Friday, 21 June 2024

Syndrome VS Tighten (The Incredibles VS Megamind)


"The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall."

- Adria

Syndrome, The powerless “Sidekick” turned mastermind nemesis of The Incredibles

Tighten, The Incel nobody turned “Superhero” created to defeat (and by) Megamind

Heroes have many aspects that make them this way. Courage, responsibility, and a good moral compass. But sometimes you get led down the wrong path, through rejection of someone you put on a pedestal, and you just turn bad. Will Syndrome manage to eliminate one more hero? Or will Tighten crush this threat? Come along to Saul’s VS blog to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Before We Go Anywhere…

These two have really short media lists. For Syndrome, we’re going to be covering the first two Incredible films and Jack Jack Attacks, For Tighten, we’re covering the two Megamind movies and it’s amazing TV show. If it completely contradicts the canon, it’s gone. Same deal with crossovers, so don’t expect to see Syndrome scaling to Marvel Heralds through Disney Infinity or anything.


This blog is, in part, using information from Capejedi’s own Syndrome vs Tighten blog which came out before this. When this matchup won the poll that viewers of this blog voted on, we had no idea this one existed. We spoke to Capejedi, who is on this blog, and have received explicit permission to use this info. Now you might say, isn’t this blog pointless? No. We have new Megamind content, for better or worse, to cover. So thank you Cape. 



“Sure it was difficult, but you are worth it. I mean, after all... I am your biggest fan.”

As a Young boy, Buddy Pine had a great admiration for superheroes, though the one he admired most was the legendary Mr Incredible, even believing himself to be his biggest fan. Despite lacking any superpowers, Buddy was determined to prove himself worthy of being Mr Incredibles sidekick. After creating some surprising advanced tech, he took on the identity of Incrediboy and introduced himself to his idol. However, to say Mr Incredible wasn’t impressed was a major understatement. He immediately booted him from his car and took off. Despite this Incrediboy would try again to help, Intervening in Mr incredibles fight with the Villain Bomb Voyage. However, Incrediboy’s involvement ended up getting many people hurt, and let Bomb Voyage get away scott free. Mr Incredible reasonably was upset, denouncing Buddy and sending him away in a fit of frustration. Afterwards, Buddy felt absolutely betrayed, and completely changed his views on Mr incredible and all superheroes.  

As Buddy grew up, he used his talents to become a wealthy weapons manufacturer. Despite his success he cared for nothing but revenge against Superheros. Buddy would call and manipulate retired superheroes to come to his Private Island, only for them to fight his most powerful invention, the Omnidroid. Lots of superheroes died to this machine, and the ones who defeated it were met with another more powerful Omnidroid. Buddy's plan was simple, to use superheroes' lives as training and improvement for the Omnidroid. He called this great plan, Operation Kronos. After wiping out most of the world's supers, Buddy decided it was finally time to confront his fallen icon, Mr Incredible himself. After Mr Incredible arrived at the Island Buddy introduced himself as Syndrome, his new arch nemesis. 

Syndrome proceeded to absolutely wreck Mr Incredible, assuming him dead after blowing him up with a bomb. However, Mr incredible would survive and infiltrate Syndrome's lair, discovering Operation Kronos. Eventually, Mr incredible and his family ended up getting captured and tortured by Syndrome, where they learned Syndrome's true plan. He was going to launch the Omnidroid into the public, then, he would stage himself defeating it. Syndrome wanted to become a hero in the public's eye, then sell his equipment so that everyone could be a hero. However, his plan would fail when his Omnidroid turned against him, and his greatest invention ended up being put down by the Incredibles once and for all. Syndrome tried one last trick, to kidnap the youngest Incredible Jack Jack, however he would be stopped and die a brutal death due to his cape. A fitting end for a superhero in appearance only.


“Oh, I wouldn't say "freed." More like, under new management.”

Metro City, a place in constant conflict between two parties from similar origins. Metro Man, a white-suited hero who fights for the city. Megamind, the big-headed blue villain who wants control of it. This conflict would go on for years before one fateful day where Megamind set up a trap, his death ray, to blast down and kill Metro Man. (He kinda got lucky that Metro Man was weak to copper). The city became Megaminds! Until, that is, he became bored. Megamind wanted to find someone to take the place of Metro Man and engage in combat. In the meantime, Metro Mans on again off again girlfriend Roxanne was looking into Megamind, taking her young cameraman Hal with her. A conflict within the lair would lead Megamind to accidentally fire the super serum formula, entering up the nose of Hal, giving him the powers of a god. Someone came to Hal that day, his space dad and space step mom, who began to train the superhero. Who was he? Tighten! 

With great power comes great responsibility. With all of the power that Tighten had, he couldn’t stop his one-sided infatuation with Roxanne. He went to her house, took her around the city, showing her that he could protect her. Only for him to promptly be rejected, which is well deserved. What’s the point of being a hero after that? To Tighten, there was none. Megamind was not happy with this, manipulating Tighten into fighting with him. But Tighten wasn’t Metro Man, he was more aggressive, more evil, ready to kill. He wasn’t Metro City’s hero. 

But it's true hero would rise in the form of Megamind. Who, after Roxanne got kidnapped and receiving advice from the still alive Metro Man, went to fight for good. Him and Tighten engaged in a long battle through the city, until Metro Man showed up and scared Tighten off. Unfortunately this was Megamind in disguise which Tighten figured out pretty quickly. Megamind would use his quick wits to take away the power from Tighten that he had given him in the first place. Hal was back to a man, ending up in jail, with Megamind being celebrated as a hero. Pretty ironic, right? 



Syndrome, despite his lack of powers, managed to make a name for himself through the creation of his tech. As a young boy he created rocket boots that allowed him to fly, funding and controlling an entire island filled with multiple soldiers, and his creation of the Omnidroids. Syndrome created multiple of these things to fight superheroes, with them always coming back better if they were ever beaten. He’s also managed to manipulate these superheroes into interacting with him in the first place (Since general superhero work was outlawed by the government) like Mr. Incredible himself. 


Tighten might have not been a threat for long in Metrocity, but he definitely made a name for himself. With the help of Megamind, Tighten trained himself to a level where he could match him in combat. This is extra impressive when you consider Megamind has been battling against Metro Man (Who has the same powerset as Tighten) for years. Megamind also said that it could take months for Tighten to get to grips with his powers, with him flying almost immediately after. He’s also, surprisingly, shown impressive intelligence. He recognised that Megamind wasn’t Metro Man by the way he pronounced Metro City. He also knew that taking Megamind to prison was a bad idea, ready to end his life right there. 



Zero Point Energy Gauntlets

Syndrome can, just by pointing out a finger, trap individuals within a barrier that causes them to stop moving. Syndrome can also use this to fire energy blasts. He can sometimes not realise how much power he has with this, accidentally flinging Mr. Incredible away from him.

Rocket Boots

To get around, Syndrome usually takes flight using his boots. He has a good grasp over these, being able to dodge attacks if needed, although they can be broken and destroyed. This can either throw him off, or at worse, completely stop him from flying. 


