Monday, 1 July 2024

Mysterio VS Scarecrow (Marvel VS DC)


“We cast away priceless time in dreams, born of imagination, fed upon illusion, and put to death by reality.” -Judy Garland

Mysterio, Marvel Comics’ Mysterious Master of Illusion

The Scarecrow, DC Comics’ Doctor of Fear and Fright

Is seeing believing? That question is the simplest embodiment of the fact that eyes can deceive, and the reality that we can see could be nothing more than an illusion. This is all the more frightening when one can play with your senses like putty to force you into a nightmare world where your eyes fail you as your mind is dragged into oblivion. Fear and illusion go hand in hand, and today, go head to head, as the master of mystery duels the doctor of despair, so come along to Saul’s VS blog to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Before We Go Anywhere…

Like most comic matches, we gave them all their canon comics. Mysterio was given his 616 self as well as everything Daniel has done given he copies Beck’s whole flow. We will also be using the Earth-1610 Mysterio given he is merely an avatar of the 616 Mysterio.On the flip side we will only be using Prime Earth Crane.

To give credit where it’s due, we have been given permission to use two different pieces of work for the blog. The Mysterio character analysis blog and the Respect Scarecrow thread. While all research was done by the members on the blog, these two threads were used to fact-check any information/provide useful links. The scaling section was also done by Bang, who used information from his recent Clayface VS Sandman Blog, so check that out as well.  



“You are just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit! I created Mysterio to give the world SOMEONE to believe in! I control the truth! Mysterio IS the truth!”

They say that special effects are a means to tell a story, things that you can control like lighting and darkness, and without it, a story is very dull. As the movies can portray, anyone can wear a mask, and anyone can play the role, but only the masters are truly capable of controlling the story. And on the streets of New York City, watch out for the mist; or else you’ll walk into the world of the amazing Mysterio.

Every child fixates on something early in their life, and for the young Quentin Beck in Riverside, California, he was a big fan of movies. More specifically, he loved special effects. His cousin Maguire Beck would be his buddy in movie-watching and enjoying, and Quentin found that he wanted to pursue careers in movie-making and special effects, and his Uncle Vinnie gave him his first ever camera in support, and Quentin began trying to make his own movies and use special effects. The only person who didn’t seem to support this dream was his father, smashing the camera and calling the hobby a waste of his time. But this was just a setback for Quentin, and soon he would find himself in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, refining his special effects abilities that would take him through his pathway in the film industry, both as a special effects master and stuntman. However, he didn’t care for being a stuntman, and wanted recognition for his work as a special effects expert, and his lust for fame would drive him to take a step forward and become an actor, but also had very little success. 

He seemed to have found a solution to this when one of his coworkers joked about how the best way to become famous is to take down Spider-Man, essentially replacing him in the superhero business. His special effects skills could result in a terrifying and threatening rogue. Beck assumed the role of Spider-Man and began his grand plan to frame him for several crimes and be the one to defeat him.

Unfortunately for Beck, things didn’t go the way he planned. He had done the proper research to replicate and counter the young hero’s powers, but Spider-Man would ultimately still defeat him and expose Beck as the super villain, Mysterio. Quentin would continue to try to defeat Spider-Man using his skills with illusions, even teaming up with allies such as the members of the Sinister Six, the Wizard (though that barely lasted), and various other organizations and teams. However, with Beck only experiencing failure after failure, his villainy took a toll on his mental state. He grew into a state of depression over this, thinking about how his life was spiraling downhill, with no sign of success. Beck couldn’t let his father prove him wrong, he couldn't let all of his acts be for nothing. 

Quentin would eventually move on from facing just Spider-Man, and face other superheroes such as the Power Pack and Daredevil, which is where he had formed his master plan. After learning that he was dying to cancer due to constant exposure to his own chemicals, Quentin wanted to leave the earth with one last act. He did this by tormenting Daredevil, and going through a plan to make him believe he needed to murder a baby believed to be the anti christ. Daredevil didn’t succumb to Quentin’s persuasion though, and defeated him, resulting in Quentin taking his own life. 

….Buuuut it was revealed that “Mysterio” wasn’t actually dead. While in prison, Quentin would mentor a successor named Daniel Berkhart, who would stand in as Mysterio whenever Beck was unable to. So whar happened to Quentin? Well, he went down to hell, where the demon Kindred visited him. He offered Beck a second chance at life, under one condition: Beck’s undying loyalty. Quentin agreed to this proposal, and had been resurrected undead for a brief period of time before reverting back to his human self. 

While Quentin went back to his old ways, he occasionally had moments of heorism too, showing that a small glimpse of humanity was stil left within him. He helped Spider-Man stop Doctor Octopus from destroying the world (to keep his fortunes, of course), and retired for a short time to live a life of peace and serenity with his Android daughter Misty. He left his old moniker behind and no longer wanted to indulge in the life of crime…for a short time that is. In reality, Beck could never escape the identity of Mysterio. He came back to the super villain business and continued to plot schemes against Spider-Man and his loved ones. For better or for worse, Quentin Beck would remain within the comic book status quo, and as long as he’s out there, no one is truly safe from his illusionary trickery.


“How many bones would you crush? How many lives would you destroy in pursuit of what you call Justice? You are the product of everything you fear; VIOLENCE, DARKNESS, HELPLESSNESS. All that remains is for you to watch AS I DRAG YOUR BELOVED GOTHAM INTO OBLIVION.”

In the cold and rainy streets of Gotham City, often the word most associated to describe such a place was terror. Rampant crime, dangerous psychopaths, crime lords that held the people around their fingertips, everyone had something to fear. But only one villain can consider himself the true master of fear, for he uses fear itself, bringing a new meaning of terror and widespread panic to Gotham City.  The story of Jonathan Crane has always been at the roots, a story of fear…

Everyone has something to be afraid of, words that tormented Jonathan Crane from a very young age. Born without a father and a mother not allowed to raise the child, little Jonathan was left in the care of his overtly religious grandmother, who only used Jonathan for what was convenient to her, like defending Keeny’s chapel from flocks of crows with a suit meant to ward them off. It didn’t help that according to his bullies, he was perfect for the job, calling him “the Scarecrow” on account of his lanky/skinny build. Jonathan was tired of being seen as a victim, inventing his own style of Kung Fu to get back at his tormentors, and even turning his fear of his grandmother into curiosity. That suit that Jonathan wore as a kid to scare off crows was certainly hiding something, which turned out to be a chemical recipe made by his grandmother. The suit and chemical were put to use, as Crane went out to give his bullies a little scare, which scared them to literal death. At that point, fear was absent, and curiosity was past the point of abound, wanting to study this event, and recreated it by murdering his grandmother with the same chemical he had been forced to use all of his life. 

After graduating high school, Jonathan enrolled at Gotham University, and would later become their next psychology professor, since the one before him ‘quit’ due to an ‘apparent death’ didn’t take long for Crane to be fired due to taking his studies of fear quite too far, and he would later murder those responsible for his job termination. It wasn’t long before his troubles landed him as a psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum, the perfect breeding grounds for his fear-based experiments. All the while, Crane’s various murders were beginning to catch up to him with the Batman on his trail, and it wasn’t long before the Caped Crusader and newly hired Commissioner Jim Gordon confronted him, but in that first encounter, Jonathan Crane was no more; dawning the scruffy, coarse suit, Crane embraced the nickname that for so long inflicted him with torment, the newest villain had arrived, who would become one of the most criminally dangerous and intelligent enemies of the Batman. Abandoning the post on the farmlands, enter the Master of Fear himself, the Scarecrow. 



Mysterio has been fighting Spider-Man for years, terrorizing the man throughout his entire life. He has combat experience against many foes such as Daredevil, She-Hulk, The Human Torch, and more. He’s stated within handbooks to be a great skilled fight and athlete while also stating he’s a skilled amateur chemist.  His intelligence should be noted with the technology he creates, knowing the ins and out of mechanics to create multiple robots. This skill doesn’t just end at basic creation, he’s been able to hack past Spider-Mans network and reverse the flow of its information. 

He’s also a great theater actor and movie director, described as a master of make-up, physical stunts, mechanical and physical effects, with a great knowledge of basic psychiatry and hypnotism and applied chemistry while being called a meticulous planner and organizer, who’s a top actor who kept himself in physical form.  Which explains how he can mimic individuals strangely well using his illusions. Not even the likes of Mrs. Sinister could see through that the person she was talking to was Mysterio. His deception extends past his illusions creation, faking the death of Harry Osborn at the request of his father

He’s also once convinced Spider-Man, Black Widow, and Silver Sable that Symkaria was being burned by Doc Ock’s satellites, despite it having been the work of heat lamps, pyrotechnics, and paid actors


Scarecrow is stated to be a near genius intellect, a brilliant chemist and psychiatrist. Despite being kicked out of University, Batman: King of Fear shows Scarecrow using his psychiatrist's knowledge to analyze individuals and manipulate them. Specifically, he uses this on Batman to gaslight him into believing that he should have never become him in the first place, breaking through his strong will.  His knowledge isn’t just limited to science however, whatever field has some sort of fear in it he’ll do. Such as learning about a specific plant that would be useful for his toxin. His martial arts prowess is not to be undersold either, inventing his own style of Kung Fu called violent dancing, which involves the Crane style, and the Batman Villains Secret Files state not to underestimate his ability in hand-to-hand combat. His psychological understanding of people is so great, Batman has gone to him for more understanding of the criminal mind. 

