Sunday, 9 June 2024

Springtrap vs Cyber-Controller (Five Night's at Freddy's vs Doctor Who) Bonus Blog


"One must pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while still alive."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Springtrap, the undead antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy’s.

Cyber-Controller, the upgraded leader of the Cybermen from Doctor Who.

The greatest minds in our history have always been a tad insane, but what would happen if they were truly mad? These murderous inventors take the answer to that question to the extreme. Join me as we decide once and for all whose immortality will falter in this DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start

This blog was made with two individuals. First is Germ, head of researching Springtrap. This is their original matchup and a project they spearheaded. I jumped on a few months into the product to help with Doctor Who. Saul’s VS Blog has been granted permission to upload this on their behalf. It’s also a lot easier to do it this way.

We will only be looking at Springtrap's game continuity, but we will also take the books and movie into consideration, as while they're different continuities, they're all in the same canon. 

Throughout Doctor Who’s extensive run there have been multiple Cybermen all with unique backstories, but for this blog we will exclusively be using John Lumic’s Cyber-Controller and Cybermen as that’s specifically what this matchup uses. These specific Cybermen are also known as "Cybusmen" but we won’t be calling them that just so we don’t get confused or accidentally make some mistakes. 

It’s important to note that the Cyber-Controller dies but his Cybermen continue on without him for a while, gaining new gear and abilities. So we will be giving him the gear and abilities his Cybermen have gained without him, as the Cybermen are of Cyber-Controllers design and in part are an extension of himself. It also makes the debate way more interesting. So, to make canonical sense, We’ll be considering everything between Rise Of The Cybermen, and The Pandorica Opens. Anything in between like comics will also be considered, as long as they don’t contradict the established canon within Doctor Who.

In terms of what Doctor Who media we’re looking at overall, our primary sources will be the Doctor Who wiki. This includes pages for John himself, and the Cybusmen. So media like the mainshow, games, short stories, audio books, and anything else has been considered. Torchwood, since it takes place in the same universe, is also considered.


While me and Germ have worked hard on making this blog the best that it could possibly be, it wouldn’t be fair to not credit the work that we’ve used along the way. Almost all of the Springtrap content provided came from the William Afton respect thread by Turbulent_Parking_97, who we received permission to make this blog using his work. please read it all here, it’s genuinely some great work. This isn’t to say that we haven’t done our own research, Germ specifically looked through tons of the William Afton content, and they deserve praise as well.

We’ve also taken calcs from G1s Rick vs The Doctor blog, so check them out as well. 



“You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it’s still me. I always come back.”

(Disclaimer: We will be using a few parts of Game Theory’s Ultimate Timeline to fill in a bit of Springtrap’s story as to make it feel more complete and cohesive, though those parts won’t actually affect any stats)

1930, Utah. The Great Depression left people in need of cheap entertainment, leading people to Fredbears Singing' Show which was popular at the time. It gave people the food and entertainment they craved at a cheap enough price to afford it, but the main attraction was the trained bear that would perform for customers, though it truly inspired one child in particular… that child’s name was William Afton.

As Afton grew older he always dreamed of recreating that moment of happiness he experienced, so he created rudimentary costumes of a golden bear and a golden rabbit while simultaneously opening a diner. As performers wore these suits and entertained kids at the diner, William was happy. But even though you’re the first doesn’t mean you’re the best. A rival diner had performing mascots of the animatronic variety, leading them to overtake Aftons diner in terms of popularity. When Afton went bankrupt due to the lack of sales his competitor Henry Emily bought him out of bankruptcy, leading them to become business partners and launch their business under a new name, Fredbears Family Diner.

With Afton and Emily’s shared brilliance they created the Springlock suits, which had room for performers to go on the inside while also being able to perform as an animatronic when unoccupied. Business was great, Afton had his grievances with some things but he really couldn’t complain, he had a wife, three kids, a thriving business, and a supportive co-owner. Over the years Emily taught Afton robotics, due to Afton’s brilliance he picked it up quickly and became exceptional at it, even to the point where he was on parr with Emily.

As Afton grew increasingly busy he asked his eldest son, Michael, to watch his younger brother during the day. Michael disliked his brother due to his constant crying, leading him to constantly bully him, while Afton watched through security cameras he placed throughout the neighborhood. Afton dismissed this behavior but he would soon come to regret it, as on the younger brother's birthday Michael and his friends decided to pull the ultimate prank, making his younger brother give the animatronics he was so afraid of a big kiss. Michael and his friends dragged the crying child and placed his head inside the animatronics mouth all while the child cried and flung his limbs around violently until… everything went limp. The jaw on Freddy snapped shut on the child’s head, causing the child to be rushed to the ER, Michael was profusely sorry while Afton said only one thing, “You’re broken. I will put you back together.” And that was the final thing the small child heard as the sound of a flatline filled the room and everything went dark.

In a grief-filled state Afton became bitter. He was angry at Michael for putting his youngest son in the mouth of Freddy. He was mad at Emily since it was the animatronic part of the robot that failed. Afton was told to go home after he had one too many drinks, but Afton didn’t listen. He went back to the restaurant to give Emily a piece of his mind until he saw Emily’s daughter, trapped outside in the rain because of her bullies. Afton then had a twisted idea, and in a rage he killed her then and there. Afton acquired a bloodlust after this, leading him to murder more kids just for the thrill of it, stuffing their dead bodies in the animatronic suits. But when one of his creations, Circus Baby killed Afton's daughter he was wrought with grief again, until he started to realize that Circus Baby was… different somehow. It was almost like she was possessed by his daughter… but how? Afton’s bloodlust turned into curiosity so he broke into Freddy’s and stole the metal exoskeletons of the animatronics. As he suspected the endoskeletons were possessed, so in an attempt to truly create life he melted the exoskeletons and injected the metal into other creations of his, and he watched as they sprung to life. Afton went back to Freddy’s to see what else he could find but he ended up back against the wall as the ghosts of the children he murdered ganged up on him. In a moment of panic Afton put the Spring Bonnie suit back on, reminding the children that he was the one in control, they were powerless against him, and NOTHING WOULD STOP HIM FROM KILLING THEM AGA-

We don’t know what exactly caused it, but all at once the springlocks activated and plunged themselves into Afton’s flesh. He screamed in agony as he fell to the ground and blood pooled underneath him. The ghosts left as there wasn’t really anything they could do that was worse than what Afton just experienced, and Afton lost hope that he would survive, until a few days later when Emily showed up after being alerted to a break-in. Afton gained hope, Emily and him were business partners for years, surely he would help him. But Emily, who had suspected Afton of his daughter's murder for years, left Afton and ordered the room to be blocked off forever. Any positive feelings Afton had towards Emily were completely destroyed and replaced with hatred, which caused him to survive. The hatred and agony Afton felt helped him cling to life until years later when he’s released back into the world via Fazbear Frights, an attraction that wanted to capitalize on the myth of Freddy’s being haunted. And they wanted a real animatronic for this attraction, they were so desperate they found Afton springlocked and said “yeah that’ll work” hence Afton’s, now Springtrap, escape. So for five nights he tried to kill the security guard working at the location, who just so happened to be Michael who grew up and wanted to make up for the sins of his father by destroying everything Afton built. Michael at this point also became literally purple so there wasn’t much else he could do with his life. Michael survived his fathers attacks and when the week was over he set Fazbear Frights ablaze with his father inside. 

