Friday, 30 August 2024

Yzma and Kronk VS Mera and Indus (The Emperor’s New Groove VS Epithet Erased)


(Thumbnail by Fenic)

“For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.” -Simon Wiestenthal

Yzma and Kronk, Ex-Royal Advisor and Servant from Emperor’s New Groove. 

Mera and Indus, Criminal duo attempting to steal the Arsene Amulet from Epithet Erased. 

For every evil genius with a frail structure comes a loyal large man who’ll do anything for the other. Will Yzma and Kronk snuff out these criminals? Or will Mera and Indus cause the duo to shatter? Come along to Saul’s VS blog to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Before We Go Anywhere…

These two have pretty small media lists. For Yzma and Kronk we’ll be covering Emperor’s New Groove and its sequel, Kronk’s New Groove. We’ll also be covering the TV show, Emperor’s New School, and its game for the PS1. Mera and Indus are even simpler, as we’ll be covering Epithet Erased and Prison of Plastic. We will not be covering the original DND campaign that Epithet Erased is based on as we believe it strays too far from usable material. 

Credit to Giovanni Potage VS Papyrus (Corp’s Prediction Blogs) for some information used. 

Credit to Respect Kronk Pepikrankenitz by user u/Proletiariet. We fact-checked our information with theirs and used some of their feat links, so thanks to them. 


Yzma and Kronk 

“Pull the lever, Kronk! WRONG LEVER!”

What do you get when you cross-living proof the dinosaurs existed and the biggest heartthrob you ever knew? Well, you’re likely to get a royal advisor and her loyal servant. Yzma and Kronk, the dynamic duo, one incredibly smart scientist who has a knack for potions, the other a well-meaning man. Yzma has known Kuzco for an incredibly long time, she knew his father before the man left, raising Kuzco into the mean leader he is today. Yzma was always pressured by her mother to get the throne, stated to be a constant nag in her life, so that’s what Yzma wanted more than anything. One day, while Kuzco was away, she took the throne for him. When Kuzco got back, he simply fired Yzma, starting a revenge plan. Let’s kill Kuzco! Unfortunately, the label on her poison was wrong, she had turned the man into a llama. Kuzco had gotten away, threatening her reign for the throne, embarking on an adventure to try and stop him. This failed, of course, and Yzma was turned into a cat for her troubles.

Kronk had managed to get away with attempted murder, now being the Head Delivery Boy for Mudka’s Meat Hut. He had one fear, that his father would disapprove of his new job. Kronk wished that he could have a wife, a home, and settle down. What about Yzma, you ask? She had managed to turn back into a human, scamming people by selling sewer slime as youth potions. While the old people did realise they were scammed by Yzma, it was too late, they had sold all of their belongings. What did Kronk do? Give his home to them. Kronk also fell in love with Miss Birdwell, a fellow councillor as a Junior Chipmunk. When Kronk’s father shows up, Kronk realises that he doesn’t care about appeasing his father and that he only wants to cherish his friendships. This got him BOTH his father’s approval and his mother's love, so I guess you can’t beat that Kronk Rizz. 

But uh oh, Kuzco has to go to school, and if he fails he can’t become Emperor. Kronk is there, enrolling in the same academy, and becoming friends with Kuzco. Yzma is also there, disguised as Principal Amzy, scheming every day to get Kuzco to fail. She tries transmuting him, failing him, expelling him, but nothing seems to work. Day in, and day out, Yzma schemes and is beaten. She and Kuzco even developed a friendly working relationship. Well, one where she tries to cease the throne every other week, but that’s just how they are. When Kuzco finally becomes Emperor, he gives Kronk the new title of Royal Advisor (Yzma’s old job) and for Yzma? He doesn’t fire her, or have her imprisoned, he makes her Kronk’s assistant. Not a horrible fate for someone who attempted to kill you for 52 episodes straight, is it? Kronk gets to live a life of luxury, while Yzma still gets to live at all. 

Mera and Indus

“Do you feel that? How your bones feel like drywall on the verge of caving in? I feel like that all the time.”

In this world, every one out of five people are born with special magical abilities known as Epithets. Epithets are essentially words that are linked to the soul of the user, of which their abilities will depend on the interpretation behind that specific word. These people are known as the “Inscribed” and these abilities can either be weak and situational or powerful and versatile and one of these Inscribed people was both, and her name is Mera Salamin. 

Her Epithet is called “Fragile” which allows her to make the objects around her fragile and easy to break however it comes with a pretty big caveat her Epithet also affects Mera making her body far more fragile and easily breakable (she even mentioned that just bumping into someone on the street could send her to the hospital). As a result, when Mera was young she was constantly inside and bedridden. She was never able to play with any of the children her age out of fear of her body just snapping in half. So she trained her Epithet to become stronger in hopes of overcoming the toll on her body but instead, the more she trained the more fragile her body became. So there was only one possible solution to her predicament, she had to steal the Epithet of someone else to find some way to dull her pain and free her from this prison of her body.

