Thursday, 19 December 2024

Foxy VS V (FNAF VS Murder Drones) (BONUS BLOG)

(Thumbnail by Fenic)

(Thumbnail by thedarkloremaster)

(Hand Drawn thumbnail by Mediocre Productions)

“The supreme art of Blog making is to make a blog on a matchup you don’t care for.” 


Foxy, The Malfunctioning Pirate Fox from FNAF

V, The Murder Drone from Murder Drones

Come along to Saul’s VS Blog to find out who wins a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Before We Go Anywhere

As with every Fnaf blog, we need to clarify some canon. We are sticking to the main original animatronic of Foxy, and only in the main canon. So alternative animatronics like Funtime Foxy aren't included, and neither is Fnaf World (Thank god). For V there’s no discussion, it's just the original Murder Drones series.

Also, a vast majority of the feats and calcs used here come from other blogs so full credit to Agent Smith vs Cyn, N and Uzi vs Komaru and Toko, (Sorry Door) this blog’s own Cyber Controller vs Springtrap, and a few links from Frankenstein vs Freddy Fazbear.




Fazbear Entertainment is a seemingly innocent multi-media production conglomerate, starting as a humble family restaurant known as Fredbear’s Family Diner, expanding later into Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaria, and many more corporate spin-offs. However the company houses dark secrets, as a series of incidents led to children going missing at their establishments. These were no coincidences, in all actuality it was the results of the sadistic actions of the co-owner and co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment, William Afton, who claimed many victims, going mad and experimenting on a substance known as remnant. One of the first massacres of his hands was the Missing Children incident of June 26th, 1985 that led to the first pizzaria to be shut down. In this event William murdered the children attending a birthday party.  

The tragedy of the event caused the creation of remnant, allowing the souls to stay on the mortal plane. A previous victim who had possessed a puppet animatronic saved the souls, giving them vessels, including the subject of this biography a child named Fritz, who was given the form of the Foxy the Pirate. Foxy the Pirate became one of the many animatronics to haunt the halls of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, his once bright and inviting design tarnished by the lingering anguish of the child’s soul trapped within. As Foxy, Fritz carried the torment of his untimely death, using the animatronic’s damaged and worn-down form to lash out at intruders, a mix of vengeance and confusion driving his actions. Unlike some of the other animatronics, Foxy was particularly distinct—his tattered appearance and isolated location in Pirate Cove symbolized his alienation, a reflection of Fritz's unresolved emotions.

Despite his fearsome exterior, Foxy’s behavior hinted at a deeper tragedy. His actions were not driven by malice but by the imprint of a child betrayed and seeking justice. The flickering remnants of his humanity occasionally broke through, making him one of the most haunting and complex figures in Fazbear Entertainment's dark legacy.

As Fazbear Entertainment continued to reopen its establishments under various guises, Foxy was refurbished and repurposed multiple times. Yet, no matter how much his outward appearance changed, the soul of Fritz remained bound to the animatronic, forever tethered to the cycle of tragedy and horror that defined the Fazbear legacy. From the eerie Pirate Cove performances to his startling appearances in security tapes, Foxy’s story became an enduring part of the chilling mythos surrounding Fazbear Entertainment—a tale of innocence lost, vengeance sought, and the dark consequences of human greed and cruelty. 


“And yet, I still feel nothing!”

At some point in the distant future of the 3000's, humanity will begin an interstellar colonization program to spread across the galaxy. One such colony was the exoplanet of Copper 9, owned by the JCJenson corporation, for the purpose of mineral extraction. They developed autonomous robots known as worker drones to do their work for them. Despite being designed as industrial equipment, the human-like robots were allowed to perform other functions, but were still treated as property. One human, known as Tessa Elliot, made a habit of “adopting” discarded worker drones and using them as companions and servants in her family’s manor. Eventually, an AI with reality-manipulating powers, called the Absolute Solver, would manifest itself inside and reanimate an improperly disposed-of worker drone and integrate itself into the Elliot household. An AI who resented humanity for their mistreatment of worker drones. Hijacking the worker drones in the manor and turning them into techno-organic killers known as Disassembly Drones, otherwise known as Murder Drones. One of these was Serial Designation V-X00100000, or simply known as V.

As Serial Designation V, she retained fragments of her original programming as a Worker Drone but was now entirely reshaped by the Solver's influence. Her primary function became brutally efficient: eliminating any remaining Worker Drones on Copper 9 to secure the planet for JCJenson's interests—or so the corporation believed. In truth, V and her fellow Disassembly Drones were pawns in the Absolute Solver’s larger, more insidious plans.

