Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Waluigi VS Mortimer Mouse (Mario VS Disney)


"Golden rule of life: never underestimate your rivals.”

- Sid Waddell

Waluigi, The Mushroom Kingdom's most determined hater. 

Mortimer Mouse, Minnie's biggest charmer, and Mickey's biggest nightmare. 

Petty rivals, that’s all. I’m sure we’ve all seen individuals in our lives who want to do nothing more than spite us. These two are the most deplorable of them all. Will Waluigi prove he’s numbah one? Or will Mortimer Mouse ha-cha-chuck Waluigi into this L. Come along to Saul’s vs blog to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!

Before We Go Anywhere…

Waluigi VS Mortimer Mouse is an interesting matchup in terms of media. The people on this blog decided that it would be best to only go off direct appearances. Any media they don’t appear in shall not be considered. We didn’t want to make this Mario VS Mickey Mouse, just with extra steps. We’ll be analysing the two from how they’re presented to us in their stories. So no, you won’t see a large scaling chain where Waluigi is suddenly multiversal. 

In terms of what this means content wise? Waluigi will get the sports games, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Strikers, and other spinoffs. We won’t be considering the wider Mario games/verse and its cosmology. 

. Mortimer will get appearances across all media, like short films, series, House of Mouse. He won’t be scaled to other Mickey Mouse shows, so we won’t be considering its cosmology. 

In terms of items, Waluigi will have access to everything under the sun apart from the Mario Party exclusive minigame ones. Things like the tanks, the planes, the big red balls. 



“Wah, heh, heh, heh! Waluigi is number one!”

Would you be surprised if I said there isn't much known about Waluigi? Even his relationship with Wario is unknown. He was created, born, and will eventually die to play Tennis as a doubles partner. He hates his rival Luigi and pretty much everyone else who isn't Wario. And while he will never get to Smash, he's got fire dance moves!!!

Mortimer Mouse

“Well, Ha-Cha-Cha.”

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, the perfect couple. Then some jerk just comes around and begins to flirt with her. Who is this but the goated man, Mortimer Mouse. Unfortunately, Disney forgot about him and left the man dormant. His returns show him as a bully, a CEO, a friend, they’re rather confused on how they want to use this man. Hopefully Mortimer will appear more for a better background in the future! 

Experience and Skill


Considering he’s in every single sports related game ever, Waluigi has picked up a variety of skills. Let’s get the obvious ones out the way, like his driving, tennis playing, golf skills, and party game playing. He surprisingly can do so much despite Nintendo not putting him in a mainline game. His dexterity is on display with things like his barrel riding, jumping over moving platforms, and boxing. 

While Waluigi has never been on a mainstream adventure with the Mario Brothers, Mario Party minigames have tons going for them. They include puzzles, matching, memory games, quizzes, all of which Waluigi is good at. Some even include combat encounters like tank fights, fights under water, and outrunning Bowser. This also extends to his athletic ability, as several minigames and even boards require Waluigi to show skills in climbing, swinging, and general platforming

He also became a doctor. I’m assuming the Mushroom Kingdom hands these out like candy. 

Mortimer Mouse

Since Disney up and forgot about Mortimer Mouse, we don’t know much about him. Usually he’s just either some guy trying to steal Minnie away, or some friend of Mickey. This is until you get to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Mortimer becomes……Super Mort. 

Super Mort is an evil villain who wants to shrink everything in the Clubhouse and around the Clubhouse. He’s actually shown to have captured many items in his Zeppelin before he makes it to the actual clubhouse itself. He also fought against super enhanced Donald and Goofy, alongside using his Zeppelin weapons to fight against Mickey. So this little mouse knows how to brawl. 




Waluigi uses Dice to get around the board. He has his own dice, the Waluigi dice. -3 coins, 1, 3, 5, 5, 7.

Sports Equipment 

Waluigi has tons of sports items. Baseball bats, golf clubs, really any sports you can think of, Waluigi has been a part of. 

Sports Balls

Along with his regular equipment required to play sports, Waluigi has BALLS! soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs and more. While usually used for sports, getting hit in the face with one of these can hurt.

Mario Kart Items

Mario Kart has a wide variety of items that Waluigi can pull from its mystery boxes. Note that some items from Mario Kart appear in other games but function similarly so they will just be listed here

  • Mushroom: A mushroom which gives you a sudden speed boost for a few seconds.

  • Triple Mushroom: Three mushrooms for the price of, well, three. 

  • Golden Mushroom: A mushroom which can be used multiple times in a few seconds to get speed boosts. 

  • Green Shell: A shell that is thrown forward that will ricochet off walls before stopping or hitting someone.

  • Triple Green Shell: Gives Waluigi three shells to work with.

  • Red Shell: A shell that homes in on the nearest person to Waluigi.