She would begin to travel the world in search of a way to steal an Epithet and on this journey, she would meet Indus Tarbella. Not much is known about Indus’ past, only that he lived in a poor desert village and that he had to eat sand a lot (which makes you wonder how he got such a toned body). But Mera would meet Indus and the two would get into a duel in which Indus lost in a single blow and because of this Indus owes his life to Mera and has become her faithful bodyguard. As fate would have it Indus is also an Inscribed, his Epithet is Barrier (as it will soon be drilled into your skull) Barrier is an ability that is pretty self-explanatory in that he can create Barriers of any shape or size for offence but mainly defence. With Indus by her side, Mera would continue to travel the world trying to find a way to steal an Epithet and ultimately, she would find it, a necklace known as the Arsene Amulet, a way to steal any Epithet she so desires, and she was going to get it no matter what.

The Amulet was being held in storage at the Sweet Jazz City Art Museum so Mera and Indus would get jobs as Museum Curators/Night Guards to steal the Amulet and get out without anyone knowing it was them. On the night of the theft everything was going smoothly until it didn’t when a 12 Year Old girl named Molly Blyndeff, a wannabe Supervillain named Giovanni Potage, Giovanni’s set of 6 boys (some of them are girls because he is a feminist), and a 15 Year Old Therapist named Sylvester Ashling all found their way into the museum after hours for one reason or another. Mera couldn’t handle all of that and finding the amulet at once so then she sent Indus to take care of these intruders while she searched for the Amulet. After much hijinks and bonding in the museum, she would eventually find the amulet and she knew exactly whose Epithet she needed to steal to finally free her, Molly’s. Molly’s Epithet is called “Dumb” where she could dumb things down and one of these things was pain, perfect. In the end, she would face down everyone in the museum in one epic final battle but ultimately she would be defeated by the power of friendship, hot soup, and a knife taped to a baseball bat. After this, the cops showed up and arrested Mera and Indus and sent them to jail. Even though Mera is currently stuck in the big house she’s most likely plotting her escape to try and continue her mission because so long as she can feel pain in her body she’s not gonna rest until she’s finally free of the curse of fragility.


Yzma and Kronk

There’s a reason why Yzma calls herself an evil sorceress, she’s an absolute genius in the science field. She’s created 99% percent of her arsenal, including all of the potions she’s managed to come up with. Yzma always comes up with evil schemes and, regarding the quality, can think on the fly when needed. She’s able to change her form incredibly quickly, even while in said forms. In the alternative wish future where she gets to be Emperor, she seemingly revolutionises the technology of Yzmopolis, showing her intelligence.

While not being the brains of the operation, Kronk has a few decently good intelligence feats of his own. He manages to figure out that Kuzco was inside the diner before Yzma, plans a prank before Kuzco can pull it off, and is shown to be smarter than the Emperor himself. He’s also a great chef, TV host, artist, dancer, and good friend. Kronk is also able to juggle and jump up and down on one foot, with a sea cow, all night. He can also somehow hide behind objects much larger than him, making him a stealthy foe 

In terms of experience, Kronk is a beast. He and his family always manage to win a sports-based tournament, he’s trained in boxing and runs 40 miles every single night. The insane part about this is how Yzma has been shown to wrestle Kronk. 

Mera and Indus

Mera and Indus are highly skilled criminals who have performed… only one known heist that went to absolute doo-doo after a few hours. That might sound bad, but that's not to say that Mera and Indus are unskilled fighters, not in the slightest, Mera is highly skilled with her Epithet in combat despite the glass bones and paper skin given to her by her Epithet. Mera has been able to defeat skilled foes like Giovanni, Sylvester, and even Indus himself. For Indus even though he is kinda boneheaded he is a strong fighter able to brute force his way through most problems that stand in his way like with the Bonzai Blasters or Giovanni Potage. Mera and Indus have also been a team for a while, but we’re never told for how long, meaning that they are a very strong team that can cover the other’s weaknesses like Indus can block damage for Mera’s fragile body and Mera can be more offensive to make up for Indus being more defensive, they’ve even got dual tech attacks that can take out standard minions in a single blow so any deficiencies they may have in robbing places they make up for in being incredible fighters.


Yzma and Kronk


Yzma wouldn’t be a great potion user if she didn’t own multiple vials. These small glass items give Yzma incredibly easy access to her deadly potions. The most simple of these are seen above, where the usual method is getting someone to drink the vial or using it to poison her target. She’s not afraid to just throw these at people if she needs to transform someone from range. Certain vials also come with spray nozzles, allowing for quicker transformation. 