V quickly distinguished herself among her murderous peers for her ruthless efficiency and chaotic personality. She embodied a dangerous mix of sadistic glee and fierce loyalty to her squad, often acting impulsively but with lethal precision. While she initially appeared to revel in the carnage, cracks in her facade hinted at a deeper conflict. Traces of her original programming occasionally surfaced, showing glimmers of curiosity and even empathy, though she fiercely suppressed these feelings to maintain her identity as a Disassembly Drone.

As events unfolded on Copper 9, V’s journey became one of internal conflict and external carnage. The re-emergence of Tessa and the enigmatic role of the Absolute Solver forced V to confront questions about her purpose, her past, and whether she was more than just a tool for destruction. Despite her violent tendencies and sarcastic demeanor, V’s complexity and unpredictability made her a fascinating figure in the grim tale of Copper 9’s downfall—a killer shaped by cruelty but haunted by the faint echoes of who she once was.



Apart from haunting the FNAF Pizzeria, Foxy lacks true combat experience, apart from when the classic animatronics fought their counterparts. That doesn’t mean that Foxy isn’t competent, he can launch himself towards Night Guards and run at quick speeds. While the animatronics don’t have much intelligence (mostly because they are children) foxy can see through the Freddy Mask.


It’s generally pretty hard to tell how much experience the drones have. We know they’ve existed since the destruction of Earth, the earliest stages of drone civilization on Copper-9, and the death of Uzi’s mom, exclusively hunting down humans and a mind-numbing number of drones in this time, but the exact time frame is pretty vague, being at best around 20 years based on the age of Uzi’s classmates. Either way, V and her fellow drones are extremely skilled hunters, capable of effectively wielding any kind of weapon at their disposal; be they swords, guns, lasers, chainsaws, you name it! Not only that, but the drones are capable of effortlessly mowing down most foes, whether humans or robots; V herself has battled fellow Disassembly Drones like J and N, clashed with the technokinetic Solver users Uzi and Doll, survived and tamed the drone-killing Sentinels despite being unable to look at them directly, and fought back against Cyn, a hyper-advanced AI that destroyed humanity as a whole.



Hook Hand

Seeing as Foxy is the Pirate of Fazbears, he has a hook for a hand that he can use to stab any night guard he catches.


Interchangable Limbs

All Disassembly Drones come with interchangeable arms capable of materializing into seemingly anything they require at the time.

We've seen them procure:


Being a Disassembly Drone means that you get sick wings. These are surprisingly sharp, N was able to use his to stab through Uzi, and they're tough enough to block gun fire.


Every single Disassembly Drone has a tail that’s filled with nanite acid, capable of melting down the metal of Worker and Disassembly Drones alike, and break down technology. This acid is seemingly able to ignore regenerative-healing factors, as Disassembly Drones and Solver users can't regenerate from it.


Fucking nerd.

Useful for protecting against Sentinels’ hacking light.



Powers and Abilities


Remnant Physiology 

The Soul, it’s what pilots our bodies and allows us to move and when we die it leaves this world but something gets left behind, the physical manifestation of our emotions and memories, what remains is Remnant. Remnant as mentioned before are the physical remains of our emotions and memories that have seeped into the environment similar to moisture seeping into the wood of an old house. Since Fritz was murdered and stuffed inside the Foxy Animatronic all of his Remnant infected the Animatronic possessing it. Being an animatronic filled with Remnant, Foxy’s physiology is a marvel to be sure. For starters, his actual physical body can be divided into 3 layers: the actual character suit on the outside, padding in the middle, and finally, the metal endoskeleton at the center of it all, being the ACTUAL robot. This naturally gives him some extra protection from attacks, making him slightly harder to kill. Beyond that, however, the Remnant itself is also able to increase one’s strength and even allow Foxy to come back as a ghost if his suit is ever dismantled or destroyed.

Mind/Death Manipulation 

For those who don't know, the phrase “It's me” comes from every animatronic, as shown in the Phone Guy Choose Your Own Adventure book, the animatronics can put this phrase directly into your mind, causing death

Soul Absorbing

Woah!, another feat from The Week Before! Anywho, as we know, the only way for an animatronic to talk is to have a soul; same applies to any other creature. They require Remnants. As shown here, Chica is able to use the voice of the Phone Guy’s daughter. Now normally this could be written off as voice mimicry, but due to prior knowledge of the series, it’s safe to say that the Animatronics can absorb souls.


Man jumping judge in Vegas - Imgflip

Foxy's primary method of attack is to Jumpscare his victim, usually by launching himself straight at them.