His chemistry abilities should speak for himself considering all the toxins coming up. But he can really work off of anything, even using something as simple as Cleaning Supplies to make a stronger toxin. He’s always trying to make better and more deadly toxins, which leads into his application of fear toxin being just as creative and involves some understanding of technology, being able to rig it in people’s shower faucets. What’s more impressive was the time he understood the Yellow Lantern Ring to an extend of being able to weaponize the energy. 

He was also able to figure out the pattern of another killer in Sub Diego for Aquaman that was causing mayhem due to being a killer himself and in terms of comparisons, the Riddler sees him as an intellectual equal. He has invented many of his own equipment, such as a drug called Thrill, steroids that make him as strong as Batman, and he made a device for Desaad that made someone die via sheer fear.




While Mysterios suit seems like something thrown together with whatever you can find, it actually has some pretty interesting features. Starting low, his boots have springs inside to allow him to dodge incoming attacks and match the leaps of Spider-Man. If a foe manages to get close, Mysterio can just release acid from his gauntlets to burn them away strong enough to burn through Spider-Man's webs, shoot a fireblast, electricity, or just release electricity to those who are grabbing him, release an EMP strong enough to release the avengers from mind control, or simply release the gas he uses for his illusions. His suit is made to specifically increase his physicality, which explains why he can fight a bloodlusted Daredevil.  Considering all of the years he’s been fighting Spider-people, there’s no surprise that he has a built-in jammer to specifically counter Spider-sense.  (Just in case his illusions don’t do that for him)

That dome on his head comes with some good features as well. It’s a one-way Plexiglass system that doesn’t tamper with his vision in any way, coming with its own oxygen supply for half an hour. It comes with some systems as well.  Mainly, echolocation that allows him to detect hidden objects, like trigger points in a wall. This is paired with his Sonar which allows him to see through his master's illusions. It also has sensors allowing him to detect people. His helmet also gives his voice and speech patterns mind-bending properties and protects him from deadly toxins. 

Mysterio's cape also isn't just for show, capable of entangling someone if they ever try to tackle him. They're also electrically charged, making it capable of burning Spider-Man's webs.


Truly what Mysterio is known best for is his creation of illusions. How does he do this? Usually it’s something to do with his suit, although he isn’t afraid to use a little bit of theatrics to get his way, like using Holographic Projections, or actors and pyrotechnics to simulate the end of the world. While his illusions are usually your standard touch and you pass through, he’s implemented Hard-Light Projections to make physical contact with the surrounding area. So what can he make? Well truly, the sky's the limit as long as he’s creative enough. He has hordes of zombies, blades and gorillas, random objects and monsters,  a Venom Galactus, and my personal favorite? An entire DINOSAUR! This isn’t just limited to objects and animals, he can project entire people. He’s done this many times with the Sinister Six. He’s made it seem like there’s multiple of himself. Again, his illusions prove to be more useful, able to create entire locations like a fake-hell for Daredevil or desert for the Sinister Six which went on for miles. He can even manipulate the room you’re in to be spatially different, like creating a giant spider-web in a rather small room. Mysterio also messed with Nate Gray, making him believe that he was in space, shrunk down to fit in Mysterio’s blood, and even that Mysterio was the size of the planet.

He can also project his illusions onto other people unwillingly, making them look like anyone in the world, or more importantly, himself. He usually uses this tactic for keeping his own ass safe, like when he projected himself onto a random thug to make Logan THINK he killed him. He loves convincing Spider-Man that he’s killed someone, just to mess up with his moral boundaries. 

These projections are so strong that Wolverine couldn’t figure out he was attacking the Avengers, since his illusions were messing with his smell and auditory senses. He even made Peter believe his hand was burning off, despite there being no fire. 

If it isn’t obvious already, Mysterio can project these illusions onto his own body to change how he looks. He can also re-appear and disappear at will with these illusions, seeming like teleportation, which he’s done multiple times, and I mean multiple times. 


His 2nd way to create illusions. Mysterio carries around multiple kinds of gas, usually filling the room with it to create his hallucinations when he needs to, these gasses are capable of bypassing armors, like Iron spider, although he’s shown to be able to do more than this:

Media Blizzard Suit

Mysterio’s second (and much cooler) suit that he used in his plan to launch his own addictive television network to mesmerize the entire city. This Suit has a digital imagery transmission chip that allows Mysterio to convert brainwaves into digitized signals which any regular television can translate into sound and pictures. With this he can create instant programming with just his mind and fantasies. Simply conjuring his thoughts will make the chip digitized and Electronic produce anything he thinks about for everyone to see. Giving Mysterio endless amounts of possibilities only limited by his creativity. 

Thanks to the D.I.T chip and Mysterio’s own genius, the digitized signals became so strong that people who watched the Spider-Man fight live couldn’t look away and became completely mesmerized. It was so strong that even Spidey had to use all his willpower to look away and had to web the television to free the doctor from it. The doc himself even stated he felt like he was “sleeping” due to the “Mysterio Vision”

Added with the Suit is his bird robot that films everything Beck needs to see and helps him with his new network and live television. Mysterio also has Trick-like receivers that’s connected to the suit that he sneakingly placed on Peter’s mask. Allowing Beck to make Spider-man see any illusion Mysterio wants him to see. Such as when he made Spidey suddenly see a bunch of monsters only to later be revealed that they were just regular people and no damaged happened to the environment. These lenses also blocked the spider-sense. Of course in this Suit Mysterio still has all his gasses and effects, such as his concealing mist. And in classic Mysterio fashion, he has a robot dupe of himself with this suit on who has the same capabilities as him.

Puppet Master Suit

Mysterio’s other more awkward suit, he uses this to puppet a robot resembling Silvermaine, which he controls with his movements. He has two firearms, can snap a person's neck, and of course, blow himself up. 

Juggernaut Suit

What seems like the big red man himself is a dupe, a metal exco-skeleton that allows for Mysterio to project the Juggernaut onto. This made him physically stronger than Daredevil. Tossing him around like a broken toy.

Spider-Man Suit

Mysterio’s first appearance saw him being an evil version of Spider-Man. He can mimic what Spider-Man does, such as jumping from building to building, climbing walls, and using webs. 

Divers Suit

Mysterio owns a Divers Suit for him to work under more wet and difficult conditions. Man why does he have so many suits

Fear Toxin

(We are not kidding.) Mysterio carries around a few small toxins that, when released into the air, makes people see their worst fears. 

Eyeball Bots

Of course, an actor has a bunch of cameras around him. These eyeball bots follow Beck around and work like cameras, making Beck able to see a bunch of parts of the city by just looking through one of them while the other one is out on patrol. They also were also able to detect Spidey coming while he was sneaking around. 

Of course he has different variants of these eyeball bots like one that's a see through glass balls that makes Beck able to see through the city, though seemingly without using another one.


Mysterio has aircraft that he can use both in and out of combat. His primary is his invisible mini helicopter, which he uses to give off the impression that he’s soaring in the air, or levitating. It’s hidden out of sight, but can be exposed by aiming for where the blades are, like Spider-Man has done. 

He also owns spacecraft that he used to abduct Peter Parker, which can reach above the clouds within mere seconds. This is not used in combat.

Fake Black Holes

Mysterio has black holes!, well not actually. Despite claiming they’re real black holes from space, Spiderman discovers they are actually illusions being generated by a fake air conditioning unit Mysterio created. Despite this, they actually still have use. The black holes were able to genuinely affect spiderman, to the point he says it takes his full strength to resist its pull.

Earthquake Device

Mysterio uses a device that simulates an earthquake, seeming like a bridge is destroyed, when it’s not. 

Robotic Automations


Mysterio has a robot that acts like him, allowing him to be out of the battlefield. It seems to have the same capabilities as him, able to create illusions like him. If the robot is discovered and Mysterio wants out, you can always blow the head off of it. 

Mysterio Avatars

While his Spider-Man was trapped in Miles Morales' dimension, Mysterio used his Mysterio Avatars to safely travel between the dimensions and fight them (petty asshole). He controls them using that helmet on his head remotely, using an interdimensional remote controller, although he takes physical damage if they’re knocked around. This avatar can create illusions like Beck, but by using a specific chemical compound, they pull your greatest fears from your mind to fight you. Thanks to the chemical compound, These fear illusions from his mist have become tangible and able to hurt and knock around both Spider-Man and Miles Morales, though they can also be intangible, like these Spider Monsters. The Fear Mist was strong and large enough it affected a whole city into thinking they were being attacked by Giant Spider Monsters, it even made people think Peter was one as well. These Fear illusions are capable of lasting for about an hour, making his victims paralyzed in fear and even knocking some out. Besides the fear mist, The Avatars has also shown to use Mysterio’s regular smoke illusions, using it to disappear and appear out of nowhere, create a fake clone of himself, hide himself in plain sight, obscuring Peter’s vision and even choking him to near death, cover Peter’s entire body to speak with him as intangible mist, and even mess with tech, like cameras. And because Beck is an absolute hater, the mist has kept its acidic properties to dissolve Spidey’s webbings. Also in classic Mysterio fashion, he used his illusions to create a giant fake hulk to mess with Spider-Man. This Hulk illusion was able to damage Peter and the environment however Spider-Man himself was unable to hit him back.