Afton would survive though and make his way to an alleyway right next to the new Freddy Fazbear location. He would be taken in with multiple other creations of his and a few other animatronics he didn’t know, and once they were in they followed noises and smells while crawling through the vents to try and reach the children residing in the building. But they failed over and over until Emily revealed himself and the secret that this entire building was a trap meant to lure in every possessed animatronic and finally put them to rest by setting the building ablaze with no route of escape. Emily left kind words for most of the possessed animatronics, believing that their situation and sins were no fault of their own. However when it came to Afton, “The darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don’t keep the devil waiting old friend.” Afton then passed out from the fire and heat, and finally died.

Suddenly Afton woke up in a security office he hadn’t seen in years, as animatronics new and old attacked him, ripping him to shreds. Then he woke up again only for the same thing to happen. The process happened over and over again, a living hell where his life all converged into a single point. This was all the doing of Golden Freddy, who kept Afton alive to torture him, but by doing so Afton was able to escape back into the world.

His body was found and rejuvenated by an unknown figure and he rested for an unknown amount of time. Until a boy showed up, catching Afton’s attention. Afton tried to possess the boy's robot and did everything in his power to kill him, but in the end he was grabbed by some giant robot spaghetti and hasn’t been seen since. But we all know that isn’t the end, after all, he always comes back.


“This is the Age of Steel; and I am its creator.”

A genius, a creator, a psychopath. There’s many ways that John Lumic could be described. Being born in Great Britain, John was described as a sick and weak child who defied the odds. He grew up in New Germany, becoming an inventor at a young age. He established Cybus Industries, the most influential company within the universe he came from. They had a total monopoly on every single part of the world. From media, transport, finance, and especially technology, Cybus Industries had control over the entire world. For as much control Lumic had over the world, he could not manipulate his own health. Although he would publicly deny his own failing health, Lumic would spend his life wheelchair bound, on a straight path to death. Even though he could invent a device that would never let him sleep, his body would eventually fail. 

That’s when he began to create the Ultimate Upgrade Project. Placing the human brain within a metal exoskeleton, Lumic would create the Cybusmen, kidnapping homeless men off the street before placing them inside these human tombs. Why? To upgrade humanity into its next evolution. The only issue with this was that the Human mind couldn’t take so much pain, so Lumic had to remove the emotional inhibitors inside of his Cybusmen. 

Although he couldn’t get the approval of the President, Lumic would move onto the next stages of his plan. A group of Cybusmen would be distributed into the President's home, ready to force him into conversion. When he refused, the robots began to slaughter every single person who wouldn’t give into the conversion. 

Using the Cybus EarPods that most of London had, he initiated a brain-washing wave that put everyone under the control of Lumic. Everyone would walk into conversion centers. During this event, known as the Battle of Battersea Power Station, Lumics right-hand man Mr Crane betrayed him, damaging Lumic’s life-support in an attempt to kill him. Crane succeeded but not in the way he planned. When the Cybermen assessed there was no saving Lumic, they ignored his orders to stop as Lumic was forcefully converted, turning into the cold-hearted Cyber-Controller. His rule was short-lived though, as The Doctor and his companions had come to stop him. They reactivated the emotional inhibitors of every Cyberman in the area, causing all of them to kill themselves because the pain was too unbearable. Then they started blowing up his factory and his life's work right before his very eyes; So when they tried to escape via his blimp he followed them, ready to end their lives as they had no way of killing him. But at the last second as they were all climbing up the ladder leading to the blimp, The Doctor tossed his sonic screwdriver to Pete Tyler, who used it to break off the bottom half of the ladder, and watched as the Cyber-Controller fell into the inferno.

While that was the end of the Cyber-Controller, that was not the end of his Cybermen. The Doctor and his companions only reactivated the emotional inhibitors in Britain specifically, so there were still Cybermen all over the world. The Doctor's companions Mickey and Pete then stayed behind in the alternate dimension and dedicated their lives to bringing an end to the Cybermen in this world once and for all.

But they were unsuccessful, as the Cybermen took advantage of a crack in the universe and traveled from their universe to The Doctor's, posing as ghosts. Though in reality they were spreading across the world getting ready to take off the disguise and take over the world, they ran into a hiccup when they came face to face with the very beings who created that crack in the universe, The Daleks. The Cybermen tried to become allies with the Daleks but it didn’t work out and the two species went to war. Though their fight on earth was cut off preemptively as The Doctor and his companions opened up the void which sucked up the Daleks and the Cybermen, banishing them from time and space.

But since the void only sucked up Cybermen who have traveled through it, all of the Cybermen who were converted on earth were completely unaffected by it. Though they were swiftly taken out as there weren't a lot of them, a child made the poor mistake of putting one back together, reigniting the Cybermen once again. Those Cybermen then stole teleportation technology from Torchwood to open the void and get the rest of the Cybermen back. They however had no clue how to do that, so they stole the TARDIS and hoped The Doctor would show up and help them out. Obviously he didn’t (seriously why would he) and with the help of the military almost all of the Cybermen were taken out. So when the Cybermen saw this happening they went “oh shit” and kidnapped The Doctor's companion in the safety of their Millennium Dome and Forcefield. The Doctor then used the TARDIS to enter the dome and agreed to help them, but instead of opening a portal to the void he opened a space-time portal to the time of the dinosaurs which summoned a T-Rex, and the giant lizard squad-wiped the Cybermen saving the day.

But it isn’t over for the Cybermen just yet, as the barriers between worlds were weakened by Davros’ reality bomb allowing a small number of them to escape the void with a Dimension Vault, with the rest of them perishing in the void. They accidentally landed in 1851 London and teamed up with a human woman who they planned to make their Cyber-King. They fucked up some random dudes life before building a dreadnought robot that looks like if Evangellion had a crossover with Berserk. The Doctor then showed up and got the pilot of the giant robot to turn on the Cybermen and commit Seppuku before getting disintegrated by the time vortex.

