Monday, 25 November 2024

The Employees VS D-Class (Lethal Company VS SCP Secret Lab)


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Walt Disney

The Employees, Disposal workers from Lethal Company. 

D-Class, Criminal cattle from SCP Secret Lab. 

Capitalism is the backbone of modern society, but is there a chance that we go too far? Would you work in a job where your life is forfeit? Unfortunately, they don’t have a choice. But only one can get today's promotion. Come along to Saul’s VS Blog and find out who would win DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Before We Go Anywhere

Super simple media list. For the Employees, we’ll be considering the Lethal Company game. For the D-Class, SCP Secret Lab. No other SCP media will be used. 

We’re also giving them everything, yes, everything. There’s no limit since we found the matchup to be far more interesting to discuss that way. The only thing they won’t get access to is anything needed to be spawned in with console commands.


This section is dedicated to every blog we use in our research, so people are credited properly. Please check out the original work below. 


The Employees

“Welcome to your first day on the job! This is your very own autopilot ship, where you will eat and sleep for the duration of your contract."

Eat, sleep, work, repeat. That’s a motto that many people in our life are used to. Despite how you ended up in your current situation, it’s likely way better than The Employees. These are faceless, voiceless, unnamed humans who only exist to collect scrap for something known as the company. 

With three others, you’ll work together to explore planets and collect trash. Watch your back, however, as many monsters exist. Perhaps you understand now why people didn’t want to take this job. You watch friends die, take hits, see some traumatic events, but that doesn’t matter as long as the company is satisfied. 

The end of The Employee is always the same. Perhaps, a mission went wrong, and you barely managed to escape with your life. The Company doesn’t care. The last thing you see is the emptiness of space, with the knowledge that someone will take your place. 


“Attention all Class-D Personnel, please enter the containment chamber.” 

Secure, Contain, Protect. That’s the motto of the SCP foundation, mysterious figures who contain anomalies and run experiments on them. Unfortunately for you, they dabble in human testing. So what humans do they use? Only the most disposable of them all, Death Row inmates.

Despite you predicting a painful death, God has given you a chance to escape in the form of a containment breach. You, alongside your fellow D-Class, work together to escape this damn facility. Of course, you’re not the only one trying to escape, as the Scientists and Guards wish to flee as well. This sounds bad? That’s nothing compared to the SCPs around. Hey, did you just hear a neck snap? 

By arming up with everything you could find, you make your way through Light and Heavy containment, closing your eyes as your friends get torn apart by 096. Over the intercom you hear the MTF, a specialised task-force who’re ready to shoot you dead. As you make it outside, you meet the barrel of a gun, ready to die. But it’s not an MTF member, but the Chaos Insurgency, who lead you to safety. As you walk out, you begin to think of the life you’re going to live when you escape.

So, what’s with that black pool below your feet?


The Employees

Employees have been working for the company for a long time. According to the logs of the Employee known as “Sigurd”, Operation goes back as far as the 1960s, most likely even further. We know from the labels of the Old Birds that Lethal Company takes place in the 2300s, so that's at least 340 years of experience. While Employees do die all the time, as seen with Sigurd many can survive for a long while, and pass their information and advice to future employees. As to what the Employees have faced, well it's a lot. The various moons they salvage from are filled with constant danger, from horrific monsters to deadly machinery. The Employees have faced countless threats all the while trying to fill an extremely tight deadline and quota set by the company, and they do it surprisingly well, most of the time.


Despite being literal bottom feeders, D-Class have great survival skills. They know how to hide from SCPS, use items like Medkits, or use complicated weapons that they’ve never picked up before. While useless on their own, some especially skilled D-Class can take down even the most powerful of monsters. 


The Employees


What seems like basic cosmetic slop actually has a use. The outfits are fitted with a scanner, which allows Employees to identify a threat or scrap when used. 


As a valued asset to the company, they’ve provided you with your very own ship to get planet to planet. It’s tiny, but comes with useful features. The ship has a terminal, which lets you access simple features such as Moons and your Bestiary. It can communicate with the shop, which’ll drop down a delivery pod as long as you’ve paid the price. You can access your storage, which is any item left over that you’ve yet to place. 

The Terminal also has a list of extra commands. You can view the monitor, which shows you the radar map from the Terminal, allowing you to view any employees. You can Ping or Flash Radar-Boosters (Will explain later), transmit a nine character message to all players, and scan for the number of items on the planet. You can even Eject all of your friends. The Terminal also can be used to activate/de-activate doors and weapons. For example, Turrets can temporarily shut down by Employees on the ship. 

The ship also comes with a set of monitors that show the employees and the local CCTV outside of the ship. It has a charging station, which lets the Employee re-fuel any of their equipment. Apart from that, your ship has a Light Switch, Suit Racks, and a Magnet. But perhaps the most useful base feature is the large Bulk Doors that can be forcefully shut, protecting those inside (RIP Denis). The only issue is that these doors will open after a period of time, leaving you exposed.

Do you know how to drive a ship? You don’t? That’s fine! This ship is automated by the company, only needing a flick of a lever to enter space. The only issue is that, when on planets, the ship will leave after a certain amount of time, stranding any employees behind. Also, if you fail to meet a quota, you’ll get ejected for this failure. 