Though that’s not all with the Avatars. Just like Beck’s suits they have a strong physical enhancement, however unlike them, they’re so strong they’re able to fight and draw blood from Earth-1610 Spider-Man, Earth-616 Spider-Man, and Miles Morales. They can release electrical shocks that are capable of burning through Peter’s webs, launching kingpin through a large glass window and capable of completely stunning Felicia after hitting her with a direct electrical shock, and if things get dangerous, blow up. The Mysterio Avatar also comes packed with an assortment of weapons, such as revolvers, guns and rocket launchers, and of course just like regular old Beck, they come packed with some unique robots and inventions, such as a remote controlled car that’s capable of moving 100 mph. It was strong enough to break through Peter’s webs and other cars. Of course when things go south, it can detonate creating a big explosion. Or his many bases, that allows him to see and record everything all over the city… which also can detonateHe really loves doing that. Mysterio also has a bunch of mines he used while creating a fake hulk to distract Spidey, these mines were so strong that they were able to damage and completely knock Peter out when he got hit by a few of them.

Lastly is his Spider-Slayer robot, a weird amalgamation that was capable of tracking Spider-Man due to his DNA and captures video input. This… mistake is capable of shooting energy beams, creating explosions, and fire projectile electricity with enough speed and strength that it’s not only capable of tagging Spider-Man but also able to push him through a concrete wall. It’s also capable of going toe to toe with Spider-Man… well duh given its name.

An interesting aspect about these androids is their unique infrastructure, as not even Tony Stark from Earth-1610 is able to properly unravel them even after reverse engineering them for a whole day. The interdimensional remote control for the androids completely stupefies and confuses Earth-1610 Iron Man as well. Another Unique part of their bodies is that their head is not actually real and is instead just a smoke illusion that they can manipulate. This has fooled so many people

Floating Sphinx 

One of Mysterio’s deadliest inventions, a giant floating sphinx that, once activated, will spread waves across Manhattan in a five mile radius, trapping everyone within an illusion. The sphinx also comes with a self-destruct feature which would vaporize everything within five city blocks. This can only be deactivated from inside the sphinx. Simply being near the sphinx will trigger disorienting rapid illusions, nauseating the opponent. These illusions are incredibly potent, considering not even Spider-Man is able to easily overcome its nauseating effects. 

Alien Army

Mysterio has an army of at least 14,984 alien creatures which he states he did through practical effects and an Union crew. While it is vague on what this exactly means, the blog team theorizes these are either other robots or some type of physical hologram given they move on their own and have shown to have blood which stains clothing, something that wouldn’t happen off of just a mere illusion. This alien crew was able to take out and overwhelm beings like Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, Captain America, and DareDevil. He is able to control and send these alien creatures out through some sort of airship which he made to create an illusion of a portal from another dimension.

Misty Beck

At some point prior to his retirement, Mysterio created a Gyndroid/Android who was programmed to believe she was his daughter named Misty Beck. Since before puberty, Misty has been training in the mystic arts, and knows several types of magic. She's capable of creating orbs of light that can put people to sleep, she is capable of teleporting a whole building into a completely different dimension and while it has a time limit, it at very minimum lasts for a whole hour, and she's capable of vanishing herself and others in tin air, teleporting somewhere else. Like all of Beck's best machines she's very resilient, surviving from a fatal stab wound in the heart that Beck accidentally hit on her (Brother cannot catch a break oh my god). Sadly she'd later get mercilessly killed by Scarlet Spider. Though this is Marvel Comics she's probably coming back if they finally give Beck his arc.

Other Robots

This segment is dedicated to the other robots that Mysterio has created and made throughout his time as a villain, some that aren’t important enough to have their own segment. While some of these have been destroyed in battle, they’re still Beck’s creations and he has the capability to simply rebuild them. He’s done this before, such as when it’s shown he still has his X-Men robotic replicas. They include:

Poison-Coated Mirrors

During The time he made Spidey think he was 6 inches tall (it's weird don't question it), he made these poison coated Mirrors that if Peter broke with his bare hands, it would cut through him and his suit, and instantly kill him according to both himself and Mysterio. These Mirrors also are capable of moving around and closing in on their victims to squash them to death if they don't escape fast enough. Truly a Jigsaw puzzle.

Pain-Inducing Props

Mysterio carries numerous props on him that he’ll slap onto his foe if they get close, they contain needles that cause pain and alter your appearance, though calming down and focusing allows you to easily remove them.

Paralyzing Toxin

Mysterio created some Paralysing Toxin that when ingested causes paralysis… duh.

Electrical Bomb

A gadget Mysterio can use that sends out a strong AoE electrical burst. Its effect is potent enough to knock a bloodlusted Symbiote Spider-Man out cold. It also spanned across a large train, shocking the rest of the passengers on it as well. 

Electromagnetic Disruptor Gun

A gun that shoots an electromagnetic disruptor beam that moves at the speed of light. It was powerful enough to daze Spider-Man for a brief time


For whoever you hate most. 

Machine Guns

Of course Mysterio is also packing a bunch of machine guns whenever illusions don’t do the job.

Web Gun

During his time as a fake Spider-Man, Mysterio uses a web gun to perfectly mimic Peter’s webs. Mysterio has continued to use this gadget, and can release webs that can constrict and restrain a large demon in its binds. 


Yes, another gun, however this one’s special. This dart gun is filled with depressants that are strong enough to kill an entire herd of rampaging elephants. When it pierced through Peter’s suit, he instantly became weak and dizzy, almost unable to even stand, and with blurred vision, to the point that Mysterio was capable of one shotting Peter with a simple backhand. He also stated that the depressants were slowly eating away Spidey’s life. While he did survive, a nasty side effect happened, where the tranquilizer made Peter lose all of his powers and completely weakened him. Although it was temporary it still took a day or two for Peter to recover his powers, making this a highly dangerous weapon.

Status Gun

A Status Gun that’s supposed to make the Wizard be unable to speak, think, or even more without the command of Mysterio. Of course we don’t see this in effect since he was tricked.  


Mysterio has a bunch of One-time explosives that he uses to try and blow up Spider-Man. He also has a box of explosive rubber duckies that Beck can unload from above… unique. Besides that Beck has various aforementioned self-destruct features on different robots and tech that he can detonate whenever he wants if he thinks he’s ever in trouble.

Hidden Base

A fake exterior Mysterio uses to hide his actual base of operations.

Chloroform cloth

A chloroform cloth Beck used to instantly knock the Burglar out


 Fear Toxin

Scarecrow’s bread and butter, the fear toxin, is a powerful hallucinogenic drug invented by Crane himself. When inhaled or injected, a person can experience their worst fears becoming reality in many, many terrifying ways. When initially hit by the fear toxin, the skin is either freezing cold or burning hot, makes the nerve receptors numb, causing synaptic and neural misfires; survivors say it's like being covered in bugs, snakes, or maggots. The toxin then works its way into the subconscious; affecting the amygdala (part of brain that helps process emotions), then triggers fear memories by affecting the dorsal hippocampus (part of brain that processes spatial and episodic memories), more often than not bringing to life the person’s worst fears, be it a phobia or a memory, or a specific hallucination that recalls a past memory, and usually those afflicted by it at worst can receive a heart attack. Crane has even claimed that a small dose of Toxin could paralyze an entire city. Even if someone can fight through the paralysis of the Fear Toxin, it is capable of altering one's senses to where it makes it hard to even hit Scarecrow. While Fear Toxin used to have a weakness to Gas Masks, it can seep through individuals skin to affect them. Catwoman even stated that, after inhaling the gas, her whole body was paralyzed except for her heart. At its absolute strongest showing, fear toxin has created physical structures that have briefly held the Man of Steel himself.

Too much exposure to Scarecrow’s gas can leave psychological scarring on a person, and it can make a person’s mind ‘scramble and panic’ leading to acts of self-harm and suicide. The illusions that can occur from the fear toxin are very powerful. It also has a bad side effect on noradrenaline, the neurotransmitter that maintains blood pressure and triggers a human’s ‘fight or flight’ response. Here are a couple of examples of illusions he has used on the poor souls of Gotham City and beyond:

Fear Toxin Variants

It’s not just regular Fear Toxin that Scarecrow carries around, but has an assortment of different versions that he carries on him at all times (See him spamming Swamp Thing above) This will cover every variation of Toxin.

Hypnotic Drug

Crane developed a drug that causes victims to be heavily susceptible to manipulation. Crane spread this drug through the use of postcards and would telephone the victims to egg them on to murder.

Anti-Fear Drug

A drug developed by Crane that actually removes the fear from one’s mind. This rips common sense away from the victim and boosts their confidence to the point they believe they can perform fantastical feats like surviving a fall from a hospital window.


Scarecrow developed drones to spread Fear Toxin around the city. He does this at Christmas time, slowly spreading his toxins through the city of Gotham. It’s stated that the fifty tactical drones in the comic.  

Fear Rays

Scarecrow creates Fear Grids. 