  • Triple Red Shell: Waluigi gets three red shells. 

  • Blue Shell: A powerful shell that will float above the furthest person ahead in the race. It will then drop on them with a powerful shockwave.

  • Golden Shell: The exact same as the Red Shell.

  • Banana Peel: It's a banana peel. You slip on it.

  • Triple Banana Peel: 3 banana peels to slip on.

  • Giant Banana: One big banana.

  • Fire Flower: Allows Waluigi to throw fireballs for a limited time

  • Boomerang Flower: Waluigi gains a boomerang which hits opponents forward and on the way back.

  • Bomb-Omb: A bomb which Waluigi can drop on the track, which detonates after a few seconds, or when smashed into by another racer. 

  • Bullet Bill: Turns Waluigi into a Bullet Bill, sending him forward in a quick blast. 

  • Starman: Waluigi turns temporarily invincible, gaining a speed boost.

  • Coin: Some money for you. 10 coins gives a permanent speed boost, unless the coins are lost. 

  • Lightning: Temporarily shrinks all those who are infront of Waluigi.  

  • Blooper: Shoots ink all those who are infront of Waluigi temporarily. 

  • Piranha Plant: Spawns a potted Piranha Plant in front of his car, snapping at items and people, giving a small speed boost each snap. 

  • Super Horn: A powerful sonic blast which destroys items around it, knocking over players who are caught in it.

  • Feather: Causes the kart to jump in the air.

  • Boo: You turn both invisible and intangible for a few moments, stealing an item from a player ahead of you. 

  • Crazy Eight: Eight random items at once. 

  • Fake Item Box: An evil, twisted red item box that shocks users on contact. 

  • Barrel: You can throw a Barrel at someone in a rolling fashion. You can also drop this behind you as a trap.

  • Basin: A Basin that homes in on the nearest person. When hit, it sits on the opponent's head, and stops movement. 

  • Big and Small Tire: Upon impact, the wheels of the driver will morph into either a big or small version or themselves. 

  • Black Shell: A shell that explodes on context with the opponent. 

  • Boss Galaga: Locks onto the nearest opponent and fires lasers at them. 

  • Driver Virus: Locks onto the target, infecting them with a temporary Driver Virus, making their handling worse. 

  • Frying Pan: Simply an item you can launch forward at a foe. 

  • Hammer: Throwing this forward causes hammers to come out, bounce twice, and hit a target. If it bounces more than twice it disappears. 

  • Magnet Mushroom: Absorbs items thrown at Waluigi before sending them back. 

  • Mega Mushroom: Makes you, and your kart, temporarily big. 

  • Mini Shroom: Makes you, and your kart, temporarily small. 

  • Pie: Cover your screen in cream if you’re hit.

  • Triple Pie: I baked you a pie. Oh boy what flavour? Pie, pie, pie. (Literally the same as the pie) 

  • Pie Bazooka: Fires pies at foes. 

  • Porcupuffer: Locks onto the target before popping their tires. 

  • Rain Cloud: A Rain Cloud pours water onto the opponent, making them struggle to handle their cart. 

  • Shield: Protects you. Were you expecting more? 

  • Smokescreen: Dropping this backwards causes whoever runs over it to be covered with as Smokescreen, blinding them. 

  • Snow Cloud: A Snow Cloud that freezes opponents wheels. 

  • Square Tire: Makes the opponent's tires into squares for 20 seconds. 

  • Tacks: Pops the tires of those who run over it. 

  • Thunder Cloud: Activating instantly, Waluigi must hit someone to pass someone the Thunder Cloud. When it goes off, it shrinks the opponent who is it. Helps it give you a speed boost. 

  • Thunder Stick: Similar to the lightning, but attached to a stick. 

  • Time Bomb: When activated, Waluigi must pass the bomb onto someone else. When it goes off it stuns those who are hit. You have 15 seconds to do this. 

  • Tornado: The Tornado goes straight, catching up any players and throwing them around (Like a real tornado). Once it hits a wall the Tornado dissipates. 

  • Tox Banana Shot: A lock-on item that fires one large toxic banana. When hit, it causes you to spin out, the Toxins making your steering difficult. 

  • Trash Can: A simple item you can throw. 

  • POW Block: Sending a POW Block across everyone's kart which slowly crushes. When fully crushed, it spins the car out. It can be avoided if you’re in the air. 

  • Wild Top: Turns Waluigi's car into a spinning top, which flips cars over on impact. 

  • Bowser's Shell: One large shell that causes the driver to drop their items. 

  • Broken Wheel: Fires a wheel that slams into the cart, causing the wheels to temporarily break. 

  • Car Horn: Imagine the Super Horn, but it can’t destroy items. 

  • Chain Chomp: A large Chain Chomp charges towards the car in front, pulling the car along. 