One Cybermen fell into the void again and ended up in a universe where The Doctor was the protagonist of a hit TV show called “Doctor Who” but this Cybermen got sent back home by The Doctor almost immediately.

That one Cyberman built up their numbers a bit after being sent back, before joining forces with all of The Doctor's foes in an attempt to save all of reality. This obviously doesn’t work but long story short everything is set back to zero.

The Cybermen then try to take over other universes because at this point they might as well be Agent Jones with how much they’re universe-hopping. But then they all got blown-up to kingdom come, and even worse for them everything they did got undone because of universe-hopping shenanigans.

But of course an interplanetary info-thief stole the Cybus Industries blueprints and recreated the Cybermen hoping to sell them off as high-tech soldiers. This immediately backfired on him as he wasn’t a Cyberman or Lumic so they didn’t give two shits about his commands. They then did their usual song and dance until The Doctor blew all of them up (again) except for one that stayed hidden.

That is the last we would ever see of John Lumics Cybermen though, but it sure was a hell of a ride. I’m sure Lumic would have never expected how far his inventions, which are being used to this very day by villains in the Whoniverse, would have come. 

Experience and Skill


We don’t actually know when Springtrap was born or exactly how long he’s been alive. The earliest confirmed date is 1983 in which Afton was a father of three at the time. Fazbear Frights, the place where we meet Springtrap for the first time, is opened and destroyed in the 2000’s or beyond. The FNAF 3 Steam page states that the game takes place 30 years after the closing of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. So while we don’t know the exact numbers it’s evident he’s been around for a while. Afton is also the founder and co-founder of multiple businesses all of which were successful until the murders started, so Afton is likely an overall good businessman in which he presumably got that good due to a formal education. Afton was likely taught mechanics by Emily as well, and I doubt Emily was making fully operational animatronics without an engineering degree, so Afton could possibly be as educated on mechanics as someone with an engineering degree.


We know Lumic established Cybus Industries in 1982 and has been sick with an incurable life-threatening disease since he was a child, making him so frail he requires a powered wheelchair with a built-in life-support system. As the Cyber-Controller he lasted less than one night thanks to The Doctor. Lumic and the Cyber-Controller have no battle-applicable skills.

His Cybermen are a different story. After Lumic’s death at the hand of The Doctor, a new Cyber-Leader takes over the alternative world of Pete’s and runs the country. They’ve proven to be great tactical minds in battle, even standing their own against the Daleks, one of if not the strongest race of aliens in Doctor Who. They’ve also traveled dimensions and time, adding everything they’ve seen to their database.




The bread and butter of any horror villain worth their salt. Springtrap uses this to stab people.


Apparently Afton might’ve been a security guard for Freddy’s at some point, so he gets a flashlight. This will surely affect the course of the entire debate right?

Ford Fairmont Futura

Specifically a model from 1980-1983. Which is likely the same car from Give Cake and Midnight Motorist. This car can drive up to 200 miles per hour as seen in Midnight Motorist. 

Fredbear Plush

Despite what the GIF would suggest, This Fredbear Plush isn’t actually psychic. It only seems to be because Afton has cameras and speakers in it to keep an eye on his youngest son. This was surprisingly an act of fatherly love without any alternative motives.

Spring Bonnie Suit

The Spring Bonnie Suit is the disguise that William Afton dawned for his child-killing spree. Due to the spirits of the kids wanting vengeance, Afton dawned the suit again in an attempt to mentally overpower them. However, due to multiple factors the spring-locks went off almost killing Afton, he was stuck in the suit so long he physically bonded with it. The suit also somewhat doubles as armor due to the durability and resistances it has.


Afton has Syringes filled with Remnant, which he can take or remove from an individual.

Illusion Discs


Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, Illusion Discs play high-sound frequencies that cause many different illusions. Visual, auditory, even smells to make you vomit. Afton has used these himself to disguise his presence. He’s also seemingly immune to them thanks to his prolonged exposure to Circus Baby, a character who has one active at all time. 

The Funtime Animatronics

When Afton wanted to work on his more experimental projects that wouldn’t fly with Emily, he took to work in his secret location where he created the Funtime Animatronics. 

  • Circus Baby: Possessed by Aftons’s daughter, Circus Baby wishes to make her father proud via the good ol’ family tradition of murder. She can grab kids with a big claw that comes out of her stomach, blow up balloons with her fingertips, dispense ice cream, and sing. She’s equipped with a kill switch located somewhere around her shins that will immediately shut her down. She’s a bit of a control freak, telling the other animatronics what to do so much that they got annoyed at her and kicked her out of Ennard. She’s also patient and calm, rarely ever raising her tone, which compliments her manipulative nature well.

  • Ballora: (Likely) Created in the image of Aftons wife, Ballora is the most human-like animatronic in the series. She’s usually triggered by sound, and is equipped with an Audio Activation Sensor to lure in victims, Remote Misdirection to redirect victims to a preferred location, Balance/Stability because she’s a ballerina, and a Collision Sensor so she doesn’t run into anything. She’s usually accompanied by Minireena’s and is always calm and collected. She also has a good singing voice.

  • Funtime Freddy: An energetic animatronic, Funtime Freddy looks like the only Funtime Animatronic that would actually be appealing to kids. Though that isn’t a good thing, as he’s a deranged psychopath who takes joy in tormenting and killing people just for the sake of it. Often laughing with glee and taunting his target while his voice glitches. He even actively tries to traumatize his victims so that if he doesn’t succeed in killing them he can haunt them. He’s also a smug douche who can’t take a loss and chalks up any success his adversaries have against him to luck. He has a Proximity Sensor/Grouping Coordination to detect and group together victims, Voice Mimicking to lure in victims, and a soundproof Storage Tank with a space heater to store kidnapped victims. He also has incredible control and knowhow about his body and can somehow flood his storage tank with water. And if all of that wasn’t enough he also has a little shit on his hand named Bon-Bon. Who calms Funtime Freddy down but makes everyone else want to punch a hole through their monitor. If you take out Funtime Freddy you then have to take out Bon-Bon (who has a 360 degree pivot) which isn’t incredibly hard as long as you don’t get caught off guard

  • Funtime Foxy: Show’s over, folks! Funtime Foxy has many features that Afton has installed into them. As listed on Funtime Foxy’s Blueprints, he has a Light Activation Sensor, which detects changes in lights. Parental Voice Sync and replay, which replays the voice of parents, letting Afton lure children close to him. Variable Scent Release, which lets out smells to lure victims, and a Remote Floor Anchor. We don’t know its use, but we can assume that it anchors Funtime Foxy to the floor.