While thinking about ways to kill Kuzco, Yzma comes up with a plan of using a large mallet to smush him while he’s a flea. Yzma owns this large mallet and is shown frantically spinning around with it. 

Transmutation Potions

Yzma owns various potions, her go-to is one able to transmute humans into other animals, her most famous being the llama she accidentally turned Kuzco into. This will be a definitive list of everything Yzma has turned someone into. It’s important to know that while most of these aren’t permanent transmutations, she does carry cures around. 

Everlasting Chicken Potion 

While most of Yzma’s transmutation potions last for a couple of hours, she does own an everlasting chicken potion. 

Fly Potion Number 5

In contrast, Yzma has an incredibly short potion meant for a quick kill. Supposed to keep Kuzco as a fly for five minutes 

Demon Potion

Yzma has a potion that turns Kronk into a demon at random intervals. Becoming a demon has its benefits, like a strength boost, shown when these Llamas overpower Kuzco. 


Her original plan to get rid of Kuzco was very simple: slip some poison into her food. This poison is strong enough to destroy an entire plant.


No Yzma this is a PG BLO- oh, it’s just the dagger she owns. 


If you need to fool someone, Kronk and Yzma have a variety of disguises to trick even the smartest of people. You have generic outfits, like the Science one and a Doctor's outfit, but Yzma can turn into anything. She has a Kronk disguise, her principal disguise, and once turned into a sea monster playing a tuba with a top hat. She can just remove this clothing and create outfits on the fly. 

Sleep Inducing Fruit

When Kuzco had a tutor to teach him how to speak squirrel, Yzma used a sleep-inducing acorn to put him to sleep. She owns sleep-inducing limes, apples, bananas, and watermelons. This does wear off after some time though. 


As the name implies, Woodbot is a robot made out of wood. It’s able to roll around quickly on its wheels and break through walls. It comes into conflict with Stonebot, Kuzco’s invention, which manages to destroy Woodbot with a punch. 

Cloning Spray 

Her most devilish invention yet, Yzma creates a spray that creates an identical clone of whoever is sprayed with it. The clone is programmed to take over Kuzco’s life and ruin it. This Kuzclone, as it’s called, began to shrink with enough time. 

Yzma brought this back to use on herself, creating a clone that came up with a plan. 

Bubble Bath Solution

In one of her weirder plans, Kuzco faked a sickness, so Yzma took advantage by creating a Bubble Bath Solution that causes purple spots to appear on your face. It was supposed to cause six months (We went crazy over the number) of sickness, but was counteracted thanks to Kuzco eating mystery strew twice an hour for 24 hours. 

Super Grow Potion 

Bought by Kuzco from Kronk, the Super Grow Potion can grow things (duh.) It grew one of Kuzco’s arm, letting him beat Kronk in an arm wrestle, and allowing Malina to grow a potato to a large size. 

Water Potion

In an attempt to drown Kuzco and his friends, Yzma throws a potion able to create large whirlpools in seconds. 

Fear Potion

A potion that is supposed to make you incredibly scary. Unfortunately, Yzma is horrifying enough, so she doesn’t change. 

Moustache Removal Potion

A potion to let Yzma remove her moustache which suddenly grows. 

Time Travel Tie Piece

Stolen from Yzma’s lab by Kronk for a birthday event, the Time Travel Tie Piece allows the user to travel through time. Kuzco uses it to reset to the start of Malina’s party after messing it up, but Kronk states she should be able to relive her perfect day over and over again with it, implying a full twenty-four-hour timespan. Although Yzma has used another time machine before, it went back to the dinosaurs. Kuzco did manage to break this by sitting on it after going into the past, but that’s more down to his stupidity of not using the tie-piece properly. 

Cat Toy

To get rid of Kuzco’s cat, Homework, she created this small mouse that turned Homework into a panther. 


For when you need to fire ranged potions, Yzma has a tiny slingshot. 


Needing to get back to the temple before Kuzco, Yzma would sit on a backpack that Kronk would run with. This backpack can sprout wings and allow for the duo to glide over small distances. 

Spirit Spectacles


When the Devil Kronk and Angel Kronk leave the shoulders of the main Kronk, Yzma uses her Spirit Spectacles to see where they go. 

Fake Fortune Cookies

A collection of Fortune Cookies Yzma made to make Kuzco believe he was having amazing luck. 

Disintegration Gun

Kronk pulls out the Disintegration Gun to destroy Kuzco. 

Mini Maximiser 

Kronk finds the Mini Maximiser in Yzma’s evil item collection. One blast of this causes your limbs to grow randomly, such as giving Yzma a small head or large limbs. 