  • Dash Propellor: Attaches a Dash Propeller to the end of the car, giving a speed increase. 

  • Dizziness Virus: Causes the driver to become dizzy. They begin to leave afterimages behind them, becoming blind

  • Energy Drink: Removes status effects from Waluigi.

  • Firecracker: When driven over by a foe it causes them to spin out.

  • Flaming Tender: A spicy red pepper that, when consumed, causes the user to spit fire out in a huge streak. 

  • Flower Glasses: Throwing these glasses onto a foe damages them. 

  • Gag Mic: Causes the commentator to tell a silly joke which freezes other racers. 

  • Gold Tub: Locks on and hits karts three times. 

  • High Beam: A flashlight that blinds foes.

  • Interrupting Frame: A frame which obscures the view of the opponent when hit.

  • interrupting Seal: It’s literally the frame again.

  • Invincible Urchin: Three Urchins spin around Waluigi and damage who run into it. 

  • Invisible Mushroom: Turns Waluigi invisible for a few seconds.

  • Jumbo Gummy: Some large gummy that blocks the road and snaps people who drive past. 

  • Saggy Gummy: A smaller, less scary gummy, homing in and crashing into the cart, slowing it down. It also temporarily stretches the vehicle outward. 

  • Laughter Bag: This locks on. When hit, it slows the car down, and will laugh at you if hit with anything or someone drives past you.

  • Magic Ball: A ball which slams into people. 

  • Magnet: Attracts all Mario coins.  

  • Mouse Clicker: Runs down the track before hitting a foe and flipping them. 

  • Off-Key Speaker: Locks on and plays loud, obnoxious, slowing down music that annoys the opponent. 

  • Paper Mushroom: Turns the kart into paper.

  • Pesky Billboard: A small billboard on the road. 

  • Power Yo-Yo: Leaves a blue trail behind the driver, damaging those who drive over it. 

  • Pump: Fires goops at foes which slow them down. 

  • Rabbit Ear: If a foe is hit they begin to bounce for seven seconds. 

  • Reflect Shield: Reflects items at the foe. 

  • Sticky Oil: Reduces traction if it hits a foe. If it misses? It lays on the ground, waiting for someone to drive over. 

  • Slump Slap Stick: A hand which rapidly swings for five seconds. Any driver hit will be flattened for a few moments. 

  • Super Mic: Causes the commentator to only talk about you for ten seconds

  • Whisker Missile: A missile with the nose of Waluigi on, it homes in on and damages carts.  


Mario Kart, get this, has vehicles. Waluigi can use many of these vehicles to drive around. Waluigi will be getting his specific variations from games like Mario Kart Wii and DS, it saves us from having to list EVERY vehicle. We’ll also be considering any promotional material. 

  • Waluigi Racer: The Signature Kart for Waluigi, the Waluigi Racer has high speed, acceleration, and weight. 

  • Gold Mantis: Similar in look to an Excavator, The Gold Mantis is known for its high speed. The only issue is that your item status is lower. Does this give you less items? No! It just means you have small wheels.  

  • Standard WL: Normal ass kart.

  • Zipper: A funny bike that's good with items.

  • Standard Kart L: Normal ass kart 2.

  • Standard Bike L: Normal ass bike.

  • Offroader: It's in the name…

  • Flame Runner: A heavy but fast kart that struggles at drifting but is good everywhere else.

  • Flame Flyer: Another fast yet heavy kart for taking the lead with ease.

  • Wario Bike: HEY THAT'S NOT YOURS!!!

  • Piranha Prowler: This thing is gross.

  • Shooting Star A large bike with a large star and a large di-.

  • Jetsetter: The wiki lists this kart has more disadvantages than advantages so I'm just gonna assume it's bad.

  • Spear: A kart great for hitting boxes and foes.

  • Honeycoupe: You won't BEElieve how mid this kart is.

  • Phantom: It's a large bike. What else do you want us to say?

  • The Duke: A standard motorcycle we see Waluigi driving in promotional material. It doesn’t actually give any statistical buffs for our favourite menace. 

  • Pie Kart: Temporarily defends Waluigi's vehicle with a dessert coating. 


Mario Party introduces a group of items known as orbs, which’ll be categorised here for simplicity. Some orbs can be used on Waluigi, while others can be laid onto the ground as a trap for opponents to walk onto. These are from Mario Party 6 and 7, and are very similar to the Capsules from Mario Party 5, so there may be some overlap between the two.

  • Bandit Orb: An orb spawns a Bandit if walked over. The Bandit appears and steals coins. 

  • Bomb-omb Orb: An orb spawns a Bomb-omb if walked over. A Bomb-omb spawns and explodes on the opponent, halving the amount they can move.

  • Bullet Bill Orb: Spawns a Bullet Bill that Waluigi can ride on and will steal coins from opponents he hits with it.