  • Ennard: When the four were desperate for escape, they cobbled their endoskeletons together, becoming a complete mess of wires, springs, metal, and a fun party hat, to become Ennard. They’re missing the outer shell that covers almost every animatronic, but they make up for that by being far more flexible than other animatronics, they’re so flexible that they can enter a man's body and pilot it without any indication of something abnormal happening. They’re also able to disattach any part of themselves they don’t want there, as shown when Circus Baby got kicked out of Ennard by the other Funtime Animatronics.

  • Molten Freddy: After Ennard kicked out Circus Baby, they (and Scott) decided that they wanted an aesthetic change. Since Funtime Freddy was the one with the most control Ennard took on a look more in line with what Funtime Freddy used to look like, becoming Molten Freddy


Well, I mean, I have to get it a friend, right? I mean, who's. Who's he gonna talk to? He's gonna get bored, and. And you know, what if they get-” Was basically Afton’s mindset when he created the Bidybabs and Minireenas. They’re just a bunch of small animatronics that Afton was able to mass produce due to their simplicity. Also the Minireenas would be great at Tetris.

The Classic Animatronics

Possessed by the first murder victims, the original animatronics are under the control of Afton who had manipulated them. Though they soon figured out the truth and caused Afton to become Springtrap. They wander the pizzeria in free-roaming mode at night so as to not lock up their servos. One other nifty feature they have is that if they believe an endoskeleton isn’t wearing a costume they will forcefully put the endo into a costume, which sounds good until you realize that the animatronics mistake any human in the pizzeria after hours to be a naked endoskeleton.

  • Freddy: The icon of the entire franchise, with a press of his bow tie his torso opens up to allow access to his innards, which contains a safety latch, a red button that powers the safety latch, and a music box safely tucked away. Unlike the other Classic Animatronics Freddy never backs down or retreats until he reaches his target.

  • Bonnie: Out with the old and in with the new. Bonnie, who’s obviously just a rebrand of Spring Bonnie, is the simplest of the Classic Animatronics. There’s nothing really special about him compared to his comrades.

  • Chica: You already know the joke I’m going to make. You know the sins that were committed on DeviantArt. Chica is a simple animatronic like Bonnie, though unlike Bonnie she has someone to keep her company, The Cupcake. The Cupcake is a smaller animatronic that Chica carries around, it’s surprisingly fast and has a strong bite. 

  • Foxy: The oddball of the group, this pirate themed fox has his own designated area in the pizzeria named Pirates Cove. Unlike the other animatronics Foxy is smart enough to see through disguises like the FNAF 2 mask and throws caution to the wind by running full speed towards his destination, usually slamming into something. This somehow drains the power/electricity of the thing he’s slamming into. Foxy also has a neat pirate hook and is missing an eye since according to another version of him, “You can be a pirate, but first you’ll have to lose an eye and an arm! Yarg!” 

Twisted Animatronics

These lovely individuals are the four original animatronics. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Wolf. Oh, they added this new one called Foxy as well. The Twisted Animatronics are nocturnal creatures who bury themselves into the ground, popping out at night to attack. They follow every command of Afton, Afton can also see the world through their eyes and ears. These robots act as both attackers and captors, able to take individuals. On top of all of that they don’t share the weakness to fire and high temperatures the other animatronics do.

Balloon Boy Horde

Mother of god, there’s more than one. 


Afton has troops of Endoskeletons that he uses for keeping his identity hidden. They all come equipped with illusionary discs which Afton will play, making sure that they look like him.

Lonely Freddy’s

Lonely Freddy’s are small stuffed bears with plush paws and an unhinged plush mouth. These guys have the ability to put their target into a hypnotic trance and body swap with them, trapping the target in the Lonely Freddy’s body without any hope for escape. 


Fetch is a small grayish-brown animatronic dog that’s described as, “an animatronic dog designed to sync up with your phone and and retrieve information and other things for you.” Though Fetch is able to sync with phones and possibly the internet without permission, as he syncs with and texts Greg’s phone without him ever actually connecting Fetch to his phone. Fetch’s battery is also so strong that The Stitchwraith is able to use the battery’s energy to burn away Agony and human flesh.


MODs are chips that can be given to animatronics to enhance certain aspects of them (to see what abilities they are enhancing check out the “Ability” section on Springtrap.) An email between staff members imply that Springtrap might’ve hooked himself up to the service, and while I thought this might have been Glitchtrap and not Springtrap at first, the line “Some kind of a vintage Bonnie model. A couple of people have mentioned a really smell from it as well.” really only applies to Springtrap so I’m sold on it being him. (We’re also only listing the MODs that are relevant to the debate)

  • Visual Disruption: The EM Booster causes disruptions to electronic devices like static on cameras to become more frequent. The EM Jammer makes these disruptions harder to get rid of.

  • Map Movement: The Friction Regulator increases the travel speed of animatronics while the Hydrostatic Booster decreases the travel speed of animatronics.

  • Attack Movement: The Servo Boosters increase an animatronics attack speed.

  • Haywire: The Gear Booster decreases the look timer for a haywire while the Gear Regulator increases the chance of a haywire happening.

  • Wear & Tear: The Hydropneumatic Suspension increases animatronics durability and endurance.


Cybermen Physiology

It’s important to explain what a Cyberman is. Cybermen are created by extracting the brain of a human and placing them inside of what is essentially a metal tomb. Hooked up with Cyber kinetic impulses, and artificial nervous system, before burning the body. Equipped with an emotional inhibitor, they cannot feel a thing, although this can be disrupted. (See before verdict) Cybermen seemingly have unlimited stamina, as they’re robots. Cybermen can also survive for hundreds, potentially thousands of years as just a head. The Pandorica Opens shows a Cybermen fighting as a head, having control over its own body, and even being able to put it back together. The Cybermen are also all connected to the Cyber-Web which allows them to wirelessly communicate with each other, as a bonus, when a Cyber-Leader dies their files are transferred to the next Cyberman who’s been appointed to be the next Cyber-Leader if something happens to the current one.

Cybus EarPods

The state of the art EarPods! Not unlike Apple, these are all connected to the Cybus Network (what is essentially its own internet) these EarPods have the ability to play music, tell jokes, the weather, it all. But, these have sinister intentions. The EarPods can read the mind of anyone who wears them, being able to control their body. They could even force them into becoming Cybermen, a horrible thought. Artificial Filament would connect these to the brain. Though one fatal flaw they have is that they’re all connected to Lumic’s blimp, so you can deactivate them from there. (Though people already converted into Cybermen will not be affected by this)

Electricity Manipulation 

Now for a shocking (hehe) touch. The Cybermen can release a shock from its hands, deleting anyone who is considered unworthy of becoming a Cyberman, like the President. One of the Cybermen, within the Pandorica Opens, was able to knock out The Doctor temporarily with this. It’s important to note that this Cyberman was in shambles, literal pieces. The Cyber Assault video game shows a Cyberman totally disintegrating a human when touched. The Cybermen can also shoot a small bit of electricity from its hand, usually used to disarm opponents. These shocks can also transfer between individuals, which is cool.