Scarecrow has been shown to use versions of Bane's Venom throughout different comics. This allows a mere kid to physically match Batman. Scarecrow also stated that he could increase the potency of the toxin while lowering the side effects of the toxin.  He once again used a form of venom which he injects into Batman, making him fearless enough to try and fight Superman, who holds back before knocking out Batman. It was later revealed that Bane is the one behind the venom, which can cause a complete shutdown of the nervous system if taken in lesser dosages, turning an average human’s brain into jelly, which he gave to Scarecrow. It seemed to have affected the Flash while he was in Gotham, who tries to outrun it and not metabolize it, and Superman and Batman realize that if he stops, it’ll tear Flash’s muscles apart. Even still, the toxin is so strong, it's pounding in Flash’s heart with every step he takes, and running around the planet six times couldn’t even filter it out.


Drones that Scarecrow uses to search for some of Scarecrow's toxins within Batman's body. 


If Athletes can use it, so can Scarecrow. He develops Steroids that let him physically match Batman in combat. 


Scarecrow can fire straw from his hand, this straw is sometimes tipped with his fear toxin. 


A special type of serum that, when injected into someone, causes them to project an aura of fear so palpable it can turn men insane. While under the effects, Batman almost went insane seeing his own reflection and Alfred can’t stand to be in the same room as him. Crane even demonstrated this effect on a cute little bunny to frighten his goons. Crane has access to stronger doses that he says can turn people into “jabbering, terrified idiots”.

Mind Control Serum

Scarecrow made a serum that he snuck into his fear toxin that made someone obey his every command and will, and it was capable of mind controlling Batgirl, Batwoman, Talon, and Catwoman. 

Mind Controlling Headsets

With these Virtual reality headsets, Scarecrow can brainwash people into becoming his minions

Looking Glass

Scarecrow has used a looking glass at times in an attempt to find more ways to bring out people’s fears, which can hypnotize Batman. Scarecrow admits he can’t see Batman’s fears and memories, but only cares about how it feels, and makes Batman relive past memories as a child. The looking glass makes Clayface experience memories of him as a boy, then go down a rabbit hole of memories; his origins of becoming Clayface, encounters with Penguin, his time as an actor.

Giant Hologram

“I’ve come to make an announcement…”

A massive hologram Scarecrow uses to announce whatever he wants to all of Gotham  


Arguably Scarecrow’s most iconic weapon besides the fear toxins themselves. Scarecrow has shown some impressive skill when handling this unorthodox weapon, like when he matched Batman with it or when he injured Man-Bat with the weapon.

Standard Guns 

Over the many years that Scarecrow has been a threat, he’s collected a ton of regular guns that do nothing special. This segment will be dedicated to talking about the guns in which only fire standard bullets. Fear guns will still be listed separately. 

  • Tommy Gun: A good ol’ Chicago Typewriter he used to catch enemies off guard. Uses .45 caliber rounds and fires up to 20 rounds per second, it’s been a staple for criminal gangs in American history.

  • Pistol: Regular Pistol with no special properties. 

  • Uzi: A regular Uzi gun with nothing special.

  • Dart Gun: A dart gun loaded with sleep darts.

  • Water Pistol: Come on Crane.

  • Rocket Launcher: A rocket launcher Crane used to fire at Batman. (Debatable whether or not it belonged to the Joker)

Standard weapons 

Just like his firearms, he over the years collected many weapons for any up close or far away confrontations against his enemies. This includes but is not limited: 

  • Pitchforks: As shown above

  • Knives: Hey apple. Tried to square up with Deathstroke with a knife one time. It didn't go well. 

  • Cleavers: I mean.. Sure

  • Matches: He Loves the edge.

  • C02 Fire Extinguisher: Ooooooooooh so scary! 😱😱😱

  • Acid: An acidic mixture cooked up by Crane to melt Joker’s gas canister.

  • Flaming Pumpkins: Bro thinks he’s the Green Goblin, just without the explosions. 

  • Smoke Bombs: Crane used a smoke bomb to frighten his bullies.

Gas Weaponry

Sometimes, throwing fear toxin over a foe isn’t enough, and you might need a weapon to get it done. Scarecrow carries a large arsenal of weapons that, in some shape and form, fire fear toxin at its target.

  • Fear Gas Canister: Canisters filled with a particular super-concentrated mix of fear gas. Crane claims he needs only 6 of these to flood the entirety of Gotham City. 

  • Fear Gas Pellet: Pellets that Scarecrow can toss to spread his deadly fear toxins.

  • Fear Toxin Gun: Scarecrow comes with a gun that fires the fear toxin out for him. 

  • Fear Dart Gun: Scarecrow fires a dart gun that, presumably, injects fear toxin into you. These darts are specifically filled with a specific toxin that are meant to target people with Estrogen in their body. 

Transmitting Device 

Scarecrow has a Transmitting Device in the shape of a skull. This emits high frequencies which attack the fear center of the brain, causing hallucinations  similar to that of his regular toxin. The device was already not to be messed with but Scarewcrow upgraded the device to specifically target specific fears for the person hit by its effects which worked wonders on Batman. To not be messed with by his own device, Scarecrow has a Jamming Device in his suit that’s specifically tailored to his own brain waves that makes the Transmitting Device not affect him.

Fear Gizmo

This freaky little gadget sends vibrations to the victims in the form of rays that target the nervous system to induce anxiety and fear strong enough to kill a man.

Fear-Radiating Pill

A pill Crane concocted in his free time. Consuming the pill causes the consumer to radiate an aura of fear so potent it makes victims “hardly think straight” and was strong enough to knock Batman and Robin out. The effect was able to last for up to 30 minutes after Scarecrow left the scene.

Fear Belt

A belt Scarecrow uses that shines light forward. You can guess the rest.

Tangible Fear Device

A specific device that makes Scarecrow's fear toxin creations tangible, Batman and Robin fought against their fears as physical beings. This extended to even the creation of a tangible Superman. 


Scarecrow owns a submarine that is capable of spraying fear toxin from a nozzle.

FEAR-COPTER (unofficial name)

Scarecrow’s go to method for aerial travel.

Robotic Attack Owl

Equipped with steel razor-tipped claws, this robotic owl posed a serious threat to a winded Batman.


Crane’s pet raven who is sometimes used to drop unknown particles onto victims that can induce fear.

Fake Scarecrows

Scarecrow has copies of himself that he keeps that are equipped with walkie talkies. On occasion they have been rigged to explode, releasing fear toxin. He has managed to put sixty seven of these across Gotham. 


Get it Up! Yeah! Little Nas X. He looks really badass on them too! 


Hey, when your whole aesthetic is to be a scarecrow, you're gonna have something to do with the very things it was made for.

Anyway, Scarecrow’s chemicals is able to alter behaviors, including crows, who he presumably controls in order to rid of any pesky superheroes that are trying to prevent him from turning off all the lights in Gotham during the time he had these (Can’t have shit in Gotham City)



An easy way to directly inject fear toxins, which can subdue Batman. He wears a gauntlet filled with these.


One of the most effective and best ways for Scarecrow to induce fear into others is through his auditory subliminals. They in fact are so effective that even Batman commented on them being an “elegant evolution” of fear toxin. While it is similar to the Transmitting Device in the fact it is the auditory stimulus which induced effects, it begins to deviate from there. These subliminals are capable of making people live in fake realities like when he made Man-Bat and his ex wife believe they were living together and were living the perfect life when in fact they were living in a movie studio home. He can amplify the effects of these subliminals like shown above, making his victims angrier and angrier. While they were being sent out through the Sonic Cannon, something that had been destroyed and wasn’t made by him, he was able to utilize the subliminals through the cannon which were able to affect packs of people and even the likes of Batman.

Powers and Abilities



Mysterio has proven himself to be great at hypnosis, a good back-up to his regular techniques. He’s done this to convince Spider-Man he was going to drown in a pool without water,  convincing Spider-Man he was only six inches tall, or convince Peter he was being erased from existence (see above).  He can mind control people and is capable of creating entire fake memories with this technique, hypnotizing Norman Osborn into believing he was dating Gwen Stacy, (he also did something similar to MJ) or convincing this therapist that he’s actually Mysterio.  


Fear Toxin Emission

Even just punching the Scarecrow isn’t a good idea, as he’ll passively emit fear toxin, which likely comes from the straws and smaller areas on his body, and he can even emit it from his fingertips.


Scarecrow has shown the ability to sneak up on Jason Todd, completely catching him by surprise despite hiding in plain sight as a literal Scarecrow. He has even gotten the jump on Batman in the past.

Emotion Mimicking

Due to having next to no fear, Scarecrow has an uncanny ability to mimic any emotions without showing any signs of having said emotion, such as Supergirl detecting no fear or irregular heartbeat despite him sounding quite fearful.


A debatable feat for some members of this blog, Scarecrow uses his words to have a convocation with two inmates and convince them to shove ropes down their throats. He convinced the guards above that he turned into a flock of crows, when in reality, they let him go, then setting themselves on fire. In another comic he uses experimental mind control technology to compromise Batman's brain, planting a copy of himself in it. 







The form Mysterio took after having been resurrected by the demon, Kindred and going to confront Francis Klum, an impostor. Undead Mysterio gained powerful  new supernatural abilities. He can turn his body into flames at will, turn intangible, summon flames directly with a simple gesture, and gained the ability to naturally teleport at will

Mysterio lost this form after Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13, as he had reverted back to his regular suit and hasn’t shown to access these powers again.