  • Cannon Orb: Spawns a cannon below Waluigi and blows him across the stage. 

  • Cursed Mushroom Orb: Decreases dice rolls.

  • Fireball Orb: Spawns a spinning fireball around Waluigi that steals coins with a pass. 

  • Flower Orb: Gives coins for every space passed.

  • Flutter Orb: Summons a Flutter that will take Waluigi across the board to the Star.

  • Goomba Orb: Summons a Goomba that will force the opponent that landed on it to hit a dice block, which will determine how many coins they lose.

  • Kamek Orb: Summons Kamek, who will transform one of the opponent’s orb spaces into Waluigi’s. 

  • Klepto Orb: Summons Klepto, who will send whoever landed on the space back to their starting position.

  • Koopa Troopa Orb: Summons a Koopa Paratroopa that will swap the positions of Waluigi and whoever passes over it.

  • Lakitu Orb: Gives a chest to you. 

  • Metal Mushroom Orb: Turns Waluigi into metal for a turn. This protects him from traps laid on the board by his opponents.

  • Mr. Blizzard Orb: A Mr. Blizzard will fall onto the opponent, making them lose all of their orbs.

  • Mushroom Orb: Gives Waluigi coins if he hits two of the same numbers on a dice roll. 

  • Pink Boo Orb: Steals Stars and Coins from players. 

  • Piranha Plant Orb: An orb spawns a Piranha Plant if walked over. The Plant appears and steals coins. 

  • Podoboo Orb: An orb that spawns a Podoboo if walked over, which will burn and steal coins from whoever walked over it. 

  • Slow ‘Shroom Orb: Slows down the dice to let Waluigi hit better rolls. 

  • Snack Orb: Summons a Chain Chomp to attack and bite foes, stealing coins. 

  • Spear Guy Orb: An orb spawns a Spear Guy if walked over. The Spear Guy appears and steals coins. The person who hits this space has to roll a dice to see how many coins they lose.

  • Spiny Orb: Creates several Spiny shells above whoever landed on it, which will fall down on them and take their coins.

  • Super ‘Shroom Orb: Waluigi will receive 30 coins if the three dice blocks show the same number. He will receive 50 coins if they roll three sevens.

  • Tweester Orb: A Tweester appears and sends whoever landed on it farther away.

  • Thwomp Orb: An orb spawns a Thwomp if walked over. The Thwomp appears and crushes the opponent, stealing coins.

  • Toady Orb: Summons a Toady which will 

  • Vacuum Orb: A random dice decides how much money Waluigi sucks up from opponents.

  • Warp Pipe: Switches place with another foe. 

  • Zap Orb: Whoever walks over this loses coins and gets continuously zapped for every space they continue to walk on. 


Mario Party 8 features many different candies as items that Waluigi can use to affect himself or target his opponent. In-game Waluigi can hold up to three at a time, though that is possibly a gameplay mechanic as a group of two can only hold five (despite logically being able to hold six). Additionally, the reward for winning the Star Battle Arena (which Waluigi can do as any character can complete the story mode) is a lifetime supply of candy. Each candy transformation is temporary and only lasts a single turn. Ignoring the Red Candies (as those only affect the dice block), the full list of candy that Waluigi could utilise is as follows.

  • Springo Candy: Transforms Waluigi’s legs into a spring that lets him bounce next to a random opponent.

  • Vampire Candy: Transforms Waluigi into a vampire, complete with bat wings, and lets him fly to all of his opponents to steal coins.

  • Cashzap Candy: Charges Waluigi with electricity and lets him target a random opponent with lightning, making them lose half of their coins.

  • Bowlo Candy: Transforms Waluigi into a large ball version of himself that lets him steal coins from any opponents he runs into.

  • Bloway Candy: Transforms Waluigi’s legs into a tornado that launches anyone who Waluigi runs into far away, back to the start of the board

  • Bitsize Candy: Transforms Waluigi into an 8-bit version of himself that lets him hit a block to gain three coins for every space he walks on (I’m gonna be honest, I don’t see how helpful this one is going to be).

  • Weeglee Candy: Transforms Waluigi into three tiny versions of himself that steal a random candy from anyone they run into.

  • Thwomp Candy: Transforms Waluigi into a stone version of his head and lets him crush anyone he runs into flat, making them lose half of their coins.

  • Duelo Candy: Engulfs Waluigi in fire and doubles the amount that he is able to move, and initiates a duel minigame with anyone he runs into.

  • Bowser Candy: Transforms Waluigi’s body into a copy of Bowser’s body, doubling the amount that he is able to move and letting him steal two Stars from anyone he runs into.

  • Bullet Candy: Transforms Waluigi’s legs into a Bullet Bill, tripling the amount that he is able to move and letting him steal a Star from anyone he runs into.