Cyber Wrist Blaster

A retractable mounted weapon powered by hydrogen gas located in every Cybermen's forearm. It fires a red particle discharge containing an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that could kill a human almost instantly, and better yet it can bypass clothing, even military body armor. The gun is connected to the Cybermen's vision circuits to ensure precise aim. These weapons have shown the ability to cause vehicles to blow up as well.

Explosive Charges

The Cybermen seem to have an explosive charge built into their hand/wrist. It’s likely hooked up to the same technology that the Cyber Wrist Blaster uses.

Poison Dart

The Cybermen can shoot a poison dart from, what looks to be, their mouth. If the target is hit by this their vision begins to distort and they start passing out. I’m also calling it a Poison Dart because it’s incredibly similar to the Poison Dart from Star Wars.


Stolen from The Daleks while they were in the void, these Infostamps are a time-lord original device. Stolen by the Daleks, who then got it stolen by the Cybermen. The Cybermen have everything you’d ever want to know about The Doctor on this, causing someone to believe they’re The Doctor if it backfires.

Built-in Camera

The Cyber-Controller and the Cybermen have built-in cameras that can be connected to other technological devices i.e. laptops.

Dimension Vault

A piece of Dalek technology, the dimension vault is what The Cybermen used to escape the void. The Doctor was able to use this to BFR the CyberKing into the Time Vortex, catching the entirety of the King into it. Lumic should be able to do this, since his basic Cybermen were also able to use it.  


John Lumic possesses an airship that he uses to fly around the UK. The front of the ship presents a transmitter that controls all that wear his AirPods. In the Power of the Cybermen comic, conversion decks are on board to convert organic matter into Cybermen. The game shows that these have weapons, a blast that’s able to destroy cybermen, and an EMP.

There’s also multiple of these as seen in the game. 

Temporal Stasis Field

A temporal stasis field is a field of energy that can put almost all living beings inside the field into a time-trance. These fields do not affect those who’re telepathically linked to the temporal stasis machine and certain beings like Time Lords can resist its effects for a time. However if said machine is messed with, the temporal feedback will overload the Cybermens circuits and cause them to no longer work. (Also “Zapping” the machine results in almost-immediate temporal feedback.)

Voice Link

Basically a Cybus walkie-talkie. Yes, it is completely useless. No, we don’t know why it exists when they basically have telepathic communication.

Hypnotic Signal

The Cybermen can broadcast a hypnotic signal that puts humans in a trance, though it doesn’t affect all humans as shown with The Doctor's companion. It also doesn’t have an incredibly long range, since as The Doctor said it was only affecting the local humans.

5 Million Cybermen

When the Cybermen meet the Daleks they state that they have a collected force of five million. While this was stated after Lumic’s death Cybermen conversion was greatly halted by Mickey and Pete so the number stated should be roughly accurate.

Cyber-Leader One/Two

It’s important to note the Cybermen Hierarchy. The Cyber-Leader One/Two is the main Cyberman that takes over after Lumic’s own death. They’re special in the fact that all other Cybermen will listen to them if something were to happen to Lumic. When Cyber-Leader One dies at the hand of The Daleks, another is quickly converted into Cyber-Leader Two. This basically creates an infinite military troop. 


After landing in 1851 London, The Cybermen were greatly weakened by the Planetary Relocation Project and the reality bomb destroying most of the Void. The Cybermen managed to upgrade creatures into Cybershades. These are far less complex than your average Cybermen, only being able to follow basic commands thanks to having brains of Cats and Dogs. The Cybershades could climb walls, and were strong enough to overpower The 10th Doctor and Jackson Lake, a man who thought he was The Doctor. 


The true powerhouse of the Cybermen, the CyberKing is a true monster. Hidden under the River Thames. (Sure, let’s go with it) The CyberKing towered above London with a portable Cyber Factory, for quick conversion. Coming in with a Mortar Launcher and laser cannon, It also has a built in microphone :D The only issue with this, if the Cyber Connection between host and King is broken, the machine will likely go into self destruct mode, as the machine is controlled telepathically rather than with wires and such.


These Cybermats are pesky little things. The Cybermat can bite into an individual and infect them with a virus. Over the course of a few minutes, they’ll eventually get converted into a Cyberslave, metal growing over any organic flesh, making them purely loyal to the Cyber-Controller. 


Individuals who were attacked by the Cybermat would become Cyberslaves. The Cyberslave conversion process can take only a few minutes, replacing all organic material with metal. When complete conversion has taken place, the Cyberslaves will follow all the commands of the leader. They also gain the ability to shake lightning from their fingertips. The Cyber-Controller can also cause all Cyberslaves to blow up, if they aren’t needed anymore. 


Described as Rush Jobs, the Cyber-Drones are only partially converted Cybermen who perform very basic actions. The comic shows them tied to the hypnotic signal mentioned earlier. If that’s destroyed, the Cyber-Drones can turn rogue on their creators, not too dissimilar to when the emotional inhibitors are deactivated. Though unlike when the emotional inhibitors are deactivated, the Cyber-drones don’t have the immediate response of wanting to kill themselves, likely because their bodies weren’t fully converted so they still have some sense of their humanity.


Dogs that have been converted by Cybermen. They don’t display any supernatural abilities, or anything unique, they’re just good boys. 

Experimental Dimensional Compass

The Experimental Dimensional Compass allows its user to navigate through alternate universes. It’s not an item the Cybermen commonly have though, and as the name suggests it’s only experimental.

Powers and Abilities


Advanced Intelligence 

Afton is incredibly smart and a great inventor, as he created the animatronics in FNAF Sister Location along with other animatronics and machines. Some of his inventions are so advanced that humanity is only now catching up to them. He also knows how to dismantle the FNAF 1 animatronics.


Remnant is able to create power and life out of memories along with being able to mess with souls. When harnessed it can make someone immortal, give inanimate objects life without the need for a soul, and increase one's strength. 


When Springtrap loses his physical form he can live on as a spirit. Spirits are able to possess almost anything and can anchor themselves to other spirits. In some cases spirits can prevent death, such as when some nurses tried to murder Springtrap but Andrew’s spirit prevented it. And in classic ghost fashion spirits are able to interact with the real world, whether that be leaving a trail of bloody footprints, shifting the air, or making some drawings.