The ship can also come with many upgrades, which will be listed below, since this segment is big enough. 

Ship Upgrades

  • Loud Horn: Activated by a pull cord, this roaring horn can be heard inside of the facilities. It’s so loud that certain enemies, like Blind Dogs, are attracted to the sound. 

  • Teleporter: Allows someone within the ship to teleport you back onto the ship. You must lose all your equipment to do this. 

  • Inverse Teleporter: Teleports you from the ship into a random part of the facility, losing all your equipment to do this

  • Signal Translator: By inputting the “Transmit” command into the computer, it will send a 9 letter long message to any living employee anywhere. Useful for communicating between teammates silently as the message doesn’t produce any sounds, however they send at an excruciatingly long pace and cover their vision. 

DIY Flashbang

When pulled, the DIY Flashbang is a piece of scrap that temporarily blinds and deafens those caught in the radius. It does very minor damage. 

Stun Grenade 

It does the same thing as the DIY Flashbang, although this can be thrown before detonation. 

Easter Eggs

A cute little egg that can be picked up as scrap or thrown at enemies like a grenade, occasionally blowing up when thrown. The explosion is strong enough to kill monsters and employees alike, however the potency is rather inconsistent.  


Used by the Nutcrackers, this weapon can fire two powerful blasts capable of killing most monsters or players. 

Shotgun Shells

Standard ammo that Employees carry around. This cannot be bought, so must be collected from dead Nutcrackers. 

Kitchen Knife

Used by the Butler, Company Employees can steal and stab others with this. 

Stop & Yield Sign 

Bits of scrap that the Employees can pick up and use as improvised melee weapons. 


The most iconic melee weapon, Employees will swing their shovels to beat down every monster they come across. 


Used to open locked doors. Does disappear when used. 

Flashlight/Pro Flashlight

(Lumping these together since they do the exact same thing)

Illuminates a dark area. Company Employees must recharge this at the ship when the battery runs out. 

Walkie Talkie 

When activated, Company Employees can speak with each other from distances. This will need to be recharged after excessive use. 


Plays funky tunes that’ll lure enemies over. 

Extension Ladder

A small box that extends into a large ladder. Can be used as a weapon, as this will kill Employees who stand under the ladder as it falls. 

Spray Paint

Spray Painting is my favourite activity. 


If you lack a key, the Lockpicker can be placed onto a door to forcefully open locked doors. 


The company has provided you with lovely drugs. When inhaled you’ll move slightly faster, take less stamina, and become stronger. The longer you inhale, the stronger you get, but the more blurry your vision becomes. 

Radar Booster

Only the person at the ship can activate the Radar Booster. You can ping it to cause noise, flash to blind people, or just use it as another camera. 


Temporarily fly with your own Jetpack. Of course, this has a few issues. Going too fast and hitting walls can deal high damage, or even cause it to explode. If you fly too high or for too long, guess what? You’ll explode. 


By shooting a concentrated burst of electricity, the Employees can temporarily stun a foe. This works by scanning for targets, on which it’ll shoot if it finds an enemy, before the Employee needs to wrestle with the stream to keep it working. 

Company Cruiser 

Made enough money? Good! You can buy an entire van. The Company Cruiser is a powerful van that can be used to blitz through moons. It comes with regular van features, such as a button that forcefully ejects the person next to you, and a boost jump to send you through the air.  

Weed Killer

People hated the Vain Shrouds (Evil and messed up plants) so much that they added Weed Killer to kill them. This can also be used on the Company Cruiser to heal it. 

Belt Bag

Extra storage slots for Employees. 


Masked - Lethal Company Guide - IGN

This stone mask might seem inanimate, but hold it on your face and there's a chance it'll possess you, turning you into a monster motivated to infect the rest of the employees via blood, creating even more masked.


We aren’t going to list all of the pointless scrap that has no benefit to the Employees, so feel free to check the Wiki if you’re interested. 



Illuminates dark areas. 


Used to flip heads or tails between scared players. 


The keycards are, as you can probably guess, used for gaining access to sections of the SCP facility, as well as activating on-site features like the Alpha Warhead (nuke. It's a nuke).

Outside of that, they have no real use.


Allows for long-distance communication with anyone using a radio up to 7,200 metres away.


A non-Foundation standard handgun brought in by a random-ass scientist to protect himself (‘Merica). It carries 12 bullets.


Equipped with 15 rounds, this lightweight handgun used to be the Foundation standard, but was replaced by automatic weapons


A submachine gun highly favoured by Mobile Task Forces (basically the Foundation’s errand boys) for its recoil reduction and high fire rate. Scoring 40 rounds, it's a good weapon for any occasion… unless they're fighting an SCP.


The Facility Recovery - Machine Gun - 0, despite the heavy-handed name, is a light machine gun created for one of the most iconic MTF units; the Nine Tailed Fox. Designed with the goal of increasing suppressive fire, this firearm can dish out 100 rounds at a fire rate of 12.5 bullets per second.