Fate Manipulation 

Yes, this is real, in the story “Step Closer” Foxy is directly implied to have put a curse on Pete by singing his pirate song. In his song he said, “You can be a pirate, but first you'll have to lose an eye and an arm!” After this incident, Pete constantly gets into situations where he almost loses his eye and arm. Eventually, he was hit by a car and sent to surgery, where his eye and arm were taken specifically. This ability is a little out there for sure, but it's made more consistent by the existence of Lucky Boy, another animatronic in verse with a similar fate-manipulating power.


Diassembly Drone Physiology 

As a Disassembly Drone, V is far superior to the average drone (thanks to Cyn's upgrades), she possesses “eyes” capable of seeing visible, infrared, and ultraviolet lights, and they can even identify threats and track down footprints.

Additionally, their visors can display basically anything they want, be they text for non-verbal communication, games, alarms, warnings, or images.

Finally, they're extremely resilient. They can control their limbs even if they're chopped off, keep moving despite lacking a head, survive being cut in half or having their head obliterated, and if their body is rendered useless, keep going as just their core, or “heart” (although they are significantly weaker in this form). And if they ever get stung by their own nanite acid, their spit can cancel out the effects.


Befitting their unkillable nature, the Disassembly Drones can come back from almost any sort of damage.

They've regenerated their head with little issue, and even their entire lower body after being ripped in half. Although, they technically need materials to regenerate, so if they're destroyed beyond a certain point (or their core is obliterated), they will die for good.



Biological Manipulation: He's a robot lol


Hacking, Corruption, Perception & Memory Manipulation: Due to Uzi meddling with her and N’s memories, she technically became their “admin,” protecting them from Cyn’s influence, which can erase memories and corrupt/take over AI. She was able to kick Uzi out of her memories after regaining control. Their systems can be rebooted by simply smacking them, which will return their memories of events and fix optic sensory issues.

Biological Manipulation: She’s a robot lol

Technological Manipulation: She and her fellow Disassembly Drones were unaffected by J’s EMP, and they likely resist their own.



Ghost Child

All the original animatronics, after being dismantled by Purple Guy, can come back as spirits. They can’t interact with the world around them (unless its death manipulation), only being scary enough to force Purple Guy into the Spring Bonnie suit. So for purposes of the blog, this form won’t be considered for anything except documentation.






  • Iconic pirate fox

  • Prevents guards from camping the cameras

  • Prevents the guards from camping the mask

  • Is trying to warn the Night Guard (Real)

  • Gave me actual nightmares in Middle School



  • Should be comparable to his animatronic folks.

  • Survives throwing himself at you? Idk




  • Likely the most competent and efficient Disassembly Drone.

  • Slaughtered hundreds of Worker Drones.

  • Tamed a robot velociraptor.

  • Defeated J, Doll, the Sentinels, and Cyn.

  • Was the OG mascot of Murder Drones.

  • Became besties with Lizzy.

  • Sold a stupid amount of plushies.






The Classics

It should be very obvious why Foxy would scale to the three other animatronics he’s grouped with and constantly shown to be comparable to.

Twisted Ones

In the Twisted Ones novel, the original animatronics straight-up match and defeat the Twisted Ones, so scaling is pretty blatant.

The Toys (And other FNAF 2 robots)

We should be able to allow cross-scaling between the two series due to the fact we have no proof that the FNAF 2 animatronics should be stronger. In fact, we can argue they are similar due to both series of animatronics causing similar bone damage to people.


N & Uzi

Being the third wheel to N and Uzi (just make them poly, cowards), V was involved in many of the fights that Uzi and N were in. Additionally, she’s battled and kept pace with both in individual fights, so she certainly scales.


As the main antagonist and best girl of Murder Drones, V and Cyn battled each other in the finale, and while Cyn did hold a clear advantage, V was certainly holding her own for a fair amount of time, so scaling is fairly reasonable.

Other Drones

Being known as a Disassembly Drone means that you’re likely going to disassemble some drones. These are for all the characters who V scales to but don’t have enough for their own section.



Foxy can sometimes be very telegraphed in his approach, usually a loud sprint or his signature humming. He also can normally be scared away by rapidly using a flashlight.


(Credit to AnOnlineCat)

While V is certainly a menace, her physiology as a Disassembly Drone does give her a few notable weaknesses.

Disassembly Drones have a really bad issue with overheating, specifically their core overheating. Not only do they become sluggish in the heat, but if they go too long without eating oil, they will overheat and die. Additionally, hanging out in the sun will straight-up kill them, and them being robots means they’re still quite vulnerable to things that can mess with their systems… like magnets ig.