After some back and forth negotiations with Black Cat, Beck had a piece of the Symbiote stolen for him by extracting it from Spider-Man’s DNA at the time. Later on, the Symbiote escapes from it’s jar and makes direct contact with Beck, altering his body and changing the appearance of his suit. 

With it, Beck gained substantially increased strength, speed and durability, as he essentially became superhuman. He was able to overpower Kingpin with ease. He’s able to go toe to toe with an enraged Symbiote Spider-Man, despite him having been fully controlled and possessed by the Symbiote at that point in time. Beck lost the Symbiote after the Symbiote left him due to a fire caused by Beck’s own fireball, and hasn’t bonded with him again since then. 

Nexus of Realities


At one point in time, Mysterio was able to collect water from Man-Thing’s swamp, allowing him to completely alter reality. He mixed the water into his toxins by placing it in giant containers, and with it, gained enhanced powers. He was able to physically affect the environment using illusions of Galactus, as his illusions now have tangible effects on the real world. They’re really no longer illusions at this point, as much as they are full-on reality warping. 

It’s unknown if the villains conjured by Mysterio, such as Doctor Doom, Loki, and Mephisto are their actual 616 counterparts that fight for him, or if they're simply physical projections of them. Mysterio was stated to be creating a new convergence point for the Multiverse as well. In the end, Beck lost his nexus abilities after his container was destroyed, leaking out the mixture he was using

Cosmic Comic

A cosmic deity with dominion over stories and reality, Mysterio was able to use its power to his advantage by trapping Spider-Man within a comic panel, freezing him in place until the reader freed him. 

Mysterio was also able to bring objects to life, turn giant-sized, and travel through time at will as well as dimensions. The wielder of the cosmic comic views reality as if it was their “canvas”. Ultimately, Mysterio was defeated when Spider-Man’s comic was read across comic shops, preventing Mysterio from trying to end the story right then and there. The Cosmic Comic was freed by the end, no longer being manipulated by Beck. 


After killing his android daughter in self defense, Quentin unlocked a new type of power, the power of Cyttorak. This was done by completing a ritual that required the user to spill the blood of the person they love the most. He connected to the Crimson Brand of Cyttorak and gained new mystical abilities. With this, he could shoot energy beams that could one-shot Dusk, and create constructs of walls, demons, swords, and platforms, which he used to fly. It’s unknown how much power Mysterio truly gained from this transformation, and whether it correlates to his speed, considering Ben Reilly could still keep up with him, but it’s stated that the ritual allows you to directly tap into Cyttorak’s power. Mysterio lost this form after his hand was severed by Ben using a sword created by Cyttorak’s followers

Gada Form

Another nonstandard form of his, he was able to obtain a supernatural gada which gave him this weird form which was able to match Peter, Miles, and Pavitr. Not much else is known about this form given the fact he gets off screened in two pages but at least it is worth mentioning like the other forms.


Yellow Lantern

During the Blackest Night event, Sinestro was forced to send out Yellow Lantern rings to fight against the Black Lanterns. Due to his ability to create such great fear, as you might imagine, Scarecrow was chosen for the Yellow Lantern Corps. He gains a bunch of different abilities through this, such as the ability to create Yellow Lantern constructs of hardened light energy, only limited by his imagination. Scarecrow uses this to create birds (ermmm are you ok Spectre?), pitchforks, and flying monkeys. He can also shoot energy blasts, fly, and make force-fields, as well as get stronger through the fear he causes and instills. His time as a Yellow Lantern is short-lived, thanks to Orange Lantern Lex Luthor stealing his ring. He did get it back for awhile, managing to create a machine that used the ring like a battery, only to lose it at the end of the comic to Green Lantern corps.


Crane found himself employed by the Penguin who wanted help creating a toxin that would make his henchman more obedient and fear him. He gave Crane money, equipment and a lab assistant Linda Friitawa to help create this new gas. However, little did Crane know that he was being manipulated by the two who infected him and thus, he was transformed into the mighty Scarebeast. 

As you could probably guess from looking at him, the Scarebeast is way more deadly than ordinary Scarecrow. His strength is increased dramatically to the point that he can crush heads, bust through walls, windows and easily restrain Batman. In addition to strength the Scarebeast’s other physical attributes are also increased. Batman refers to him as not just strong but also fast. He moved faster than camera sensors could follow, was stated to have incredible stealth and be able to move faster than Wayne manors security protocols could be activated, along with being called almost inhuman and being able to track Batman for over 15 miles. He’s also insanely durable as showcased throughout the arc. He can tank gunfire, Batman stabbing and tazing him then dropping a grenade in his mouth, which all do nothing, getting stabbed in the eye by Alfred, having a chandelier dropped on him as well as a vase, being stabbed in the shoulder and leg by swords, and tanking hits from the combined efforts of Batgirl, Catwoman, Onyx, and Tarantula, Batman had to use a specialized mech suit to beats him, and this included getting rammed by the Batwing before finally being stopped by some tranquilizers.

Lastly, the Scarebeast is also capable of spewing out Scarecrow's fear toxin from his mouth although this one seems to be much more potent as prior to their encounter, Batman covered himself in antitoxin along with other precautions like filters in his ears and nostrils but Batman was quickly infected by the gas and for the rest of the issue Batman goes nuts hallucinating Joker, Two-Face and Jason Todd before Alfred and Robin are able to heal him of the effects.    

It's also worth noting that Crane appears to be able to still turn into the Scarebeast at will as towards the end of the issue when he’s being transported to Arkham Alfred informs us that Crane turned into the Scarebeast again and is back on the loose with Batman searching for him




  • Proves himself to be one of Spider-Man's most deadly foes through his mind alone. 

  • Tormented Peter and his family for years.

  • Conceptualized the name of the Sinister Six.

  • Defeated Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Red Ghost, and (almost) beat Daredevil.

  • Almost convinced Daredevil to kill a child because he was the spawn of the devil. 

  • Took over New York City in another dimension.

  • Came actually close to killing Spider-Man in the Sinister War arc. 

  • Managed to escape the wrath of Hydra, Wolverine, and many more.

  • Made a successful film with Mary Jane.

  • Dude this guy retcons so much it isn’t even funny. 


With Tech


With Tech




  • One of the most dangerous and intelligent villains of Batman’s rogues gallery

  • Has terrorized Gotham City and its vigilantes with his fear toxin, making them believe they live in utopias and bringing out the worst fears in them

  • Invented all of his toxins, serums, drugs, and equipment

  • Nearly killed the Joker

  • Has defeated and bested Batman on many occasions

  • Beat Robin, Batgirl, Commissioner Gordon, and Joker

  • United Gotham’s villains into an army against Bane, taking over Gotham City

  • Planted 67 scarecrows in Gotham City in a single night

  • Briefly became a Yellow Lantern 

  • The only Batman villain in any continuity to unmask Batman (Arkham Knight)







Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a Spider-Man can. Now scaling Mysterio can be a little bit contentious. At least in terms of physicals, he likely doesn’t scale, since nine times out of ten he gets physically overpowered. Mysterio though has reacted to his movement, so speed scaling is justified. Also his robots just fully scale, like blatantly so- The Mysterio Android can overpower him, and other weapons such as the mechanical serpent and robotic spider are able to kill him if given the chance. His holograms also harmed Symbiote Spider-Man with their punches. While some will doubt it, at the end of the day, Mysterio’s tech poses quite a formidable threat against the web-slinger.  

Spider-Man Rogues

Given Beck consistently fights alongside the Sinister Six, and his tech scales to Spider-Man, who fights these rogues day and night, 


Lawyer by day, Vigilante by night, Daredevil is one of Marvel’s more impressive street level heroes, and Mysterio has proven time and again to be a formidable threat to him, able to physically trade blows with him thanks to the power circuitry amplifying his suit’s strength

Captain America

The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan, Mysterio is able to scale to Captain America through fighting and defeating Joe Smith. Joe can keep up with Captain America in combat, and is strong enough to nearly crack his skull.



I am the Night, I am Batman. Scarecrow has been shown to be a match for the Dark Knight physically on multiple different occasions, justifying him scaling. 


Scarecrow has been at odds with the Batfamily for years, and has fought people like Nightwing, Tim Drake, Batgirl, and even Batwing justifying a scale. 

Batfamily Rogues

Scarecrow isn’t super special within the rogues gallery, but he should be comparable to most of the misfits that Batman fights. Of course, you can’t scale him to threats above him, like Clayface or Killer Croc. 



To put it lightly… yeah Beck’s awful up close. When his illusions and mechs don’t work, Mysterio really lacks any notable physical feats and abilities to keep up in a hand to hand scenario-which given his archenemy is known for his strength, that’s a massive problem. It also doesn’t help that his suit shuts down hard if the battery in his arm is destroyed, removing some of Mysterio’s abilities. 

His gas can also be counteracted in different ways. The use of a Gas Mask is most common, but Peter has also counteracted the illusions themselves by blinding himself, or even just a fan sucking up his gas. 

~~Also insert typical ego problem for villains~~


Scarecrow is quite obsessive over his work, in regards to spreading fear to his victims and the Batman, always trying to up the ante with his toxins and serums, especially when they don’t work, of which, the toxins have backfired many times. Specifically, on Crane; he’s gotten a taste of his own medicine on many occasions, although Blackest Night seems to indicate that he has built up an immunity to his own fear toxins. Also, his toxin has been overpowered by Car Smoke and basic gas masks. The Scarebeast form also seems to be susceptible to prolonged blunt trauma or incapacitation methods such as tranquilizer darts as a way to knock him unconscious or revert him back to his normal form.