The main weapon used by Facility Guards, the FSP-9 is highly versatile and easy to modify for any situation. With its 30 rounds and usefulness at close range, it's the perfect weapon for dealing with unarmed prisoners.


A standard-issue, fully automatic assault rifle for the Nine Tailed Fox superiors. The Epsilon-11 SR is designed specifically for the unit. It is lightweight, soft-shooting, and easy to modify, making it extremely convenient to use, and with 40 armour-penetrating rounds, it's perfect for dealing with just about any threat to the Foundation.

.44 Revolver

An oldie but a goodie. Despite being primitive, and only containing 6 rounds, this handgun delivers a devastating sting, capable of one-shotting many targets with one well-placed shot.


A modified AK designed to compete with the E-11 rifle. Its 30 rounds are capable of inflicting large damage on any target, especially with its high armour penetration; although, due to its heavy weight and low accuracy, it's best used at close ranges.


An extremely powerful light machine gun, coming equipped with 100 rounds and a fire rate of 11 bullets per second. Ironically, it's quite heavy, but its sheer firepower makes it a weapon to watch out for.


About time we got a shotgun, and what a weapon it is!

Equipped with 14 rounds, this double-barrel, pump-action behemoth is designed to eliminate stragglers at close range as efficiently as possible. Many who witness it in action usually require therapy afterwards for its sheer brutality, not to mention its quickfire effectiveness.


The COM-45, nicknamed “The Glockinator,” is every American’s wet dream, being essentially 3 COM-15s fused together thanks to SCP-914.

This monstrosity is officially listed as a “Triple Full-auto Pistol” with an ammo capacity of 36 rounds and a fire rate of 60 BULLETS PER GODDAMN SECOND!?

As you can imagine, this thing has so much recoil that trying to aim it is like trying to take a selfie while riding a pissed-off bull, making it hilariously inaccurate. Even still, this force of nature is capable of shredding through the health of anyone unfortunate enough to stand in its way.


They took the “K-4” out of my AK. Can't have shit in The Foundation.

This ““sidearm"” is essentially just a very short AK created through SCP-914, carrying 30 rounds.

Despite this, the sheer force of its firing generates so much heat, it burns anyone within a 1.1 metre distance of it, greatly increasing its offensive power. Likewise to its predecessor, it also has an absurd amount of recoil, making aiming it hard, but a lot more manageable.


Like pretty much every game with guns known to man, SCP: SL contains a variety of customizability options for the various firearms.

  • Holo Sight: A sight attachment equippable to the MTF-E11-SR, which reduces recoil, increases zoom, and adds a cool dot sight (priorities).

  • Red Dot Sight: Has the same features as the Holo Sight, but now it has a red dot, so it's cooler.

  • Blue Dot Sight: Reduces recoil way more than the others, not much else really.

  • Night Vision Scope: Besides reducing recoil, it does exactly what you would expect.

  • Sniper Scope: Once again, it offers a decent reduction to the gun's recoil, while also providing a nice scope for sniping. Crazy, I know.

  • Suppressor: This attachment is equippable to the COM-15 and MTF-E11-SR. When equipped on the COM-15, it increases damage, while decreasing shot loudness and recoil. When equipped on the E11, it only reduces shot loudness.

  • Silencer: Exclusive to the E11, it greatly silences the gun's shots and even reduces recoil, but at the cost of less firepower.

  • Muzzle Brake: Similar to the silencer, but instead offers a massive decrease to recoil for lower damage.

  • Muzzle Booster: In exchange for a higher fire rate, the gun suffers from. greater recoil.

  • Heavy Barrel: A more offensive-centric attachment, it increases the gun's power significantly alongside the shot loudness.

  • Flashlight: What do you think? Equippable to the COM-15 and E11.

  • Laser: Finally, the laser pointer all cats need (ignore the gun). Of course, it reduces recoil, but it also massively decreases bullet spread, making the gun a lot more consistent. The obvious drawback is that a laser pointer isn't exactly subtle.

  • Ammo Counter: Pretty straightforward. Showcases how much ammo is in the clip, and how much is in reserve.

  • Gyroscopic Stabiliser: Despite the cool name, the literal only thing it does is reduce recoil (I can never escape it).


So… so much ammunition…

There are 5 different types of ammos for various guns:

  • 9x19mm: COM-15, COM-18, COM-45, Crossvec, and FSP-9

  • 5.56x45mm: FR-MG-0 and MTF-E11-SR

  • 7.62x39mm: AK, A7, and Logicer

  • 12/70 Buckshot: Shotgun

  • .44 Mag: .44 Revolver

Heavy Armour

Time for something besides guns… finally.

This armour reduces incoming damage by 80% (varies on armour-penetrating weaponry) and allows for D-Class to carry 210 rounds of 9x19mm ammo, 200 rounds of 5.56x45mm and 7.62x39mm ammo, 74 rounds of 12/70 Buckshot ammo, 68 rounds of .44 Mag ammo, 4 treatment items, 4 grenades, and 3 firearms (though, due to how many types of firearms there are, and how there's no way to know which one he would be carrying at any given time, we decided to take a page out of Pokemon VS debaters and ignore this).