Soul Manipulation

Springtrap is able to directly attack souls while being a spirit and corrupt someone’s soul by stabbing them, infecting them with himself. It’s also likely he can sense souls and their intentions like Jake since it doesn’t seem to be some special ability only Jake has.

Nightmare Control/Inducement

Falling asleep near spirits allows them to enter your dreams. They can warp the dream however they please and even interact with the dreamer. Any damage you receive in the dream from the spirit transfers to your actual body.

Spiritual Guidance

Thanks to Aftons understanding of souls, he can gain information from them and even get their help.

Emotion Enhancement

Agony users can boost the power of their own agony by drawing off other sources of negativity and agony.

Phantom Animatronics 

The Phantoms are a group of animatronics that don’t actually exist. Versions of Freddy, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Balloon Boy, and The Puppet. These can mess with your mind in a bunch of different ways, mostly by jumping at you and blocking your vision. Their main thing is messing with the old technology of Fazbear Frights, causing issues within the ventilation and lights. And while their not confirmed allies of Springtrap, they likely are considering they don’t inconvenience Springtrap at all in FNAF 3 and seem to share the same ability to mess with technology.


Springtrap uses his dark color scheme and knowledge of certain layouts to hide away from his foes. He’s also able to hide inside marked down objects in FNAF: Pizzeria Simulator to get inside the pizzeria earlier than he’s supposed to be. Let’s put him on fraud watch and show every location he hides in FNAF 3. 

FNAF AR Abilities

  • Cloaking: Allows animatronics to become completely invisible to the naked eye, and be immune to electrical damage.

  • Static: Animatronics passively cause static the closer they get to you, inhibiting your perception.

  • Interference: When static builds up it can cause interferences that materialize as smoke or ice in order to blind you.

  • Rushing: During a rush animatronics produce heavy footsteps that cause your perception to vibrate rapidly.

  • Haywire: This is a state that animatronics can take, with them teleporting in front of you, displaying signs of breaking down. Failure to deal with them accordingly will result in instant death.


In the world of FNAF emotions are power. They’re able to affect our environment for better or for worse, and unluckily for us negative emotions are the strongest out of all of them. The energy these emotions create can be found on plenty of things, but for negative emotions specifically items from murder or torture sites are the most likely to have this energy. Phineas Taggart, someone studying this very topic, learned that items infused with Agony appear to be haunted despite not being possessed. This led him to theorize that if he combined the energy from Agony with some kind of intelligence physical movement may be possible. So he built a machine that did just that, and it showed him that the transfer of emotional energy occurred at a frequency the human eye couldn’t discern. Afton used the power of Agony to create a vessel for himself made out of junk (and some extra agony he absorbed) deeming himself “The Agony” when he possessed it. There are beings that can infect or create things out of agony. Such as Andrew, who’s a weaker agony user than Afton, and Eleanor, a living embodiment of Agony. Their creations show off some agony-specific abilities that we’ll be giving to Springtrap. This is because Afton has stronger agony and is a better agony user compared to Andrew, and Eleanor was absorbed by The Agony, so Springtrap at his peak should be able to use the powers of Eleanor and their creations. Below is a list of abilities that are seemingly linked to agony. 

  • Agony Zap: Agony can be channeled into a “zap” that causes victims skin to turn pale as their eyes dissolve into black liquid while they die. This causes mummification on the victims half.

  • Curse Inducement: This ability belonged to Foxy. When Foxy met Pete and sang to him You can be a pirate, but first you'll have to lose an eye and an arm!” he started continuously ending up in situations where he almost lost an eye and an arm. Pete himself even theorizes that he was cursed with bad luck by Foxy before getting hit by a car. Yep he abruptly gets hit by a car and dies. But it turns out he was an organ donor, and someone needs an eye and an arm. (These sort of abilities existing is reinforced by Lucky Boy)

  • Dream Manipulation:When Nole fell asleep Blackbird was able to prevent Nole from waking up. Even when Nole tried to wake up he was only able to reach a state between dreams and reality where he couldn’t retaliate but could still understand what was going on.

  • Memory Manipulation: Multiple characters in the series are able to mess with memories. Eleanor could force her memories into others' heads, making the affected unable to fight back. Eleanor and the Stitchwraith are also able to manipulate the memories of themselves and others, altering whatever they want.

  • Instantaneous Teleportation: After being tossed out by Delilah, Ella alerted Delilah with an alarm at exactly 1:35 am every day for weeks. Disappearing and reappearing instantaneously, making it impossible to get rid of her. (These sort of abilities seem to be supported by Blackbird)

Metal Absorption 

Afton begins to absorb the metal around him, breaking the objects down. Cool.

Other Emotional Abilities

  • Anger: Anger creates new life, but it’s more of a dark reflection of oneself that is a neutral party, willing to harm its creator and drain their life force.

  • Grief: Grief can induce paralysis in others and create massive storms.

  • Fear: If your fear is strong enough you’re able to not pass onto the afterlife until every bit of fear in you is gone.


  • Pain: Springtrap’s in pain 24/7 already so he’s basically just numb to most pain inflicted upon him. And if something’s strong enough to make him feel pain his agony abilities will only grow stronger.

  • Biological Manipulation: Remnant users like Michael Afton can continue living despite lacking bones and organs, which doesn’t affect Michael’s bodily functions.

  • Electricity Afton is completely unaffected by a Taser's electric shock (which is 50,000 volts) while wearing the Spring Bonnie suit. This same Taser was also able to short-circuit Chica. This is consistent with the games, as Afton can take shocks from the controlled system of Pizzeria simulator


Advanced Intelligence

Invented the Cybermen, which are incredibly advanced and are compatible with alien technology, and a multitude of gadgets and gizmos to help with normal life.


If I’m being completely honest, I have no idea how the Cybermen hacked this robot. The best explanation I can think of is that Lumic’s knowledge of robotics was integrated into the Cyber-Web and transferred to Cyber-Leaders ever since the Cyber-Controllers demise.

Power Drainage 

The “Cyberwoman” was able to drain power/electricity from Torchwood gradually. Though it’s unknown whether that is a normal Cyberman ability or specific to the Cyberwoman because she didn’t get to finish converting into a Cyberman.

Advanced Surgical Skills

The Cyberwoman was able to transfer her brain into a random woman’s body, being able to control the body with ease afterwards. This would require incredibly advanced surgical skills to pull off. This isn’t specific to the Cyberwoman either as she wasn’t knowledgeable on the medical field before her semi-conversion.

Emotional Exploitation

The Cyberwoman uses the memories she had from when she was a human to emotionally manipulate people that were close to her, trying to use their attachment towards her as a way to convince them to convert.