Crane also has a massive ego which causes him to usually experiment and play with his victims before actually going for the kill. This is made clear by Alfred and has been shown on many occasions like when instead of having Man-Bat and his wife finish fixing the sonic gun with his subliminals, he forced them to slowly hate each other for his own sick egotistical gain.

Before the verdict

Fear Aura?

As demonstrated above, it seems that Scarecrow has a weird fear-aura that puts fear into Robin and Batgirl, eventually knocking them out. We have really no idea how this works. Is it an actual fear aura? Some gear? Or perhaps a weapon? It is described as ‘the suddenness of a slashing blow’ although this could be metaphorical, like the fear just hit them. Users of this blog have different interpretations so it’ll at least be considered. 



As far as stats are concerned, both Mysterio and Scarecrow have solid edges in certain categories. Starting with their base levels before their other tricks, let's cover the power and speed of street tiers from both universes. On Marvel's side, Mysterio pretty solidly upscales most heavy hitters in that league, like Captain America and Daredevil via one-tapping a villain of the former and beating up Daredevil until his suit was shut off. This compares him to Deadpool (who Steve scales to) surviving a 30 kiloton punch that launched him out of Krakoa, and obviously Daredevil's own nanosecond timing at 5.5 times the speed of light. However, given in both instances of scaling he's decently above this, that should also be taken into account. His keeping up with Spider-Man in speed most of the time (who is far faster than Daredevil) should help support this as well.

Moving on to Scarecrow, he should scale to Batman, and by extension other heavy hitters in the street crowd of DC. For power, this would compare to Adam Strange, who's gravity related feats clock in at around 80 kilotons of TNT, and for speed, this compares to Black Canary's nanosecond timing at 3.3 - 4.3 times the speed of light. However, it's not entirely 1:1 scaling. Scarecrow has frequently gotten beat pretty easily by Bruce one on one, and while he does assuredly scale due to fighting him and putting up the challenge he does, it's more downscaling than anything else.

For what this means physically, both should be roughly even in strength and durability, while Mysterio should be faster. While the DC power number is higher, remember that Mysterio upscales his own value a good deal, while Scarecrow downscales from his more often than not. As for speed, both contend with people who can move in nanoseconds, but Mysterio has more instances of surpassing, let alone keeping up with these characters, which is supported in his battles with Spider-Man. So, Mysterio should ultimately hold the edge in a physical contest…at least compared to Scarecrow, because now let's move to the Scarebeast.

This final form of Crane massively boosts his physical prowess all around; enough to, frankly, make Batman his bitch. He had to wear a Stat boosting suit himself to actually defeat Scarebeast, so at this point, Crane should be more than capable of tearing Mysterio to shreds and likely outpacing him to do so. That would be curtains for stats, except Mysterio has his own counter to this in the form of his robots and technology. While Mysterio may not compare to Spider-Man in raw strength, his robots, like the Avatar he used while stranded in Earth-1610, most assuredly do. In that regard, while Scarebeast may largely upscale dozens of kilotons, Spider-Man frequently compares to several dozen megatons worth, like scaling to Luke Cage or enduring an exajoule of energy. Not only does Beck have several robots that can scale to this, but also other tools like fake Black Holes that are capable of restraining Peter unless he gives it everything he has. This kind of technology would easily surpass the Scarebeast, and given Mysterio’s veritable army of them, it's safe to say Stats are overall in his favor. 

Arsenal and Abilities 

Let’s jump right into this debate, since it’s actually fairly complicated. While Mysterio and Scarecrow may seem very similar in certain regards to their arsenal, they have some pretty major differences that make the winner clear. Starting off with their illusions, Scarecrow’s main weapon he has is his Fear Toxin, which brings to life the worst fears of a subject. Hitting someone with this is very deadly, as it can cause heart attacks, paralysis, lead to suicide, and more harmful acts. What people see in fear toxins varies from person to person (and comic to comic) but at its best, Fear Toxin can create a replica of Gotham or a nuclear explosion which engulfed the city, or do things like temporarily restrain Superman. This is just the basic toxin, as we know Scarecrow has different variants. While some are unimportant for the debate, such as the dust based Yellow Toxin and the low-grade Pink one, Scarecrow does have far more useful ones. His Corrosive Fear Toxin for example could break through the mask of Hazmat workers, his Knockout Toxin managed to KO the Man of Steel, and his Supertoxin is basically a stronger version of this fear toxin. 

For Mysterio, his main weapon is his illusions, which are physical, and able to create projections of people or objects to fight. He’s shown great creativity with his these; creating hordes of zombies, dinosaurs, Sinister Six Members, multiple Mysterios, etc, but his best showings are creating a fake desert that went on for miles or growing to the size of our planet.

“1. Can Mysterio counter the Fear toxin?” 

Starting out tough is the question of if Mysterio can counter the Fear Toxin. This mostly comes down to interpretation of the differences between the illusions that Beck creates and the actual effects of Fear Toxin. For Mysterio, he’s been exposed to his own mist several times over the years, which has led him to experience illusions while keeping his sanity, while the Fear Toxin makes your greatest fears come to life or gives you something TO fear (such as giving someone the fear of heights or Claustrophobia). While Mysterio has lived with these illusions, he still does experience them, which could actually be a hindrance if Scarecrow's Fear Toxin hits, since now he’s dealing with two sets of illusions. Not only that, but as stated before, Fear Toxin has the added benefit of causing Heart Attacks and Paralysis which Mysterio can’t counter. So if Mysterio is hit, he would likely either be killed by the actual effects of the toxin, or struggle with the illusions. GG, Right?

No, not really.

Mysterio has multiple ways to prevent the Fear Toxin from hitting him. For one you have the classic Fishbowl helmet. Mysterio’s Fishbowl has specifically been shown to filter toxins out of its system before it could do any deadly damage to the man himself, while also providing him his own oxygen supply for half an hour. His helmet also has a Sonar that allows him to see through his own illusions, which could allow for Mysterio to get past the illusions that Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin creates. Although with them able to be physical, either through regular effects or a device that does so, they’re still an issue. While the Fear Toxin can enter through the skin, Mysterio doesn’t actually have any skin showing on his outfit for it to enter through. You have Mysterio's own illusions which could potentially trick Crane into spraying the wrong one given the fact Mysterio can create duplicates of himself. He also has other abilities that allow for quick get-aways, like his Concealing Mist which allows for quick escapes, or his teleportation. This also counters his other special toxins, like the Knockout Gas and Ultratoxin. 

But, I hear you cry out, what about the corrosive gas Scarecrow has? Let’s actually look back at the feat, where the Corrosive Toxin eats through the plastic of the Hazmat Suit, and none of the actual materials around it (Like the stone and metal). Through our research, we found that the Plexiglass that Mysterio wears is actually naturally resistant to the corrosive nature of elements. Does this mean he entirely resists the corrosive effects? Not at all, since the plastic around hazmat suits are supposed to resist it, but it’s important to note that it can't reliably get past his Helmet in most scenarios.

TLDR: While it’s unlikely for Mysterio to be able to resist the actual effects of the Fear Toxin, his helmet’s natural defenses and oxygen supply would filter out any harmful toxins before it would reach him. Although, I will say, it’s debatable if the Helmet could actually resist the Corrosive Toxin that Mysterio wears. 

“2. Can Scarecrow counter the Illusions?” 


While Scarecrow has a natural resistance to Fear Toxin due to overexposure, Mysterio’s illusions work on a ‘Here’s what I want you to see’ basis, which he has never really seen before. Most of the time there’s no actual fear involved unless he’s using certain gear like the Hallucination Gas or Fear Toxin, which then Scarecrow would resist. Mysterio’s illusions are just far more potent and effective, to the point where even Wolverine (who has heightened senses) can't see through his tricks and kills his entire team because of it. Given that these are also physical, due to his hard-light construct device not breaking, Scarecrow is going to be essentially fighting whatever Mysterio wants him to see, whenever he wants him to see it. So, what does Mysterio want him to see? Truly whatever he wants. He could immediately outnumber Scarecrow with his Sinister Six constructs, trap him in a version of hell or a desert, or trap Scarecrow in a version of his bloodstream. Scarecrow lacks any natural defenses, or gear, to tell reality from illusion, giving Scarecrow great battlefield control.

TLDR: No, Scarecrow lacks any natural defenses to illusions which would cause Mysterio to have control over the battlefield  His illusions have shown to be on a much wider scale than Scarecrow. 

“3. Does Scarecrow have any gear to help?