Ally Phone

A phone that calls any character from Super Mario Party to help them. They will hand over their dice, while also adding their own numbers to rolls. They’re even willing to fight for Waluigi in minigames. 

Peepa Bell

A bell that spawns a Peepa (a small ghost) to chase you around and steal your money.


A tornado in a jar which sucks up 5-10 coins. 

Dueling Gloves

Forces the opponent into a duel. En Garde! 

Fly Guy Ticket

Summons a Fly Guy to steal an item for the rival. 

Golden Drink

Turns the individual who drinks this golden, any space they run across will give Waluigi a coin. 

Golden Pipe

Sends Waluigi to the nearest star. (like the mario part one)

Party Pad

A pad given to Waluigi at the start of Super Mario Party. This pad can show a map of the area, give advice about the game, allows people to buy collectables with Party Points, plays music, and see the collection of gems. 

Warp Box

Teleports Waluigi to the rival. 

Cellular Shopper

Phones Toad or Baby Bowser to do some shopping. 

Reverse Mushroom

Reverses the steps whoever this hits on their next roll.

Poison Mushroom

Takes steps away from the users next move. 

Boo Repellent

Gets rids of Boos, super pesky things. 

Bowser Phone

Calls up Bowser for support, like doing an event space. 

Plunders Chest

Steals some booty for Waluigi. By booty, I mean item.

Boo Bell

Summons a boo to steal coins or stars. 

Item Bag

Allows Waluigi to carry more items. 

Genie Lamp

Can take you to the nearest star (The Mario Party one) 

MiniMega Hammer

Shrinks or enlarges on contact. It cycles between the two at rapid speed, needing timing to do this. 

Super Mega Mushroom

Turn him into a big man, roll three dice instead of two. 

Super Mini Mushroom

Turns the user small and lets him roll a smaller dice. 

Swap Card

Swap items with the opponent. 

Chomp Call

Summons four Chain Chomps which scares the star away. 


Another weapon that specifically fights against Boos. Justice for them. 

Sparky Sticker

Shocks anyone who walks over a space with this on.

Boos Crystal Ball

More Anti-Boo propaganda. A;llows for people to fight off Boos SOME MORE


The main collectable item of Mario Party, Stars are usually just items that Waluigi and co use to tally up who wins. But these Stars can actually be used as a physical item to destroy objects. Yoshi summons a star which causes tons of other stars to crash into and destroy Bowsers vehicle. Also Stars have shown to physically amplify the user, like being able to throw a metal Bowser into space. They can disperse water and be thrown as attacks.  Given how much Mario Party Waluigi has played, he should have a stockpile of these. 

Mini Boos

Makes the ball invisible, but still tangible. 

POW Ball

If this ball hits the ground it causes an earthquake that stuns for four seconds. If you fly, float, or jump, you can avoid it. 

Shop Items (Sluggers) 

This is just a list of items from Super Sluggers that enhance Waluigi’s sports skills. 

  • Bats: Waluigi can buy Nice Bats, Power Bats, and Charge Bats. These increase contact, hitting power, and allow charge speed to always be at 100 percent.

  • Dr. K/Lucky Glove: They both increase throwing speed. 

  • Dash Spikes: Increases the speed of Waluigi by 50% while running. 

  • Buddy Badge: Increases the chemistry with all characters.

  • Error Booster: Lets Waluigi use items while batting. 

Battle League Armour Sets

  • Muscle Helmet: Increases Waluigi’s strength at the cost of technique.

  • Muscle Gauntlets: Boosts Waluigi’s strength but lowers his passing.

  • Muscle Chest: Buffs strength at the cost of some shooting.

  • Muscle Boots: Makes Waluigi stronger but makes him slower.

  • Turbo Helmet: Boosts Waluigi’s speed but lowers his technique .

  • Turbo Gloves: Increases speed but it makes Waluigi weaker.

  • Turbo Pad: Makes Waluigi faster at the cost of some passing.

  • Turbo Boots: Buffs speed but lowers his ability to shoot.

  • Trick Helmet: Boosts Waluigi’s technique but his passing suffers.

  • Trick Gloves: Increases Waluigi’s technique at the cost of speed.

  • Trick Pad: Waluigi gets a buff in technique but he loses some strength.

  • Trick Boots: Boosts technique at the cost of shooting.

  • Chain Helmet: Buffs passing but lowers speed.

  • Chain Gauntlets: Boosts passing at the cost of shooting.

  • Chain Plate: Increases passing but technique suffers

  • Chain Boots: Makes Waluigi better at passing but lowers his strength

  • Cannon Visor: Increases Waluigi's shooting but lowers his technique 

  • Cannon Gloves: Buffs Waluigi's shooting but his speed suffers

  • Cannon Plate: Boosts Waluigi’s shooting but decreases his strength

  • Cannon Boots: Makes Waluigi better at shooting but weakens his ability to pass.