Before The Verdict

Other Animatronic Scaling?

Every major FNaF character in one poster : r/fivenightsatfreddys

You may have noticed that despite the huge amount of animatronics in the franchise, we didn't scale Foxy to most of them. That’s because there isn’t a good enough justification to, most of the animatronics are newer and upgraded models from the originals, meaning they’d be physically superior in all aspects. Scaling to Springtrap is also a no-go since Afton has proven to dominate the original animatronics in fights, even blitzing and dismantling them in the Fnaf 3 minigames. The only real animatronics Foxy could scale to are the Twisted ones since he’s defeated them in a fight, otherwise, he really shouldn't scale to anyone notable due to a lack of interaction. 

Other Foxy’s?

To keep things consistent with the idea of the matchup, we’ve only stuck with the original Foxy we see in FNAF 1. Yes, the original animatronic. This means re-creations such as the AR and VR games weren’t taken into account. We also haven’t taken into account Mangle or Funtime Foxy, who are similar to our Pirate Fox, but are different characters. 



Super clear-cut here. V completely outstats with no room for debate. Foxy’s best feats are 388 MegaJoules and Mach 1.83. If you want to compare V’s stats, she’s in the 0.11 Tons of TNT and 5.92% C just with her stats. This is without scaling her to anyone else, as we can move her into the 39 Zettatons and 442c with scaling to Uzi and Cyn. 

Arsenal & Abilities

Foxy only has a hook, while V has wings and multiple ranged weaponry. Submachine Guns, Rocket launchers, Handsaws, a bunch of physical weaponry and ranged options that Foxy can’t answer to. If V got in close, Foxy would be outclassed in every way. But…she doesn’t need to?  Her wings and range mean that Foxy is done for. It would be even worse with her Hacking Chip and EMP, which could shut down Foxy instantly. Also, V has her tail, which has a substance that would melt straight through the pirate Fox. 

As a drone, V has some unique abilities, she can regenerate from the worst attacks and needs her core to be destroyed to be fully put down. But Foxy surprised us with his Soul Manipulation, Instant Death, and Fate Manipulation. Couldn’t he just put V down? For the Soul Manipulation and Instant Death, as a robot, these shouldn’t work on V. The death Foxy can cause seems biological, such as shutting down the brain or heart, and V doesn’t have a provable soul. As for Fate Manipulation, well, V has no counters to that. But that took days to work and would require V to not blitz him. 

Ghost Foxy isn’t viable for the fight. It can’t interact with V and just.. Exists? For those wondering, Foxy doesn’t have a strong enough Remenant to possess V, unlike a Yellow Rabbit we know. 

Tertiary Factors

Foxy isn’t a natural fighter and has very little experience, while V has handled both J and Cyn, meaning she’s way more skilled. She can use both her flight and weapons simultaneously and is generally more intelligent. 

Oh, they also both should have unlimited stamina as robots. 


Foxy is destroyed here. His couple of advantages either have things wrong with them or require so much set up they aren’t viable. 


“Yar-har-har-har-har! Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate. Or a fox for that matter!”


  • Fate manipulation is unironically a win-con V has zero counter too…

  • Death or soul absorption could come in handy!...

  • Could come back as a ghost…


  • Stamina…? I guess.


  • ...But he gets blitzed and one shot before he can use it at all.

  • …Robots don't have souls.

  • …But he won’t be able to hurt V or do anything beyond scare her a bit

  • Literally everything else.

  • Hell on earth.

  • Seriously we had to edit this blog twice, fuck this. 


“Can’t betray us that easy, NARC!”


  • Takes Stat Trinity without any room for debate.

  • Far more versatile abilities.

  • Way more intelligent.

  • Has range options.

  • Has experience in combat.

  • Flight means Foxy cannot hit her.

  • Can kill Foxy with her tail or virus.

  • Likely unaffected by most of Foxy’s options.


  • Stamina…? I suppose.


  • Technically no direct counter to fate manipulation.

Final Vote

Team Foxy: [1] (Kars) “im… im goated..”

Team V: [5] (Saul, Fenic, NormallyNormal, thedarkloremaster, Mediocre Productions) 


Just One More Thing…

This blog was more effort than it’s worth, so, thanks if you tuned in. Shifu Splinter is going to happen in 2025. I have big plans for next year, so, I hope you stay around. 

Here’s a hint for a future blog :wink: 


  1. Never cook again....Fate Manipulation Foxy is funny af though so you get a pass.

  2. This was a great blog, even if I really don't get the matchup. See you in 2025, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas.


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