Monday, 19 February 2024

Kevin McCallister vs SCP-4666 (Home Alone VS SCP) Bonus Blog


 (TN credit to U/Pin)

Kevin McCallister, The one left behind and forced to defend himself from Home Alone

SCP-4666, The horror who hunts at Christmas from the world of SCP. 

Ah, Christmas. A time to be celebrated around the campfire with friends. Chessnuts, Campfires, Presents, and joy. All of those things that we associated with Christmas. Unfortunately, some things can go wrong. From leaving your child at home, to a psychopath kidnapping and killing your entire family, there’s definitely some whiplash. Will Kevin stuff this intruder up the chimney? Or will SCP-4666 end Christmas early.

Come along to Saul’s VS Blog, where we find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!!

Before we go anywhere.

These two have very short media lists. Kevin has Home Alone 1, and Home Alone 2, and Home Alone 4. The games have been taken into consideration, but many of them disrupt the canon of Home Alone and the films. We will mention any that don’t seemingly do this, though. Kevin will be given the house from the first Home Alone film.

SCP 4666 main file will be the primary focus of this blog. However, due to the nature of SCP and having no particular canon, the Tales will be considered as well. We’re also looking at the English branch of the SCP wiki. 

I’m going to provide a content warning for this blog. SCP 4666 is a really messed up monster, who covers some disturbing content. Such content includes the torture, death, and mutilation of children, both alive and dead. I’d recommend that if you’re uncomfortable with this content to turn around and walk away. Thank you for checking out this blog, even if you’re not reading it all. With that out of the way, let’s look at our Christmas themed combatants. 


Kevin McCallister

"This is ridiculous. Only a wimp would be hiding under a bed. And I can’t be a wimp. I’m the man of the house.”

Kevin McCallister is a young, standard, eight-year-old. He lives in a house in Winnetka, Illinois. Kevin goes through the typical family drama. He feels neglected by his parents, hated by his siblings, and disliked by everyone in his family. One day, Kevin declares that he wishes his family went away. The family all were planning to go to Paris, and after mistaking the Neighbours kid as Kevin, everyone set off and left. Kevin was, as the title suggests, Home Alone.

Kevin thought his wish came true. Amazing, right? He would think so. He could eat giant sundaes, watch risky gangster films, and even fire a BB gun. Kevin truly realises he’s alone. The only issue? Two Wet Bandits, notorious criminals Harry and Marv, are stalking Kevin’s home. Kevin realises that he’s being watched, and begins to set up defences from Harry and Marv. The night is filled with traps, weapons, and screams. Kevin couldn’t beat The Wet Bandits, being caught and pinned up against a wall. Luckily for Kevin, a stranger he befriended known as Mr. Marley saved Kevin. His parents came home and they all embraced. A loving story comes to an end, right? 

One year later, Kevin had another argument with his entire family. This one was brought on by Buzz, his older brother, humiliating him during Kevin’s solo in a song. His parents tried to make him apologise, but Kevin would not. This led to another argument in which Kevin didn’t want to go on vacation to Florida, only having one wish. He wanted a vacation alone. 

This time he actually made it to the Airport. Only issue? The chaos caused Kevin to accidentally board a plane that was going somewhere else. Not Florida, but New York. Kevin wasn’t helpless, he had his fathers bag. The bag contained a wallet with money and credit cards. Kevin was able to enjoy the big city! Only issue? The credit card was technically stolen, and the hotel’s concierge chased after Kevin. Kevin then ran right into the hands of Harry and Marv, who had managed to escape prison. They wanted two different things. To get revenge, and rob a Toy Store. Kevin managed to use his Talkboy to record the convocation and run away. Kevin realises he needs to be a hero. Setting up traps in an abandoned house, he leads Harry and Marv to that very home to teach those bandits a lesson. After some crashes, bumps, shocks, and bricks, Kevin ends up captured by Harry and Marv. Harry has had enough though, he’s going to shoot Kevin. Kevin is luckily saved by another person he befriended, a pigeon lady who initially scared Kevin. Harry and Marv were arrested, and Kevin was reunited with his family. A true happy ending for this series. 