  • Bushido Helmet: Boosts passing by a lot but lowers all other stats by one.

  • Bushido Bracers: Increases technique by a large amount but all other stats decrease.

  • Bushido Armor: Buffs strength by a wide margin but weakens all other stats.

  • Bushido Sandals: Makes Waluigi much faster but makes his other stats slightly worse.

Doctors Outfit

For when the healing is as fun as the hurting.

Bowser Outfit

Causes you to look like Bowser, able to do his event spaces. 

Mortimer Mouse

Sports Car

If you’re going to steal someone's girl, you better have the car to back it up. Luckily for Mortimer Mouse, he drives a pretty impressive vehicle. It’s fast enough to cross large distances in seconds, blow all of the leaves off of a tree, and even crush Mickey's own car. 

Fake Hand

To pull pranks on people, Mortimer wears a fake hand to shake people with. After pulling it off, the hand suddenly punches you in the face, a cruel joke. 

Fake Buttons

The buttons on Mortimer’s outfits aren’t just for show, pulling on them administer an electrical shock through your body.

The Old Joy Buzzer

The classic hand buzzer prank. Anyone who shakes hands with Mortimer when he’s wearing this will receive a powerful electric shock.

Fake Present

Any good prankster needs a fake present. When someone unsuspectingly opens the box, a boxing glove springs out hitting them right in the face.

Time-Delay Stink Bomb

In order to pull pranks even after he’s long gone, Mortimer has stink bombs set to a timer. After about thirty seconds, the bomb will go off, releasing a dreadful stench around it.

Knight’s Armor

As Sir Mortimer, Mortimer is equipped with a full set of knightly armour, including both a sword and a shield. The shield in particular was tough enough to completely block fire breath from a dragon.


As Sir Mortimer, Mortimer rides a horse. There’s nothing notable about it and it only shows up in a single scene.

Golf Club

Mortimer VS Joel when?

Shrink Ray

As Mega Mort, Mortimer has the ability to fire a shrinking blast from his golden gauntlet, sealing those who are shrunk in a mini ball. The gauntlet can also reverse the effects of shrinking.


Mega Morts own personal base, it also comes with a shrinking ray similar to the gauntlet that Mortimer has himself. It comes with a list of different defences as well. When Super Mickey and Super Power Pup grab onto his Zeppelin, it releases ‘super slippery super strong super bubbles’ which make both of them slip off and contain them. If someone is shrunk, a large hand can appear from the bottom of the Zeppelin and grab them. 

It does come with a few flaws. To stop, the ship has an anchor, which can force an emergency stop if someone presses the button to activate it. It can also be popped, similar to a balloon. 


In Disney Golf, Mortimer has a random plane. It even has his name on the side. 

Football Outfit

Mortimer wears the proper attire when playing football, as you should as well.

Race Car

Going by the name Morty McCool, Mortimer drives a Race Car that can hop over large bridges. If a road is too skinny, he can lift his vehicle up to get past anyone in the way.  He even has Super Boosters in situations where he needs that extra punch.


As a Christmas bonus for Minnie, Mortimer Mouse gives her a fruitcake. 

Disney Golf items

Disney Golf is a game for the PS2 where Mortimer Mouse plays Golf. It’s not that well documented, so finding the list of all 62 items is hard. But from what we can see, they’re all based on golf. Some make the golf ball reappear, turn the hole invisible, or give you another swing. It’s hard to get a clear cut on the entire list so they’re being mentioned here. 

Powers and Abilities


Swimming Return

With this ability Waluigi can create a body of water around him and swim for movement. This isn’t just limited to his tennis racket though, Waluigi has been shown to swim while going for slam dunks in basketball, also creating tornadoes to help.

Thorn Barrier

In Mario Strikers Battle League Waluigi has a Hyperstrike that allows him to create a wall of purple thorns that follow his kick. These thorns can also tangle people up in the thorns.


Waluigi spins and creates a cyclone around him, enhancing his hit with the ball. 

Virus Skill

If you have a Virus, Waluigi can make it into a dust virus. 

Liar Ball

Waluigi fakes out the batter by throwing a ball and an eggplant, confusing what they have to hit.

Liar Swing

Before swinging his bat, Waluigi will use a Liar Swing to cause the ball to Zig Zag on impact. 

Quick Throw

Waluigi throws his ball quickly. What more do you want? 

Special Shot (Mario Sports Mix)

Waluigi will summon a backpack with four robot arms and start hovering in the air, generating electricity that will knock back anyone who gets too close. Each arm will create a duplicate of whatever Waluigi is holding (which in these games is the ball) before launching each one out at high speeds. These duplicates will dissipate once they hit something, but they can still hurt

Also this seems to have some sort of telekinesis? When Waluigi uses this move in Volleyball, the ball suddenly flies upwards before falling back down into Waluigi’s arms. It’s weird.

