and astral projection.
Starting basic, it’s unlikely either could sneak up on each other. Both have demonstrated enhanced senses at higher levels than either’s stealth. For example, Shifu Sensed Taotie approaching the Jade Palace without any sound, and Splinter sensed the invisible Bebop, and can hear through the silence. Stealth is a non-factor in this battle. For the more complicated abilities, let’s look into the specifics. The Golden Lotus Clap is surprisingly a non-factor in this fight, and could even be detrimental to Shifu. Closing your eyes mid battle to attempt to preform this move is not only a giveaway that, perhaps, Splinter should do the same thing, Shifu risks blinding himself temporarily if he doesn’t close his own eyes. Even if Splinter is blinded, he’s able to fight perfectly in this state, as seen against the Rat King. As for his Five-Fingered Blast Punch, it could potentially cause Splinter’s stomach to explode, but this is debatable. It’s only implied, but that comes down to your own standards. The Fluttering Finger Mindslip could make Splinter’s mind slip, but it requires much set-up that Shifu couldn’t likely do mid fight, like his Chao Wa Punch Kick. However, there is one win-con that Shifu could do, the Wu-Xi Finger hold. Now, this would be an instant win if he catches him. Two issues, he’d need to catch and use the technique on Splinter, which wouldn’t likely be possible mid-fight. Splinter could pull himself out of it, or even worse, hit him with his pressure points. As for the second point? It’s established in Paws of Destiny that when Jindiao got strong enough, he was just able to punch a hole in the realm and return, so any significant stat advantage from Splinter would make this null and void.
As for whose pressure points are deadly, it’s Splinter. Shifu is relying on scaling to Po, while Splinter has directly shown way stronger paralysis, enough to leave Shredder in a coma. Sure, Shifu can undo others' paralysis, but he’s unlikely to be able to undo his own mid combat, and this would only require a few quick moments. So, whoever takes the basic category comes down to your own thoughts. While Shifu has more instant win options, they require more set-up and time, or Splinter to be immobilized. Splinter has one ability that lets him instantly win, but it requires far less setup.
Although, this doesn’t talk about chi.
Oh yes, chi, that thing in KFP that lets you do many things. This is one of the most debatable aspects in this blog, and comes down alot of “ifs” and “buts.” mainly, that Shifu doesn’t show up in some of these shows, and hasn’t displayed many of these powers. He should know alot of them, as displayed in the before the verdict. Let’s break down some basic ideas.
Healing: Both Shifu and Splinter possess ways to heal within the battle. So, this is an equal advantage.
Power Amplification: We don’t know how much of a buff chi gives, and since the stats are debatable here, this is likely a non factor.
Offensive Energy Projection: adds a ranged advantage to Shifu’s standard arsenal.
Soul removal: Requires a lot of energy and time to dedicate and needs a sufficient level of chi to do so.
Telekinesis: Doesn’t do much.
The rest of the chi abilities, like time manipulation, void manipulation and petrification are all great abilities to use, but they require some context. We have no idea if Shifu can do or use these said powers, and they would be highly out of character to instantly go for.
Overall, this category gets down to your own interpretation. Shifu has far more abilities, and some that could instantly get him the win, but require more set-up or could straight up be countered. Splinter only has one major ability that matters here, and that’s his pressure points. So, it’s a quality vs quantity situation.
As for our interpretation? With most of Shifu’s abilities being able to be countered, or not mattering in the grand scheme of things, Splinter should take the win.
Tertiary Factors
We’ll keep this short, both of these masters are fittingly extremely skilled in their respective fields, to the point it becomes rather hard to quantify who's fully superior. They have their own unique fighting styles, or in Splinter’s case, has shown many unique ones. To get specific, Shifu generally is much more skilled through statements. He was trained by Master Oogway, who is knowledgeable on every fighting style and even invented martial arts as a concept. Shifu has also been called the greatest kung fu teacher by his students, who are considered the greatest warriors in all of China, plus he has been constantly complimented by numerous other kung fu masters. While Splinter has similar statements, they come from less credible sources like Raphael and Dogpound. It’s not that he can’t be the best martial artist in his respective world, it’s that the evidence isn’t backing this idea up. Don’t count Splinter out yet however, his advantage in this category is that while he doesn’t have as many statements, he showcases far greater experience visually. Splinter has simply fought way more people than Shifu has, with a much larger variety too. He’s gone up against plenty of martial arts masters of his own, the biggest example being Shredder, who Splinter has proven numerous times to be equal to. He’s also fought far more “out there” opponents like robotic aliens in the form of Krang, dinosaurs like the Triceratons, or even multiverse travelers like Tigerclaw. Shifu has the issue of being cut from many of the shows, or just acting like a mentor. He’s still impressive, keeping with people like Tai Lung, but he lacks the more esoteric foes that Splinter goes up against. Shifu really can’t compare to any of these foes Splinter has faced himself. Because of this, we really can’t give this category to either fully, so it's best to say territories is a Tie.
“Do you want to learn Kung-Fu? Then I AM your master!”
Stronger with mid and higher ends, although this does require some leniency with downscaling.