So in Home Alone four, Kevin’s parents break up. Kevin spends his Christmas with his Father and new mother. Of course, he’s left home alone. He does have some company in the housemaid Molly and butler Prescott. Only issue? Marv, alongside his new wife Vera, broke into the home. Kevin was able to fight them off temporarily before going and finding Prescott. Prescott denied that anyone was in the home. Kevin’s family actually came back that day, but had to go and get the royal family. Marv and Vera broke back in, with Kevin fighting them off. Fearing that Prescott was the inside-man, he locked the man in the wine cellar. Turns out that Molly was the inside-man and actually Marv’s mother. After some traps, schemes, and Prescott breaking out and knocking out Molly, Kevin went back home. His father realised that he actually loves his family, and got back with Kevin’s mom.

Kevin’s story comes to the end in the future. We don’t know much, but he did make a successful home security system to protect anyone who would be terrorised by bandits. He even kept up with his brother, Buzz, prank calling him. Kevin’s story finally comes to an end here. 


“He hit you, or he burn you…Or he bite off your fingers. Or he cook you on the fire in his room and eat you. He eat Philippe and Sally.” - A recount of SCP-4666 by one of his victims. 

SCP-4666 is a terrifying creature of disgusting proportions who loves murder. Many of his murders display demonic and paganistic rituals. Not much is known to the foundation, apart from the fact he might have been active since 2500 BC. He hunts in phases, stalking for 11 days before attacking on the 12th. During the later days, families report that they can smell a foul odour, hear something in their attic or basement, and children might even see a creature. What the foundation knows is that it is capable of instantaneous or near-instantaneous travel to any location north of 40°N latitude, and possibly to any location on Earth. The Foundation even managed to recover one of the victims, a young child. She describes her time within a dark cave with other children. They’re forced to leave toys, which SCP-4666 might place into the home instead of killing the entire family. If you couldn’t make the toys, you were killed. You were hit, bit, cut, burnt, and eaten. This young girl was made into a doll by her friends. 

Turns out SCP-4666, in certain stories, works for Santa Claus. The jolly red man is actually the head of the operation, with SCP-4666 being something like a lapdog for Santa, who is implied to have created him. We follow the inner mind of SCP-4666 who loves to make fun of families, wants to work with human flesh, and makes sure children listen to him. One particular situation goes wrong for SCP-4666 which leaves him without a child, an exposed wound, and the foundation discovering and attempting to kill him. He runs back into Santa, who is pissed. He begins to beat on SCP-4666 for doing such an awful job. Something snaps inside of him, causing the SCP to get up and kill Santa. Taking his ring, which heals his chest and allows him to open portals, The Yule Man walks into the portal, in control of his own life. 

Experience and Skill

Kevin McCallister

Despite being just a child, Kevin has proven himself to be a deceptively smart kid. Of course, as it’s fairly known, Kevin has been able to set up traps for Harry, Marv, Vera, Molly. All of the traps he creates are all done by himself. When he’s caught by The Bandits, he manages to make an escape plan on the fly. 


The Yule Man has been active for an incredibly long time. One of his victims, Ekaterina Morozova, might speak a language closely related to pre-Proto-Germanic language. For those who don’t know what that is, like me, this language is described as spoken back in 2500 BC. The SCP Foundation has managed to document this creature since 1811. In one timeline, he was both created and worked for Santa Claus, which is why he kidnaps children. SCP 4666 has also been in some direct encounters with foes who could fight back, like a fully grown adult with an axe, and individuals who have shot at him.


Kevin McCallister

Home (Alone)

Kevin’s home is your standard, expensive looking, festive home. There’s nothing really important to note apart from it having multiple different rooms, being two stories, and having a basement. Kevin has great knowledge of his home and can set up many different traps if needed.