This particular item is used to scan for life if they escape Syndrome by using a blue spinning beam. This was easily fooled though by Mr. Incredible, who hid behind a skeleton. 


Syndrome drops this to kill Mr Incredible, who manages to escape by swimming away. The actual inner workings of this is unknown. Is it a timer? Is it on contact? Who knows. 

Arm Remote

This particular invention is a control device, aimed to guide the movements of a particular robot. It can control each and every one of its moves, whether it be to kill heroes any way he wants, or to support his hero aspirations later on. What is this robot you ask? Well, it's only his proudest creation, and it is the…


It's big, it's bad, and ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for the world's superheroes! Thanks to his company and resources, Syndrome poured both into making the ultimate assassination robot, with its target being superheroes. It does this thanks to not only a wide assortment of weapons and a super-durable shell, but its adaptive AI. In short, this intelligence enables it to solve any problem it's confronted with, and adapt to a foe by learning their tactics to exploit them in the long run. Mirage even claims “every moment you spend fighting it only increases its knowledge on how to beat you.” We've seen this in his fighting Mr. Incredible and his family on separate occasions, and only being stopped due to using its own weapons to destroy it. Even more impressive was its slaughter of dozens of experienced superheroes, through both its AI and modifications Syndrome made in the unlikely event it lost. This includes foes capable of making storms, radiation bursts, controlling gravity, and oh so much more that Disney somehow got in a PG movie. Of its many weapons, it has…

  • Internal Component - This core is how the robot thinks, moves, etc, and can operate even when its photoreceptors are torn off.

  • Sensing - Its defences warrant an airdrop from 5,000 feet or it would immediately know and take action. The first model is also credited with multi-sensory display, so later models like the current one should likely be superior.

  • Cloaking Devices - According to Mirage, these makes it difficult to track, though not impossible given their stating it was on the southern half of the island. Of course this could simply be a ruse given they had it under their control but it's likely Syndrome put these in anyway.

  • Limbs - The Omnidroid bears mechanical limbs with octopi like function, that can smash, stab, and slam objects to its robotic hearts content. It can spin its…toes? like helicopter blades and stab through even its own extremely durable hide.

  • Ball Form - For high-speed movement, the Omnidroid can roll up into a ball to traverse land quickly or flatten objects. 

  • Laser Blaster - From its vision receptor, with a laser blaster attached to it, the Omnidroid can blast energy volleys to blow up tanks or damage the various supers. Of note, these are potentially actual lasers, as they move I'm straight lines, as well as burn the ground and Mr. Incredible in the video game.


Syndrome was also shown to possess a jet which he would have used as a getaway after kidnapping Jack Jack. Though how fast it is or if it has any combat capabilities is hard to know, given he kind of died before getting the chance to properly use it. 


Super Suit

Tighten wears a Super Suit to make him more heroic, which is surprisingly elastic. Apparently, his Space Dad gave this to him. What a nice dad! 

Powers and Abilities


None Notable 

Did you even watch the film? 


Superhuman Physiology 

Tighten was born from the superhero Metroman’s DNA. As such he gained an incredible boost to his strength, durability and speed along with a few powers listed below.


Like all good Superman clones, Tighten can fly and look good doing it.

Laser Eyes

When Tighten sees a problem he has two ways of dealing with them. 1. is punching but 2. Is melting them away. Great for dealing with big blue problems. (blud wanna be superman so bad)

Super Ears

While not shown, Tighten says he has super ears. Tighten wouldn't lie to our face, right?

Super Vision

Tighten can accomplish any stalker’s biggest dream by zooming in his vision to spy on people from far away. And while not shown, Metro Man claimed to have eyes that can see through lead, implying he, and by proxy Tighten, have X-Ray vision on top of that. 


(well technically just the Omnidroid but shush)

Heat: Earlier model of the Omnidroid survived a dunk in lava hot enough to make it glow red.

Cold: The Omnidroid was shown to be unimpaired by Frozone’s attempts to freeze it


Heat: Tighten has shown to have no issue charging through explosions, and Metro Man has similarly shown the resistance to straight up inhale fire with no ill effect, also being able to tank the heat of the core of the planet. 




  • Invented all of his own tech

  • Tricked many retired superheroes to their deaths during Operation Kronos

  • Created an Omnidroid that the military was helpless to stop

  • Defeated Mr Incredible several times






  • Took over Metro City

  • Caused a lot of property damage

  • Defeated Megamind badly enough to put him in self imposed retirement






The Incredibles

While Syndrome himself is below the family’s physicality due to not being a super, he has shown his tech like the ZPE and especially the Omnidroid have been able to compete with and damage them, meaning they should scale. And Syndrome also comfortably scales to them himself in terms of speed, given he was able to tag them as a group on two different occasions


Frozone was shown to be generally on par with the main Incredibles Family, and also helped to fight the Omnidroid, so it should also likely scale to him.

Various Superheroes 

Earlier models of the Omnidroid were able to kill multiple other superheroes, and Mr Incredible has been stated to be one of the most powerful superheroes in the world. Between that stuff and supers generally being on par with each other in other media, it should stand to reason the Omnidroid can scale to them as well.


Megamind and Minion

Tighten was obviously far superior to Megamind and Minion physically, and the fact Megamind himself believed that he had no shot of stopping him gives a reason to assume Tighten is also superior to their more notable tech from the time. 

The Doom Syndicate

The Doom Syndicate are Megaminds old evil team who work under Machiavillian. Megamind should be comparable to all of them physically as he’s hurt and tanked their attacks pretty consistently. And Tighten being physically superior to him means he also scales.

Metro Man (Debatable)

Hello everyone, my name is Markiplier-

On the surface it would make sense to scale Tighten to Metro Man, as they do have literally the same powers. Context does make this a bit more questionable, as will be gone over below, but Tighten should likely at least scale to his more casual displays of strength, and he can arguably downscale from him at his best, though by how much is hard to gauge.



Syndrome’s most notable issue is the fact he’s far from imposing by himself, being a basic human physically speaking. He’s also cocky and immature, fully willing to go on long monologues when he believes he’s in control, and he can let his emotions get the better of him. Finally, like any good AI, the Omnidroid is capable of using its learning algorithms to turn on him and wreak havoc indiscriminately. 


While he does have some moments of competence, for the most part Tighten is kind of a massive idiot. He completely fell for Megamind’s manipulation of him, didn't know the Queen of England existed (at least at the time), and has a tendency to just let his powers do the fighting, going for overwhelming force over any kind of strategy. This also plays into his emotional issues, as he can tend to blow up emotionally and act irrationally if angered. Finally, it’s possible to remove his powers by using the same DNA gun that granted him them, though obviously when fighting someone who is not Megamind that’s unlikely to come up.