Yes. Scarecrow has many different options than just the Fear Toxin that helps him out in battle. Let’s run through some of the less useful ones though, so I can say I at least brought them up. All of Scarecrow's gas weaponry is pretty useless for the same reason the rest of the Fear Toxin is; it can’t enter Mysterio’s system. Fear Flamethrowers, Dart Guns, Toxins? They aren’t really going to help. The only ones that could potentially be useful is the Fear Toxin Blimp, a vehicle with enough toxin to cover the Eastern Seaboard, or the Time Capsule which he can set to detonate at a later date, or the 50 drones he has which can spread across Gotham. Apart from that he can hypnotize you in many ways, either through his natural skills, his Mind Control Serum, Mind Controlling Helmet, or Hypnotic Drug. He’s also crafted other drugs, such as an Anti-Fear Drug that removes fear and common sense, Venom which can rip The Flashes muscles apart, or a Fear-Pheromone that allows him to project fear into people (Although he has a drug to do this to himself as well). While toxin is his main way of applying fear, he has a Gizmo strong enough to kill a man, or a horse, yes, a horse.

The usefulness of all of these items vary. His Hypnotic Drug seems to require skin-to-toxin contact, while the helmets need to go on someone's head, and the Serum is a direct serum of his fear toxin. Titan is great, but it would need to be applied to Mysterio, which we already mentioned is going to be a struggle. Same with the Anti-Fear Drug, which could take the intelligence of Mysterio away, would first need to be applied. Fear Pheromone, again, another thing that Scarecrow would need to actually see Mysterio for. The Fear-Radiating Pill would require Scarecrow to actively swallow it. While these, in theory, COULD one shot Mysterio, actually applying them would be a difficulty.

But he does have some ways to bypass the suit that Mysterio is wearing. For one he has the Transmitting Device, a skull that emits high frequencies that act similar to the toxin that causes hallucinations. While this could affect Mysterio, it doesn’t actually simulate the deadly effects that could harm Mysterio, which then brings us back to 1. His Fear Gizmo is, perhaps, his best weapon. The Fear Gizmo is simple, it sends vibrations and causes enough fear to kill a man. 

I also forgot to elaborate on the drones, fifty flying devices which could essentially carpet bomb the entire area that Mysterio is in. This makes dodging the toxin much more difficult, since it would essentially be everywhere. 

TLDR: While Scarecrow has a large arsenal many of them require close-counter injections or oral consumption to be usable. His main items that help are the Transmitting Device which could cause passive hallucinations, or the Gizmo which could kill Mysterio. 

4. Can Mysterio counter these/does he have any gear to help?

Yes. Let’s look at his gas. For one, his gas is always going to be infinitely more useful than Scarecrow's fear toxin due to the fact that Scarecrow has no real way to resist these glasses. Just like Scarecrow, Mysterio has knock-out gas that’s affected individuals much stronger than him. (She-Hulk) Apart from that, he can use his Hallucinogenic Gas to fly around the area or teleport away from individuals. His Cloaking Mist could potentially mind-manipulate Scarecrow, but this is debatable thanks to Scarecrow's own resistances of Hypnosis over the years. Speaking of hypnosis, Scarecrow's own hypnosis required him to actively be in ear-shot of guards and prisoners, and given Mysterio's ranged options, it’s likely this does anything. His Deadly Mist could just straight-up kill Scarecrow, or weaken him to drop any stat difference. Mysterio also has a tranquiliser gun which could do the same, as done with Spider-Man. He could even, theoretically, remove the fear toxin resistance entirely from Crane as it did with Spider-Man's powers. He has many other useful weapons as well, he could create Fake-Black Holes which would physically overpower Scarecrow and leave him damaged, or a Status Gun which would freeze Crane in place. Any stealth that Scarecrow had would be null, Mysterio has his eyebots which would allow an eye on Crane the entire time, with Mysterio able to hide his own presence. While Crane does have a gas mask, potentially rendering these gas based options moot, Mysterio can easily get past it with options like his acid. Then, of course, he has the robots. 

Mysterio technically doesn’t need to be in the fight at all, using a robotic version of himself to stand in for the battle. If Crane got close to Mysterio, or if Quentin ever felt threatened, or if he simply wanted a break to play Angry Birds, he could teleport away and send a robot in. This robot doesn’t even have to be one of quintin himself. He can send in an army of 14,984 space aliens, Sinister Six members, he has an entire army at his fingertips. He can sit back, relax, and just hope that the many robots he has do something. Or he can install his Mysterio Avatar, put on the VR headset and boot up the Mysterio Avatar. This would physically overpower Scarecrow, while having many different abilities similar to his regular suit. Or perhaps he activates the giant Sphinx, spreading waves in a five mile radius which traps Scarecrow in a large illusion. 

The one thing that won’t likely work is Mysterio’s hypnosis, as this is something that Scarecrow has already resisted before. Another thing is his paralyzing toxin, since he’d have to stuff down Crane's throat to get it to work. 

TLDR: Mysterio has many items which are more reliable/better oneshot options than Scarecrow has. Through his illusions and robots, Mysterio can sit back and not put himself in serious danger. Even if he did, he has weapons from both his suit and general arsenal to put Scarecrow down. 

5. Scarebeast

Something I haven’t brought up yet, the Scarebeast is a monster physically strong enough to overpower even the likes of Batman, who cannot match it. He can fire strong fear toxins from his mouth, even a mask couldn’t protect it. While Scarebeast is stronger than Beck, It has 1 big weakness. A few shots from regular tranq guns were capable of completely knocking him out and turning him back into Crane and Quentin himself has a tranq gun. However unlike these Beck's is much much more powerful stating it would be able to knock out an entire army of ramping elephants. This gun was also able to fuck Spidey over and made him lose his powers. With how much more powerful Beck's gun is it would be fair to say that a shot from his tranq gun would remove scarebeast from the equation and knock Crane out. The Scarebeast is a factor that yes, we are including, and will be brought up. 

6. Misty Beck: 

Yeah, Misty Beck just kinda stomps Scarecrow. Her power of sleep manipulation and BFR would mean that in any situation she’s activated would completely oneshot Scarecrow. There is one issue, is that her purpose is that of being his daughter instead of actually being in combat. To give him another Misty Beck, since the last one was so close and personal to him, would be wildly out of character for him to do. Unlike his other robots, she wasn’t made for direct combat. Does that mean Beck would never use her? No, his self preservation matters most, but it would have to be a very dangerous situation for him to consider it. 

Any other factors. 

Scarecrow, of course, is a much better h2h combatant making any physical encounter, at least hand to hand based, favor him. Comparing their experience can be difficult, since they’re both great at different things. Scarecrow is a brilliant scientist who can craft a bunch of toxins, while Mysterio is just an amateur at best. But Scarecrow has no experience in special, practical, and all around theater based experiences. It isn’t really going to matter here, so this section is small.

Although it is important to note how they fight. Mysterio is much more of a ranged fighter, usually hiding and getting his illusions/robots to do the fighting for him. While he has fought in H2H combat before, he usually gets stomped by the stronger foe, like Spider-Man. He uses his brain, like Scarecrow, who usually fights in close-ranged situations to get his Fear Toxin off. 

They’re also just the biggest haters of them all.

7. How does Scarecrow win?

Scarecrow's main win conditions are being able to use one of his gadgets or gasses to incap or one shot Mysterio. He can do this through a plethora of ways. To begin with, and to reiterate what has been talked about above, his most potent win condition is of course his fear toxins which he has enough of to cover a whole city. If this fear gas is able to get into Mysterio’s system either through breathing it in or skin contact, Mysterio would practically be paralyzed in fear given even characters like Batman and Batwing have been stunned in fear and affected by this gas. Now while Mysterio has his own tank of oxygen which could filter out the gas, Scarecrow can stay hidden while controlling drones making it only a matter of time before it runs out and he begins to inhale the toxin. It’s also possible that Mysterio’s helmet can get affected by the corrosive gas even though that is likely something Scarecrow can use from close range. On the flip side, Mysterio and his avatar wouldn’t be able to use their respective fear gasses given Scarecrow has shown the ability to resist his fear gas which is far more potent than Mysterio’s. He also would not be affected by Mysterio’s hypnosis techniques.

The next wincon is his auditory illusions, the Transmitting Device and his Subliminals. These two don’t suffer from needing to breathe in or even for skin contact to be made and can be activated through merely hearing them. These can be used to cause Mysterio to see hallucinations and illusions allowing for Scarecrow to get the jump on him or even like the fear gas, paralyzing him in fear so he can get the kill.

The next two wincons at Scarecrow's disposal are his more esoteric techniques being his fear radiation pill and the fear gizmo. The first being a pill which once consumed, causes him to emit an “aura” which causes anyone near him to be stricken with fear and cause them to knock out. This pill was even potent enough to even affect Batman and Robin so Mysterio likely would not be able to resist its effects. Once Mysterio is knocked out, Scarecrow could reasonably just kill him while he is out. The next wincon being the fear gizmo, which sends vibrations which directly attack the nervous system with fear potent enough to kill someone. These vibrations would very easily be able to bypass Mysterio’s suit and would be able to kill him under the vibrations.

Lastly, Scarecrow’s skills give him a slightly better advantage than Mysterio. Scarecrow’s stealth could allow for him to hide in the shadows and wait out until Mysterio shows an opening or could just allow for him to get the jump on him. This coupled with the fact Crane is skilled in his own martial art means he has at least some sort of martial art expertise that Mysterio himself does not have, allowing him to have a skill gap. If this skill gap doesn’t have any effect and Scarecrow gets his ass beat in a physical fight ensues, he has his ace up his sleeve, scarebeast. This form would allow for him to physically be stronger and faster than Mysterio, giving him the combat edge. It would also allow for him to shatter Mysterio’s glass dome, allowing for his fear toxin which he can emit from his mouth, to go directly into Mysterio’s system, thus paralyzing him with fear and then getting squashed like an ant.