Flashbang Grenade

The flashbang grenade does exactly what you would expect; exploding after 2.8 seconds (liars), it will blind and deafen anybody within a 3-metre radius, or a 15-metre radius on the surface (cause like, Physics or something idk).

High-Explosive Grenade


Once thrown, it will explode after 3.5 seconds, dealing devastating damage.


A weak, but consistent healing option that grants the D-class a small healing factor, letting him regenerate a maximum of 50% of his HP. It also removes concussions, which is pretty useful in an active battlefield.


In case the D-class needs to get out of a tough situation fast, he can inject himself with some adrenaline. Not only does it grant him unlimited stamina for 8 seconds, it also gives him 40 AHP, up to 75 AHP with two adrenalines (see Abilities), blocks mental phenomena like SCP-939’s amnesiac effect, and cures cardiac arrest and concussions.

First Aid Kit

Pretty self-explanatory. 

It lets someone recover 65% of their health, while also stopping bleeding and burning. It does take 4 seconds to apply, however, so he best stay out of sight.

Bag of Candies

Obtained through SCP-330, this bag of anomalous candy carries a total of 6 candies, each coming in 7 unique flavours chosen at random.

  • Blue Candy: Grants D-Class a temporary barrier of 30 AHP.

  • Green Candy: Makes D-class immune to a variety of different status effects (see Abilities) for 30 seconds and gives him a strong healing factor, letting him regenerate up to 120% of his max HP over a period of 80 seconds.

  • Purple Candy: Reduces all damage by 20% for 15 seconds, alongside a small healing factor that recovers up to 15% of his total HP in the span of 10 seconds.

  • Red Candy: Once again, gives D-Class a decent healing factor that cures 45% of his HP in 5 seconds, making it faster-acting than the other ones.

  • Yellow Candy: Hehe, Guard go zoooom. This candy instantly restores 25% of the consumer’s current stamina, grants them unlimited stamina for 8 seconds, and increases their travel speed by 10% each (with the theoretical maximum being 60%).

  • Rainbow Candy: Upon consumption, the candy will restore 15% of D-Class HP, give him infinite stamina for 5 seconds, permanently reduces the damage of physical blows by 5% each (with a cap of 15%), reduces the severity of various status effects (touched on later) by 40% for 10 seconds, and applies 20 AHP to D-Class for the same duration.

  • Pink Candy: Explodes… anyone who eats it fucking explodes.


A one-of-a-kind rubber bouncy ball that gains double its momentum with every bounce, letting it build up more and more kinetic energy till it bursts out of the Facility’s walls. Unfortunately, it can also harm them, so it’s best used as a last resort or during an escape.


A soda from the “Conta Cola” brand.

Anyone who consumes it will recover 30% of their HP, a significant boost to their travel speed, and infinite stamina to boot. However, it comes with the drawback that it will slowly kill the user overtime due to the sheer amount of sugar in it.

The effect stacks up to 3 times, so one bottle of 207 will increase speed by 10%, two by 20%, and three by 40%, but also cause the user to die faster each time (how quickly varies on how much they exert their bodies). It is important to note, however, that in the game’s lore it’s stated a Class-D was able to run around a track for 2 hours after consuming a bottle of 207 without dying, and it’s even implied they survived for a few days after, so it’s clear that its detrimental effects are very slow-acting. Additionally, its negative effects can be dampened with the rainbow candy, counteracted with the various healing options at D-class’ disposal, or even temporarily negated with the green candy, making it plenty easy to work around.


The bizarro version of SCP-207 obtainable from SCP-914, a soda from the “Cola Conta” brand.

Unlike its more popular counterpart, SCP-207? will apply a slow debuff to whoever consumes it, in exchange for a powerful healing factor (although, it becomes weaker or stronger depending on if they’re moving or not).

One bottle of 207? will decrease speed by 5%, two by 15%, and three by 20%, while regaining 2.5% HP/s, 5% HP/s, and 7.5% HP/s while standing still respectively.

Additionally, it comes with the unique side effect of giving an extra life of sorts, ensuring that, in the case someone receives a fatal blow during its effects, they will survive on 1 HP, and gain invincibility for a short amount of time. Sadly, this does not apply to effects that completely disintegrate the body, or cause it to shut down via anomalous means.

Finally, if it is consumed alongside a regular bottle of 207, the user will promptly FUCKING EXPLODE AGAIN WHY!?


A pair of earthenware jars, both with the same effect.

Once opened, it will release a blue, freezing mist that covers the entire surrounding area, causing anyone within it to suffer from hypothermia in a matter of seconds, and even causing death in less than a minute. While within the fog, anyone affected will not only move slower (by 10% to be exact), but even their combat speed will be decreased by 20%, and their overall accuracy will be worsened by the same amount. To make matters worse, the fog is so thick it’s basically impossible to see through it, and if both jars are opened at the same time, the effects will only worsen.

It’s also important to note that while these effects also apply to the D-class, their severity can be lowered significantly through the rainbow candy, and completely negated with the green candy.


This stylish hat is certainly one of the most notable items in D-class’ kit.