Before the verdict

Hypershock Magnitude waves

So the big point for Incredibles scaling is this guy, who is directly described as being able to create magnitude 6 earthquake waves, which gets to town level. While we haven’t seen him on screen, an earlier model of the Omnidroid was able to kill him, so that seems like a relatively simple scaling chain. However, the issue here is that his fight with it happened almost entirely offscreen, so it’s a bit unclear whether or not he was actually able to use the full extent of his powers before being defeated. This is even more so given the Omnidroid that killed him was the first one to use its infamous tentacles, implying his defeat could have simply been because he wasn’t actually able to damage the droid as easily. However, given the unclear nature of how his powers work, including whether or not he ought to scale to his own waves in terms of durability, and the offscreen nature of his defeat, it’s hard to really definitively state one way or the other if the Omnidroid should scale.

Planet level Incredibles? 

Planet level Incredibles comes from Universal Man who can turn into a black hole. At least, allegedly. Not only is he another “guy we never see on screen that died to the Omnidroid offscreen” so his limits are hard to guess at, his abilities also aren’t really described in such a way that it would make sense to assume he’s literally creating a legit black hole. Especially given it’s explicitly described as a “near black hole”. This means it’s likely just comparing his ability to suck objects into himself to a black hole rather than a literal descriptor.

Unlike Hypershock, it’s hard to justify scaling the FIRST EVER Omnidroid. He dies off screen, we don’t know what happens, it’s hard to truly justify anything.  

Doom Syndicate Storm? 

One of the feats in contention for this blog was the creation of the City level storm by Doom Syndicate member Lady Doppler. This is a hax based ability? So, how does it scale to AP? Well within the Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate film, we see that Lady Doppler creates a very similar storm to the one above by firing her own lightning. So, yeah, she can just create this storm using her shocks. Megamind and Roxanne have both taken this energy in her blasts, Tighten physically clearly upscales them, boom.

Tighten and Metro Man

Yes, it’s this feat.

Metro Man, during one of his missions with Megamind, left and resolved a mid-life crisis in a split second. This puts Metro Man's speed at 0.0137c. Metro Man and Tighten have the same powers so they should be equal, right?

For one, Metro Man had way more experience and a grasp on his powers, unlike Tighten who had them for a month or so at most, along with being an alien as opposed to a human upgraded with these powers, so assuming they have identical powers is questionable. It’s also implied that Metro Man was holding back in his many confrontations with Megamind due to finding his life boring, which is backed up by the fact Megamind was genuinely shocked at the idea of him managing to kill Metro Man, so the idea that Megamind’s training was enough to bring Tighten up to the same level of power or skill as Metro Man is also questionable. Finally, since Tighten’s first reaction to Megamind disguised as Metro Man was to run away in fear, it’s shown that, despite his idiocy and ego issues, even Tighten himself believes he’s inferior to Metro Man. While you could argue he downscales, there’s just far too many caveats here to assume Tighten can just naturally scale to Metro Man’s greatest feats. 


You might see there’s no mention of Machiavillain (The main antagonist of Megamind Rules) here. That’s because, honestly, nobody scales to his full power. Machiavillain has a feat of using Megaminds Binky to destroy a large meteor that was going to crush the city. 

Well, nobody actually fights Machiavillain head-on. The only people who actually do is the Doom Syndicate, who he doesn’t even attack, he just dodges around them. Megamind defeats him by taking away the Binky, which destroys his physical form, and gets rid of the power. So yeah, nobody scales. I know someone will ask about this, so here you go. 

Laser Timing?

Both of these universes have plenty of arguable instances of laser dodging. Though if you paid attention to the speed calcs, you might notice only Syndrome got the relevant scaling in this regard. Why? Well, as anyone who’s dealt with speed scaling knows, not all fictional lasers are created equal in terms of validity. 

In the case of the Incredibles, there are actually multiple that fit the criteria just fine, like Jack Jack’s laser eyes. These lasers are very consistently shown to burn and not project force, move in straight consistent lines, bounce off reflective surfaces like a mirror, and are just called “laser eyes”. Numerous characters have evaded or reacted to these, so it's pretty easy to scale Syndrome to this, as there’s really no logical reason to assume he’d be slower than a civilian babysitter and a literal wild animal. A similar case is the lasers of a minor hero who isn't really in the movie due to being dead, Gazerbeam. They have the same exact statements and examples as Jack Jack, like burning things, but also that he has a “weakness” to reflective surfaces (lol), his helmet actually has lenses that he is focusing them through, and there's also his name, so…yeah. While nobody has dodged these on-screen, the Omnidroid has killed him, and these details were from official files on supers in the movie's bonus features, so it's fair to say it's also legitimate. 

On the other hand, Megamind’s instances of lasers are a lot more inconsistent. To start with, Tighten’s own laser eyes are outright seen penetrating walls with force, which would be physically impossible for a laser moving at light speed. Megamind also has shown several gadgets which he states are lasers, but they all are inconsistently portrayed in how the beam is supposed to be fired. Beyond that, even if they were acceptable, there are not many instances of characters outright dodging the beams themselves. Usually they were either reacting to the beams after they fired, in which case they did not need to move at light speed to dodge them, or were reacting to them in forms that don’t follow standard light speed rules. One major instance that seemed to follow this was Metro Man seemingly perceiving the Death Ray’s laser in slow motion, but not only does the presentation make this a bit questionable, as mentioned above, the idea of Tighten fully scaling to his best feats is incredibly questionable in its own right.



Syndrome vs Tighten! Time to find out which one of these frauds come out on top.


In terms of physicals, Syndrome himself is very lacking. He’s a physically weak individual who has no super powers, womp womp. Of course i’m going to bring up the Omnidroid here, which gets to 15 Kilotons off of scaling to the Hypershock guy which is about town level. Tighten? He’s much more of a physical threat. Lady Doppler’s storms covering Metro City gets to 926 Megatons, about mountain level. The Omnidroid isn’t even going to be hurting Tighten; he's so powerful. 

Speed? Tighten’s best feats are scaling to characters like Megamind who gets to about Mach 406. Syndrome has actually shown some pretty good reaction speeds himself, alongside his Omni-droid, can both scale to multiple characters who can react to Jack Jack (I guess also Gazerbeam, but, who cares about him). Syndrome has a massive advantage in speed to where Tighten isn’t going to be touching him.


Arsenal and Abilities 

Syndrome has tons of tricks up his metaphorical sleeve. Let’s get the useless ones out of the way, the Jet, Bomb, and scanner. These really don’t matter. Jet will only slow him down, Bombs won’t hurt Tighten, and I doubt he’s going to be losing track of him. Syndrome has three major factors in this fight. His arm control and Omnidroid, Jet boots, and the zero-point gravity. The Arm control and Omnidroid are simple, Syndrome could put himself out of harm's way by using the robot to fight for him. Jet boots increase his movability and the Zero-Point could hold Tighten still. Let’s run through these one-by-one.

Omnidroid: Being physically weaker than Tighten by a large amount means that the robot wouldn’t last long in a physical encounter. It doesn’t have any weapons to get around the high durability that Tighten has. Not only that, it COULD turn against Syndrome, which would ruin his entire strategy. Do I think this is likely? Not really, since Syndrome was out playing hero when it did and was in front of a crowd, but it’s something that DID happen.