Super Animator 3000

The Super Animator 3000 turns any inanimate object hit by it alive and under the command of the user. Yzma uses it on Kuzco’s statue, and after saying the name of her intended target three times, the statue moves to kill Kuzco. The body parts of the statue were able to act independently of each other, such as how one foot managed to make it to Kuzco before the entire body was destroyed

Superpower Machine

Not giving an official name, this machine was used on Kuzco accidentally giving him superpowers. Yzma used this on herself, we’ll discuss her specific powers during the forms segment. It should be noted that these superpowers only seemingly last for a few hours. 

Freeze Ray

Yzma uses a freeze ray to freeze one of Papa Santo’s reindeer into a solid block of ice.


A robot version of Yzma she leaves behind to monitor Kronk. The Yzma bot can speak like Yzma, move on wheels to get around, and even be remote-controlled by Kronk. Yzbot attempts to destroy Kuzco, having a large arsenal of weapons to do so, and even fires out transmutation gas from her fingers. It can also become Principal Amzy 

Portable Secret Lab

“To the secret lab!” Is perhaps one of Yzma’s iconic phrases, given she says it in every episode of Emperor’s New School. So when Kuzco goes to the beach and Yzma doesn’t have her secret lab, she simply brings it along in this car, allowing her to craft new potions on the fly. 

Couch Potato TV

In a scheme involving Yzma needing to give a tour of the place, she installed TV’s across the land to turn everyone into mindless Couch Potato while she did said tour. 

Delivery Boy Certification Card

Certified Delivery Boy? 

Wallet of Disappointed Glances

All of the disappointed glances Kronk’s father gave him. 

Plan B: Mechanical Squid

During the very same episode as our last item, Yzma and Kronk both pilot a mechanical squid to make Kuzco lose his competition. It has large tentacles able to stab at people, although it’s quickly knocked away thanks to a large tidal wave. 


The duo have no money, so they use a drill to break into a bank. 

Wrecking Ball

A wrecking ball, what else? 

Cereal Flake Ray

Turned a bag into cereal flakes. She can have other hobbies, you know? 

Wish Magic Protection

When Kuzco makes a wish never to be a ruler, everyone forgets who he is, changing reality to where Yzma rules. She’s the only one who remembers him thanks to having Wish Magic Protection on hand. 

Laryngitis Potion

Yzma has a potion that gives people Laryngitis. 

Voice Changing Potion

Yzma can change the voice of whoever inhales this sweet gas. It can make you sound like a famous singer, Kronk, or even GILBERT GOTTFRIED!?

Love Potion

Yzma once spiked Kuzco with a potion that made any woman fall in love with him, hoping to get him away from his studies. 

Potion Soap

If you wash yourself with this soap, whatever you make fun of becomes your reality. (If you insult someone for their hair, you’ll get said hair) 

Reverse Potion

Potions Yzma wanted to use these potions to reverse Kuzco’s A grades into Fs. Her potions can reverse anything, like water flow or even gravity itself. Yzma and Kronk even (somehow) switched bodies with this. 


One really long telescope Yzma has for spying on people. 

Musical Instrument Potion

Potions that create a random amount of musical instruments for Kuzco to play during the credits of his show. 

Bomb Potions

Potions Yzma can throw which cause small explosions. 

Inflatable Potions

Yzma can create inflatable animals with her potions. 

Wooden Scooter

Kronk drives around on a wooden scooter. 

Golf Club

Insert funny joke about Joel and golf clubs that I made in Waluigi Mortimer 

Bow and Stake

Like a bow and arrow but way more dangerous. 

Kronk’s Eggs

Kronk’s Eggs, property of Kronk, do not touch, except for Kronk. 

In Case of Graduation 

The last potion that Yzma has, this potion can create large explosions, whirlwinds, and even lightning. 

Mera and Indus

Headache Medicine

Since Mera’s Epithet too causes her mind to be fragile, she has to constantly consume medicine to aid with her headaches to the point that 80% of her diet consists of these.


What better tool to open up dozens of unlabeled boxes in a museum? Also it sure as heck (a swear!) works to wake up big burly men from their sleep.

Powers and Abilities

Yzma and Kronk


Both Yzma and Kronk have demonstrated the ability to pull anything out of the air. Yzma usually does this with weapons, pulling a variety of them to dissect a frog version of Kuzco, but she can pull out shovels and nets as well. Kronk has pulled out all manner of things, from musical instruments to axes. 

Fourth Wall Awareness

Just like Kuzco, Yzma is aware she’s in a show. When Kronk questions why she wants to turn Kuzco into a turtle when Kronk is already set to beat him in a race, she responds with “What will I do for the rest of the show?” 