Multiple Guns

Kevin actually has a good list of weapons on his person. In the Home Alone game, Kevin has access to several weapons that have different effects. There are a few caveats to this though. One, his weapons have limited ammo and are shown to be able to run out. He has to craft a specific combination of items to create these bullets. Something like “Crossbow, Band, Rope.” While he can carry these, they’re limited. Two, all of the effects are only temporary. 

Snowball Launcher: Kevin fires a snowball that turns The Bandits into a Snowman. 

Angels with Filthy Souls

Angels with Filthy Souls is a film. Kevin uses this to pretend a heated argument, and eventually shooting, is going on in his home. He does this to get free pizza from a poor delivery person, and to trick Marv. This film also has a sequel named Angels with Even Filthier Souls, which is basically the same idea. Kevin uses this to trick a concierge and five other staff into believing there’s a shooting going on. 


Axel the tarantula belongs to Kevin’s brother, Buzz. It doesn’t seem to be dangerous, only playing people's fear of spiders.


Kevin sets up a blowtorch to activate when a door is open. This can be deactivated by breaking the door down. In Home Alone 2, Kevin sets up a similar trap but tied to a lightswitch


Kevin throws bricks. Yep, bricks. 


Using a bucket, Kevin fills it with Water to freeze the stairs that the Bandits have to ascend.

Buzz’s BB Gun

This child takes Buzz’s BB Gun, firing it into the head of The Wet Bandits. 

Christmas Ornaments

Since it’s Christmas, Kevin has ornaments. He sets the glass ones down for Marv to step on.

Cooking Pot

Kevin uses a cooking pot to slam into Marv and his wife's face.

Fan and Feathers

Kevin sets up some fans and feathers. When Harry walks through the door, he activates the fan and is promptly covered.


He uses Firecrackers to simulate the sound of gunfire.

Grill Equipment

Attaching Grill Equipment to a doorknob, Kevin makes a doorknob grow bright red.


Kevin has used grease to make a ladder slippery.


Kevin rigs a false lightbulb that, when pulled, causes an Iron to fall.


To make the Bandits believe that he isn’t home alone. He rigs some strings to make them move.

Micro Machines

Toy vehicles that Kevin used to make Harry and Marv slip when walked over.

Paint Can

Perhaps the most iconic of the traps, the Paint Cans that Kevin has swings and crashes into the Bandits. While he’s in New York, Kevin sets up the same trap, but with a slight difference. 

He sets up a metal bar which’ll hit The Bandits, if they dodge the cans. These do need to be physically deployed by Kevin though.

Staple Gun

Kevin rigs a Staple Gun to fire when a door knob is pulled.


Kevin has access to a pretty quick Sled. He’s able to quickly blitz through the neighbourhood and even catch up with cars. 


Kevin glues a plastic food wrap to stick to Harry’s face. 


The Talkboy is a recording device that Kevin uses. He uses it in two different ways. One, to pretend to be an Adult to book a room. Two, to make it seem like his uncle was in the shower.

Tar and Nails

These two dangerous combinations create a horrible feeling. The Tar forces you to take your shoes off, getting you temporarily stuck. The nail is there for added pain.

Toy Aeroplane

Using a toy aeroplane, he spikes Marv in the balls.


Kevin sets up a zipline between his room and the treehouse in the back garden.


SCP 4666-A

SCP 4666-A has two different scenarios when he attacks. One of them includes not killing the family, just leaving presents for the child under the Christmas tree. Of course, all of the Yule Man’s presents aren’t your standard toys, they are much more disturbing. All toys can be found here.

Wooden Drum: This wooden drum comes with two wooden sticks that are uneven length. Also, the skin of the drum is actually human skin, one of a child. It’s stretched from thread made from human tendons

Knife: A small knife sculpted from a single bone belonging to a child. Symbols have been carved into the side, but nobody knows what they say. 

Flute: A flare made by a hollowed-out femur of a human child, dried with human blood.

Wooden box: 13 miniature human-like figurines sit in this box. Of course, they’re made from the phalangeal bones of human children, decorated with human hair, and tied together with strips of human tendon. DNA Testing has revealed that these remains belong to 18 children. 