When worn, the user will become completely “invisible” to other living beings, humans or otherwise. However, it’s a little more complex than that. The wearer doesn’t technically become invisible, as they still appear in security cameras and the like, rather, they become impossible for others to perceive. In other words, people can technically see them, but they won’t realise they’re there and gloss over them; this effect also applies to any sounds made by the wearer, so even if they were to talk out loud, others would simply not realise they’re there, almost like a ghost.

Of course, they can still be physically interacted with, and because machines aren’t living beings, they aren’t affected by its properties, however, it still provides an insanely powerful option for escaping or outmanoeuvring an opponent, making it difficult to counter.

Final thing to note is that while it is true that the wearer can’t interact with items or doors without becoming visible again, this is solely a gameplay mechanic to make it fair, as it’s established in-canon that the user can do pretty much whatever the hell they want without being spotted by others, giving it no real limitations… you know, besides the fact that you can still technically get shot.


Literally just the Captain America super soldier serum.

After pouring the liquid within the vial onto themselves, the applicant will be granted enhanced motor functions and metabolism whenever their life is in danger. This “danger system” works by multiplying the effects of 1853 per every “Danger stack.” The more Danger stacks, the more the effects of 1853 are increased.

As the name implies, Danger stacks increase every time the user is in a dangerous situation, and the more danger they are in, the more the effects stack up till it reaches a cap of 5 stacks, in which a person’s overall combat speed and accuracy will be increased by 200%, and their lifting strength will be increased.

Weirdly enough, if someone is to consume either 207 or 207? while under the effects of 1853, they will be poisoned, making it far from favourable.


A miracle cure, or “panacea” (look it up you uncultured swines), capable of ridding anyone who consumes the pill inside of any wrongs in their bodies.

In non-fancy terms, it’s a pill that will instantly heal someone who consumes it back to full health. Not only that, it also grants them an insane healing factor just in-case someone tries to harm them afterwards, letting them recover up to 100% of their HP over the span of 10 seconds. Besides that, it also stops bleeding, and rids the consumer of any mental or physical conditions, including, but not limited to…

  • The effects of 207, 207?, and 1853.

  • The effects of mixing 207 or 207? with 1853.

  • Burns, concussions, and deafness.

  • Cardiac arrest.

  • Being traumatised. (how??)


Finally, something simple to explain.

To put it bluntly, it’s a phonograph that allows one to communicate with the dead. Unfortunately, doing this usually leads to people going insane.


A ghost in a bulb! Ghostlight!

Brought to you by Titan Consumer Appliances and Electronics.

This lightbulb utilises the power of ghosts to power itself indefinitely.

However, a long-lasting and eco-friendly alternative for regular light bulbs isn’t the only thing it’s good for. When smashed, it will release the captured spirits within, which will possess and alter all nearby electronics.

This can cause blackouts, lock people inside rooms, counter hacking attempts, and deactivate or reactivate all nearby appliances, making it surprisingly versatile.


Finally getting into the D-Classes top weapons.

This electricity-fueled “baton” is a devastating melee weapon that can be obtained from SCP-914.

Its most notable quality is its ability to bypass conventional defences, be they armour, AHP, or Hume Shields, dealing damage directly to a target’s HP. It can be swung normally or charged up to deliver a devastating charge attack (charge as in, rushing forward really fast), leaving the target concussed. After landing 5 charge attacks, the weapon will break and violently explode, cause of course it does, decimating anything nearby.

3-X Particle Disruptor

Arguably the second strongest weapon, the 3-X is an Experimental Fusion Weapon of unspecified origin obtainable through SCP-914.

Similar to the Jailbird, it has the unique feature of bypassing all conventional defences, such as armour, AHP, and Hume Shields, dealing direct damage to the target. However, this is more than just a laser gun; the weapon uses “SCP Fusion Ammo” which is fired after a short delay. The beam travels forth in an instant and eviscerates the matter of any unfortunate soul in its path down to the molecular level, leaving no trace of their existence, and for extra measure, it also explodes on impact, so anyone not directly hit by it will still be left concussed and burned. Only anomalous entities like SCPs are shown to be able to survive a single shot from it, and it still deals devastating damage to them.

While the weapon does become unusable after 5 shots, its sheer offensive power makes it so that few can even hope to survive for that long.

Micro H.I.D.

The undisputed strongest weapon in SCP: Secret Laboratory (unless you like the ball a little too much), the Micro High-Intensity Electrical Discharge Thrower measures 122.5 cm and weighs 21.5 kg.

This experimental energy weapon was built by the Foundation to eliminate top tier SCP objects; it has a built-in battery that channels vast amounts of energy directly into tesla coils, releasing it in a spectacle of pure, concentrated energy lasting approximately 7 seconds, with a range of 6.3 metres.

Of course, the weapon is best known for one thing; instead of having unique, anomalous qualities or a large amount of flexibility in its usage and application, the Micro does one thing the best: DAMAGE!

Scoring the highest amount of DPS by far, its total damage is roughly 32.2x greater than that of the 3-X, meaning it can eradicate literally any (damageable) SCP from the game after a measly couple of seconds. Of course, something this powerful can only be fired once before it becomes worthless, and it does take a while to charge up (about 6 seconds, if you’re curious), but the sheer firepower of this behemoth means that, if not stopped in time, it will certainly spell the end of just about anyone unlucky enough to get caught on the other side of it.