To get more meta, both Kronk and Yzma have shown the ability to pause the current scene and pop up to discuss with the audience or other characters. What they say has an impact on the reality of the show itself. For example, Kuzco questions why he and Yzma are not being bad. (Yzma had just come to save him in the scene above) He says “What’s next, Kronk being not dumb and Malina not love me?” In that next scene, Kronk says something smart, and Malina directly says she doesn’t love him. 

Is this a case of their words directly affecting the plot? Probably not, as characters like Kuzco have proven that they have access to the very script. 

Animal Communication

Kronk is fluent in every single type of animal communication, able to subdue a pack of hungry animals through words alone. 

Non-Physical Interaction

When Yzma finds Angel Kronk, she’s able to physically interact and put him in a cage, which shouldn’t be possible since he’s just a figment of Kronk’s mind.


Kronk is not bound by space. As you can see, he’s already at the secret lair before Yzma is there. There have been multiple examples of this displayed power, like the time he threw a trash can and was already there to catch it, or he and Yzma making it to the palace before Kuzco and Pacha, despite Kronk and Yzma falling down a pit. This is likely just a toon/gag ability, but worth noting. 


Being a wacky and comedic show, Emperor’s New School shows some elements of toonforce for Yzma and Kronk. Yzma can seemingly change her form at will, even removing her sunburnt skin. She has elements of regeneration, as Yzma can bounce up and down and be fine after getting crushed. Did I mention Kronk can boogie?

Mera and Indus

Epithet: Fragile

Being born with an Epithet that seemingly only is a nuisance, which it is, FRAGILE allows Mera to weaken anything within contact or radius of her, whether willingly or otherwise; and it will constantly affect the user itself, harming their mind and body even with the slightest of touches. Due to the association of fragility with glass, Mera is too able to summon and create shards of glass around her whenever using her power. In combat scenarios, she’s even learnt to control her creation over it despite the harm it does to her, being capable of creating throwable shards on her hand, ice skates on her feet, and a full-fledged spear. She’s also capable of sucking the stamina out of others to replenish herself.

Epithet: Barrier

As the name suggests BARRIER can create BARRIERS because his Epithet is BARRIER! This power allows Indus to erect translucent barriers wherever he wants. They can be as small as a frisbee or as big as a wall for a makeshift prison, they can even be seemingly invisible. Indus can also move his barriers across a room and make multiple barriers (though there does seem to be a limit as he has to reposition them to keep the dinosaur skeleton from falling). He even has a secret technique, Unbarrier. With this technique, he can *gasp* remove a barrier.


A technique in which Mera breaks one of Indus’ barriers through Fragile and rapidly propels the shards, presumably thanks to her Epithet, towards their opponents. 


Yzma and Kronk

Transmutation: When Kronk is turned into volcanic rock by Yzma, he’s still able to talk and has full consciousness. 

Extreme Temperatures: Kronk has been shown completely fine in harsh snow, surviving while being completely frozen. 

Mera and Indus



Yzma and Kronk


After being hit by the superhero beam, Yzma became the incredibly powerful Yzma Women. She’s able to crack stone with her leaps, kick Kuzco a long distance, use fireballs, and even fly. 

Mera and Indus



Yzma and Kronk


  • Royal advisor for Kuzco’s father and Kuzco for an incredibly long time. 

  • Created many different schemes to get Kuzco off the throne.

  • Became successful rulers in a wish-based future. 

  • Kronk became the royal advisor once Kuzco was Emperor.

  • Yzma was his assistant. 




Mera and Indus


  • Survived a desert in the past.

  • Successfully infiltrated the Sweet Jazz Museum.

  • Defeated both Sylvestor and Giovanni in combat.

  • Acquired and used the Arsene Amulet temporarily.





Yzma and Kronk


Being The Emperor’s New Groove himself, Kuzco deserves his segment of scaling. Kronk easily scales to Kuzco in terms of strength, is constantly portrayed as the stronger of the two, and can knock him out with a plate. Yzma can also scale to Kuzco, she’s been shown to damage him within the games, and even physically match Kronk in a wrestling contest. 

Super Kuzco 

Remember that superhero machine I brought up earlier? Well, Super Kuzco has his list of feats that Yzma should scale to. They’re working off of the same energy source, the only difference is that Yzma had it set to medium. Note, nobody likely scales to an amped Kuzco apart from Yzma-Woman herself. 

  • Broke through a wall. 