Way larger arsenal if you’re giving everything
Far more varied in abilities if you grant everything
Better AOE/Long ranged options at display
Has multiple one-shot opinions like Wu-Xi Finger hold, and the Chao Wa Punch Kick…
Generally more experienced with statements
Actually gets bitches
Both have pressure point attacks that the other can’t counter if hit
Both have ways to heal during the fight, Shifu can heal through chi
Both have enhanced senses, which counters each others stealth
Weaker at lowest ends and godly ends, and always weaker without any leniency
Consistently slower no matter what end you go with
Lacks a strong arsenal if you’re only using standard gear
Although he does have pressure points, it’s debatable if he’s on the same mastery level as those around him, and it’s debatable how likely he’s going to go for them compared to Splinter, who has no other one-shot abilities.
…but these require time to properly set-up and Splinter could arguably tank or escape some of these.
If his stick is destroyed, he could potentially slow down
Less experienced with direct showings
“You are who you choose to be…not what others make you.”
Consistently faster at every end
Stronger at low and godly ends
Far deadly and more useful arsenal with standard gear
Far more likely to go for Pressure Points…
Destroying Shifu’s stick is both possible and likely, which would slow him down.
More experienced with direct showings
Both have pressure point attacks that the other can’t counter if hit
Both have ways to heal during the fight, Splinter through healing hands and meditation
Both have enhanced senses, which counters each others stealth
Weaker with mid ends
More limited arsenal if you’re using everything
Less varied abilities when factoring in everything
…but it’s his only consistent ability win-con.
Has no answers to some of Shifu's one-shot wincons if landed
Far less experienced with statements
Got saved by time travel, died a month later
In conclusion, this matchup is way closer than you’d think. These two have varied ways to get their stats to absurdly high levels that could end up in different peoples favours. The people who worked on this blog have different opinions of where both should scale, but Splinter objectively taking low-tiers means that he consistently stat stomps. Higher ends always seemingly always favour Splinter unless you give super generous interpretations with chi and such. Of course, if you go into the highest ends you can argue, you have uni Shifu vs Multi Splinter. But, what’s majorly consistent here, is that Splinter always has a speed advantage that Shifu cannot keep up with.
This means that Splinter can use his main wincon, using his pressure points to shut down and paralyse Shifu in a matter of seconds. And while you could argue Shifu could use his own pressure points, he has so many abilities to where this isn’t a guarantee, and he could go for the Chao Wa Punch Kick and the Wu-Xi Finger Hold, which might not work depending on your interpretation of stats. It’s one big ‘quality vs quantity’ when it comes to these two, and most of us don’t buy that Shifu could use any of his chi abilities to get a significant win, given the status of if he knows many of them.
As for equipment, even giving Shifu access to the entire Jade Palace doesn’t give him an instant win. He would still need to hit Splinter, which would be difficult with the speed gap, and most of the equipment wouldn’t be useful here. Shifu would be relying on Splinter giving him time to pull out the correct opinion, hitting it, and then defeating Splinter. Which is possible given the skill and knowledge of Shifu, but unlikely.
Of course, all of this is subjective, and many might disagree with some of the arguments we present, but Splinter went Ham ato on Shifu, until the old master Kung-Fight anymore. But hey, I don't give a rat's ass about it, call it chi-sy but I feel both of these masters are both worth as much as Jade.
The Winner is Master Splinter.
Final Vote
Team Shifu: [1] (Frisk)
Team Splinter: [7} (Saul, Fenic, Round 1 Fight, JJSlidermanowar, IamMira, Advent_Chao, FMT)
One More Thing
Five months later, and we’ve finished. Most of TMNT was researched by a team of 8 people. I want to give thanks to everyone who worked on this blog. Whether you joined and had to leave, just came in to help, or dedicated months of your life to finishing this project. It means alot that we’re able to give this matchup the love and respect it deserves. This blog went through so many hardships, genuinely, and nearly got canned multiple times through a lot of issues. I want to personally thank everyone, yes, everyone who was on this blog for working on it. People like Fenic, FMT, Frisk, and Mira who helped so much with researching episodes. Round 1, who did so much of the writing for this blog, and rewatched most of 2003 after Viacom took down the entire season off YouTube across several channels. Advent who did most, if not all, the TMNT comic media we needed, and JJ for soloing all of the KFP content while the rest of us researched TMNT. A big thank you to the team, they’re all hard workers.
As for next time? Well, you might imagine we’ve switched these around so many times that having something set in stone was difficult. But, I think I've found something worth our time.
Dr. Manhattan VS Richard Nixon (Watchman VS Monument Mythos)
If you want to on the blog, please let me know.
No po is not country level and cannot beat iron fist
ReplyDeleteOf course it's the crappy tall cartoon Hampton yoshi Splinter instead of the original....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteInteresting to see two tmnt calcs I requested in here even though one seems kind of inflated. Mirage Leo and the turtle surviving triceraton ship crushing is not in here neither anything from complete carnage and it just seems like too much wank to tell what the avtual stats are especially with using the washing fingerhold feat which is utter bull and if course th turtle feat which neither po or shifu scale to physically.
ReplyDeleteThis is easily your best blog yet. Saul. Keep up the amazing work.
ReplyDeleteThank you, you're a very kind individual :)
DeleteAnd no island level kung fu panda or planet level tmnt isn't mid level for both verses and is not in any shape or form even close for either character nor to scaling to tengu shredder or the wushi fingerhold which isn't a attack.