Jet Boots: Just disable these. Seriously, that's easy. Ok it’s not EASY but it’s definitely possible.  

Zero-Point: This one is unique. Of course, like all of Syndrome's tech, you could just destroy it. But this one has a much more deadly effect of holding you in place. Only issue? Syndrome is left a sitting target after he’s done this. He’s kinda relying on the Omnidroid to attack Syndrome, which with the stat gap, would take awhile to kill Tighten. This is all without Syndrome getting tired, losing his grip, and just wanting to stand there. 

Tighten has powers which’ll never run out. (as long as Megamind isn’t around). He can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, and has enhanced hearing and sight. Really his flight and laser eyes are going to be a pretty important factor here. He can manoeuvre the battlefield in the air and has a ranged option to slice Syndrome up, cool. 

Any other factors

Syndrome takes this in spades. Nothing much to say i’ll be honest, he’s been going at this so much longer than a person like Tighten who only got his powers recently. I will say, to give him credit, Tighten was managing to fight another tech-based foe with way more experience than the two of them combined.

Intelligence? Come on now. Tighten has shown one feat of intelligence unfortunately and regularly gets tricked by Megamind (Who is actually Space Dad) during their encounters. 


To me, this is pretty clear cut. Syndrome is smart, more experienced, has some pretty good tech and speed, but he can’t compare with the sheer power of Tighten. One hit from Tighten would kill The Omnidroid and Syndrome, even his laser eyes could cut through them if needed. I also think this comes down to character as well. Syndrome isn’t going to put himself in harm's way against a flying Mr. Incredible, sending the Omnidroid to do his dirty work. Tighten just destroys the droid, and it’s kinda gg from there. Syndrome’s wincons rely on him PERFECTLY using his tech to hold Tighten perfectly still, having the Omnidroid wail on him over and over again, and not run-out of samina or let him go because once the bot is gone? It’s over.

My winner is Tighten


Hello there. As you might have seen at the top, I'm a guy that makes my own prediction blogs that ended up helping on this one. This is the first time I've written one of these collaborative ones, so I hope this is received well. This is a match I really like, mainly because I think it's got really good interaction potential based on how much these two would hate each other, and it's interesting how these two are both pretty similar story wise while being exact opposites in terms of personality and abilities. And these are movies and characters I adore, with Syndrome being my personal favourite villain of all time. But that's enough gushing, let's talk about who I think wins.

If you have read my original blog, I did originally have Syndrome take the win. I do still think the information in it is mostly accurate. Syndrome is still far faster than even Tighten’s generous high ends, he’s far smarter and more experienced, and while Syndrome himself is likely a lot weaker than Tighten and would very likely die if Tighten got his hands on him, the Omnidroid and Zero Point Energy could give him more than enough wiggle room to play long game. If the Omnidroid was physically comparable to Tighten, then he could conceivably just whittle Tighten down by attacking him faster than he can react, giving him the win. 

However, the keyword there is "if". While the two were relatively on par with each other AP wise back when I originally covered this match, the EPIC new Megamind content gave him a lot better stats. He scales to Lady Doppler, as he's physically superior to Megamind and Roxie who have taken hits from her, and she's able to create city covering storms, which gets to mountain level. This is pretty consistent, as not only does she do it multiple times, downscaling from other feats like powered up Roxanne breaking a satellite and Metro Man punching through the earth likely get to a similar level. This scaling is far better than the numbers you could give for Syndrome, who at best was hitting kiloton level town feats. This throws a massive wrench in Syndrome's strategy, as he lacks any real way of hurting Tighten in the first place, and lacks any good durability negating attacks which he could use to capitalise on his speed edge. 

This superior strength meant he'd also be able to easily blow up the Omnidroid, and without it, Syndrome would be pretty screwed. Most of Syndrome's other equipment would be effective at dealing with Tighten, and even with ZPE, the lack of a real way to kill Tighten meant all Syndrome could really do is delay the inevitable. This was more so when you consider that, unlike Tighten superhuman physiology, Syndrome is still a normal human physically speaking, so the odds of him physically exhausting Tighten before he got the hit he needed were also slim. 

While Syndrome’s superior machinery and intellect would let him take out most, in the face of the superior power of Tighten, his defeat would quickly be unveiled.


So Syndrome vs Tighten huh! I’ve always been a huge fan of this matchup. I have said in the past that I think Syndrome should win via speed and the Omnidroid, but a lot has happened since then so let’s see how well that stands up today.

Starting off with stats, Syndrome is obviously far outmatched physically. He’s a normal human after all and doesn’t have any real superhuman feats of strength. The Omnidroid is different however, and was able to defeat every prior super and remained unaffected by Mr. Incredible’s attacks. This should pretty easily scale it above most other supers, since Bob has the highest threat level on Syndrome’s computer and has the highest strength rating in the database. This should allow the Omnidroid to scale to Hypershock’s 15 kiloton earthquakes.

Personally, I don’t have a problem with this scaling. It’s clear in the log that the earthquakes are generated physically (it mentions “fist maximum” meaning he created them with his fists) and as such he would be able to take that same level of attack back at him thanks to Newton’s first law. The Omnidroid being able to defeat him, even if just a sneak attack, would still be needed to overcome Hypershock’s durability, and thus the Omnidroid can scale. 

Unfortunately for Syndrome, Tighten has him beat. While his direct feats only get him to 2 kilotons, he was able to beat up Megamind with ease, who survived a lightning blast from Lady Doppler. As mentioned in before the verdicts, her lightning is the thing shown directly creating her storms, which were large enough to cover the entire Metro City, coming in at over 900 megatons of TNT, a strength difference of over 60 thousand times in favor of Tighten. This isn’t just a one time thing either, as she creates these storms multiple times throughout the series.

Side note: While there is a Super who can control weather in Incredibles, Thunderhead, they don’t have any context to imply that the power of it would be anywhere near Lady Doppler’s storm. We also know that they’re weakness is “clear days” meaning they don’t actually create the storms themselves, just control it, and we have no context for how large the scope is or how fast they can do it. Tighten should easily take strength.

Speed however, is a different story. Tighten can obviously scale to Megamind, who was able to dodge Doppler’s lightning at Mach 406, but Syndrome can tag the entire Incredibles family and react to them multiple times. This is impressive as Bob can dodge Jack-Jack’s laser eyes at 1.37 times the speed of light. Other characters, like Screech, Kari, and a freaking raccoon can react to these lasers as well, so they are fairly consistent.

While the Megamind show has a couple things that appear to be laser-dodging, I personally don’t buy any of them. The “laser” weapon causes big explosions when fired, an obvious contradiction to being a laser, and Nighty Knight dodging a weapon doesn’t really have any argument for being an actual laser other than “it looks like one”. All it does is travel in a straight line (a plasma cutter could do the same thing while being way slower), and a real light laser would refract or bounce off of glass, not cut through it. 