  • While hungry for Chinese food, Kuzco flew from Peru to China and back in a few seconds. (1% SOL)

Mera and Indus

Epithet Users


Yzma and Kronk

While Yzma is incredibly smart, her potions are mostly only temporary, Kuzco can usually wait a couple of hours before these run out. At worst, her potions can be beaten by the most mundane of things, such as the time steam caused her monkey potions to wear off. The potions she also carries around are in glass capsules, meaning that they could likely be broken by a strong enough force, either getting rid of her arsenal or transmuting her altogether. Her potions also lack labels at times, confusing people like Kronk. She’s also an incredibly cocky individual, claiming victory before Kuzco is even down. 

As much as I’ve given credit to him throughout the blog, Kronk does have some low showings of intelligence, constantly tricked by Yzma’s disguises, and falling into traps without noticing them, he can even be distracted by Angel and Devil Kronk if he can’t make a tough decision. Yes, Kronk has his very own voice in his head. 

Mera and Indus

While Mera and Indus are quite a duo, they have several key flaws. On Meras' side, her Epithet is naturally very self-destructive, causing herself to weaken and hurt constantly. To properly deal with this side effect, she has to take pain medication continually. Also she's scared of ducks. As for Indus, while he certainly has his heart in the right place, he often completely fails at his tasks due to his more “limited” intelligence. He was very easily manipulated by Molli to release her, despite that being the very opposite of his task.

Before The Verdict

Cookie Throwing

As stated in the scaling section, in Epithet’s book continuation ‘Prison of Plastic’, Lorelai throws a batch of cookies to her pocket dimension’s sun and then catches them back after being spit out by it. In theory, this could get in the MFTL ranges since the events happen very fast and Lorelai having to both throw and catch the cookies from the sun would help its consistency. But of course, that’s assuming you allow them the huge leeway for such, as we have absolutely no reason to assume her pocket dimensions are as large as the distance between Earth and the sun.

To elaborate, Lorelai’s Epithet is AUGMENT, which allows her to more or less augment statistics and her own desires into reality, which gets demonstrated the most in her dream bubbles. Despite these dream bubbles occupying small space in real life, usually a cardboard box in size, they've been stated to contain a mountain and even an ocean. However, in the events of POP, Lorelai makes her largest dream bubble to date, occupying half of the Blyndeff Toy Emporium. This all begs one question, how large would Lorelai’s dream bubble be?

There’s some varying answers that the book gives us, like stating there’s a horizon (plus Lorelai’s cookie throw reaching past the horizon), that Molly could walk to the centre radius where Lori’s located in 3 hours, or taking literally some statements behind the objects they contain, like forests, oceans, and even a cookie moon, the two latter of which could simply be argued to be visionary as the borders of her dream bubbles simply loop the environment to make it seem never ending, and the moon could always just be a simple visual rather than an actual moon-sized cookie.

Under the heavy layers of context and debatibiliy of the feat, there simply isn’t enough proof to support Lorelai’s dream bubble being cosmical in size. First of all, it’s giving huge and even unfair generosity with the known limitations of her dream bubbles; and while sure, in theory we could calculate a theoretical size given the cardboard box - mountain as size reference for taking up half a toy store, we don’t know at all if it increases space in such a manner. Even then, the sun could always just be argued to be a visual rather than an actual tangible object. Using the horizon as a distance is a far more reliable end than actually assuming it’s the exact same distance between Earth and the sun, of which the result would get Hypersonic+.


(Art for Mera and Indus by u/Cludolph)


It’s time for us to snuff out the light of these two opponents. So, who’ll be tonight's biggest loser? In terms of physical stats, you can give the two a bunch of different ends. Let’s talk about Yzma and Kronk, she has two different ends. Firstly you have the Disintegration Gun getting to 220.1 Tons of TNT. Supporting this feat is the 353 Tons of TNT from a random construction worker moving a mountain. I will say that the random construction worker could be contentious, since we don’t know how he moved this mountain, but there’s no reason to assume any gear was involved. The man runs down, we hear a few sounds, and the mountain moves. Yzma also has the incredibly high 13.8 Megatons of surviving being hit to the moon by one of her own traps, although this a very debatable feat, it is a high end worth mentioning. If you’re only taking Mera and Indus’s lower ends, Yzma and Kronk have the strength advantage as it all comes down to what end you buy for the shooting star feats. If you buy the lowest end possible, Mera and Indus are only reaching 118.48 Tons of TNT, way below even the lowest ends that Yzma and Kronk reach. The shooting star does have an incredibly high end of 10.454.97 Tons of TNT. Which means that Mera and Indus are stronger than the lower ends, but don't surpass Yzma hitting the moon at its highest ends. Yzma’s feat could be contentious, as it uses the scene transition of when Yzma hit the moon, when it’s likely she took longer. Compare that to the 10.454.97 calc, where it’s more viable since Molly took the largest attack. 

So basically it’s this. 