Halloween Candy

  • Red candy: Lets you breathe fire!

  • Yellow candy: Gives you infinite stamina and forces you to run for as long as it's active.

  • Green candy: Increases max HP to 150 and auto heals under 100 HP.

  • Blue candy: MARSHMALLOW MAN!!!

  • Purple candy: Makes you fat ig lol

  • Rainbow candy: Makes a rainbow cloud that buffs humans. Will revive any humans within its mist if they suffer a fatal blow.

  • Orange candy: Makes you glow so bright you blind others around you.

  • Brown candy: Makes you shit yourself (it slows people down).

  • White candy: Turns you invisible and allows you to walk through walls. You cannot hold or interact with items while under its effects.

  • Grey candy: Makes you metallic.

  • Black candy: Random candy effect.

  • Evil candy: MAKES YOU EVIL!


Teleports the person hit to the nearest scp! (Or anomaly in general)


Throw a snowball! It's Christmas after all! It bypasses durability, attacking a person directly.

Tape Player

By activating this Tape Player, they’ll be transformed into an instance of SCP-1507 (alongside every dead player). SCP-1507 are lawn flamingos that attack players and SCPs alike, being able to heal each other from damage and screech loud enough to kill people. These spawn and attack as a massive horde that tears through whatever is in their path.

Powers and Abilities

The Employees

Nothing lol


Artificial HP

AHP is essentially a sort of second health bar with extra steps. It’s described as a “barrier” that absorbs damage taken by whoever has it.

A person can only have a maximum AHP of 75, and depending on the item used to obtain it, it is either permanent or drains over time.

More importantly, AHP works by absorbing 70% of all incoming damage, basically serving as a way to soften the blow. However, as you can probably imagine, once the bar runs out so too will the effect, meaning it’s only really a short-term boost to defences.


Does as said, when holding a gun a person can disarm someone but ONLY if they aren’t holding anything.


Perception/Memory Manipulation: Various items let them become immune to 939’s gas.

Biological Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, Paralysis Inducement, Blindness, Sound Manipulation, Fear Manipulation & Corrosion Inducement: Green Candy makes them immune to 049’s touch, 106’s corrosion & trauma inducement, 079’s Breach Scanner, the decontamination effect, the ensnared effect, the effects of a flashbang, and the slowness effect, alongside the detrimental effects of SCP-207 and Anti-207.



Marshmallow Man

Upon eating a piece of Halloweenbluecandy©, a person will become THE MARSHMALLOW MAN as long as it's able to punch something the transformation will stay on for as long as the damage is being dealt, resistance to damage will increase by 25%, and the max hp is shot up to 450! Although you lose all of your AHP, you’re also constantly healed making it almost impossible to kill a good player… (evil candy is the same but it lets you kill teammates)


Upon eating the grey candy, a person will transform into metal, the world will shift to a blue colour and some jolly music will play! You will become much heavier and your walking will shake the facility, although you will become super slow, the damage is reduced by 80%, speed will be reduced by 25% and medical items up to 50%.


The Employees


  • Survives day-to-day collecting scrap.

  • Explores a multitude of planets to get the job done.

  • Fights off the most terrifying of monsters to do so. 

  • Always meets the quota. 






  • Lived long enough for the breach to start.

  • Regularly the first to escape the facility.

  • The ankle breaker.

  • Beats out the nerds cause they suck.




  • Can outrun various SCPs.

  • Escapes from the facility in, like, 15 minutes.

  • Can react to SCP-018 (Mach 201)


The Employees

Lethal Company Monsters

While Lethal Company Employees are known for constantly dying to every monster, they can take hits like Old Bird missiles and Thumper bites. A majority of their weapons can kill basic monsters, and the door to the ship can protect them from any hit. 


Various SCPs

Just like the Employees, D-Class are known for dying to the various SCPs that they encounter. But they can survive temporary attacks from SCP-096, SCP-106, and others. They also have weaponry strong enough to kill the SCPs, like the Micro.


The Employees

While the Employees are certainly courageous, they have a lot of faults to say the least. They are often very heavily limited by quota and budget, meaning their equipment is rather subpar in quality. Not to mention, they can often get themselves killed with various items they have such as the extendo ladder. While their ship does have very useful features, it requires an employee to stay on it at all times, and for there to be heavy cooperation between teams.


Sadly, While the D-Class seem unstoppable there's a reason for the Disposable in their name, they spawn in with literally nothing and most of the time are killed quickly by either scientists, SCPs, NTF, or even themselves, not only that but most of their items do not mix well, especially certain mixtures like coke and anti-coke, which… blows them up! Or the pink candy which.. blows them up!

I'm starting to notice a pattern.

Before The Verdict

The Employees

They are simple beans.


SCP Scaling?!

D-Class scaling is certainly weird! I think it's obvious that they don't scale to their durability or speed. It's much more complex than that, a base D-class has no real way to beat an SCP, that's kinda obvious, BUT with the right equipment anything is possible!

For example, the MarshmallowMan form allows the D-Class to kill SCPs pretty easily!