A ball: 19 layers of human skin wrapped tightly around the desiccated head of an unidentified child.

Hairbrush: This hairbrush is made of wood, poorly-carved wood at that. Ok, it also has 43 deciduous human teeth that have been placed into the handle, with DNA testing revealing that each tooth belongs to a different child, dating back over 400 years. 

SCP-4466-A-9960: This is a life-sized doll, made from the body of a human child. The eyes had been removed and replaced with pebbles, which had eyes painting onto them. The scalp had been removed, and another child's scalp had been sewn into place. The fingernails of another child had been glued on, painted with human-blood, with three fingers also missing. The mouth had been sewn shut with threads made from human tendons, and the lips painted red by human blood. The dress she was wearing was made from various pieces of dirty, discoloured clothing which were sewn around the body, and into the skin.  

Lincoln Log: Lincoln Logs made out of animals that The Yule Man had to catch.


As recounted by one of the survivors, SCP 4666 would take the children and put them into his bag. It’s unknown how big this bag is, but it could hold an unknown amount of children. He can reach into the sack and pull out items, like an assortment of Christmas lights he uses to stuff a child.


In this one tale, The Yule Man is working for Santa Claus and kills him, gaining a magical ring. In this continuity, this ring is what gives The Yule Man the power to teleport to his locations, since Santa can open portals with it. This ring also has the side effect of healing the wounds of The Yule Man.

Powers and Abilities

Kevin McCallister

Literally nothing. Sucks to suck, go and idk get a weird spinoff game where you become god.



4666 has been stated to be capable of teleportation. As the Wiki states, “SCP-4666 appears capable of instantaneous or near-instantaneous travel to any location north of 40°N latitude, and possibly to any location on Earth.”  While the ring is what possibly gives him teleportation, the main wiki mentions nothing of the ring.

Stealth Mastery

SCP 4666 has displayed instances of his skill while using his stealth. He’s able to go pretty undetected, unless he chooses to show himself, like showing himself to children to scare them. When he’s testing a young girl, one that he’s hunting, he hides in the shadows. He describes this as a “Spot barely touched by the moonlight, in the corner next to the exit.” He opens the door and pretends to leave, fooling the child. 

Enhanced hearing

4666 plays a game of hide-and-seek with his victim, where he pretends that he can’t find them. Unfortunately for this child, 4666 knew the entire time thanks to his enhanced hearing. 4666 itself describes that ‘Santa listens for hidden breathing’


Kevin McCallister

At the end of the day, Kevin McCallister is nothing more than a child. Despite understanding and knowing how to do some pretty complex things, Kevin still has fears. His imagination can get the best of him. Take the Furnace inside of his home for example, although he does overcome this later. He lacks any true showings of actual competent foes, and has a lack of experience.


SCP-4666 can become focused on children, to the point where he doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions like killing all the children in the factory. If you manage to remove The Ring, he’d potentially lose his portal creation and regeneration.



Kevin McCallister

  • Survived while alone, Home Alone.

  • Outwitted Marv and Harry.

  • Survived in New York.

  • Outwitted Marv and Harry (again)

  • Survived while not so alone, Home not alone.

  • Outwitted Marv, his wife, and his mother. (Not Harry, they divorced) 


Shoves a kid.

Pushes another kid, but this time, causes a chain reaction.  

Weapons are compatible of harming The Wet Bandits, of which Harry could tank an explosion worth (0.011711281071 tons of TNT)





  • Has been successfully killing for at least 400 years, perhaps even in BC.

  • Evaded the SCP Foundation for 400 years, not being contained. 

  • Knows how to use weapons like Bucksaws, Axes, and more. 

  • Cauterised his wound with a candle.

  • Captured and killed countless children. 

  • Killed his master, Santa Claus. 



  • Had an axe swung into his waist. While it did hurt, he fought back (Seen above)

  • Punched and beaten by Santa.

  • Has been shot at and survived. 


  • Outsped foundation personnel in the forest, while injured. 