Low end for Meteor and No Moon: Yzma and Kronka are stronger.

Low end for Meteor and Moon: Yzma and Kronk are stronger.

High end for Meteor and No Moon: Mera and Indus are stronger.

High end for Meteor and Moon: Yzma and Kronk are stronger. 

Speed is much more simple, the highest you can scale Mera and Indus to the lightning dodging that Lorelai dodges which is an incredibly vague feat. Outside of that? 1430 m/s. That’s nothing compared to low-end Yzma and Kronk feats. You can either have the Mach 124 - Mach 622 Moon feats from Kronk, or Mach 4251-1 percent the speed of light disintegration feat. Even if you want to be generous with the lightning feat and assume it’s vaguely MHS, Kronk and Yzma can go outside. Of course, you know, you could have 500c calc which we’ve already brought issues up with before the verdict, it's a completely invalid feat and a debatable outlier. 

All in all, Yzma and Kronk take stats really no-matter how you look at it. 

Arsenal & Abilities

There’s a large gap between Yzma and Kronk’s arsenal and Mera and Indus. Mera and Indus only have headache pills and a crowbar, very limited when you compare it to everything Yzma can do. Let’s start with her most iconic weapons, her transmutation potions. Yzma has a bunch of options to transmute Mera and Indus which would instantly end the fight. She can turn them into Cockroaches, a Fly, or a Spider, all which would weaken the two. If Yzma wants to instantly end the fight, she can make them into Gargoyles or Volcanic Rock. There is the chance that Yzma or Kronk could transmute themselves accidentally, given they have slipped up before, but Kronk can survive most transmutation options, and grab a cure from Yzma. Given that Yzma has these vials on her at all times, can pull more out thanks to her Hammerspace, Mera and Indus these are going to be incredibly hard. Not only that, but Yzma can change her form at any time, giving herself complete control over the battlefield. 

Speaking of battlefield control, Yzma has many weapons that could cause large fields of AOE towards Mera and Indus. She can fill the battlefield with water, reverse the gravity of them, create inflatable distractions, or throw her In Case of Graduation potion causing a spectacle. Her battlefield control exceeds more when you realise that she has the numbers advantage. Yzma has her Yzbot, a powerful robot able to fire transmutation gas from her fingers. Her Woodbot, a relatively weak machine, but a distraction none-the-less. Yzma can also use her cloning spray, turning this into a 4v2. The two Yzma’s can then strategize an even more powerful plan, while causing Mera and Indus more harm. I’ll also note that the Cloning Spray could clone Mera and Indus and attempt to ruin their lives, as it did to Kuzco, but it’s more likely that Yzma would use this on herself.

Running through some other important pieces of gear, Yzma and Kronk have a portable Secret Lab which could allow for Yzma to create more potions during the fight if needed. While this might seem impossible, she does have containers with small potions inside of said secret labs, so if she ever ran out she could restock and get more. Her superhero enchantments and grow potion could widen the stat gap (Depending on what you believe for both) and the Time Travel Tie Piece could allow for Yzma and Kronk to go back to the start of the fight if something is going wrong, using all of the knowledge they have to try again. 

Yzma also has more situational equipment. Force-feeding a Sleep Inducing Fruit could cause a KO, Disintegration Gun is a good ranged option, Mini Maximiser could mess up their limbs randomly, the Freeze Ray could encase one of them in ice, or perhaps most scary of all, Kronk could use the love potion and get Mera to be infatuated to him. Toxic love wins. 

Getting into abilities, Fragile could be an incredibly important part of this fight. While this does slightly damage Mera, arguments could be made that Fragile is dura-neg, being able to bypass conventional durability and damage the insides of an individual specifically. If this is true, then Mera could weaken Kronk and Yzma and win through that, even perhaps destroying their equipment. Indus also has Barrier, allowing for a defensive option against Kronk and Yzma, giving Mera time to use fragile and win. Easy, right?

No, not really. We’ve seen people be able to survive attacks from Fragile before. So it isn’t instant dura negation, you would need an unknown stack of attacks to truly damage the individual. This relies on Kronk and Yzma not landing one single transmutation potion in this time. While Barrier is an incredibly powerful shield, Yzma and Kronk could potentially remove it through the disintegration ray or transmute the barriers themselves. You could even argue the Super Animator-3000 would make said barriers alive, making Indus’s own shields attempt to harm him. This is also disregarding the potions that have AOE effects which the barrier could likely not cover. It can make big makeshift prisons, Indus and Mera would make themselves sitting ducks. If they dig underground and around the barrier using the drill, or Kronk teleporting in, before hitting a transmutation potion. Perhaps the most interesting way to get around the barrier is using the Reverse Potion, causing Unbarrier to happen, making the barrier simply disappear. All in all, while Mera and Indus have greater natural abilities that could let them win in certain circumstances, Kronk and Yzma have a far larger arsenal, ways to counter both abilities, and instant win conditions through transmutation. 