  • High Temperatures: Believe it or not, high temperatures are a weakness of his, the fact he’s survived high temperatures before doesn’t negate that, it just enforces how good he is at persevering. (Though the end of Pizzeria Simulator shows that it has to be pretty high temperatures to work effectively.)

  • Audio Lures: While having a springlock suit seems like the best thing since Afton got trapped inside of it, the audio sensors are fucked up, causing Afton to follow towards audio lures on multiple occasions.

  • Emotional Tampering: Springtrap uses emotions, most of the time, to use a lot of his abilities (such as Agony) so if you manage to tamper with these emotions, it could nullify or even get rid of his powers. 


The Cyber-Controller and his Cyberen have a few weaknesses themselves.

Before the verdict

Found you, faker!

Everyone has impersonators, Springtrap isn’t an exception. We’ll go into all of his impersonators and explain why they're not connected to Springtrap.

  • Into The Pit: Into The Pit is the first story in the entire Fazbear Frights book series and depicts a yellow rabbit somehow going back in time via a ball pit and taking on the appearance of a boy’s father after killing him. Or at least that’s what people unfamiliar with the overarching plot of Stitchwraith Stingers would believe. Firstly just to get it out of the way, the yellow rabbit isn’t Springtrap, it’s a demonic entity that was created with agony by Eleanor. But now you might be confused, because didn’t we give Springtrap Eleanor’s powers since he absorbed her? And shouldn’t that mean Springtrap can time travel? Well no, because the yellow rabbit didn’t actually time travel.

  • In The Flesh: The character in this story isn’t Springtrap it’s Glitchtrap or some alternate universe version of Glitchtrap. “Pregnancy hax” aren’t real, they can't hurt you anymore.

  • What We Found: This story leaves a lot up to interpretation, though it seems to imply that everything supernatural was just a hallucination/manic episode the protagonist is subject too.

Scoops Ahoy!

After reading about Springtrap’s equipment you probably asked where The Scooper was. For those not in the know, The Scooper was a device created by Afton to give and take remnant/endoskeletons from anything he saw fit. It was famously used on Michael so Ennard could get inside him and control his body. That sounds important right? So why wasn’t Springtrap given it? Well these kinds of fights, while portrayed in actual locations on shows like DEATH BATTLE!, are actually simulated in flat terrains or anywhere where both combatants are on completely even footing (imagine a Superflat World from Minecraft.) The Scooper was created/designed to be attached to a wall, which there would be zero of in the simulations. 

Nanosecond Statements

In the FNAF books there are two instances of characters Springtrap upscales being said to move at the nanosecond. That being Blackbird and a basic Mimic. While these statements could be taken literally, it’s likely just hyperbole rather than an actual description of how fast the characters are moving. I think people forget the definition of a Nanosecond, informally, is a very short amount of time. Considering this isn’t consistent with the rest of the FNAF verse we’ve discounted it. 

Fourth wall awareness?

One Cyberman did end up in the real world, so it should give them fourth wall awareness like The Doctor right? The Cyberman even met Matt Smith himself! Well as fun as it would be to say they know they’re fictional characters it’s sadly not the case. The Cyberman was able to figure out that The Doctor was a fictional character but the Cyberman thought that he was only fictional in that universe. And there’s no indication that the Cyberman realized they were fictional as well. 



The Cybermen should be stronger, as by being able to hurt The Doctor directly means they should scale to his tanking of a solar flare, which is 2.39 petatons of TNT. Meanwhile Springtrap’s best strength feat is being able to nonchalantly crush a child's skull, which required 14,758 Newtons of force. Child’s play compared to the Cybermen. Though strength doesn't really matter once you take into account Durability, so let’s get into that.

Contrary to the Cybermens entire reason for existence, Springtrap is more durable than them. Springtrap is consistently shown to survive collapsing buildings, with one instance being calc’d to be 388 megajoules. On the Cybermens side of things, they never show any durability feats higher than being able shrug off gunfire, which would have them be tanking 1,859 joules. Though considering both combatants' highest attack stats blow the others defense stats out of the water, both should reasonably be able to take out the other in a single shot. Making it come down to who’s attacking first, which leads us into speed.

Despite the Cybermen being seemingly incapable of running, they’re actually faster than Springtrap. They scale to The Doctor in speed and his feat of juggling a football five million times, which is mach 8.1 while Springtrap scales to Foxy and his feat of moving/reacting in a blur, which is mach 1.83, measly numbers compared to the Cybermen.

Powers and Abilities

Now this is where things get interesting. To start off, the Cyber-Controller does have the numbers advantage with his five million Cybermen and Co, not to mention the Cyberking. But Springtrap’s variety of abilities make most of the Cybermen null in this fight. For one he has a lot of passive ways to mess with the Cybermen’s functioning, Phantom Animatronics, Interference, Illusion Discs, etc. In terms of hands on abilities though, Invisibility makes him immune to electric attacks, Metal Absorption allows him to absorb every Cyberman close to him, and Teleportation lets him straight up just go wherever he wants on the battlefield. 

Does the metal absorbing abilities of Springtrap completely counter the Cybermen? No. It took time for the Afton Amalgamation to even start to take apart the nearby forklift and had to be close to him. With an army of at least five million cybermen, Cyber-drones, and Cyberslaves, Springtrap is going to find himself overwhelmed rather quickly if he tries this approach.

Teleportation for Springtrap is debatable as he’s never actually performed the feat himself and this more comes from assumptions. Even if Springtrap could get close to our good friend Cyber-Controller, the sheer reaction speed would let our good friend cybermen to grab and oneshot Trap.

It’s also important to note the Cyber-Controllers main shtick, conversion, and whether or not it would work on Springtrap. Now obviously the Cybermen aren’t going to drag Springtrap to a conversion factory, but they do have other ways of converting someone like the Cybermats virus. So could they convert Springtrap? Likely not. Considering they stated that they couldn’t convert The Doctor into a Cyberman because of his unique biology, it’s obvious they have a limit on what or what not they can convert, and it’s unlikely a mangled corpse in a bunny suit would be compatible with their technology. Also, given Springtraps strong emotions, he could theoretically overpower the conversion like James corden. But if he can’t, gets overwhelmed, he could be cut off from agony forever. 

Though something else important to note, is that the cybernat causes metal to grow out of Springtraps body, overwriting the mind, which could cause a conversion. This does take, from what the feat shows us, about 20 minutes. 