  •  Managed to run away from a family coming towards him, dropping on all fours to run quickly into the forest.

  • Can travel to any location north of 40°N latitude, and possibly to any location on Earth (Likely just teleportation)

Before the verdict

Prep time (For both)

This matchup is similar to the other Home Alone matchup we covered. Mainly, that both parties will have prep time. SCP-4666 will be stalking Kevin for Nights 1-11, before attacking on the 12th. 

Bandit Scaling

Arguments exist of Kevin scaling to The Wet Bandits. Kevin has never shown anything near to the supernatural level of The Wet Bandits. He’s never been able to physically overpower the Bandits, or actually defeat them. If Kevin scaled to The Bandits, why doesn’t he just fist fight them? There’s not enough evidence to scale these two. 



Let’s start with stats. I don’t need to tell you now that the kid is screwed. Kevin has never shown anything above an average kid, with the only argument you’re able to make is Kevin’s sled allowing him for faster transportation. Of course, as long as he’s on the sled. The Yule Man is clearly wall level. He’s been shown destroying limbs, pulling bones apart, stripping flesh, and committing a variety of murders. This could be fine if Kevin had high enough durability, but he doesn’t. Kevin has shown nothing above being able to fall off of shelves and crashing into treehouses. If The Yule Man managed to get his hands on Kevin, he’d instantly kill Kevin. The Yule Man on the other hand has shown some actual showings of durability. He’s been hit with Axes and shot at, and even beaten by Santa. Then you look at speed. Both Kevin and The Yule Man have displayed average speeds. The only difference is that The Yule Man has dropped on all fours and ran away from a family. They should be similar enough, but The Yule Man should edge out just a lil bit. Since Kevin is lacking in Strength, Durability, and Speed. The Yule Man takes these easily.

Arsenal and Abilities 

Arsenal and Abilities is interesting. Kevin clearly has a much bigger arsenal than The Yule Man. So let’s break down the arsenal of Kevins and how useful it is against The Yule Man.

Most of Kevin’s ideas come from deception and fooling his foes. Stuff like the tape controller, mannequins, Spider, Angels With Filthy Souls relies on the enemy not instantly busting down the door and seeing that they’re fake. Many of Kevin's gear also doesn’t have the power to actually hurt The Yule Man. Staple Gun, Micro Machines, BB guns, Paint Cans, Irons, Blowtorch, they all just don’t compare to the feats that The Yule Man has taken. The grease and ice could slow The Yule Man down, you know, until he breaks through those and gets in. 

Now, there is an argument that could be made that The Yule Man could be damaged overtime by the traps. While he took that axe swing, and managed to keep running for the rest of the story, the pain did eventually catch up with him. However, thanks to the Santa story, The Yule Man gains his shiny Purple Ring. This ring heals the axe swing to his waist instantly. Any damage done to The Yule Man will be instantly healed by the ring, making Kevin’s efforts in vain. There’s also the fact that The Yule Man can teleport in two different ways. He can use the ring, and naturally teleport. There’s a good chance that The Yule Man just teleports behind and catches Kevin before any of his traps get hurt. 

The most useful thing that Kevin has is his guns. Specifically, his Electrical Grenade could potentially gain Kevin a win through K.O. There’s also his Snowball Launcher and Ball Launcher, which would temporarily turn SCP-4666 into a ball. Kevin's other guns are useful, as covering him in glue or rope could slow him down. There’s a couple of issues with this strategy. One, Kevin would have to combo into his Snowball Launcher/Ball Launcher and into his Electrical Grenade. While this isn’t an impossibility, Kevin's large variety of traps would likely mean he’d want to use those first. Who wants to fight SCP-4666 head on? Given how creepy this monster is, and how scared Kevin is. Second issue? We don’t know how long this would take The Yule Man down. It’s entirely possible that this wouldn’t be enough for a surefire victory.  Kevin also does have limited ammo, and could run out. Unlike the Yule Mans ring, which has no shown limit.