1.37c vs Mach 406 is a very big gap, about 3000 times in favor of Syndrome. Of course, this is reaction speed, and Tighten is obviously superior in actual movement, being able to fly faster than sound. But Syndrome has dealt with similar speedsters before like Dash, so that isn’t going to be a big deal.

So to summarize stats, Tighten is 60,000 times stronger than the strongest tech Syndrome has, while Syndrome is 3,000 times faster. But are stats everything? The real reason this fight is interesting is because of their abilities/arsenal and what they can do with them.

To start, while Tighten’s myriad of abilities is very impressive, none of them are going to win a fight on their own. Super senses aren’t really going to matter in a fight like this, and while the laser eyes are great, Syndrome’s massive speed advantage means he can just dodge out of the way. Syndrome’s arsenal actually has a similar problem though, as most of it is going to be ineffective against Tighten thanks to the massive strength difference. His bombs and even the Omnidroid aren’t going to be doing much to Tighten, and even though the Omnidroid can pierce through itself with its claws, the stat gap is too much to where I don’t think they can hurt Tighten anyway.

However, there is one thing that will affect Tighten, and that is the Zero-Point Energy gloves. These completely immobilize the foe caught in them and prevent them from doing anything, and this isn’t really something that Tighten can just power through. This is where the real debate of this fight comes into play: Can Syndrome whittle down Tighten enough to take him out, or will Tighten be able to get in the one hit he needs?

To start with, I don’t think the Omnidroid is going to turn on Syndrome. It only did that in the movie because Syndrome’s plan was to pretend to fight it to gain popularity, and because of that the AI treated Syndrome as a threat. It isn’t going to do that here because Syndrome and the Omnidroid are against the same threat, and so will remain fighting Tighten the whole time. 

On the other side though, 60,000 is an absurdly massive gap. For reference, that’s about the difference between an athlete and destroying a small building. Even if a peak athlete punches a building over and over again, each hit is going to be doing literally nothing because the building is so much more durable. This isn’t like whittling down a health bar, Tighten is going to be unaffected by every single attack Syndrome or the Omnidroid throws at him, so simply wailing on him over and over isn’t going to be a viable strategy.

Tighten meanwhile only needs a single hit to take down either Syndrome himself or the Omnidroid (which would spell doom for Syndrome either way). Now he’s much slower and the Zero-Point Energy would stop him in his tracks, but this is where I think character personality comes into play. Syndrome, in every fight he’s been in, loves to talk, and will often get distracted because of this. Take Syndrome’s first encounter with Mr. Incredible. He has Bob in the perfect trap, about to kill him, but can’t lose the opportunity to gloat. Now in context this is due to him wanting payback for Bob’s actions against him in the past, but this same thing happens again and again throughout the movie. If Syndrome thinks he’s in a spot where he can gloat (which he absolutely will if Tighten is in the Zero-Point Energy), he will, and often lets his guard down because of it. Not to mention, Syndrome isn’t the greatest at consistently using his gloves over and over like this. He accidentally let Mr. Incredible get away from him by flinging him into the sky, so there’s no reason why that couldn’t happen again with Tighten.

One more thing that I would like to mention is both of their ranges. While Syndrome’s gloves work from a distance, it isn’t shown how far exactly they can reach. At best, they seem to be about as long as the Omnidroid’s arms can reach. Tighten meanwhile can have his laser eyes reach the ground from high up in the sky, and thanks to his greater flight speed, he could easily create distance between him and Tighten if needed to. While Syndrome can easily dodge the lasers themselves, Tighten can also explode them out in a burst, damaging everything around him from quite a distance, far greater than Syndrome’s range. Since Syndrome hasn’t shown any flight speeds faster than Tighten’s, it is unlikely he could get out of range in time, even if he was able to react to it.

If it wasn’t obvious, I’m siding Tighten with this one. Syndrome can definitely put up a good fight, and with the significant reaction speed advantage he can keep up for quite a while. However, Tighten’s massive strength advantage, as well as minor things like range and area of effect, have me siding with him more often than not. I see the outcome of Syndrome letting his guard down once and paying the price for it much more likely than Tighten getting whittled down by the Omnidroid’s attacks.

Syndrome tried to be Incredible, but he couldn’t Tighten his grip around victory.


Hi mom, it's my first time doing one of these things. Anyways no time for a fancy intro

Le Stats

Starting off with feats they have demonstrated on their own, Tighten was able to topple and lift a skyscraper, which was calc to be about 78 tons, which is more impressive than anything Syndrome and the Omnidroid were able to demonstrate. Syndrome's best feat is the explosive which was calc to be about 8 tons of TNT, and that's only with a specific equipment and some time to let it detonate. And the Omnidroids best feat is surviving its crash when it was sent to the city, which has been calc to 72 tons, not far off, but still inferior, and thats ignoring the fact that it isn't even Tighten’s best feat, that would be when he created an explosion, which even the low ends, can be calc to 808 tons of tnt. To put it simply, Tighten is far stronger by his own efforts.

When it comes to comparing the rest of the verse, It kinda tells the same story. Syndrome doesn't get anything but the Omnidroid could scale to heroes like Hypershock, who could create Magnitude 6 seismic waves, which could be calced to 15 kilotons, which would outmatch Tightens best feat, even when consider its high end values, which would get to 2.42 kilotons.

Lucky for Tighten, Dreamwork’s decided to bring back the Megamind Franchise with the most kino movie pilot for the most peak tv series of all time, and introduce a character called Lady Doppler, who can create a storm over the 250 mile wide Metro Vity, which can get up to 926.9 Megatons. Considering Tighten should be the second physical strongest person in the Megamind Verse ( Arguably behind Metro Man) Tighten should scale and would still outstate the Omnidroid in virtue of scaling. No matter how you look at it. Tighten is the higher tier of the two

Speed is a bit different. For one, Tighten should definitely take Travel speed, since neither Syndrome nor the omnidroid have any concrete travel speed feats like Tighten simply breaking the speed barrier. Also Neither Symdrome and the Omnidroid have an feats that could scale to other travel speed feats.

Combat speed is a bit convoluted, again, On their own Tighten could take combat and reaction speed. He could scale to when he created a sonic boom, which would make him go Mach 1, and he did this in a city, which wouldn't give him the distance a normal person would need to react to things, and who we can see him steering around, so he must have the reactions to compensate his travel speed. Also again, Both Syndrome and the Omnidroid have never done anything that would be on par with moving at Mach 1, reaction wise. But when we start comparing speeds from their verses as a whole, It becomes a case where one is more consistent and the other has better higher ends.