Overall, almost all of Scarecrow's gadgets would allow for him to net a win through some sort of stimulus whether that be through breathing, touch, hearing, or just straight into one's nervous system. This coupled with his skill advantage and scarebeast would allow for Scarecrow to net a ravwin. (Get it raven, ravwin lol).

8. How does Mysterio win? 

Mysterio’s main wincons come from his gadgets, illusions, and robots to make quick work of Scarecrow before Scarecrow can even use his gadgets and gas. Reiterating what was said above, in the arsenal and abilities section, Mysterio’s illusion’s and or gas are far more efficient than the fear gas given the fact they don’t have to enter one's system in order for the illusions to work. Thus he can more freely and easily trick and or distract Scarecrow while Scarecrow struggles to use his techniques under the pressure of Mysterio’s illusions. Using these illusions Mysterio can change what Scarecrow sees while also being able to control these illusions from miles away like when he made the Sinister Six believe they were in a desert. The illusions are also able to affect the senses meaning that Scarecrow not only would be getting fooled visually but also his hearing, touch, and smell would all be affecting Scarecrow, which would cause him to struggle to even activate his techniques given he could theoretically use these illusions to make it seem like he is on fire which cause him to very likely stop what he was trying to activate or use. Speaking of gas, Mysterio’s suit has its own supply of oxygen which in turn would be capable of filtering out Scarecrow’s fear toxin, in turn, making Scarecrow's main thing unusable.

The next wincon for Mysterio is his massive robot army he has at his disposal which can be used to overwhelm Scarecrow. Each of these robots having their own abilities which Scarecrow also has to worry about coupled with Mysterio’s illusions will also put more pressure onto Scarecrow if not just kill him. Also Scarecrow would also struggle with these robots given, they would not be affected by the gas since they are not human. Looking through the important robots individually:

Mysterio Avatar: The Mysterio which was used to go into Earth-1610 and who we will refer to as just Avatar from now. Avatar, while he actually gets countered by Scarecrow’s resistance to fear gas, can still very well be important to the fight. He is capable of teleportation which would given him a lot of battlefield control, can fire out blasts which would fatally harm Scarecrow, and can even just physically match Scarecrow, even while he is in the Scarebeast form given he should scale to Spidey tiers.

Sinister Six Robots: These are robots which were made to mimic the Sinister Six’s powers and abilities thus would be a massive help. The Rhino robot would give Mysterio a strength advantage while giving him another way to deal with and hold off Scarebeast. The Sandman robot would be good mobility and just another good way to deal with Scarebeast. The Electro robot can be used to override any of Scarecrow's electronics. The Doc Ock robot gives him just another way to deal with Scarebeast. They also as a group or even individually would be enough to overwhelm Scarecrow as he struggles to deal with them all.

Alien Army: While they aren't inherently stronger or faster than the above, they do have something that is far more important, numbers. Mysterio has 14,984 of these things he can use at his disposal which were capable of overwhelming the likes of Daredevil, Captain America, and even The Human Torch. These guys being far stronger and more experienced in hand to hand combat compared to the likes of Scarecrow.

Eyeball Bots: Simply put these are small little robot balls which allow Mysterio to be able to survey an entire city and keep tabs on the things he wants. This would be incredibly helpful as it would allow for him to constantly have tabs on Scarecrow, countering any stealthy moves Scarecrow trying to make. Meaning Scarecrow would struggle to catch Mysterio off guard or by surprise.

Misty Beck: The final robot being mentioned and the most debatable one (The poll on if we should use her or not was literally a 50/50 split). Misty gives Mysterio many more wincons given the fact she is capable of using actual magic. She would be capable of putting Scarecrow to sleep or even teleporting him and or his tech into a whole other dimension. This coupled with the fact she also can catch Scarecrow, (who already has to deal with all these other factors), off guard by teleporting means she can pull these two one shot options fairly easily.

We will now talk about some miscellaneous abilities and gadgets which would help Mysterio out a bunch. Mysterio is capable of vanishing and teleportation which would allow for him to escape a lot of Scarecrow's gadgets and toxins before they can do fatal damage or before Scarecrow could kill him, thus making Scarecrow's job a lot harder. Mysterio has his Sphinx which can emit waves which will make people fall under illusions and hallucinations from an entire 5 mile radius, basically being a better version of Scarecrow’s Transmitting Device. Mysterio also has a tranquilizer which very likely would be able to knock out Scarebeast if need be. Mysterio also has an EMP which ruins a lot of Scarecrow’s tech like drones and the Fear Gizmo.

The last and most important aspect to Mysterio’s win is his range. Mysterio very consistently has better range than Scarecrow. While yes, Scarecrow can infect the entire city of Gotham with fear gas, Mysterio has shown equal if not better range, being able to conjure up whole deserts with his illusion, sending the alien robots throughout the whole city, and even sending Avatar to a whole other dimension. Mysterio also very commonly acts from range, sending a robot or having one of his tricks be from a safe range while he hides. This means Scarecrow runs the chance of never actually seeing or getting to the real Mysterio.

Overall, Mysterio’s illusions are far more effective than Scarecrow’s fear gas as they don’t require being entered into one system to work. Mysterio can overwhelm Scarecrow with his massive army of robots. He is also capable of countering a lot of Scarecrows gadgets all the while being able to fight from far range with all these other advantages. Simply put MysteriOWNs Scarecrow. 


“You dare call Mysterio a magician?! FOOL! Mysterio is no mere illusionist playing parlor tricks! Mysterio is the master of the arcane arts!”


  • Massive range advantage 

  • Much more agile

  • Faster in base.

  • Can potentially oneshot through many means.

  • Helmet filters out base fear toxin. 

  • Has more variety in weapons

  • Illusions are stronger in effect than Fear Toxin

  • Illusions don’t require physical contact/smell, just creation.

  • Counters Scarecrow's stealth with his tech and illusions.

  • Numbers advantage with his  machines and illusions

  • Most of Mysterio's Tech and illusions are stronger than Both Scarecrow and Scarebeast

  • Deadly Gas can weaken or even kill Scarebeast let alone Scarecrow.

  • His tranq gun that heavily affected Spidey would depower and possibly kill Scarebeast.

  • His EMP would mess with all of Crane's devices, drones and Fear Machine

  • The floating Sphinx would instantly put Crane in an illusion

  • 14,984 aliens

  • Misty can do… A lot.

  • Actually tricked some members in the blog with his stories.

  • Has turned himself and/or others into a girl (TRANS FLUID?!?!)

  • Has retconned sins day past

Equal (If necessary):

  • Adaptations people are split with (MCU)

  • Similar stats in base

  • Equal intelligence


  • Scarebeast is physically stronger than him

  • Less skilled in hand 2 hand

  • Less in his arsenal overall. 

  • Fear Toxin won’t work on Crane

  • Has no counter to the transmitting device. 

  • No counter to Fear Toxin if it hits

  • Anti-Fear drug would make Mysterio arrogant.

  • Fear Gizmo could kill him.

  • Likely can’t hypnotize Scarecrow.

  • You’re a good kisser, Parker. But also….

  • Perhaps never was in this blog the entire time.

  • Is Literally just a retcon device

“You soon will see what Gotham City will be like without fear. And it WON’T be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together. It’s what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear IS power.”


  • Has a bigger quantity of arsenal

  • More skilled in h2h combat. 

  • The Fear Gizmo uses vibrations which emit fear to the point of death

  • Transmitting device is constantly applying fear to Mysterio

  • Fear toxin could cause paralysis or suicide from Mysterio and Anti-Fear drug would make Mysterio extremely arrogant…

  • Stronger in Scarebeast form….

  • Could potentially resist Hypnosis 

  • Mysterio’s Fear Toxin wouldn’t work on him. 

  • Fear Machine 

  • Probably has some of the coolest designs in comics. 

Equal (If necessary):

  • Adaptations people are split with (Arkhamverse, specifically Knight) 

  • Similar stats in base

  • Equal intelligence


  • …. If he can even get them in.

  • … but is still physically weaker against most of Mysterio's techs and illusions.

  • The fishbowl protects Mysterio from nearly all Crane's gasses.

  • Lacks consistent range.

  • Less agile

  • Cannot prevent Mysterio’s oneshot options.

  • Less variety in weapons.

  • Fear Toxin illusions are weaker, and require physical contact/smell.

  • Stealth can be countered through Mysterio’s tech.

  • Loses the numbers game.

  • No counters to Deadly Gas or tranq gun, which would depower him.

  • EMP would mess with drones, devices, and Fear Machine (If it was here) 

  • Misty, like, come on now.

  • 14,984 aliens

  • Hates Women. (Common theme with these Batman antagonists) 

  • Fear Machine

Final Vote

Team Mysterio: [11] Saul, Fenic, 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪, MomoUra, Round 1 FIGHT!, Why Am I here, Spidey, gio789, Pasbro, Bang, Bananabreadsticks 

Team Scarecrow: [3] Toppat Torchwick, TheRealGnomeChompski, Sato K.


Just one more thing...

Saul's VS blog, for batch one, has finally came to an end. Thank you, i'm going on break now, but have this in the main time.

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