The Yule Man could also create a portal with the ring. He could force Kevin through it and lead him into a situation where he’d only have his guns. This is a better and worse situation for Kevin. Kevin would be forced to use his guns, which is his main win con. However, The Yule Man can use both his stealth and teleportation to hide away from Kevin. Considering he’d likely be teleported into the frost forest, Kevin wouldn’t know where The Yule Man is coming from and win.

While Kevin does have some advantages within this, The Yule Man should take it. 

Any Other Factors

The Yule Man takes experience, It’s an 8-year-old against a creature who might have been around since 2500 BC based on his victims. The difference comes in when you look at their combat experience. While Kevin has more examples of direct combat, he’s never fighting anything like The Yule Man. The Yule Man is a horrific monster who only wants to kill Kevin. The Bandits weren’t as competent as The Yule Man is, and can hold his own against a family attacking him. He isn’t fodder, and won’t just let Kevin hit him

 It’s also important to note that Kevin is very likely to be scared of The Yule Man. We’ve seen how overwhelming fears, such as the furnace, can cause him to lose his plans and run off. Considering this 2 metre, naked, bloodstained, and smelly creature is going to be trying to remove his arms and take his eyes out, Kevin’s tactical mind could be put to the test.

While Kevin seems to be the smarter of the two, it’s important to note that The Yule Man doesn’t lack intelligence. He disguises his tracks as animals, knows how to use weapons like buzzsaws, and can cauterise a wound with a candle. Kevin is intelligent, and takes this category, but The Yule Man isn’t mindless.

Then you come onto the biggest factor, the prep. Having 11 days to prepare shouldn’t be underestimated, since Kevin can set up every single trap he needs to. The issue with this is that prep time goes both ways. The Yule Man’s entire thing is stalking a house, figuring out how to sneak in, and killing the family. On the later days he’s shown entering the home and looking around. He would likely see Kevin’s traps before they’ve even gone off, and could potentially just dodge them. Obviously this is ignoring how The Yule Man could portal in and destroy Kevin.


Kevin McCallister

“Do you hear me? I’m not afraid anymore!”


  • Guns could transmute The Yule Man temporarily.

  • Electric weapons could deal damage.

  • Could potentially lure The Yule Man into traps….

  • Smarter.

  • Once again, Home Alone is the more pleasant verse to scale.

  • Kevin loves the Google Assistant.


  • Prep time advantages


  • Loses the stat trinity easily.

  • Lacks experience fighting competent foes.

  • Less general experience.

  • Traps could be bypassed by teleportation.

  • Potentially overwhelmed by fear. 

  • Could run out of ammo.

  • Could be BFR’ed by Yule Man’s portals.

  • …But, the ring could regenerate any damage.

  • Home Alone sequels.

  • Home Alone if the Bandits were competent would have ended him in seconds.


“Master, will you give me what I want?”


  • Takes the stat trinity with ease.

  • Has been doing this for way longer.

  • Appearance could scare Kevin into messing up.

  • Has much more experience.

  • Kevin could lose his ammo.

  • Is nothing like Kevin has fought before.

  • Could teleport away from traps.

  • Potentially could BFR Kevin away from his home.

  • While his ring heals him…

  • Small media list.

  • I…I have nothing, genuinely, fuck him.


  • Prep time advantages


  • Generally dumber

  • Could be temporarily transmuted

  • Kevin could damage him with his electricity weapons. 

  • …He still could be led into traps and slowed down.

  • The stupid santa file.

  • Just fucking look at him.


Team Kevin McCallister- 0 (He’s the true goat though)

Team SCP-4666 - 3 (Saulgoodman, Tru, Asura)

Just one more thing…

For those who read our previous blog, you would know that this blog was supposed to be Medic VS Richtofen. That blog is still coming out, it’s just going to be in the cooker for a little bit longer. Trust me, it’ll be great once you finally see it. That does mean that you don’t have a next time, just reiterating that this is coming, and it’ll be peak. We’re already good ways into it. But if you want to join, Saulgoodmanagain is my discord! Find my under Saul in your friendly death battle servers, and shoot me a DM.

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