Now both series have “Laser dodging” with the argument that Incrediles is legit and Megaminds not. Personally, I'm starting to think the need for light criteria to prove that these lasers are meant to move at the speed of light when instead, The creators probably imagined it moving at the speed of a baseball, because for one, one of the criterias of light is that nothing can be faster then it, because nothing is faster than light in real life, which defeats the purpose on why we care if these are lightspeed lasers or not. Still, even If I would argue that they would equal, that equal can break with arguments that makes the (Pseudo) Laser dodging more impressive. First of all, every character should downscale from Metromans mid life crisis speed feat, which can only can 1% the speed of light. Now, I'm in the camp that Tighten shouldn't get the high end feats for Metroman, atleast, not this speed feat, because Metroman was going way faster that megamind wouldn't even notice. If Tighten could actually move this fast, then Megamind wouldn't have won unless Tighten just happened to not tap into his full potential. And I'm saying all this Because feats like laser dodging would give Megamind reactions that would have allowed him to perceive Metromans speed feat in the first place, meanwhile, The Incredibles doesn't have any room for contradictions if the characters have light speed reactions. Also since Lasers in The Incredibles have more characteristics of light then Megaminds, so there's still the argument that the lasers from the former are more likely to be actual light then the ladder.

Now in terms of consistency with these laser dodging in the iNcredibles, I do find it a bit wonky. Bob's feat looks legit, but the babysitter and raccoon one can also look more like conditions of it being the speed of light rather than consistent. Mainly because 1) these are minor characters in the universe and reacting to lasers wasn't supposed to mean anything 2) Teenagers and Raccoons in real life can't react to things moving at the speed of light. There's also Screech Moving in tandem with Jack's Lasers, but Screech is performing a travel speed movement, which would mean he can travel around the speed of light. May I remind you how fast light is.

Now tell when has Screech done anything relativistic to that.

Now why do I mention all this? Because besides Bob's one laser dodging feat, every other reaction speed feat in Megamind is better than every other Incredibles reaction feat. Megamind characters have not one but two lighting dodging feats, which would be faster than any other feat in the Incredibles verse that isn't laser dodging. The closest would be dodging The-Electrix Lighting, but most scans look more like aim dodging then True dodging.So yeah, Tighten takes consistent reactions while Syndrome would take high ends when regarding scaling for both.

Le Abilities and Equipment

I'll try to keep this brief scene of who has better abilities mainly depends on the stats.

Syndrome explosive is useless since Tighten Strengths Its energy output, Rocket boots are useless because Tighten can fly at faster speeds. Syndrome's ace in the hole will be the zero point energy Gauntlet and the Omnidroid, and how useful they are going to be will depend entirely if Syndrome has superior combat speeds or not. If he does not, well the  Tighten would just have to dodge until he closes the distance and gets shot or use heat vision to snipe Syndrome before he could react, from there, the Omnidroid would just be easy picking, assuming he hasn't dealt with first before confronting Syndrome. If Syndrome does have better combat speed, then the Zero Point would be a useful defense tool to prevent any offense from Tighten and could reliably dodge his heat vision, plus, The Zero point could leave an opening for the OmniDroid.

Of course, how good this would go will depend on If Syndrome could reliably keep this up, which will depend on a lot of factories which I will get to.

To put it simply, Tighten mostly takes this section simply because Outstation would allow him to counter anything that he doesn't have an equal option to. Syndrome can only get anything out of this category if he has better combat speeds, and even then, that won't be enough because…

Le Other Factors

Syndrome is still a human, Tighten is a Superhuman, so it's easy to imagine who has superior stamina. Because of this, Syndrome would likely get tired before Tighten, making him unable to reliably Hit tighten with the Zero Point all the time, which is wre he will get his opening. Granted, The Omidroid, by the virtue of being a robot, would be able to run as long as recourse would allow him, but the zero point would be the only thing preventing Tighten from turning the Omnidroid into origami.

And There's also the big weakness that Syndrome has. He is quite incompetent to the point that the Omnidroid went rogue on him. Meaning there's a chance that the Omnidroid would also kill him alongside Tighten. And I doubt either one of them on their own, especially if you give Tighten the combat speed. Even if you didn't, Syndrome's Ego and more human stamina would only allow his keepaway with the zero point to last for so long. And even fi The omnidroid to attack faster, Tighten is too strong to the point he could endure any blows until he lands the one he needs

This category goes to Tighten

Anyways, I've spoken enough, This fight ends with Tighten throwing a destroyed Omnidroid and squishing Syndromes Ginger-Ass


Oh, boy it's time for my first verdict ever, to start I just want to thank Saul and everybody else for allowing me on this Blog, I hope it's the beginning of many other Blogs I can contribute to, now onto my verdict. 

So Syndrome vs Tighten, I used to think this MU was pretty clear cut, but then the megamind show came out and (besides its many other issues) added a whole bunch of new feats that made this fight way more interesting, so let's begin

Stats: Starting off with stats, it should be no surprise that Tighten is massively stronger, gaining mountain level strength and durability from upscaling the Doppler storm feat, which absolutely dwarfs Syndromes town level strength from the Omnidroid, (for the record I do buy the Omnidroid scaling to hypershock due to Mr incredible having a higher strength rating), meaning any damage Syndrome does is going to be very little. Now onto Speed, this is where it gets interesting, Tighten obviously has much faster travel speed compared to Syndromes rocket boots. However, in terms of reaction speed Syndrome has a pretty major advantage from scaling to Jack Jack's lasers, giving him lightspeed levels of reactions, far higher than Tightens. This level of reaction also applies to the Omnidroid as well, given it was able to effortlessly fight other superheroes. Syndrome and the Omnidroid are going to be able to react and manage Tighten far better than Tighten will to him, why is that important, well let's go to the next section and see. 

Arsenal and Abilities: This part of the discussion is really interesting considering how drastically different both characters are, so let's go over things one by one. To start, Tighten laser vision might seem like a great ability at first, but it's honestly not very useful here. For one Syndrome’s FTL reactions means it's easily dodgeable, and two, the Omnidroid was able to withstand Lava no problem, meaning its capable of tanking the lasers no problem. 

Next let's talk Syndrome's gear, most of his bombs and Drones aren't really going to be doing anything to Tighten, given they are far too weak and impractical to use. They aren't really a factor here as well. 

Next, the Omnidroid is interesting, to say the least, The Droid itself is far weaker than Tighten, though it could reasonably do very little chip damage in my opinion. However, the Droid's much better reaction speeds help it a lot. It would be able to avoid Tightens attacks and bash him around a ton. Plus it has its predictive algorithm, which would really help it when dealing with Tighten, allowing the droid to adapt to his behaviour over time. Though Obviously, In a one on one fight between Tighten and the Omnidroid, Tighten is Obliterating it through his superior strength, though Syndrome does have one last trick that will save him. 