Energy Projection and Weapon Creation

A weird but strangely consistent ability in Mario spin-offs is the ability to create different weapons or projectiles out of energy. In Mario Sports Mix, Waluigi is able to make a large hockey stick, while in both Mario Party 9 and Mario Power Tennis, characters can create and throw energy balls as projectiles.


Able to possess the cube above for a minigame, and he’s done the same to a ball

Ice Manipulation 

Mario Party characters can create freezing breath. 

Mortimer Mouse

None Notable





Waluigi’s general sassy nature can sometimes lead him into trouble. He’s overconfident to a point where he can lose out on many opportunities and wins. He also works much better with a partner, like Waluigi, than him. 

Mortimer Mouse

“With an ass like that, of course he would be a meal”

Mortimer was forgotten by Disney, the biggest crime here. But his actual weakness is the fact he’s also overconfident. He sometimes assumes he’s won, way before he has. Bro should just be a nicer guy.




  • Accomplished Doctor, Tennis Player, Golf player.

  • Number one hater in the mushroom Kingdom. 

  • Sexiest man in the mushroom kingdom. 

  • Dance MASTER

  • Is numbah one, obviously.  




Mortimer Mouse


  • Successfully bullied Mickey across history. 

  • Has a successful company where he’s rich. 

  • Common house of mouse menace.

  • Has W rizz. 




Before the verdict

Did The Beast Destroy the Universe?


This feat shows The Beast letting out a loud roar that blows away the background, all of the colour, and the characters before the next scene plays. Well my readers, we here at Saul’s VS blog have conflicting arguments.

For it being a universal attack, it destroys the visible space they’re in and goes to a white background. In other cartoons, mainly older Loony Toons and Tom and Jerry ones, a white background signifies to the viewer that the universe has been destroyed.

But, my friends, some of us have issues with this. The gang recovers in the next scene, there’s no actual destruction, and Beast may just be scaring the colour out of characters. He’s just THAT scary. This is supported by the gang falling apart, literally, from it.

Both interpretations will be considered in the verdict, but feel free to come to your own decisions. 

Drake’s Immeasurable Car

In House of Mouse wacky duck inventor (and Kendrick Lamar victim) Ludwig Von Drake claims he has a car which can get to its destination before it arrives. Based on Drake's flair and sales pitch type wording along with being on a show it is likely a hyperbole. This hyperbolic nature is shown when we actually see the car in motion clearly moving at not Immeasurable speeds. Alone each of these elements wouldn't immediately debunk the feat but together it seems extremely likely Drake was just playing up the cars speed (Just like how he's playing up his fame to make himself seem like he can't… yeah you get the Drake jokes). Even then it's not very likely Mortimer scales to the car… IT'S NOT EVEN HIS!!!



The silly man of the Mushroom Kingdom vs Mouse with the most. Who wins? Well, we think it’s pretty clear cut. In terms of strength, Waluigi scales to Bowser, who scales to The Power Stars. One Power Star gets to 7.62 FOE by creating a constellation. At higher ends, by absorbing all of the stars in the sky, One Power Star gets to 140.94 PetaFoe. For speed, Waluigi scales to 880 Quadrillion c by fighting the grand star. So, how does Mortimer hold up? Not well. The best feat for Mortimer is scaling to the 2013 Mickey Mouse show, where Goofy slams a ball hard enough to shatter the sun. We calced this to 0.79 FOE and 519.6c. That’s way weaker and slower than anything Waluigi gets to. But what about Beast? If you buy the absolutely high end of the Beast feat, Mortimer would be universal. While this would stat stomp Waluigi physically, since 140.94 PetaFoe only gets to solar system level, it doesn’t help with the stupid speed difference between the two. Even with this, there’s no guarantee that Mortimer would hit Waluigi. 

With all of that being said, this category goes to Waluigi. 

Powers and Abilities

Waluigi comes with so many abilities it’s hard to mention them all. To talk about basic ones, he can temporarily give himself speed boosts through the variety of mushrooms, hit targets with shells that knock them over, blind them with ink, turn himself invincible using the Starman or Bullet Bill, produce Bomb-ombs, become invisible through Boos and Mushrooms, steal items with Boos and chests, infect people with Rain Clouds, Driver Virus’s, Broken wheels, Dizziness. His arsenal is almost endless, most of them being able to lock on and hit people. 

He has a variety of vehicles that let him travel around quickly, all with underwater and glider features. He can transmute himself with orbs and items. He can become a vampire, a large ball, tornado, have Bullet Bills out of his legs, summon lightning out of his fingertips, it’s a lot. He can permanently up his stats with Battle League sets, increasing his physicality and speed. Oh, he doesn’t need speed, he can just teleport on top of you. 