Tertiary Factors

Our easiest section to cover, direct experience is rather obvious. Mera and Indus have had one onscreen fight so far, and while they’re able to beat the legendary Giovanni Potage, Yzma is as old as dinosaurs themselves. While Yzma and Kronk will usually stay out of physical confrontations, it should be noted they have been able to throw down before. Kronk has been both a boxer and a wrestler, fought Kavo (The School Bully), and takes part in competitions each year which are all sports based. The wild part about this is how Yzma can keep up and wrestle Kronk despite him having a better experience. Yzma is way smarter than both Mera and Indus, creating all of her potions and inventions, coming up with constant schemes. Mera and Indus’s best plan was their heist robbery that blew up in their face, while Yzma and Kronk have broken into places before and done the exact same thing, only more successfully. In terms of stamina, Kronk himself has been able to jump up and down on one foot for an entire night, only needing a short breath to recover after this. Mera and Indus haven’t shown any notable stamina compared to the beefcake that is Kronk. Also, as duos, Kronk and Yzma likely work better as a duo. While they bicker and argue, Yzma even firing Kronk on several occasions, they’ve shown to both formulate and create plans that far surpass any Scatter Shots that Mera and Indus can do. This really just goes to Yzma and Kronk pretty easily. 


Yzma and Kronk 

"All right. A quick cup of coffee. THEN TAKE HIM OUT OF TOWN AND FINISH THE JOB!”


  • Stronger with lowest ends of the Meteor calc and Moon calc.  

  • Faster without cookie throw.

  • Much larger arsenal in general, at close counters, and at ranged. 

  • Smarter and more experienced in combat. 

  • Transmutation offers a one-shot at any time. 

  • Numbers advantage via clones and Yzma’s robots. 

  • Has multiple Amps with Grow Potion and Superhero Machine.

  • Time Travel Tie Piece offers redos if the fight goes wrong. 

  • Hammerspace and portable secret lab could allow for more items during in the fight. 

  • Could turn into a dinosaur and make Indus immobile for the entire fight tbh. 

  • Had multiple banger songs including Snuff Out the Light and Yzmopolis.


  • Weaker with highest ends of the Meteor calc and no Moon calc. 

  • Slower with cookie throw.

  • Fragile could potentially eventually dura neg. 

  • Lacks natural abilities made for combat. 

  • Barrier could potentially block transmutation potions.

  • Could accidentally transmute themselves. 

  • Could’ve been much better if Kingdom of the Sun hadn’t been cancelled. 

  • Snuff Out the Light not making the final cut. 

Mera and Indus

"Something, something, Bull in a China shop! That’s a pretty bad one-liner, but no one’s around to hear it!”


  • Stronger with the highest ends of the Meteor calc and no moon calc. 

  • Faster if you buy the Cookie Throw.

  • Epithets give them natural abilities created for combat. 

  • FRAGILE could be considered durability negation, albeit not instantaneous

  • BARRIER could prevent transmutation potions from hitting the duo. 

  • Yzma and Kronk always could transmute themselves accidentally. 


  • “Lady Mera :3”


  • Weaker with lowest ends of the Meteor calc and Moon calc. 

  • Slower if you don’t buy the Cookie Throw. 

  • Way weaker arsenal no matter from what range. 

  • Less experienced and dumber. 

  • Has no direct way around transmutation. 

  • Lacks the numbers advantage thanks to Yzma’s clones and robots. 

  • Cannot amp their stats in anyway. 

  • Lacks counters to Yzma and Kronk restarting the fight at any time. 

  • Cannot restock their arsenal. 

  • What do you mean they’re the protagonists of the next book. 

  • Yzma becoming a dinosaur is an actual wincon, guys. 

In conclusion, you have to be incredibly generous to Mera and Indus to get them a win. You have to have the highest ends for everything, buy fragile being dura-neg, and Yzma and Kronk not hitting a transmutation potion. Yzma and Kronk just have way more explainable stats, better wincons, and are the better duo. 

Final Vote

Team Yzma and Kronk: [5] (RedHead, Saul, Ultra27, Tru, Supermoye)

Team Mera and Indus: [2] Fenic (Pity Vote), thedarkloremaster (Pity Vote)


Just one more thing….

Thanks for reading! Special thanks to Ultra27, RedHeadedElf, and Tru for helping out with information on the blog. You might remember that Manchester Black VS Makima was supposed to be the next time. Well that's had some issues and needs longer in the oven, so expect it to come out sometime randomly. As for now, We're going to be working on.

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