The Cyber-Controller doesn’t need conversion to mess with Springtrap though. The Cyber Wrist Blasters can disable any technology on Springtrap’s side for at the very least a short amount of time. Which would create an opening to use things like Poison Darts to incapacitate Springtrap and a well directed Infostamp to override Springtrap’s memories. Their electrical shocks could also oneshot Springtrap when he’s not invisible, as while he has an electricity resistance, it’s nothing compared to the Doctor's own feat.

There’s also the factor of coordination and cooperation. The Cyber-Controller usually doesn’t get his hands dirty unless he has too, commanding his troops from the comfort of his chair with the Cyber-Web. Springtrap could possibly cut the Cyber-Controllers connection to his troops off though if allowed to tinker with Fetch, who can connect to devices/internet services without the others consent. This could possibly lead to Springtrap shutting down the Cyber-Web and making telekinetic communication between the Cyber-Controller and his troops impossible. The Cyber-Controller could possibly counter this by using a whole bunch of Voice Links (look at that it was useful!) but that’s way less effective then telepathic communication.

Though nothing the Cyber-Controller does matters unless he can get past Springtraps immortality and Curse Inducement. With Springtrap and the Cyber-Controller being able to one-shot the other and the Cyber-Controller having superior speed, it shouldn’t be hard for them to destroy Springtraps' physical form. The problem that then arises is that Springtrap is able to live on and fight as a Spirit, something that the Cybermen have no counter for. Not to mention that if given time Springtrap could curse the Cyber-Controller into losing. But that’s the one thing Springtrap doesn’t have, time. Due to the Cyber-Controllers superior speed he and his Cybermen would have no issues getting the Temporal Stasis Field up before Springtrap could reach him. Freezing him in time and allowing them to set up and use their only counter to his soul hax, the Dimension Vault. Which when used on Springtrap would BFR him into the time vortex, something completely out of Springtrap’s league. It’s also important to note that, using the many Airships the Cybermen have, they could take this battle in the air and set out the Field there. Springtrap would be stuck on the ground, lacking the ranged options to fight back. 

To basically paraphrase everything here, Springtrap has many ways of messing with the Cybermen if he had the time. Invisibility, metal absorption, Phantoms, hacking, it’s all null and void. illusion disks could potentially disrupt the Cybermen, but most of them aren’t physical beings with ‘senses’ as us humans. But what the controller lacks in quantity, he makes up in quality.  Temporal Stasis Field and the Dimension Vault could prevent Springtrap from coming back. Have fun being stuck in the void. Don’t forget, the Temporal Stasis Field is layered, overpowering even the doctors natural resistance to time manipulation. Maybe this matchup ends with them hacking each other's Armies, which is a non factor here.

Any Other Factors

It should be noted that while intelligence can matter in fights, it doesn’t especially matter here. That’s due to both being inventors who’ve surpassed modern technology by a large margin, and are well educated in their shared niches. There’s also the factor of both originating in Horror/Sci-fi media that can get so outlandish to the point it’s hard to say which one of them is technically smarter. That’s not the case when it comes to Battle IQ though. Springtrap has been in a few fights, but that’s nothing compared to the Cyber-Controller who’s Cybermen have fought in literal wars with some of the universe's deadliest creatures.

There’s also the Cyber-Controllers ability to hop dimensions, which could possibly be used to regroup and create a plan to kill Springtrap. The problem with this is that The Cyber-Controllers' ways of universe hopping requires it to be a one-way trip with no way back. Said universe hopping would also count as removing oneself from the battlefield, which is an automatic loss.



“I am here to claim what is left of you.” 


  • More durable.

  • Faster movement speed.

  • More varied powers that could allow for a win. (Static, Interference, Phantom Animatronics, Illusion Discs)

  • Could absorb Cybermen.

  • Counters a lot of Cybermen technology.

  • More versed in the paranormal. (Spirit stuff)

  • Could curse the Cybermen into losing.

  • Always comes back.

  • That into the pit adaptation looks good.


  • Intelligence

  • Could hack the others' arsenal.

  • Could one-shot the other.


  • Less Numbers.

  • Not as experienced in battle.

  • Weaker 

  • Slower reaction time.

  • No counter to time manipulation and BFR.

  • Worse at range.

  • Lacks counters to Poison darts, info-stamps, etc. 

  • No aerial options.

  • Tech could be shut off by the wrist blasters or EMPS

  • less versed in the supernatural (Sci-Fi stuff)

  • Needs more time to set up wincons.

  • Made Germ consider quitting multiple times.

  • Saul is officially done with FNAF until 2027.


“What have you done!?”


  • Stronger.

  • Faster reaction speed

  • Much more consistent army.

  • Has better instant win options in the time manipulation and BFR.

  • Cyber Wrist Blasters disable opposing tech.

  • Better ranged options.

  • Numerous incapacitation options from darts. 

  • Airships allow for combat in the sky.

  • Needs less time to set up wincons.

  • Is more versed in the supernatural. (Sci-Fi stuff)

  • Much smarter in warfare and Combat.

  • (Debatable) Could convert Springtrap into a Cyberman.

  • Doctor who, need I say more?



  • Intelligence

  • Could hack the others' arsenal.

  • Could one-shot the other.


  • Less durable.

  • Not as fast in movement.

  • Less varied powers

  • Most things are hard countered.

  • No counter to Curses, Possession, absorption.

  • Less versed in the paranormal

  • His website gave Germs computer a virus.

  • Cybermen will remove sex :(

Final Verdict

While Springtrap is a deadly foe with tons of different powers and abilities that could kill the Cyber-Controller if he had the time to use them. With faster reaction time, less time needed to pull off wincons, and a massive numbers gap, the Cyber Controller is the winner for our blog.

Final Tally

Team Springtrap: [0] (Nobody)

Team Cyber-Controller: [2] (Germ, Saul)

Just one more thing…

Thank you for reading our blog! If you made it to the end, hey, thanks. Me and Germ have been working on this for a long time, about 6 months (Riot reference???) and I know this was a massive passion project for them. I don’t know if we’ll do more of these in the future, we'll just have to wait and see. Honestly i just hope people liked this one i’m genuinely so nervous uploading this. 

Saul’s VS Blog will continue, and hopefully publish soon, Waluigi vs Mortimer Mouse.


  1. Lol the springtrap origins just sounds like saying the same things as game theory which a lot of Isn't true or confirmed like killing charlotte just cause he wanted drevenge agaisnt henry or that he only discorved possession due to baby lol

  2. The whole ballora being his wife is also made up. Also surprised baby having two different forms and sort of memory sharing in the nogel isn't mentioned.

  3. Putting agony enhancement and putting twitter is so cringy lol

    1. I'm sure that was probably supposed to be a gag or something.

    2. I know what it was supposed to be

  4. Durability scales to attack potency


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