Mortimer is much less versatile. While he possesses Sports Cars, Planes, and Zeppelins, Waluigi can specifically mess these up with items. He can use his various Viruses, broken wheels, and Thunder to break these. Mortimer has fewer items, but to his credit, can control both the air and the land. Apart from his vehicles he has a lot of prank items. Buttons that shock you, fake hands, Stink Bombs, the works. Many of these items aren’t really going to hurt Waluigi given the stat difference. 

Mortimer’s ace in the hole is his Shrink Ray. If he managed to shrink Waluigi down to a smaller size, he could step in. Unfortunately for Mortimer, Waluigi can counter this. His Mega Mushroom can grow him into a giant and reverse this, and his MiniMega hammer can either level the playing field (By shrinking Mortimer himself) or growing himself back up. He could even potentially steal the item with his Boo or chest.  Waluigi, also, isn’t alone. The Ally phone lets him call in one random friend to help in battle. He could have Mario! Wario! Luigi! Bowser! Oh wait, he has Bowser on speed dial. Goomba! Ok, maybe not him. But you get the point. He can also harass Mortimer with Chain Chomps. 

Waluigi also has an abundance of Power Stars which not only buff his stats, but can be used as weapons. Mortimer won’t be able to last long against multiple barrages of stars. Also, if they lose every item, Waluigi actually has abilities to use in combat if it comes down to it. 

Honestly, this category is pretty clear cut. Waluigi’s items are just more useful, versatile, and he has way more. Anything that Mortimer has can either be reversed, stolen, or just destroyed. 

Any Other Factors

While both are the villains of their respective towns, Waluigi is smarter and more experienced. Given his knowledge of minigame battles, like fighting on tanks, or duelling, it trumps everything that Mortimer has ever done. Which, seriously, isn’t much. Any sports experience is pretty much equalled out.  

He’s also been a part of high-action knowledge games of Mario Party. Quizzes, memory games, puzzles, he’s also a doctor. Mortimer was abandoned by Disney for a good while, which leaves him out of the running. He can usually pull off a good trick on someone like Mickey, but other less-friendly characters see through him instantly. 



“If you want the Mischief Star, you must name me the Super Star!”


  • Dominates the stat trinity pretty easily. 

  • Still way faster with the highest ends. 

  • Way larger amount of items to use. 

  • More versatile items for many situations.

  • Specifically, these items counter Mortimers vehicles.

  • Has abilities (Mortimer can't relate)

  • Larger list of vehicles. 

  • Hammer and items counter shrink ray….

  • Could steal Mortimers items. 

  • Smarter

  • More experienced in battle.

  • Loved by the playerbase.

  • Wah.


  • ….cannot counter the Shrink Ray without a hammer and items. 

  • Lack of vehicles that control the air.

  • Weaker with absolutely highest ends. 

  • Doesn’t have a TRUE physical weapon. 

  • Never getting in Smash.

  • Less Rizz than fucking Mortimer Mouse

Mortimer Mouse

“Mind if I borrow you girl?”


  • Takes strength with absolute highest ends. 

  • Vehicles control air combat. 

  • Has a sword which is better than a Tennis racket. 

  • Shrink Ray potentially wins if…….

  • Better Rizz

  • Ha-cha-cha.


  • Loses the stat trinity hard.

  • Still way slower with highest ends.

  • Has less items in combat.

  • Lacks versatile

  • Has no natural powers. 

  • Has less vehicles.

  • Waluigi’s items could destroy/hinder Mortimer. 

  • Could get his items stolen. 

  • Dumber

  • Less experienced. 

  • …Waluigi runs out of items (he won't). 

  • Disney LITERALLY forgot him (And so did you after the memes died). 

  • In the same series as Drake (Certified Loverboy Certified… Once again you know the rest).

While Mortimer is a surprisingly hard hitting combatant, he can’t stand up to the power of the TRUE number one combatant. We believe we have our winner. 

Final Vote

Team Waluigi: [5] (Saul, Tru, Bananabreadsticks, CornerCornDog,Supermonye)

Team Mortimer Mouse: [0] (No one likes him enough to get a pity vote)

Just one more thing….

Thanks for reading! This was actually a pretty fun experience writing. We’re coming near to the end of our first batch, so we’re going out on some pretty big matchups! I’ll see you next time for something fun. 

Syndrome VS Tighten

If you want to join either, Saulgoodmanagain is my discord! Find me under Saul in your friendly death battle servers, and shoot me a DM. I can also be contacted through Reddit as Saulgoodmas.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of expected Waluigi to stomp (Which I'm happy he does) considering the rules you set up, but I appreciate a bit of a change from this and Mickey VS Mario.


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