The Jailbird, 3-X, and Micro single-handedly are the biggest cause of SCP deaths.

And if you are really crazy any weapon can put down any SCP.

Of course this isn’t all, even a base D-class can do stuff! They can tank hits from Larry, Shy Guy, Doctor, and anti-cola can live through any attack, even your neck being snapped!

The biggest point of contention for scaling is, ultimately, SCP-079. The D-Class never fight 079 directly due to the obvious fact that it’s a goddamn computer, so scaling anyone to it does seem dubious at first. However, there is an argument to be made for it.

SCP-079 runs on a power system, denoted as “AP”, meaning it needs to expend energy to perform certain actions, with more extreme actions requiring more and more energy to perform. Most notably, heavy doors such as gates require 80 AP to force open, more than regular doors, implying that it is forcefully opening them by generating energy through them. This would add up with how it needs to use a large amount of AP to activate the tesla gate, showing that it seems to affect systems by running its own energy through them to power and depower them, which is what it does with its most powerful ability, the zone blackout, costing 200 AP.

Why does this matter? Well, SCP-096, the physically strongest SCP, is capable of ripping open gates without much issue, something that 079 has to use up large amount of energy for to force open, meaning that simply assuming 096 is able to release an amount of energy similar to 079 has its merit. From there, it’s pretty easy to scale characters to this. 096 does it casually, meaning it, at worst, downscales the blackout, and the D-Class have weaponry that can damage and kill 096, so even if they don’t scale physically, their own weaponry should.

Of course, it’s understandable to be hesitant on the scaling due to its weird nature, it’s more so just a possible avenue you can take for SCP: SL scaling, and its inclusion doesn’t matter much to the overall verdict.




This segment is way more simple than you’d think. Regarding physicals, the Employees should scale to 0.00021 Tons of TNT thanks to Old Birds and their missiles. They don’t scale to the Earth Leviathan feat, as all company workers die to it. As for the D-Class, just being able to withstand SCP 018 hitting them gets to 2.79 Tons of TNT. But, we can get higher. As explained before the verdict, you should be able to scale D-Class to SCP-079’s blackout by being able to withstand hits from SCP-096. This should get them to 3.76 Tons of TNT. No matter how you cut it, D-Class have a huge physical advantage in strength and durability. 

Speed is a different question though. For the Employees, they should scale to Old Birds moving in-tandem with their explosion, which gets Mach 0.74. While the D-Class seemingly have an impressive feat of being able to react to SCP-018 moving at Mach 201, it should be noted this is only a perception speed feat. It’s hard to justify them dodging such a weapon when, in most instances, they do not. Not even SCPs like SCP-939 and SCP 096 can react to it. So, where does this leave us? Well, D-Class can dodge attacks and charges from SCP-096, who can move in-tandem with Flashbangs worth Mach 0.29. So, by our research, Employees should have a speed advantage. 

Arsenal & Abilities

The segment most are curious about, how do their arsenals stick out against each other? Well, let’s see.

Let’s break it down by starting with melee weapons. While the Employees own more weapons (Kitchen Knives, Shovels, etc) the D-Class have the Jailbird on its side. This melee weapon allows for the D-Class to have great mobility options with their charges, while also dealing direct damage to the Employee, likely one-shotting them.

Guns have no debate here. While the shotgun is powerful, D-Class have a bunch of pistols and assault rifles to keep the Employees at bay. D-Class also carry a lot more ammo than the Employees, and the Employees have to reload every shot. This isn’t even going into non-conventional weaponry like the Particle Disruptor, which fires 1.41 Tons of TNT per shot and gets through conventional durability. Or the Micro, a high-power electrical weapon that can fry SCPs in seconds. Employees can get one-shot by lightning strikes, so the Micro should kill them relatively easily.

Let’s talk about unconventional weaponry and look at the ship. This provides two advantages to the Employees. For one, they can constantly call down and buy equipment which allows them to re-stock. Not only that, but the ship could take off with the D-Class inside, and force a stalemate through the ejection. Sure, they both die, but it’s something. Now, before you ask about the Blast Doors, they’re useless. They only get to 0.86 Tons of TNT, which the D-Class gets higher. You could argue that the D-Class could just blast their way out of the spaceship. Also, you have the autopilot nature of the Spaceship. Since it’s set to go to certain locations, and is willing to leave the Employees behind, there’s no guarantee that the machine will stay.

As for their other weapons, The Employees have Flashbangs, an entire car, Zapguns, Drugs, Jetpacks, etc. The Zapgun could lock on and keep the D-Class away, although this weapon is non-lethal, so this would only stall. The Drugs provide a minuscule advantage as they need to be overused to truly be effective, and the Jetpack does provide an advantage in air mobility. They also have Masks, a weapon that can forcefully possess someone who wears them for too long. While these are a potential win-con they have pretty major issues. For one, the mask could always just possess the Employees randomly, which would screw them over. And second, even if you want to argue the Employees could win by forcefully putting a mask onto D-class, this would just be way too difficult to pull off. D-class being stronger and having numerous keep-away options makes this win-con highly unlikely.