Now on to what might be the most Important ability in this fight that gives Syndrome literally any chance, Zero point energy. Zero Point energy allows Syndrome to essentially freeze and move Tighten at literally any time. Due to Syndrome's massively better reactions, he’s going to have zero (funny) issues hitting Tighten with this beam. I should probably clarify some things about zero point energy that I believe. For one, its made very explicit in the film that is cannot be overpowered in anyway, Mr incredible, the strongest super who could overpower other devices like the torture chamber, could not resist Zero point energy in anyway. Plus, this is strongly implied by the name itself, as in, it makes all forms of energy literally zero, preventing any movement. It's safe to say that Tighten is simply not going to be able to get out of Zero point unless Syndrome lets him. Second, there is no implication that Zero point energy has any form of battery or time limit in the film. Syndrome is shown using it for long periods of time, such as when he caught the Incredibles family and took them back to the Torture chamber. Plus, Syndrome being a genius inventor means it's not unreasonable he could make a device that never runs out of power, that honestly wouldn’t be as impressive as his other gadgets. Because of these reasons, I don't buy any limits to Zero point energy, which is a very important factor in this fight. 

Skill/Experience: This is another Category that I believe is very much in Syndrome’s favour. Syndrome is Obviously far smarter than Tighten, and could use this to his advantage. I don’t doubt that Syndrome would recognize Tighten’s immense power right off the bat, he has a thing for recognizing Superheroes, plus he has various scanners from him and the Omnidroid that may help. Syndrome would be able to predict Tightens actions really well, and maybe even manipulate him. Also Syndrome's fighting style is very useful against Tighten, He’s shown to be very capable of alternating between using Zero point and not, meaning he’d have no issue in setting Tighten up to be attacked. Meanwhile, Tighten has zero experience against tech like Syndromes as it doesn’t resemble Megaminds in the slightest, he’s never going to properly comprehend Zero point energy or how it even works. There’s also the fact that Tighten really lacks skill and strategy, which is a huge problem for him. While a more skilled opponent could use patience and skill to get around Zero point, Tighten just isn’t going to do that. Tighten is more likely to stubbornly try to just brute force everything, making him even more predictable and unlikely to gain the upperhand. 

Other factors: I should also mention that, while it happens in the Movie, The Omnidroid is extremely unlikely to turn on Syndrome in this fight, as that really only happened because of the story specific contexts that just wouldn’t happen at all in this scenario. There is also the argument that while using zero point Syndrome would get tired eventually or slip up, but honestly I'm not very sure that’s likely. For one, even if Syndrome Slipped up, his reaction speed should allow for immediate correction. Two, Syndrome’s Zero point isn’t anything I believe would reasonably exhaust him, given how low effort it really involves (literally just pointing). If anything I feel like Tighten is more likely to get tired first from the constant beatdown and freezing, despite his superhuman stamina. 

Conclusion: Overall, I honestly think that, despite the major strength difference, Syndrome can pull off a win here with his advantages. Anytime Tighten tries literally anything, he’s going to get stopped in his tracks by Zero point energy. From there, Syndrome can slam him around and have the Omnidroid beat the crud out of Tighten. If Tighten tries to retaliate, Syndrome just freezes him again before he can do anything, which is extremely easy through his reaction speed. Also, as mentioned before, the Omnidroid adapting to Tighten is extremely likely and would only further Tighten’s Struggles. He could end up just getting hugely comboed without any breathing room. With this in mind I believe Syndrome would be able to wither down Tighten over time, it would absolutely take a long while, but it can be done. While Tighten was surely an absolute powerhouse, I believe Syndrome has what it takes to be the only “Hero” remaining.


Yoo it’s me Toxin and I’m here to write a verdict for Syndrome vs Tighten. Shout out to Saul for letting me write one and I got nothing else to say so let us beggin. Like every other verdict I’ve written, I’ll separate this one into three main sections.


Starting off with arsenal, while Syndrome has the greater number of weapons to his name, Tighten manages to catch up with his greater number of super abilities. There isn’t a clear winner on who has the most in their arsenal but let's look at the quality of these weapons/powers rather than the quantity. 

A lot of Tighten’s powers are unsurprisingly composed of powers that a certain red-cape symbol of idealism uses as his standard arsenal. You got the usual powers of flight, super hearing, super vision, and laser eyes along with the superhuman physiology to back it up which makes Tighten an absolute powerhouse that could brute force his way against most opponents. Meanwhile Syndrome has the equipment needed to weave his way around powerhouses while also having the potential to eliminate them. He’s got rocket boots, a life scanner, explosives, an arm remote that can control the ultimate super assassination robot, and those pesky zero point energy gaunlets to freeze supers in place. 

While a lot of Syndrome’s gadgets would let him stay at a distance while attacking Tighten, a majority of them can be rendered useless with Tighten’s powers. Syndrome’s rocket boots can easily be tagged by Tighten’s lasers if he’s not fast enough, the explosives don’t pack enough power to harm Tighten, and while the life scanner would let Syndrome know where Tighten is, it can probably be destroyed with minimal effort. Meanwhile Tighten can use his super hearing and vision to easily find Syndrome, he can attack from afar with his laser eyes, and brute forcing his way to Syndrome would actually work in this case. There are only two parts of Syndrome’s arsenal that could give Tighten a hard time: the Omnidroid and the Zero Point Gaunlets. 

In terms of the Omnidroid, it is likewise a powerhouse of a mech similar to Tighten, but unlike him, it also has the capability to adapt to anything Tighten throws at it. It could frustrate Tighten with its adaptability and cloaking devices and distract him long enough for the mech to either take him out or for Syndrome to use his Zero Point Gaunlets to incap him. The Omnidroid wouldn’t even turn against Syndrome since the only reason that it turned against him to begin with was because he pretended to be a hero in front of civilians. If he were to engage in combat against a Superman-like character, he would not make that same mistake as he would feel 

I’ll talk more about the Omnidroid in stats but the Zero Point Gaunlets would render Tighten unable to fight back if frozen. Strength wouldn’t be able to save Tighten here as there’s no concrete proof that the energy that comes from the gaunlets can be physically affected by someone’s strength as showcased with Mr Incredible. It’s a given that he isn’t as strong as Tighten but the film makes it clear that nothing can get past zero point energy once you’ve been caught in it. With that in mind, it would at best lead to a tie and only delay the inevitability that Syndrome would get tired and accidentally let Tighten free, to which he would be wide open to being one-shot by Tighten’s sheer strength. 

The bottom line here is that Syndrome may have the more versatile arsenal and hax to stop Tighten altogether but Tighten’s superpowers would prevent Syndrome from being able to kill him with that tech. Tighten takes the arsenal category.


The stat comparison between Syndrome and Tighter is arguably the most interesting part of this debate. Both have their huge advantages in completely different stat categories so let’s dive into this.

It’s no question that Syndrome would be the faster one as he can scale to the likes of Jack Jack’s lasers and the Omnidroid is just as fast due to killing a super named Gazerbeam who could also shoot out lasers, putting both at Relativistic speeds. Tighten’s best feats of speed come from scaling to characters such as Megamind who only gets to Mach 406 via dodging Lady Doppler’s lightning blasts, putting him at Massively Hypersonic speeds. There are possible laser timing feats that Tighten could scale to but all of those feats are questionable at best and unusable at worst, thus Syndrome would be the faster one.