Unfortunately for the Company, D-Class truly showed their advantage with their gear. Let’s start small. They have better AOE options through the Grenades, Flashbangs, and Freezing Pot. They have a multitude of candies that allow them to resist effects like Flash-Grenades. D-Class can constantly buff their stats through a variety of Candy. Temporarily boosts health, constant speed buffs, the works. Speaking of buffs, SCP-207 can close the speed gap between D-Class and The Employees by drinking enough cola. This does come with the downside of constant damage, but items like Medkits and SCP-500 can either heal or completely remove the effects. Not only that, but SCP-207? And Rainbow Candy could revive D-Class if they choose to use it. The only issue is that Rainbow Candy does create a mist, which would revive the Employees if they were caught in it. 

As for weirder weapons? Coal could teleport Employees away and towards a dangerous foe, the Tape Recorder could transmute D-Class into a horde of regenerating flamingos and overwhelm them, they can sneak around with SCP-268, and then you have SCP-2176.

SCP-2176, known as the Ghostlight, temporarily disables electronics in the area. This would be horrible for the Employees. This could shut down the Ship, the Jetpack, and even their suits. Getting caught in this would generally be the worst thing that could happen to the Employees. 

Tertiary Factors

From confusing to super easy, The Employees have been working for at least 340 years and work way better as a team. D-Class usually only works together out of necessity and would love to leave each other behind if they had the chance. But, D-Class are way better fighters. While you can fight against monsters, most Employees would rather run and hide than attempt to take down a horde of Bunker Spiders. D-Class will stand up to entire MTF waves with no fear, and kill multiple SCPs like it’s nothing.


The Employees are a force to be reckoned with due to their speed advantage, better teamwork, and potential win through the Mask, but the D-Class ultimately took everything that truly mattered, countering even some of the advantages the Employees would’ve had, which leads to D-Class taking the win.


The Employees

Insert funky tunes.


  • Slightly faster physically.

  • Constantly able to restock items through the ship. 

  • Gear could constantly stall the inevitable. 

  • Major experience advantage (Has been doing this for at least 340 years) 

  • Has air mobility through Jetpack…

  • The Mask is a potential win-con…

  • Better coordination via Ship systems.

  • Could stalemate through Ship Ejection.

  • Could hide in the Ship for some time…

  • Less of their items kill them lol

  • First matchup to end in a DUI? 

  • Fortnite builds over the competition.


  • Much physically weaker.

  • Less varied & useful arsenal for a fight.

  • Very few counters to various of the D-Class’ options.

  • Would likely get overwhelmed by the Tape Player.

  • Less experience against humanoid foes.

  • Generally struggled to put the D-Class down.

  • …but it and the Ship could be disabled by 2176.

  • …but it could backfire on the employees, and is way too difficult to utilise properly anyways.

  • Worse offensive options, both close-range and long-range.

  • The ship could just leave mid-fight.

  • …but the D-Class could force their way in via their firepower or intangibility.

  • Worse stat-boosting options.

  • Get paid like shit.

  • Jobbed to Olimar in a rap battle.


More funky tunes.” 


  • Physically stronger.

  • Much faster reactions…

  • Larger variety of weaponry.

  • Guns generally held much more range and accuracy.

  • Intangibility and invisibility could let them catch the Employees off-guard.

  • Jailbird > Any other melee weapon.

  • Multiple ways to bypass durability and one-shot.

  • Better AOE options.

  • Could outnumber them with the Tape Player.

  • Massively better healing & stat-boosting options.

  • Could become immune to flash grenades via green candy.

  • Green candy could remove the handicaps for quite a few of their options…

  • More experience in outright fighting against their monsters and other humanoid threats.

  • Could close the physical speed gap via 027 & 1853…

  • 2176 could disable important equipment like the Ship or Jetpack.

  • Could send the Employees directly to a monster with the Coal.

  • Could straight-up revive themselves via Anti-207 or Rainbow Candy.

  • More options for buffing allies…

  • Marshmallow Man would let the D-Class tear the Employees apart.

  • Pink candy go brrrr


  • SCP: Secret Laboratory


  • …but slower physically.

  • Generally far less experienced.

  • More limited supply of items.

  • …but only for a limited time.

  • Worse team-coordination.

  • …but they can’t stack them together.

  • …but the Employees could benefit from them.

  • Ugly-ass model.

  • SCP: Secret Laboratory

While the Employees believed that this fight would be Lethal, there was no way they could secure, contain, or protect themselves against the D-Class. 

The Winner is the D-Class!

Final Vote

Team The Employee: [0] Didn’t make quota this time

Team D-Class: [6] Saul, Fenic, NormallyNormal, Kars, Kiri-Wolf, Godzillafan8889


Just one more thing….

Thanks for reading! If you guys read a few of my older blogs, the future was a little uncertain on what I’d be doing next due to my mental health and such. I’m generally doing ok (enough) now. I will say, some blogs won’t have a next-time, to prevent myself from getting burnt out. Luckily, I'm ready to work on another blog. How about a late Halloween blog? 

Vlad Plasmius VS Zs’skayr (Danny Phantom VS Ben Ten) 

Next time is open to join, so let me know :)

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