On the contrary, Syndrome lacks any physical strength himself as a guy who was born with no superpowers. A lot of his physical capabilities come from his gadgets, which as mentioned before have no capability of harming Tighten. “But what about the Omnidroid?” you may ask. Well let’s look at the numbers. The Omnidroid manages to get to 15 kilotons by scaling to the likes of Hypershock, a guy who could create Magnitude 6 seismic waves, putting the killer robot at Town Level. Meanwhile Tighten gets to 926 Megatons via scaling to the likes of Lady Doppler, a woman who could create storms covering the entirety of Metro City, putting the superpowered maniac at Mountain Level. While the Omnidroid does have the capability to adapt to Tighten’s powers and slowly chip away at him until he’s dead, it’s lack of weapons to get past Tighten’s durability would mean that Tighten would be able to one shot the Omnidroid more likely than not and eventually Syndrome if he’s able to get past the Zero Point Gauntlets. 

With that in mind, Tighten also takes the stats category.


Finally, a category that Syndrome can take!

While Tighten is smart in his own right considering that he could figure out his powers in a moment’s notice when it was stated it would have taken him months to get used to along with him being able to fight against a Megamind that’s been fighting Metro Man for years, Syndrome’s simply been dealing with heroes for much longer and in much smarter ways. He was able to create inventions at a young age, control and fund an entire island as his home base, and invent the Omnidroids by himself. He had no problem manipulating supers into fighting him even when superheroes were deemed illegal and he was always able to evolve his Omnidroids after every defeat so that they could come back stronger. 

That’s not even mentioning how Tighten’s general strategy when fighting is to punch first and ask later. He never comes up with any strategy beforehand as he always believes his powers let him force his way through any situation. His anger issues also lead to him acting irrationally which would make it even easier for Syndrome to manipulate him into a desired situation. I mean sure, Syndrome may be a little cocky, immature, and let those same emotions get the best of him, but at the end of the day he’s the one showing off the better intelligence feats.

Also dumbass Tighten didn’t know the Queen of England and tooth fairy existed lmaooo laugh at his fake ass. Anyways yeah experience goes to Syndrome.

So can Syndrome rid of the super known as Tighten?

I thought Syndrome would have this in the bag when I joined this blog but after careful consideration… it seems like Tighten takes the win here.

Syndrome has many advantages to his name, whether it’d be the wider variety of arsenal, his intelligence, and his much superior speeds, but in truth, he has no meaningful way of taking down Tighten. The guy is just too durable for the likes of even the Omnidroid, which is a problem considering that the Omnidroid is one of Syndrome's most important parts of his arsenal. I mean have you SEEN what Tighten could do to Megamind’s mech alone???

That will be the Omnidroid, to which Syndrome’s only chance of winning is the Zero Point Gauntlet. He certainly has the speed and the hax to freeze Tighten in place but he can’t hold Tighten forever given his cockiness and the little amount of stamina he usually has. Even if he were to freeze Tighten and hold him in place so that the Omnidroid could attack, it would take foreverrrrr for Syndrome to actually finish off Tighten. Meanwhile all it takes is one strike (probably like two or three actually) from Tighten’s fist to finish off Syndrome for good.

Tighten’s strength, durability, more useful abilities, and his series’ show (which is peak by the way I 100% recommend it :)) are what gonna power him through this matchup to a total victory.

The winner is Reigen- I mean Tighten. (why do they both rhyme lmao-)



“It tore me apart. But I learned an important lesson. You can't count on anyone, especially your heroes.”


  • Far faster

  • Superior equipment…

  • Zero Point Energy would let him toss around Tighten easilly

  • Has the numbers edge

  • Far smarter and is very experienced in hunting down/killing superheroes like Tighten

  • Is not a dense motherfucker

  • Has the second highest confirmed body count of any Pixar antagonist…

  • Michael Giacchino’s score


  • Far weaker

  • Inferior physiology and lacks abilities

  • …but most of it wouldn't help make up for the gap in power

  • Likely to put himself at risk by gloating

  • Was a toxic stan before the term existed

  • …though he is losing to the barracuda from the start of Finding Nemo

  • Has cape


“You see the good in everyone even when it’s not there. You’re living a fantasy.”



  • Far slower

  • Inferior in arsenal and is basically fighting a 2v1

  • Far dumber and less experienced 

  • Was an r/niceguy before the term existed

  • Is a villain, but not a super one

  • Has cape

Final Vote

Team Syndrome: [1] (Fenic)

Team Tighten:  [8] (Saul, kars, Tru, Capejedi, CornerCornDog, Asura, Bananabreadsticks, Toxin)

Team Space Dad/MUSIC MAN: [1] (Round 1 FIGHT!)

Just one more thing….

Thank you if you read this blog! This was stupidly fun and enjoyable, mostly thanks to the dedicated team I had working alongside me. I hope this blog is received well, since you guys voted for it! This one was the most popular on both the public and member only poll. I said last time we’re going out with a bang, which we truly are. 

Mysterio VS Scarecrow

(Credit to AAMultiverse on deviantart for the TN)

If you want to join, Saulgoodmanagain is my discord! Find me under Saul in your friendly death battle servers, and shoot me a DM. I can also be contacted through Reddit as Saulgoodmas. 


  1. This did not even include the comics damn

  2. Universal is stated that he could become a black hole that vould destroy the world. Doesn't scale to anyone though

    1. They did mention Universal Man.

      "Planet level Incredibles?

      Planet level Incredibles comes from Universal Man who can turn into a black hole. At least, allegedly. Not only is he another “guy we never see on screen that died to the Omnidroid offscreen” so his limits are hard to guess at, his abilities also aren’t really described in such a way that it would make sense to assume he’s literally creating a legit black hole. Especially given it’s explicitly described as a “near black hole”. This means it’s likely just comparing his ability to suck objects into himself to a black hole rather than a literal descriptor.

      Unlike Hypershock, it’s hard to justify scaling the FIRST EVER Omnidroid. He dies off screen, we don’t know what happens, it’s hard to truly justify anything."

  3. What about the gigaton level feat for the onnidroid?

  4. well i notice you didn't include a calculation for the Omnidroid v.8 tanking a 5,000-foot drop. Could you add that to your analysis? ty.

  5. hmm the omnidroid tanked 72 tons? how cute but according to the calc by Zamasu Chan, the omnidroid v.x10 was launched by a rocket not a plane. this means the energy calc based on plane speed is actually inaccurate. and I have the full movie of The Incredibles, and in the movie, Elastigirl identifies it as "a rocket?", which would involve much higher speeds and different dynamics compared to a plane.
    and the wiki plot confirms that the Omnidroid was indeed on the rocket.

    1. that calc not only assumes a very generously low time frame, it also assumes the rocket was landing at the same speed it launched at, which is not how rockets work at all

    2. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. plus, It looks like the original calc might get replaced after all, and I've been patient enough to wait for this outcome. I'll let someone on Discord know that they can step in if needed.


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“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” - George Washington Doctor Manhattan, the Blue Atomic God of The   ...